Courtney Oliver: Firestorm ra...

By ChelseaElliott1

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Courtney Oliver is the adopted daughter of ranger legend Tommy Oliver. Secretly she attends the fire academy... More

Chapter 1: School attacked
Chapter 2: notes and blue bay harbour
chapter 3: thunder stranger part 1
chapter 4: Thunder strangers part 2
chapter 5: Thunder strangers part 3
chapter 6: Nowhere to grow
Chapter 7: Return of thunder part 1
chapter 8: Return of thunder part 2
chapter 9: Return of thunder part 3
chapter 10: boxing bop-a-roo
Chapter 11: A ranger legend part 1
chapter 12: A ranger legend part 2
chapter 13: A samurai journey part 1
chapter 15: A samurai journey part 2
chapter 15: Scent of a ranger
chapter 16: I love Lothor
Chapter 17: Question of loyalties part 1
chapter 18: Question of loyalties part 2
Chapter 19: Good will hunter
Chapter 20: Sensei switcharoo
Chapter 22: Shane's Karma
chapter 23: Shimazu's return part 1
Chapter 24: Shimazu's return part 2
Chapter 25: Eye of the storm
Chapter 26: General deception part 1
Chapter 27: General deception part 2
Chapter 28: Gem of the day
Chapter 29: Storm before the calm
Chapter 30: Storm before the calm part 2

Chapter 21: Brother in arms

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By ChelseaElliott1

Chapter 21: Brother in arms.


Hi guys I've skipped to brother in arms as their is a few episodes i have no idea what to do for. Anyway this one were mixing up so Courtney finally has a bike. no offence to Hunter but he's already got one.

*Firestorm Rangerform*

Courtney's POV:

Me and Hunter and Blake were racing at the track. All of a sudden there was a spark in my engine and i fell back in the race. Something was wrong with my engine. I pulled out of the race and started to take my bike back to the van so Hunter could have a look at it for me. Blake and Hunter tied for first.

''sounds like the top end.'' I was informed as Kelly approached us. I sighed and turned towards her.

''I let go on the last straight.'' I informed her and We turned to Hunter. '' Could you possibly rebuild it before the next moto?'' I asked him hopefully. Hunter looked at me sad and Looked back at the bike as he answered me.

''No way! I've never done one in less than five hours.'' Damn the next Motto is in two. I looked at the track and sighed that's bad luck.

"Im telling you guys, if you want to go pro you need someone to take care of your bikes" Kelly told us. But i knew right now it wouldn't help.

"There's not a mechanic in the world who could fix this thing in enough time" Blake said, Helping me to pick up my bike.

"I-I'll give it a try," Said a man as he nervously approached them, clutching a large toolbox to his chest. I turned to him hopefully.

''Do you think you can do it in less than two hours?'' I asked him and he nodded his head.

''Sure.'' He promised me and I moved out of his way.

He returned the bike just in time before it was time for the race.

*Firestorm Rangerform*

I was at Storm chargers showing Dustin my trophy. ''First place!'' I smiled at him holding my trophy proudly.

Dustin smiled "Oh, dude" he cried in happiness. "You did it!" He hugged me in congratulations

"Yeah, man" Blake said "She checked out on the second lap.'' He and Hunter smiled at me with proud looks.

''I would say you're definitely getting faster.'' He said high fiving me. I nodded.

''That's part of it, but i felt like i was riding a factory bike out there.'' I told them.

Hunter nodded. ''Yeah that freaky guy really hooked you up huh.'' He observed.

Dustin looked confused. ''What freaky guy?'' He asked me.

''Skinny, Nerdy.'' Hunter informed Dustin.

''He did a whole rebuild in a couple of hours.'' Blake said.

This brought a smile to Dustin's face "Yeah, that would be Perry" he said, patting Blake and Hunters shoulder. "He's this total moto genius" He told us.

"You know him?" Blake asked "So? Where does he live?"

"Out of town in that creepy area down by the train tracks," Dustin told them, before walking away.

Hunter And Blake looked to me. ''you guys go Im going to do some training with Mickaela.'' they nodded.

*Firestorm Rangerform*

Me and Mickaela were at the fire academy grounds training. We started with sparring but we were to even match So Mickaela asked me to show her how i use my Shield. And she looks very impressed and i feel very proud. She notices straight away.

''I think someone enjoys their powers a little too much.'' She teased me. And i laughed.

Before i could reply our morphers went off. ''This is Mickaela.'' Mickaela answers.

''The other rangers need you near the tracks.'' Sensei said through the morpher.

''On it.'' She looked at me and i nodded.


We Made it to the warehouse me on the back of Mickaela's bike as i didn't have one. We got there at the same time as Shane Tori and Dustin did. I got off of their bikes as they we came around the corner and seen a weird golden monster.

''Hey, fancy putting in a few laps.'' Shane challenged him.

"Be my guest," the monster growled "but prepare to eat dirt. You're not the only ones with a bike" And as he finished speaking he put out his hand infront of him and a very powerful looking bike appeared infront of him.

''Lets get this poser.'' Shane said. They revved their bikes and drove towards the monster.

The monster fired lasers at them, before jumping off his bike and kicking them off theirs. "Whoa!'' The four landed on the ground hard as i ran forwards. I kicked at the monster and he blocked i and jumped on his bike again and fire his lasers at me. I raised a shield and blocked him and he was shocked he jumped off of his bike again and kicked me down, going back to his bike he watched as I struggled to get back to my feet.

Cam appears to help us out. ''Hang on guys,'' he calls to us ''SUPER SAMURAI MODE.'' His vest came away and his helmet changed. He charged into battle, bringing his Sabre down at the new metal monster, who merely raised his arm and blocked the attack. Cam was blown backwards as the monster fired lasers at him. I jumped infront of Cam and raised my shield protecting him. The lasers bounced off of my shoulders and hit the monster and sent him flying backwards straight through the side of the building feeling drained i backed away.

A rumble was heard and seconds later both Hunter and Blake appeared on their bikes.

"What's going on?" Blake asked, as he and Hunter came to a stop beside the others. We told them were the monster had gone and they went after him but eventually he got away and we ninja streaked back to ops as i was too drained to flame us out.

*Firestorm Rangerform*

At ninja ops we are scanning the new guy hoping to find a weakness and where he had come from.

''This is the weirdest thing.'' Cam said staring at the screens.

''What is it?'' Mickaela asked and i slowly got up still feeling slightly drained but a lot better than i was.

''I've been running a test on Motodrone," Cam explained "and I've found traces of Human DNA!"

''You mean that guy is human?'' I asked appalled.

"It looks like some sort of mutation." Cam explained.

''And its not one of Lothor's goons.'' Blake said.

Cam shook his head "No," he said "and I wont be able to find out who it is, until the computer runs through the entire database." I sighed. That could take forever.

Sensei nodded from the space before Cam's arms "Until then, you must take care in dealing with this creature" he warned them "we are not sure what he is capable of."

*Firestorm Rangerform*

Not long after Motodrone was back and me Blake and Hunter went to intercept him. We all began to fight. I called my fire sabre and started hacking at the monster.

''Send a little girl to do a mans job.'' He knocked the boys away and they demorphed he blasted me and before i had chance to raise my shield he blasted me off of my feet and i hit the ground knocked out.

*Firestorm Ranger*

Mickaela's POV:

Me and the wind rangers arrived just in time to see Blake and Hunter fall to their knees looking angry and disappointed. I couldn't see Courtney and as far as i knew all three of them were together.

''Hunter.'' I said at the same time that Tori called Blakes name. We ran over and me and Tori pulled the guys to their feet.

''What happened.'' Shane asked them.

''They took Courtney.'' Blake said glancing around at everyone.

What i thought I looked at Hunter to confirm. When he did i was unhappy. What would he want with her.

''Come on Blake tell us you found her.'' I said to Cam shaking his shoulder. I was really worried. Cam held up hid hand to silence me.

''Hang on. I've nearly got a lock on Motodrones identity.'' He informed us and we all waited patiently.

Suddenly a picture appeared of a man that Blake and Hunter recognised.

''Perry,'' Blake murmured ''We know where Courtney is.'' He said motioning to Hunter who nodded.

''Lets go.'' I told the others.

''Rangers,'' Sensei called to them before they left. ''I know your friend is in trouble but so is Perry. If you don't destroy the Motodrone technology soon, it will absorb Perry and he will be gone forever." We all nodded in understanding.

''Don't worry.'' Blake said.

And we all left ninja ops.

*Firestorm rangerform*

Courtney's POV:

When i woke up i was tied to a machine that was plugged into some sort of device. After a few minutes Motodrone entered the room and the more i looked around i realised from the thunders description and what Dustin had said this is where Perry lived.

''Perry, you're Perry right, Don't do this.'' he Ignored me and for some reason I couldn't flame. I kept protesting but he took no notice and turned the machine on. I felt my energy dropping and i knew that he was draining my ranger energy.

For the next few minutes i was fighting to stay awake wondering why my powers were not kicking in when i heard voices coming from outside. Motodrone growled something and then ran outside. Not long after he left Mickaela, Cam, Blake and Hunter turned up.

''Took you guys long enough,'' I said weakly. Blake removed the helmet from my head and Mickaela and Hunter released me from the straps that held me down. ''Motodrone is-''

''Perry we know.'' Blake finished for me. They lifted the harness off of me and I tried to get up but Mickaela pushed me back down with Cams help.

''No you stay put and sit this one out.'' Blake told me.

''Can you make sure she's Ok.'' Mickaela asked Cam as she Hunter and Blake turned to the door ready to help the others. Cam nodded his head.

''He used my powers and energy to power that bike,'' I told him. ''I think he turned it into some kind of weapon.'' He looked over all the machines and thought about it.

''He's only taken an imprint of your energy,'' He told me looking over at me. ''If we redirect the power than we should be able to get you back on your feet.''

''What about the bike.'' I asked. Cam turned to look at it and then at me.

''If its connected to your powers than it should work only for you.'' I nodded smiling as he finished sending me back my energy and reprogrammed the bike so that i had complete control over it.

*Firestorm Rangerform*

When i arrived where the other rangers were i seen kelzacks about to destroy them so i blasted them with my lasers and threw them into the air. The others looked confused as they turned to see me riding the cycle towards them. ''Bring it.'' I demanded of the alien beings.

The kelzacks swarmed me. I revved the engine of My bike whilst holding the brake. The wheel spun as it emitted smoke. ''Lasers! FIRE.'' I command and orange lasers hit the kelzacks.

I finished the Kelzacks off and turned to the other rangers and noticed Mickaela and Blake were not with the, ''Where is Mickaela and Blake.'' I asked the others.

''They went after Perry.'' Tori and Hunter told me together.

Suddenly Blake's voice echoed down from the top of a cliff behind them "Perry!" the Navy ranger was right on the edge. There was no where else to go. He slipped and the edge of the cliff gave out as he nearly fell to the jagged rocks below. Mickaela was also trying to stay on her feet.

I revved the engine of my bike and took off. I went straight Past Motodrone who had just knocked both Blake and Mickaela off of the cliff as he watched i drove straight past him and off of the cliff.

''GLIDER BIKE, FLIGHT MODE.'' I yelled. The bike changed into its flight mode and i grabbed Blakes hand and he grabbed Mickaela's.

''gotcha.'' I said to them both.

''Took you long enough.'' Blake and Mickaela commented at the same time.

''Wise guys.'' I told them and flew them away from the area and they turned to me not impressed.

''Do you ever listen.'' Mickaela demanded crossing her arms.

''You can bag on me later,'' I told them both as they were scowling at me. ''Right now I've got some unfinished business.''

''Be careful.'' They both warned me.

When i got to Motodrone i fired lasers at him. ''POWER DIVE, AIM FIRE.'' I called and Motodrone went down.

We carefully approached Perry hoping he doesn't remember us.

''Perry are you ok.'' I asked him as we helped him to his feet. Perry coughed and sputtered holding his head.

''Aww man what happened.'' I answered him using the first thing that came to mind.

''You fell off of your bike.'' I told him as this makes the most sense.

''I cant remember anything.'' He told us and we all sighed in relief.

''You're OK now.'' Mickaela said.

''AWW man i feel like I've been having a bad dream.'' Perry tells us.

''I can relate.'' I said to him smiling.

''Hey wait a minute,'' I froze worried. ''In my dream you guys were power rangers.'' Uh oh. Not good.

''UH yeah right,'' Blake said laughing. ''Power rangers, Hey come on who'd make this guy a power ranger.''

''Hey I'd make a great ranger.'' Hunter said defensively.

''Actually,'' Perry said finishing the argument. ''I cant imagine either of you as power rangers.'' He told them walking away. Shane whistled and me and Mickaela tried not to laugh.

*Firestorm Rangerform*


Finally got this update out now. Im writing two stories so sorry if it takes long to update. ill

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