Courtney Oliver: Firestorm ra...

By ChelseaElliott1

61.7K 1.3K 41

Courtney Oliver is the adopted daughter of ranger legend Tommy Oliver. Secretly she attends the fire academy... More

Chapter 1: School attacked
Chapter 2: notes and blue bay harbour
chapter 3: thunder stranger part 1
chapter 4: Thunder strangers part 2
chapter 5: Thunder strangers part 3
chapter 6: Nowhere to grow
Chapter 7: Return of thunder part 1
chapter 8: Return of thunder part 2
chapter 9: Return of thunder part 3
chapter 10: boxing bop-a-roo
Chapter 11: A ranger legend part 1
chapter 12: A ranger legend part 2
chapter 13: A samurai journey part 1
chapter 15: A samurai journey part 2
chapter 15: Scent of a ranger
chapter 16: I love Lothor
Chapter 17: Question of loyalties part 1
chapter 18: Question of loyalties part 2
Chapter 19: Good will hunter
Chapter 20: Sensei switcharoo
Chapter 21: Brother in arms
Chapter 22: Shane's Karma
chapter 23: Shimazu's return part 1
Chapter 24: Shimazu's return part 2
Chapter 25: Eye of the storm
Chapter 26: General deception part 1
Chapter 28: Gem of the day
Chapter 29: Storm before the calm
Chapter 30: Storm before the calm part 2

Chapter 27: General deception part 2

683 31 0
By ChelseaElliott1

chapter 27: genera deception part 2


well time for Courtney to meet her zord. She will return just in time to help the others to finish zurgane let me know what you think. its a bit of a short chapter but I think it works well with the story let me know what you think please.

*Firestorm rangerform*

Courtney's POV:

Me and my dad were walking along away from ninja ops and we were going to flame to near the mountains.

''You ready.'' He nodded.

I flamed us to where the mountains where and we took off. We were going silently and keeping up with each other. When we got to the mountains Dad finally poke up.

''Are you sure that this is a good idea,'' He requested to know and I turned to hear the rest of his question ''I mean I have no powers how do you know that its safe just the two of us.''

I sighed. ''Dad I can never be sure but the others have got to keep zurgane busy till i get back.'' He nodded in understanding and we took off again.

*Firestorm rangerform*

Mickaela's POV:

Courtney and her dad had just let and we were all deciding what would be the best course of action as Zurgane had retreated for now but we needed to give Courtney time to do whatever she needed to do.

"I need more time before the Zords will be ready to battle again."

"How are we going to fight that thing with the Zords?" Tori asked looking nervous. I put my hand on her shoulder in comfort.

Sensei hopped up onto Dustin's head and landed on the table "Think rangers, what else have you got at your disposal?"

"What about the Gliders?" Dustin asked.

Blake nodded "and the Tsunami Cycles."

"Excellent thinking," Sensei praised them "individually your weapons would be over-powered but together your resources will be significant."

Shane nodded "Alright, follow my lead. Maybe we can draw him out of that thing" he glanced around at the others who nodded "Lets go.''

"I'll bring the Zords when their repaired" Cam told them "Good luck."

And the Rangers left.

*Firestorm rangerform*

Courtney's POV:

We had finally reached the mountains when all of a sudden A strange being appeared in front of us.

''Who are you?'' He demanded to know.

''My name is Courtney Oliver I am here...'' He stopped me and stepped forward growling. Both me and my dad dropped into defensive positions.

''I know why you are here, you are here for the snow guardian'' When I nodded my head a bunch of other beings appeared ready to attack us '' To get to the guardian you have to defeat those who guard him.'' I sighed but I knew it wouldn't be easy.

''Dad you ready.'' He nodded. We ran forward and I went straight for the leader as he came at me.

He went to kick me but I blocked it and punched him in the chest. ''I don't want to fight you.'' He didn't answer but continued to attack me.

As I ran at him again he aimed a kick to my chest and I didn't manage to block this one and I went flying. I looked around at my dad to see that he was about to be blasted. I jumped over the head of the leader and raised a shield that propelled the beings backwards. When they got back to their feet they dropped the stance.

The leader stepped forward to me and said. ''Well done you are the chosen one.'' I looked confused but my dad understood.

''That was a test.'' The leader nodded.

''Yes but only the chosen one can go on, you must go back.'' I looked at dad and he nodded I concentrated and flicked my wrist flaming him back to ops.

''Now where do I go.'' He shook his head and took my wrist.

''I cannot tell you, but you can sense when you are close. Here is the flute that calls the zord when you are at its hiding place you can call it through the flute.''

I nodded and the beings disappeared.

Before I could go anywhere else Shimazu and Motodrone appeared and prepared to attack me. OH GREAT. I thought.

*Firestorm rangerform*

Mickaela's POV:

Me and Hunter and Blake rode our tsunami cycles onto the battle field and hunter joined in with the wind rangers who were taunting Zurgane trying to get him out of his zord.

"Or are you too scared?" He mocked.

"Look," Dustin said as he swooped out and then back in "no Zords!"

"Come and get us!" I taunted.

"Enough of this foolishness!" Zurgane said from inside his Zord, he attacked the Wind rangers as they fell from their gliders and Zurgane landed in front of them when they crashed to the ground. "I'll fight you on my own!"

"Go time!" Shane said and the six rangers raced forward to start their battle with him.

Me hunter and Blake ran forward and began our attack. We used our weapons to try and damage him but he managed to block it with his swords and then he slashed us with them sending us to the ground.

He then turned to the wind rangers. They had appeared behind him, they attacked with their lasers, but Zurgane blocked each and everyone of them before sending back an attack of his own, sending the Wind rangers to the ground. He thundered towards them, but was blocked off from attacking as I appeared and stopped him from attacking the others. While I thought it gave everyone else chance to get back to their feet.

*Firestorm rangerform*

Courtney's POV:

I looked at both Shimazu and Motodrone and they raised their swords.

''I don't remember inviting you two.'' I told them.

''We're crashing, you are coming with us.'' I Shook my head and raised my morpher.

''WANNA BET.'' I yelled and raised my morpher.

''FIRE STORM! RANGER FORM! HA!'' I morphed and puled out my fire sabre and started slashing at them. They managed to kick the sword away so I called my phoenix bow and pulled a few arrows out and shot them all at once. They hit the ground surrounding them and they went flying so I took my chance and flamed to where a pull was telling me to go.

When I had flamed to where the pull was coming from my sensing powers were telling me this is the place and I knew what I had to do I pulled out the white flute and began to play a soft melody that for some reason I knew. All of a sudden there was a low growl and the mountain started shaking then a big zord stepped out of the mountain to look at me. It was a snow leopard. The legend was true

'' I have waited a long time for you, I have been your guardian.'' I was shocked when I heard this in my head.

''you can communicate with me through telepathy.'' I asked him and he nodded.

''Yes I have been here since before you waiting for the girl I am supposed to look after to show up, I will work with you and I am also connected to your phoenix.''

''My friends need our help.'' He nodded and bent down so I could climb up. ''Lets go.''

*Firestorm rangerform*

Mickaela's POV:

After the wind rangers had created the storm striker and blasted zurgane he sliced straight through it.

The thunders and I stepped infront of The winds. Zurgane threw his swords into the air and shot at us knocking us to the ground. Zurgane then caught his swords laughing maliciously.

''CAM were running out of ideas here.'' Shane informed the green ranger.

''I'm on my way,'' Cam told us through the morphers and we sighed in relief ''and I'm bringing some back-up.''

After a few minutes the zords started to appear. First the thunder zords and the lion zord, then the dolphin and the hawk zord and finally the dragonzord. I would have to do as best as I could without the phoenix in case Courtney needed it.

''If that's the way you want it,'' Zurgane growled at us ''to the zords.'' And he jumped into his own cockpit.

Everyone jumped into the cockpit of the zords and the wind and thunder rangers combined their zords. Zurgane aimed a blast of energy that sent the wind rangers to the ground. Zurgane than went flying as the wind rangers blasted him back.

''Guys we can't form the tornado till Courtney is back incase she needs the phoenix zord.'' They nodded.

Cam was the only one to disagree. ''No I've created a new way.'' The ninja firebird Its a smaller replica that comes out of our power spheres. We all nodded and then formed the hurricane megazord.

''Give it your best shot.'' Zurgane taunted us.

''Charge.'' Shane commanded and we moved to attack.

Unfourtanetly Zurgane was quicker. He blocked and then repeatedly slashed at us. We went to attack ourselves but he suddenly disappeared. He reappeared and tried to blast us but all of a sudden their was a low growl behind us.

''WHAT?'' We all wondered.

*Firestorm rangerform*

Courtney's POV:

''Hang on guys.'' I called to my friends as I arrived on the shoulder of the snow leopard.

''WOAH.'' The others said looking impressed.

''ICE BREATH.'' and the leopard zord opened its jaws and frozen cold breath came out and hit zurganes zord.

''Ill get you orange ranger.'' Zurgane growled at me.

''Wanna bet. PHOENIX ZORD ARISE.''

my phoenix zord arrived and I played the flute in my hand to get the leopards attention.

''PHOENIX-LEOPARD UNIZORD FORMATION.'' And the snow leopard and the phoenix combined and they had a phoenix spear and A snow shield in their hands.

''OK ZURGANE LETS DO THIS.'' I attacked him and he went to blast me.

''Shield.'' I called and blocked the attack then I raised my spear and Ran him through.

''GUYS LETS FINISH HM.'' I called to the others and we all stood in line.

''FINAL BLAST.'' I yelled and we all blasted the megazord at once and It blew up.

''Yeah.'' We all cheered.

We were all back at ops and I had just finished telling everyone my dad included about what happened. They were all shocked.

''WOW.'' Dustin yelled.

I laughed and so did the others. Dad came over and gave me a hug.

''We are so proud of what you have accomplished today.'' Sensei said.

''My dad would also be proud.'' Mickaela smiled slightly and we all gave her sympathetic looks.

We all knew that this new zord was going to come in handy in our future battles.

*Firestorm rangerform*


Wow so this zord is a guardian of Courtney's and as she goes through her destiny you will find out more. three more chapter till Dino thunder.

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