Gryffindor Princess

By yahsas

38.6K 1.1K 107

We all know the famous story of Harry Potter, Golden Trio, and the Battle of Hogwarts, but what about the nex... More

Platform 9¾
The Hogwarts Express
The Sorting Ceremony
The Fat Lady
Heart to Heart
Seventh Year
Incorrect Recipes
Flowers, Frogs, and Fancying
Quidditch Tryouts
Proposals and More Quidditch
First Game of the Season
Wronski Feints
Into the Lake
Transfiguration Discussions
The Love Tree and a Crazy Slytherin
Planning a Party (with a Ferret Reference)
Dress Shopping
The Library
A McLaggen?
The Halloween Ball and the Truth
Just Like Amortentia

Butterbeer and Ron II

1.3K 38 0
By yahsas

"I'll never be able to face anyone in our potions class again," groaned Rose on her way to lunch the next day. "I hate that stupid son of a ferret-"

"Oh, relax," Aurelia rolled her eyes. "Everyone will have forgotten it in a few days."

"She's right," Jessica chimed in. "Besides, it's not like it was with Goyle..."

"I guess you're right," Rose laughed, taking a seat at the Gryffindor table. "But I still hate him."

"There's a Hogsmeade trip today," Emilia said. "We can do something else and get your mind off things."

They quickly finished their lunch before Rose insisted on finishing up homework in the library. She set down a sheet of parchment and began to write a paper for potions.

"That's not due for a week!" Aurelia yelped, earning a sharp glance from Madam Pince.

"I mean," she whispered, lowering her voice significantly, "it's not due for a week. Why do we have to finish it now?"

"Because we'll have it done early, and when everyone else is panicking the night before it's due, we can laugh at them and do whatever we want."

Aurelia shrugged, considering Rose's statement. "Sure, sounds okay to me."

"I'm glad," Rose smirked. "Now get to work."

An hour or two later, Rose, Aurelia, Jessica, and Emilia walked through the crowded streets of Hogsmeade. Third years looked absolutely exhilarated as they walked through the town, looking left and right.

"Oh, let's go get some butterbeer in The Three Broomsticks," Jessica suggested, beginning to walk in the direction of the inn.

"Doesn't look like you're giving us much choice," Aurelia grinned, following Jessica.

"You're not complaining though," Jess grinned cheekily.

"I can't argue with butterbeer," replied Aurelia, shrugging.

The four girls stepped into The Three Broomsticks, and the warm smell of butterbeer and fresh pastries.

"I'll get four butterbeers for us okay?" Jess said. "You guys can find a table."

Rose, Emilia, and Aurelia walked off to find a table in the back corner of the inn, next to a fireplace. It wasn't horribly cold outside, but Rose always was a bit cold and appreciated the extra warmth. Jessica walked back to the table with four mugs of butterbeer and set them on the table. Rose took one and wrapped her hands around the warm mug.

"Here," Rose said, handing Jess the money to pay for the butterbeer.

"Nope," Jessica replied. "Madam Rosmerta gave them to me for free. She and my mum are friends."

"Okay," Rose replied, stuffing the coins back into her pocket.

"You fancy Scorpius, don't you?" Asked Emilia out of the blue.

Taken aback, Rose stared at Emilia like she was crazy.

"Of course I don't!" She said, incredulous. "He's annoying, irresponsible-"

"Keep on saying that," Aurelia smirked, taking a sip of her butterbeer.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Rose demanded.

"Nothing," Aurelia replied.

Rose and her friends headed down the street to Honeydukes. As Rose pushed the glass door open, the sound of chatter made it obvious that most of the Hogwarts students had decided to spend their time at Hogsmeade there. The store was filled with glass cases of bright candies.

Rose examined a glass jar of shimmering pink coconut ice before setting it in a small Honeydukes basket along with a few chocolates and toothflossing stringmints.

Aurelia approached her, carrying two heaping baskets of every type of candy imaginable. Rose looked her up and down and raised an eyebrow.

"I need enough to last until the next trip," Aurelia explained, setting another container of chocoballs in her basket.

"You're acting just like my dad right now," Rose laughed. "Every time we go to Honeydukes, he buys half the shop."

"I'd love to see what would happen if we both came here the same day," Aurelia grinned. "The store would be completely empty."

Rose set a box of cauldron cakes in her basket before walking up to the counter to pay. She handed over a few galleons and waited for Aurelia, Emilia, and Jessica by the door.

AN: Kind of a filler chapter, and I know it's a little short and boring, but it'll get more interesting, I promise!

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