Song of Love(Rin x Len) [ON H...

By Samantha-chan

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I'm Rin. Rin Kagamine. I live in a cold-ass town named Denver.It was first day of school. Wait. That kinda ma... More

Song of Love: Chapter 1
Bad Apple: Chapter 2
Zoetrope: Chapter 3
A... Kiss!: Chapter 4
Some What a Date... With a Locker: Chapter 5
"It's Not About the Money".... Jessie J. You Are Wrong: Chapter 6
Red, Blue, White, Green, Black: Chapter 7
Black and White: Chapter 8
What Rin Doesn't Know- The Black Side of Len's Bracelet: Chapter 9
A Look Behind the Scenes of Rin's Life: Chapter 10
Money and Family: Chapter 11
Neighbors: Chapter 12
Not Twins, but Triplets!: Chapter 13
Rin POV: That Cake, Though: Chapter 14
New Rival?: Chapter 15
Fridays are the Best!(Saturdays too): Chapter 16
Elitches; What Dress Did I Wear?: Chapter 17
Our First Date: Chapter 18
I'm Grounded and I Don't Care!: Chapter 18
Inside Rinny-chan's World: Special Chapter
Worse Than Black Friday?: Chapter 20
In the Rocky Mountains: Chapter 21
The Rocky Mountains; Home of the #1 Criminal: Chapter 22
Fighting Back: Chapter 23
No Way Out: Chapter 24
Just Hold on We're Comin' Home
From the Mountains, to Aspen, to Lakewood, to Denver
Zack's Point of View
Everything Back to Normal...?
A Fever is the Best Way to Get a Guy's Attention... Well, Results May Vary
The 3 Musketeers... More Like the 3 Stooges
What Rin Doesn't Know-Len's Back Story-The White Side of his Bracelet
Inside Len-kun's World
Work in Progress
What is the CTO Planning?
Explanation for Lola and Lucy's Disappearance?
Denver Health
Speacial Long Chapter~ It's My Birthday So I Felt Happy and Updated! X3

Thrift shop- the HQ of the Wolf Pack

430 24 4
By Samantha-chan

Song of Love chapter 28

Rin pov-

We were headed to the ARC thrift store, as Leo told me. As we passed Knox ct., I couldn't help but take in the scenery this little neighborhood had to offer. I saw a green house, the fence decorated with a Broncos flag. Typical white family. I also saw this duplex, and there was a bunch of toys in the front yard. It looked so welcoming.

Minutes passed, and we were at the store. "Why are we here again?" I asked, unsure of their plan. "You'll see" is all they said. We went in the store, and I was surprised at how much junk there was. There was pretty much an EVERYTHING sale, with all stuff 50% off.

There was a little pile of Raders merchandise, which is Denver's football rival. I'm surprised that no one burned it yet. As we went deeper in the store, we came to the aisle of Halloween stuff, from bugs to witch brooms.

Against the wall was fake cobwebs, and we stopped in front of it. "Is this it? A bunch of cobwebs?" all they did was 'shh' me and Leo pressed on a big cat button... Wait. Was that already there?

Anyway, when he pressed it, all the cobwebs dissapeared, and behind all the mess was a bunch of stalls. Leo and Zack stepped in front of it, and I did the same. Suddenly, a bright red light blinded my right eye.

I heard a monotone lady say,

"R I N K A G A M I N E. W E L C O M E."

I was confused, and turned to see that Leonardo and Zack did the same.

"P A S S W O R D P L E A S E."

Password? What password? I looked at them again, but they were already stepping into the stalls. How do they know the password? I thought for a while, and I guessed the best guess I had thought. "Yellow Rose?" I said in more of a question than an answer.

"P A S S W O R D A C C E P T E D."

The stall door opened, and I entered.

Len pov-

After I accepted, they told me that I had to meet the boss. So we arranged it, and we had a conversation. Okay, so we didn't meet in person, but we did Skype each other. He told me all about the CTO and why Rin was a part of it. They told me she was safe, and that she was with two other guys.

I admit, I was jealous, but can you blame me? Anyway, the boss said that someone from the Wolf Pack to bring me to the HQ. The boss said that I would meet Rin soon. In fact, I'm already in the car. Someone already came to pick me up.

Her name was Karla, and she looked like she was in her 40's. She was a nice person, with warm, brown eyes and told me why she's this old and still is a top agent. She told me that she's mostly a receptionist, but she does as much as a top agent does.

She started telling me about the first time she joined, which was 20 years ago. I felt bad because I didn't really listen. I just wanted to see Rin already. The first thing I'm gonna do is hug her and kiss her and-

"We're here." The lady said, and suddenly we were transported to another room. It was all blue, with a lot of screens. Weren't we at the car a few seconds ago?

Rin pov-

As I entered, the lights turned off. Suddenly, some cold claws ripped off my torn and dirty dress. "Hey!" I said to the darkness. The claws returned and put cloth on me. It felt like velvet. Was it putting a dress on me or something?

"C L O T H I N G O N. P R E P A R E F O R N E X T P H A S E."

Next phase? As I questioned this, I felt my hair being tugged by the claws again. Ow! I felt it put a wig on me. What the-?

"H A I R D I S G U I S E D. P R E P A R E F O R S E C O N D P H A S E."

How many phases do I have to go through? Suddenly, the claws grabbed my wiast, lifting me up so my feet didn't touch the ground. I think it was putting shoes on me. I felt the weight of the shoes, which meant that the robot thing probably put some high heels on me, something I am not very fond of.

"F O O T W E A R O N. P R E P A R E F O R L A S T P H A S E."

Finally, I thought. I wonder what the last phase is? The stupid robot answered my thought by slapping my face with something soft, and powder completely covered my face.

"M A K E U P S E T. D I S G U I S E C O M P L E T E."

Well, that went smoothly(not really). The stall opened, blinding me with blue light. I was in this room that looked like something out of a sci-fi movie. There was a gigantic screen with a GPS looking thing. I saw Leo and Zack there, and some unfamiliar faces.

But there was someone there, someone who I've been wanting to see this whole time. I jumped into his arms, and he hugged me back. I looked up at him, and he kissed my forehead. "Len. I missed you so much."

Leonardo pov-

My heart broke in half when I saw that little scene unravel in front of me. But can you blame me? She was my first love, and I probably sound ridiculous saying that, considering that I'm only 13.

This is how I'll give myself hope. I mean, who am I kidding? I still have a lot to live for... I mean, before the CTO decides to pull another trick like the one back in th mountains. Yes, I admit it, that explosion was for me, not Rin. They knew I was turning soft, so they didn't need me anymore.

I just don't know why they decided to sacrifice Rin during the process. But that's why I decided to team up with the Wolf Pack; to find out what th CTO is up to.

Rin pov-

I hugged him for I don't know how long. At one point, I was crying, but can you blame me? I am a crybaby. I only stopped hugging him after someone cleared their throat, indicating that I should probably stop.

The makeup I had on was probably smeared, so I used the velvet sleeve of the dress to wipe it off. I'm such a lady. Anyway, after I departed from Len, I was surprised that Zack and Leonardo had disappeared. Wonder where they went?

My thoughts were interrupted by a guy speaking.

"Hello Rin. Welcome to the HQ of the Wolf Pack."

The Wolf Pack? Man,I haven't heard of that agency in a long time. The first time I heard of it was when I had my first mission at the CTO. It was when they wanted me to steal one of their very rare weapons. I succeeded, so now the weapon is in the CTO's hands now.

"We are planning on destroying the CTO. We have everything we need, but all we need now is for you to accept."

"Accept what?" I asked, uncertain of the plan.

"We want you to accept being part of the Wolf Pack. This way we can help destroy the CTO. We have been planning this for a decade now. We have enough people and money to do this now. Of course, for now, you know you are wanted by them, so we have an agent who will take care of you."

"Who?" I asked, feeling confused about this. But then again, when have I not been confused?

"Why Len, of course." I turned to Len, and he surprised me by getting on his knees. "I, Len Kagamine, hearby will risk my life in keeping you, Rin Kagamine, safe from any harm." I was taken aback by how he said all of this. He was like freaking Prince Charming.

I bet your wondering why it sounds like he's proposing, huh? Well, whenever an agent is in retirement or is on-the-run, another agent will be their personal body guard, and what Len did was the oath that you need to announce aloud to the person you will risk your life for.

I stood there, feeling sick. I don't want Len to get dragged into this! I bet they just want him for his money or something! But I don't wanna say that out loud, obviously. I just put on my fake smile and hugged him.

¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ten minutes of explaining later¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥

The guy we were talking to was named Joseph, who was the second-in-command. He gave Len some keys that was for a room. Then another person led us to these big tubes. He pressed some buttons and the tubes were glowing yellow.

He indicated us to go in, and we did. It was Len first. He went inside, and he suddenly disappeared! I stared in awe at the tubes. "These are teleportation tubes. Takes agents to the hard to reach places." He indicated me to go next, so I did.

It felt... Weird. As I stepped into it, it felt like a massage chair. More light blinded me, and it felt like I was in another dimension, but it lasted for only a second. Soon I was in this... Hotel? Wow! It really is a teleportation thing!

I was in front of the hotel, to be exact. We were in downtown, the best place in Denver. The hotel was none other than Monaco Hotel, one of the best hotels in Colorado. There, I saw Len, and I barely noticed that he was in a tux. But, he looked so mature. Was he this mature-looking?

He was talking to someone, and the person nodded at me. I think he worked here. But why did he look so familiar? The person came over to me, with Len at his side. "So, digging the disguise Rin?"

"Zack?!" Wow. He is so good at disguises. His red hair was replaced with a blonde hairdo, with brown contact lenses. He looked paler than before, so he whooped more....white. Don't think I'm racist. It's just the truth.

"Shh! You'll blow my cover!" he said, and I nodded.he led us to the elevators, and he pressed the number 10, which was the highest floor. We went up and up and up. He then led us to a corridor, and we stopped in front of room 586, which was also on the keys. Zack opened the door, and I gasped. The room was so beautiful! A iridescent chandelier was on, making all of the furniture glow.

The floor was made of white wood, and so was the coffee table. The couches were made of white leather, with black square pillows. There was a balcony, and vines from plants were tangled on the railings. There was a kitchen with not much besides a bunch of white appliances and furniture. There was two doors, which probably led to the bathroom and the bedroom.

Wait. Only one bedroom? Does this mean that me and Len are gonna have to share?! No, of course not. Stop jumping to conclusions, me! Oh, too late. I know I'm blushing right now. And as if reading my thoughts, Len laughed. Zack already left to who-knows-where. Len got closer to me, making me blush more.

He came close enough to whisper in my ear. "Don't worry. I won't do anything bad to you. I'm as innocent as a 13 year old." I chuckled, not really in the mood for his playboy actions.

"Yeah... Innocent... Suuuuure." I said, letting him know that I will not fall for his little playboy aura.

He snickered at that, and... Licked my ear!!!!!!!!!! WAAAAAH! Why does he always do this?! I was trying to squirm away, but it was no use. He gave me a bear hug, and I gave up trying to get away. I did get pretty mad about the licking thing, though. He's only 13, yet why is he so.... Ugh! Sometimes I question him. Why is he like that?

Rinny-chan: that's 'cause the author is trying to make a good story here!

Me: what author? And where have you been this whole time?

Rinny-chan: well....

¥¥¥¥¥rinny-chan's flashback¥¥¥¥¥ aka pov-

I'll just leave Rin alone for now. Rinny-chan knows that things will get spicy... So I guess I'll take a trip... But to where? As Rinny-chan(me) thought and thought, I finally came up with a great idea. I'll head to Mexico! Arrrrrrribaaaaaa! As I put on a sombrero, I left Rin's consience, and headed to Mexico. Acapulco, to be exact.

¥¥¥¥¥flashback is over¥¥¥¥¥

Rinny-chan: umm... Rinny-chan was doing top secret stuff?

Me: like what?

Rinny-chan:... That's classified.

I mentally rolled my eyes and remembered the situation here. I wiggled out of Len's grasp. "I'm gonna take a shower." I said, letting him know that I wanna be alone, 'cause I can't think straight.

"Mind if I join?" He teased, and I got a little pissed. "We're 13!!!!!!" I yelled, and he burst in laughter. I ran to the bathroom, locked the door, and took a long bath, letting myself get lost in my thoughs. Seriously, he's 13, yet he acts like he's 16 or something...


so so so so so sowy! I didn't update for so loooong! =( but no worries, cuz like I said before, the longer it takes, the longer my stories will be! So don't be mad, pwease.


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