18th Floor Balcony (Frerard)

By asotmGee

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Shortly before losing his father to cancer, Frank develops a change of heart and becomes a caregiver. Getting... More

Chapter One: The Past Isn't Through With You
Chapter Two: It Was A Lie When They Said You Won't Feel A Thing
Chapter Three: So Close I Can Taste It
Chapter Four: More Than You Bargained For
Chapter Five: Clean Me Off. I'm So Dirty, Babe
Chapter Six: Betrayed For So Long
Chapter Eight: A Seizure Dims The Lights
Chapter Nine: Life Long Hospital Stay
Chapter Ten: Seasons Change, But People Don't
Chapter 11: Stuck On A Little Hot Mess
Chapter Twelve: Well I Find It Hard To Stay With The Words You Say
Chapter Thirteen: Turn Away, Cause I'm Awful Just To See
Chapter Fourteen: Take My Hand And Never Be Afraid Again
Chapter Fifteen: I Will Not Kiss You
Chapter Sixteen: The Hardest Part Of This Is Leaving You
Epilogue: So Long And Goodnight

Chapter 7: Something's On My Mind

369 24 22
By asotmGee

"Hello, Frankie," Georgia smiled when Frank came and opened up the door for her, letting her in.

"Hey Georgia, come on in. I was just cleaning up from lunch. Gerard is in his room,"

"Okay, would you like me to do this in the living room, or your room?"

"My room would be better, I can hear Gerard if he needs me,"

"Very well," Georgia walked down the hall where Frank directed her. She waited for him to follow.

"I'm just gonna check on Gerard first. Hold on," Frank excused himself, walking down the hall to check up on his patient. "Hey Gee, you still awake?"

"Yeah, why?" Gerard asked, looking up from a comic book he was reading on his device.

"I am going to be in my room if you need me. I have a guest," Frank smiled at him. "Just knock on the wall, I'll hear you,"

"I'll yell for you. Don't wanna hurt my head!" Gerard smiled back a bit.

"Alright, Gee," Frank closed the door and headed back to his bedroom, where Georgia waited for him. "Sorry to keep you waiting,"

"It's okay, come sit. Let's talk, Frankie,"

_ _ _

Gerard woke up from his afternoon nap to hear a unison of laughter. It wasn't coming from his head this time, thankfully. It was coming from the other room. It was Frank, and...a woman? It's gotta be one...but who?

"Oh man, I remember that. You were covered in mud!" he heard Frank's voice, talking to her.

"I was so pissed at you, I kicked you in the nuts!" the lady laughed lightheartedly.

"Yeah, and then you eased my pain,"

"Well, I was a gentlemen after all,"

"And good with your hands,"

Gentleman? Did this lady that Frank is talking to used to be a man? Regardless, Gerard was still worried. Had Frank been with someone the whole time? Mabe Frank really did have a cute and lucky girlfriend all along. He sighed deeply, knowing that he deserved someone far better than a useless cripple like him.

"Yes, but that was the past," Georgia spoke.

"True, but we had fun,"

"We did, and I am very happy and proud of you, Frankie,"

"Thanks, Ryan," Frank said, making Georgia giggle. "Fuck, I slipped again!"

"It's okay, I know you mean well,"

Ryan? That's not her name? What kind of name is Ryan...for a girl? Gerard furrowed his brow. Now he was confused. Seriously, who was Frank talking to over there? Whoever it is...must have a special place in his heart. Maybe not in a romantic way, but still deep...

"Well, our time is way up," the lady that may or may not be named Ryan said.

"Yeah, sorry about that,"

"No, it's fine. It was nice to reminisce a bit,"

"So same time next week?"

"Yeah, but I will see you Friday for Mikey,"

"Right, duh, you live here now," Frank and Ryan laughed together.

Gerard thought to himself who that could be that Frank is talking to. That can't be Frank's girlfriend...or boyfriend? It just doesn't seem right...

"Did you want to see Gerard before you leave?" Frank asked.

"Do you think he's awake yet?"

Gerard sighed, knowing that he may have to meet this man or woman. At least he can figure out who Frank was talking to, but it's not like he was in the mood to talk to any company anyway...besides Frankie, of course.

"That's okay Frankie, I can wait til I see Mikey,"

"Alright, Georgia. Well, I'll see you then,"

There was the sound of kissing near Gerard's door and then voices leaving. Goddamnit. He was right. Frank does have a significant other, but a very lucky one at that. Gerard frowned, knowing that Frank wouldn't wanna be with some miserable sack of crippled shit like Gerard. He deserved better than that.

"Hey Gee, you up yet?" Frank asked, cracking Gerard's door open a bit and peeking inside.

"Yes...," he sighed.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Frank asked, walking inside. He grabbed a chair and sat beside Gerard at his bed.

Fuck it. Gerard needs to ask. He needs to know. It shouldn't hurt to ask, should it?

"Frank...do you have...a girlfriend?"

"What?" Frank laughed a bit. "Good lord, Gee. You know I've been gay since I was twelve. I came out to you first. Why would you ask that?"

"Oh...I'm sorry, I must've forgot all about that," Gerard blushed, now feeling like an idiot for asking. He just remembered that day when his best friend came out to him, but it was lodged far back deep into his memory. How could he be so stupid? "I'm sorry, but if you're still gay...then who was that...lady you were with?"

"Georgia? Georgia is the therapist. Both Mikey and I have...well I had, appointments with her. I wanted you to see her too,"

"Frank...we've been over this," Gerard groaned, already annoyed. Frank and Mikey are just not gonna drop it, are they? "I'm not seeing anyone,"

"Alright, Gee. Have it your way," Frank got up to leave. "I'm going to set you up for your bath,"

"I mean it, Frank!" Gerard raised his voice. "If I see any therapist or whatever in the house, I'm not gonna be fucking happy!"

"I said you don't have to fucking talk to her already! Jesus Christ, Gee!" Frank slammed the door and left. Mikey poked his head up from some t.v show he was watching, hearing every word of the conflict that was taking place in Gerard's bedroom. Something went wrong, clearly. He can hear it in their disgruntled voices.

"What's wrong?" he asked, pausing his show.

"Your brother's just being an ass, as usual," Frank went and sat on the sofa next to Mikey with a huff. "Anyway, I had my session with Georgia, and it went really well. She says she is looking forward to talking to you on Friday,"

"Me too. We really need to address Gerard's stubbornness to her," Mikey frowned. "I'm sick of seeing him so miserable! I just want him to be happy, you know?"

"We can't force it on him. That was one of the things that we talked about," Frank patted Mikey's thigh. "You'll understand better when you talk to her. Now I have to go give grumpy pants his bath,"

"Can I help?" Mikey asked.

"Sure, you want to gather the soap and shampoo while I get the water?"

"Sure thing," Mikey got up off his seat and helped Frank gather the things needed for Gerard's bed bath.

_ _ _

"Well, I'm heading to bed, guys. I'm beat. If you need me though, let me know," Frank got up, yawning and stretching. He waved to the Way brothers and left the living room.

"What about you, Gee? You tired yet?" Mikey asked, stifling a yawn.

"Not really...," Gerard said reluctantly, suddenly feeling on edge. He still needed to say sorry for his poor behavior.

"Alright, then. Well, let me know when you are ready to go to bed,"

"Wait a minute...there's something I need to tell you, Mikey,"

"What's that?" Mikey asked.

"I...I'm sorry," Gerard sighed. "I'm sorry about the shitty way I acted earlier. It was childish of me. Here you guys are taking care of me, and here I am, being a jerk. I hope you understand,"

"That's very nice of you, Gee," Mikey smiled. "I think you should go and tell that to Frank. I think he'd really appreciate it,"

"Alright," Gerard wheeled himself to Frank's bedroom, where he was in the middle of taking off his shirt. He stopped when he heard Gerard come in.

"Huh? Oh hey, Gee. Did you need something?" Frank asked.

"Frank...I just wanna say...I'm sorry,"

"Sorry for what, Gee?" Frank took off his shirt and groaned as he flexed his muscles.

"Sorry for...," Gerard stopped, his jaw nearly dropping to the ground. He forgot how much he missed seeing Frank's bare body. His slender and sculpted body looks so perfect. "Oh my god...,"

Frank was completely oblivious to Gerard's thoughts. He opened his scrub pants and slipped them down.

"Hey, Gee. I was thinking...how about we go to the park tomorrow? It will be good to get out for a bit, and it is supposed to be slightly over cast tomorrow, but not too bad wind wise,"

"Yeah...that'd be great...," Gerard stuttered, a smile slowly growing on his face. He just couldn't stop staring at Frank, for the life of him. He looks so fucking gorgeous...

"Great!" Frank folded his scrubs up neatly and tossed them on the chair. He had to remember to add them to the laundry on Saturday. "Did you want me to read to you again?" he asked, finally turning around to face Gerard.

"Y-yes, Frankie....P-please," Gerard said, his blushing cheeks red as a ripe apple.

"Are you feeling alright, Gee?" Frank walked up and leaned over, touching his hands to Gerard's head. "You feel a little warm. Hang on, I'm gonna take your temperature," Frank walked back over to the bed and bent over to the first aid kit he kept there. He couldn't have found a better place to bend his sweet ass in front of--right in front of Gerard's face. Now Gerard was so hot and bothered that his skin was hot to the touch. He just couldn't stop staring at that sweet, sexy ass in front of him that belonged to Frank fucking Iero.

"Here we go," Frank stood up and turned around. This was something straight out of a bad 70's porn flick--the hot nurse in his underwear taking the temperature of his patient. Frank walked back over.

"Oh my, Gee. Your whole face is red," he said, looking at Gerard worriedly. "After I take your temperature, I think I better cool you off with a sponge bath. Now, open wide,"

Gerard opened up his mouth, obeying his good-looking stud of a caregiver, his whole body shaking like never before.

"That's it, lift your tongue," Frank placed the glass under Gerard's tongue and then lifted his wrist to time his pulse. Gerard's limp wrist hung right in front of Frank's crotch. Frank was looking at his watch the whole time. Gerard's eyes widened to the size of ping pong calls when he saw where his immobile hand was laying, unable to move. He knew none of this was right, but...this is what he's been wanting to do to Frank since high school. And now, it's happening...just not in the way he imagined.

"Well, you aren't running a fever, but I still want to cool your body down," Frank said, checking Gerard's temperature on the thermometer.

"H-how can we...d-do that?" Gerard asked shakily, his hand still on Frank's crotch.

"Simple, I'll give you another sponge bath with cool water and no soap. Let me just get dressed again,"

"Mmm...I'd love to have another bath," Gerard smirked shyly, still shaking like a leaf. "I-I...I would love one...Frankie...,"

"Oh, alright," Frank took the thermometer and cleaned it with alcohol. He then went to get dressed again.

"Wait, Frankie," Gerard said, stopping Frank. "There's no need to do that. You're just gonna get your clothes wet anyway...,"

"Hmmm...yeah, you're right," Frank nodded in agreement. "Alright, go to your room and I'll meet you there,"

"Gotcha," Gerard smirked, wheeling himself back to his room. He scored big this time...

_ _ _

"Alright, Gee. Here we go," Frank said, dipping the sponge in cool water and starting at Gerard's head slowly, and ran it down his body.

"Mmmm...," Gerard moaned, shutting his eyes as he arched his head back.

"It must be worse than I thought from your reaction,"

In truth, Frank was trying to stay professional, but now what was happening and how he was dressed...well, let's say someone...or something else had taken an interest.

"That feels really good, Frankie," Gerard smiled, looking longingly at Frank.

"G-good, I'm glad it's cooling you down some,"

"You give the best baths, you know that, right?"

"It's just a bath, no big deal. I mean, usually Mikey will help me too, so...,"

"Still, it feels good, Frankie...,"

"Well, it seems to be helping. Your skin is no longer flushed," Frank was admonishing himself. He could do this. He could be professional.

"You know, Frank...I never imagined you'd be doing any of this when we were in high school together," Gerard said, looking back at the fond memories of their punk selves fucking around in school.

"I know, right? Who would have thought I would clean up so well....No pun intended," Frank laughed. Gerard laughed with him. He shivered a little from the water.

"I think you are cool enough now. Let's get you dried off," Frank grabbed a towel and started to pat Gerard dry.

"Thank you, Frankie. That was one hell of a bath!"

"You needed it,"

Frank got Gerard dressed warm and snug in bed. He saw Gerard yawn. He looked so peaceful, decked out in skeleton pajamas and kitty slippers, all warm and cozy under layers of blankets.

"You get some sleep, Gee," Frank smiled down at him, laying one last blanket over Gerard's body.

"Will do, baby," Gerard winked. It wasn't long before he suddenly remembered something--the voices he hears at night. The smile on his face quickly faded. Frank cleaned up the mess and then turned off the lights, leaving a dim one in case Gerard decided to read a bit.

"Night, Gee," he said. Then he was gone. Gerard sighed deeply, knowing that Frank will say no to staying with him after what happened last time. He closed his eyes, trying his damndest to prepare for what's yet to come in the midst of his soon to be disrupted sleep.

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