Courtney Oliver: Firestorm ra...

By ChelseaElliott1

61.7K 1.3K 41

Courtney Oliver is the adopted daughter of ranger legend Tommy Oliver. Secretly she attends the fire academy... More

Chapter 1: School attacked
Chapter 2: notes and blue bay harbour
chapter 3: thunder stranger part 1
chapter 4: Thunder strangers part 2
chapter 5: Thunder strangers part 3
chapter 6: Nowhere to grow
Chapter 7: Return of thunder part 1
chapter 8: Return of thunder part 2
chapter 9: Return of thunder part 3
chapter 10: boxing bop-a-roo
Chapter 11: A ranger legend part 1
chapter 12: A ranger legend part 2
chapter 13: A samurai journey part 1
chapter 15: A samurai journey part 2
chapter 15: Scent of a ranger
chapter 16: I love Lothor
Chapter 17: Question of loyalties part 1
chapter 18: Question of loyalties part 2
Chapter 19: Good will hunter
Chapter 20: Sensei switcharoo
Chapter 21: Brother in arms
Chapter 22: Shane's Karma
chapter 23: Shimazu's return part 1
Chapter 24: Shimazu's return part 2
Chapter 25: Eye of the storm
Chapter 26: General deception part 1
Chapter 27: General deception part 2
Chapter 28: Gem of the day
Chapter 29: Storm before the calm

Chapter 30: Storm before the calm part 2

2.3K 41 2
By ChelseaElliott1

Chapter 30: Storm before the calm part 2

Chelbell 2016:

My Christmas present to you guys finish this one Christmas eve, update my other story and start the first chapter of Courtney Oliver: Back to action. Thanks guys for all the reviews and I really hope you have enjoyed this story.

*Firestorm rangerform*

Cam's POV:

Me, Mickaela and the wind rangers were working on trying to get Ninja ops fixed or see if we could find any clue to what had happened to Courtney or my father.

''This cant be how it ends,'' Shane said looking anguished.

''Whoa what happened here.'' We all turned to see both Hunter and Blake coming through the door looking around at the wreckage. Mickaela's eyes began to water as she Jumped and threw her arms around Hunter who held her close to him.

''You guys made it.'' Dustin said smiling as we all looked at each other feeling relief that we were all ok ''we thought you were toast for sure.''

''Vexacus torched the Thunder megazord,'' Blake explained to us all ''so we ejected.''

''Where's Courtney?'' Hunter looked around for the orange ranger wondering why she wasn't here.

''We don't know,'' I said and when they looked confused I sighed ''Lothor got here and I think he took her. She pushed me out of the way and I got knocked out,'' I pointed at all the wreckage ''I woke up Dad and Courtney are nowhere to be seen and ops looks like this.''

Hunter and Blake looked around feeling as worried as we all felt.

''We were too late.'' Dustin pointed at him Shane and Tori as he spoke.

another voice came from behind us. ''Better late than never I always say.'' I spin around shocked to see my dad in his human form getting up from under some rubble.

''DAD!'' I yelled running over and hugging him tight which he returned and the others ran over to hug him as well. I was thrilled to see him as a human again.

''It's good to see you.'' Hunter said as Mickaela and Tori finished hugging him.

''Finally.'' Blake added.

''Yeah you're like totally normal.'' Dustin pointed out.

''When Lothor blasted me Courtney raised a shield but enough power got through to allow me to reverse the transformation.'' At that moment I felt even more grateful to Courtney. My dad and me would be dead if not for her.

''Do you know where she is?'' I asked hoping that she had made it out.

''She was captured.'' He said sadly.

''We'll get her back.'' Tori said trying to make us all feel better.

''It will not be easy Tori,'' Dad said and I had a feeling that he knew something that we didn't ''My darkest fears have come to pass. Lothor is preparing to open the abyss of evil.'' My eyes widened.

''Are you serious,'' Blake said as Mickaela got closer to Hunter realising how bad this was going to get ''I thought that was just ninja folklore.'' He said shaking his head.

''It is no coincidence that blue bay harbour is the home of the wind ninja academy, or that the fire academy is in reefside,'' dad said glancing at Mickaela as he said this ''As the abyss lies between both of them we are the guardians to an invisible gateway. A gateway that once opened will allow all the evil of the ages gone to escape.''

''Then why hasn't Lothor opened it before now?'' Shane asked in confusion but something was bugging me.

''The abyss can only be opened when it is at full capacity,'' he told us but then he glanced uneasily at me ''even then it can only be opened by a powerful force.'' Now I knew why he had come here.

''The samurai amulet.'' I said angrily and the others eyes widened in realisation.

''Yes,'' Sensei said to me ''I believe Lothor intends to charge it with Courtney's powers and then use it to open the abyss and allow evil to enter our world.'' We were all quiet s we tried to take this in.

*Firestorm rangerform*

Courtney's POV:

I was still on Lothor's ship wondering why I could not use my Flaming powers. The only reason I could think of is that when me and Lothor fought and I had to keep using my shield I weakened my powers.

Suddenly I heard Lothor's voice. ''That's right,'' he said staring at Cams samurai amulet which he was draining the power from on a machine ''drain all its precious energy.'' He said with a maniac look in his eyes.

I was still trying to break my binds when chooboo entered the room.

''I've set the self-destruct mechanism on the ships bridge sir,'' he told Lothor ''just like you ordered.'' He sounded really proud of himself.

''Excellent.'' Lothor sounded really happy as he answered chooboo.

I looked on disgusted willing my powers to start working and allow me to flame out of here.

''Hey uncle, what about us?'' Marah asked as she and Kapri wondered over.

''What about you?'' Lothor said sounding cold and unimpressed.

''Well now that we are really evil, don't we get to play a part in your ultimate victory.'' They asked sounding excited.

''Now that you're evil I suppose that I cant really trust you can I,'' he said with an evil glint in his eyes and they looked upset ''you were a little too enthusiastic when you were plotting against me with Shimazu.'' He said now sounding really angry.

''But uncle you told us to do that.'' Marah sad trying to defend her and her sister realising that this wasn't going well for them.

''Remember? We were all in on it to trick Vexacus into trying to get rid of your generals.'' Kapri added.

"Yes, yes," Lothor nodded sounding very impatient with his nieces. "We had to make sure that the Abyss was at maximum capacity," He had a sudden malicious glee in his eyes "But you know, there's always room for two more! Chooboo!" He shouted and the two sisters were restrained next to me.

After the Amulet was drained Lothor approached me. ''Now lets see.'' He pointer the amulet at me and my morpher powers and my energy began to drain and I felt weak.

''Now lets see you help your friends or yourself.'' He walked off laughing.

*Firestorm rangerform*

Cam's POV:

''We have to stop the abyss from opening,'' Shane spoke up looking around at us all ''there has to be a way.''

''We need help, ninja help.'' Blake suggested and we all nodded.

''Where are we going to find that?'' Shane asked and we all knew of only one place and It was not going to be easy.

''"Lothor's ship!" Hunter turned to look at them. "Every ninja on the planet is locked up there!" he reminded them.

"We could take the Dragon Force Vehicle!" I told everyone knowing that my little zord would get us up there just like last time.

"Wait!" Hunter's bark stopped them all. "Blake and I should go alone," he said and I knew that I needed to go with them as had to help save Courtney who I owed my life and my dads life too. "We've been on his ship. We know where to look," he reminded them, and the Wind Ninjas nodded in agreement but I turned to them as Mickaela frowned worried.

''I'll go too I know how to drive that zord better than anyone and anyway I owe it to Courtney.'' They sighed but nodded in agreement.

"The Dragon Force Vehicle is in the Zord Bay," Sensei spoke, turning away from the battered bookshelf to look at them. "Be careful. And thank you for your courage," he smiled at them. I ran over and hugged him glad that I could hug him again.

''Thank us when we return, I love you dad.'' He smiled and we left but not before Mickaela and Hunter hugged.

*Firestorm rangerform*

Mickaela's POV:

''I kept thinking that it's my fault,'' Shane said with his head hang low sounding disappointed.

''That's crazy.'' Tori said and I nodded my head in agreement.

''Shane how could you have done anything differently.'' I asked him.

Shane frowned lowering his head.

"Been a better Ranger? If we'd destroyed Lothor sooner, none of this would have happened," he shook his head, frustrated.

"You guys ever think, if we hadn't been late to class that day...we wouldn't even be Power Rangers..." Dustin smiled softly as he thought about it. I glanced at my morpher.

''Guys I feel the same, I wonder wether my dad chose the right ninja to give this too, look how my ranger story started. I was evil.''

"You were always meant to be Rangers," Sensei spoke after finishing his search through the scrolls.

''What do you mean?'' Shane asked confused on how sensei knew.

Sensei held up a piece of scroll for us to see.

''This is the last entry on the scroll of destiny.'' He told us and I gasped in shock.

''I thought it disappeared years ago.'' I asked.

''Not all of it.'' Sensei informed us. He held out to us and my mouth opened when I looked at the bottom to see the wind rangers facing Lothor at the abyss.

''It's us.'' Dustin exclaimed in shock.

''No way.'' Tori said laughing.

"As you can see, you were late precisely so that you would be the ones to become Power Rangers," Sensei told them with a smile. I smiled at them myself.

"And you knew this all along?" Shane asked with a frown. "Why didn't you show us this sooner?" he questioned his mentor.

"Would you have believed me, had you not learned the truth for yourself?" Sensei asked him and they like me knew that he was right.

"I have never doubted the scroll's prophecy...and neither should you," he told them as he took the paper back. Thy all glanced at each other in shock.

''So what happens next?'' Shane asked curious.

"This is the end of the Scroll," Sensei shook his head. "It does not say who will be victorious, only that you must be there to face Lothor at the Abyss of Evil," he told them sighing.

"Then that's where we'll be," Shane decided.

''Me too.'' I said and they smiled at me.

''Ready?'' Shane asked.

''Ready.'' We all told him.



*Firestorm rangerform*

Courtney's POV:

I was starting to really worry about what was happening on earth why trying to break my restraints. The others could be in big trouble, Cam and sensei did my shield save them? are they ok?

''This way.'' I hear a familiar voice and turn to see Hunter Blake and to my relief Cam.

''Courtney.'' Cam called in relief and they all ran over to begin untying me.

''Thanks guys.'' I told them and Cam pulled me in close for a brother/sister type hug.

''No thank you for everything my dad is alive because of you.'' I was glad to hear this and nodded.

"Hey!" Marah's yell made them look over. "Hello? You can't just leave us here!" she insisted. I looked over and thought about it.

''Why shouldn't we.'' Hunter said. These two had been our enemy for so long can we forgive them.

''Because their family.'' Cam decided and both me and him stepped forward to untie the girls.

Just as we finished releasing them there was a huge explosion that sent me to the ground. The boys helped me up and looked at me in concern.

''Im fine just a little drained from the amulet taking both my ranger powers and my energy.'' Cam nodded looking a bit guilty.

Then Marah spoke to Cam.

"Hey cousin, you know the Yellow Ranger? I was just wondering, is he still mad at me? Cause I think he's really cute and-"

''OH NO YOU DONT,'' I raised my voice and she looked around at me in shock ''You leave Dustin alone after what you did.'' I glared at her till she nodded and the boys and Kapri looked at me as if I was scary.

"Can we talk about this later?" Cam rolled his eyes, before they bumped into something. Marah and Kapri turned around, and looked up at Chooboo.

''Hello are you going somewhere.'' I knew without my ranger powers I couldn't do much so I turned to Marah and Kapri.

The thunder rangers morphed and I spoke to the sisters.

''You want to make amends here is your chance,'' I told them and they were listening to me really well ''how do I free the ninjas.''

''COURTNEY LOOK OUT.'' before I could finish I had to dodge a Kelzack why keeping them away from Marah and Kapri which wasn't easy.

*Firestorm rangerform*

Mickaela's POV:

We had formed the megazords but we were taking a really bad beating. I tried to use the fire sabres to slash at Lothor's megazord but he blocked It and sent me flying. Without the proper phoenix this wasn't going so well. Because Courtney wasn't here I was using the ninja firebird.

''This is fun.'' He said and then He shot me down. I knew we wasn't going to be able to take much more.

*Firestorm rangerform*

Courtney's POV:

I was moving about trying to block the Kelzacks and help Marah and Kapri. I jumped up and did a kick to each kelzacks chest sending them flying.

''Tell me how to free the others.'' I demanded of the sisters.

''Blow the console up.'' I nodded at what they had told me.

''Blake, Hunter blow the console!'' I yelled.

I pointed out the main one and they nodded. They formed the thunder blaster and fired at the console which freed the ninjas. I knew there was only one way we were getting out of this.

''OK.'' I yelled and everyone gathered around me ''EVERYONE GRAB ON TO EACH OTHER.'' Hunter Blake and Cam joined us and I flamed us back to the dragon force vehicle where we were to return to earth.

*Firestorm rangerform*

Mickaela's POV:

We were still trying to defeat Lothor's megazord but again He had knocked us down and my console was flashing dangerously.

''Taste your defeat.'' Lothor told us his voice full of triumph.

''Never!" Shane bellowed and he summoned a power disk to see if that would help. It hit Lothor's zord which began to spark.

Lothor let out a yell as both the storm megazord and my megazord got back to their feet. unfourtanetly Lothor got a hold of both of the megazords when we were back on our feet. A big bang erupted and me and the wind rangers were ejected from our megazords.

''The megazords are gone.'' I said in anguish.

''What's going on.'' I asked as the ground began to quake.

''I don't know.'' Tori replied worried. The ground split open glowing purple. All the spirits of evil monsters appeared. They landed and surrounded us.

''Not good.'' Dustin pointed out in worry.

''"They're back," Shane growled. The monsters all laughed letting a laughing Lothor through.

"How does it feel to fail, Rangers?" he asked mockingly and growled at him.

"You should know!" Shane snapped, and Lothor laughed mockingly.

"Not this time," he told them confidently.

"Ready?" Shane asked and we nodded calling on our weapons.

''Destroy them.'' Lothor commanded and all four of us leapt into action. I kept trying to use my Dragon spear to destroy the monsters but as their is only four of us rangers here we are badly outnumbered. We all ended up near each other again.

''Suggestions anyone, would be a good idea.'' I requested but before I could Hunter appeared and started to fight some monsters of his own. He blasted them with his crimson blaster. Then I heard another familiar voice.

*Firestorm rangerform*

Courtney's POV:

I had just got back to earth to see my friends surrounded by monsters.

''Do you mind if I join you.'' I asked.

''You cant stop me.'' Lothor called to me and Hunter.

''But we will.'' Blake called as he appeared with a bunch of ninjas and some more appeared behind me.

''Awesome.'' Dustin called and I stumbled a little towards the others. I was still a little weak.

''You sure you're going to be able to fight.'' Blake asked concerned for me but I managed a smile and looked at Lothor.

''Im not letting you guys do this battle alone.'' I told him and Mickaela passed me her fire sabre and she used her dragon spear.

''Attack.'' Lothor called with clear fury in his voice.

This time round it was on our side as we began to force the monsters back into the abyss. Lothor was getting more and more angry as we went along. I ducked under cannonbolt raised a weak shield that just managed to repel him and Kicked him backwards into the abyss.

''Do you ever learn.'' I yelled laughing a little. I then went and helped with the Kelzacks until a woman in golden armour appeared.

''So we meet again orange ranger.'' I sighed and used the fire sabre to block her as she ran forward.

I fought her a few minutes getting weaker and weaker until I finally managed to force her back into the abyss. I turned around just in time to watch Shanes Batalizer be destroyed and I ran in his direction and helped him to his feet.

''He destroyed the Batalizer.'' He said his voice filled with pain with remembering where the Batalizer came from.

Lothor laughed as we all ran to face him. The other ninjas finished his army why we were dealing with Lothor. We all began to attack him. As one we worked towards destroying him but it wasn't going too well. He went to blast the others and I jumped infront of them raising a shield but it became too much and I went flying and hit the ground.

I was trembling but I managed to get back to my feet.

''Enough, It's time to finish you all,'' Lothor yelled He absorbed the powers of the thunders as he called ''give me those ranger powers.'' As the thunder rangers crashed to the ground they demorphed and Lothor began to laugh. ''Nothing can stop the power of the amulet.'' He laughed louder until Cam appeared.

He fell into a fighting stance and addressed Lothor. ''I believe that that belongs to me.'' He told the evil space ninja.

''Not anymore goodbye nephew.'' He went to absorb more energy from Cam but Mickaela jumped in front and he absorbed her ranger power and she fell next to me demorphed.

He turned his attention to Cam but this time Shane Tori and Dustin got in his way. ''He's not going anywhere got it.'' Shane growled at Lothor.

''Fine then I'll take you in his place.'' He said and then he repeated the process and the wind rangers hit the ground de-morphing.

As we all got back to our feet very slowly Lothor addressed us again. ''You fools, haven't you had enough.'' He demanded of us. He blasted us again and we still managed to get back to our feet.

"Let's finish this," Lothor growled at their persistence. "I have your Ranger powers! You are at my mercy, once and for all!" He fired at us again but this time the wind rangers managed to stay on their feet.

''We won't let you win.'' Shane informed Lothor.

''What can you do to me, without your powers?" He mocked them.

"We may not be Power Rangers, but we still have power!" Shane yelled at him.

''POWER OF AIR!'' Shane yelled.

''POWER OF WATER!'' Tori called.

''POWER OF EARTH! Dustin bellowed.

''Ninja powers!'' the three called on their powerful attacks, and the wind picked up around Lothor, whose eyes widened.

''NOOO!'' He yelled as the power sent him flying back and into the abyss which imploded and closed up.

We all regrouped and hugged. Hunter and Mickaela shared a deep kiss that they broke when I giggled.

''About time.'' I laughed and the mock glared.

''What happened.'' Tori asked to change the subject.

"Lothor's must have overloaded the Abyss..." Blake realised as he stood beside her.

"Causing it to implode on itself," Cam finished with a small nod.

''So he's gone... really gone.'' Dustin asked like he couldn't agree with it.

"I believe so," Cam nodded. We were all too shocked to react at first.

''And our ranger powers.'' Hunter enquired but I already knew the answer.

"They're gone too..." Shane realised as he looked down at his own powerless morpher.

*Firestorm rangerform*

After a check of the grounds the USA action games were back up and running. Shane and Dustin both entered their competitions.

''Third place that's awesome.'' Tori smiled at Dustin as he was carrying a large trophy around.

''Yeah my boy came through.'' Blake said sounding a little proud.

''I'm so glad you changed to freestyle,'' Kelly smiled at the earth ninja ''you have a real career ahead of you.'' She informed him.

All of a sudden Shane appeared. ''You guys,'' He ran over looking really excited "You won't believe this! You know the guys from Truth Trucks?" he asked.

''Yeah.'' I said.

"They wanna sponsor me!" he told them, and they all congratulated him. "A national tour and everything," he grinned at them.

''What did you tell them.'' Kelly asked but Shane shook his head and we all knew why.

*Firestorm rangerform*

It was time for the graduation ceremony at the brand new wind ninja academy.

''Shane Clarke.'' Shane stepped up and couldn't help the wide smile that crossed his face. He walked up to collect his scroll from sensei watanabee. It had felt weird for me to see him in human for but he had thanked me and both him and Cam told me they owed me a great gratitude for saving their lives which I brushed off.

''Tori Hanson.'' Tori was the next up to receive her scroll. She walked up looking really happy and proud.

''Dustin Brookes.'' Dustin collected his.

"Blake Bradley," Blake couldn't hide his own grin as Sensei Omino watched nearby with a collection of Thunder Ninjas.

"Hunter Bradley," the blonde teen collected his scroll.

''Mickaela Koumon.'' As Mickaela walked up I watched as her father and brother looked at her proudly.

''Courtney Oliver.'' As I walked over I seen my Dad in the crowd as he knew who I was and also helped a lot he stuck his thumbs up at me proudly.

''And finally Cam Watanabee.'' Sensei had his own proud look in his eyes as he handed the last scroll to his son.

After we had all lined up Sensei Watanabee spoke again.

"You have all earned the badge of honour that is to graduate from the Wind Ninja Academy. I could not be more proud of you. Of the sacrifices you have made for your school, and indeed, for your planet," he told them with a smile. "The world is a better place today, because of you," he told them, and they cheered, hugging each other.

*Firestorm rangerform*

Later on I am packing my bag ready to return to reefside where I will be going back to school in the fall. I was also worried though. Unlike the others I couldn't lead a completely normal life with my powers. They hadn't disappeared with my ranger powers. I still had them.

There was a knock on the door and it was Mickaela.

''You ready.'' She asked and I nodded.

''I cant wait to go home you.'' She shook her head. Like the wind ninja academy the fire academy had been rebuilt and hopefully this time nothing would happen to it.

I finished packing and we left.

*Firestorm rangerform*

I was stood with Cam watching the new students arrive.

We were grinning and laughing until Marah and Kapri appeared.

"You're kidding," Cam sighed.

"Hello? Family, right?" Kapri grinned at him.

''You shouldn't have said that.'' I told him and he tried not to laugh.

"Cam, we really have to talk about these outfits, cause this makes my butt look really big," Marah complained to Cam and Kapri rolled her eyes.

"Not as big as your head," she muttered. The pair began bickering, walking off as Cam sighed.

"It is a shame one cannot choose one's family," Sensei smiled as he appeared at the side of us were we were looking annoyed.

"I'm just glad I don't have to feed mine guinea pig food any more," Cam smiled to his father. We were just walking away when we heard another voice.

"Hey! Hold up!" they looked around to see three students climbing up the hill.

"You three?" Cam said recognising them from the USA action games. I smiled at them unlike Cam.

"Ninjas, dude," one of them grinned as he breathed heavily.

The girl rolled her eyes. "No-one says dude anymore," she told him, and the three walked off as the pair started arguing.

''I still say dude.'' I pointed out.

Cam groaned looking upset. "Dad...I don't think I have it in me to go through this again," he admitted. I laughed as I realised he was talking about when Shane Tori and Dustin arrived. I spotted my dad. I said my goodbyes and walked towards him.

''You ready to go home.'' I nodded. My life would be normal now.

I hope.

*Firestorm rangerform*


And that is the end of this story. Please tell me what you think and I will try to post the first chapter of Dino thunder tomorrow

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