Light (Ashton Irwin) {Complet...

By sparklelikeaunicorn

226 9 2

You fall in love, and then you fall out. It's nothing you can fix. You lose people, and pray for them to come... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 17

5 0 0
By sparklelikeaunicorn

Ashton's POV
The four boys and I were practicing in my garage when we decided to take a break. Of course Andrew, Amanda, Bella, and Stryker were going on their date tonight. Andrew and Stryker pulled up and got out of their cars.

They looked nice for their dates. When Amanda and Bella walked out of the house, all eyes were on them. Amanda was wearing an outfit I never thought I'd see her wear. Stryker had his eyes glued onto Bella, never shifting.

"God, Andrew is a lucky bastard." I say shaking my head, the guys give each other worried expressions. "Ashton, Andrew is dying. They found out about his condition last week. He's telling Amanda tonight. Doctors say he only has till May."
Amanda's POV
"Hey Amanda, there's something I need to tell you." Andrew says and I turn to look at him. "Last week I went to the doctor. They ran a few tests for a serious medical condition, and it turns out I have it. The doctor says I have until the end of May." He says holding back tears.

"Is there any way to stop it?" I say and choke down my tears. He shakes his head no and I hold him there. We go back to my house and lay in my bed. He holds me in his arms, and then I hold him.

"I'm gonna miss you ya know?" I tell him and he nods. "Can we just do this for a while?" Andrew asks and I nod.
Several months later
"Hey Andrew?" I say walking into his house. "In here babe." I hear him say. I walk into his room, seeing him in bad shape. "Amanda. This is it, this is my last day." I hold Andrew's hand, telling him to not worry about me. I repeatedly told him I loved him over and over. I started fiddling with the necklace he got me for Christmas.

At 9:34 in the evening, Andrew David Gettings died at age 18.
"We are all gathered here to say goodbye to our brother, son, lover, and friend. We will now have Andrew's girlfriend, Amanda Addams, speak to us." The priest says as I walk up there. I see Andrew's casket and hold back tears.

"Andrew, how do I even start to explain what he was to me? He was my first friend and first love. He didn't get as much time as he deserved. He was a good person who god took to soon. He always looked for the best in people, never faltering to make someone feel special. I chose him, because he treated me and others right. He reminded me each and every day that no matter what happens, to keep going. The sickness that 'killed' him couldn't kill his spirits. The one time he asked me if I was proud of him and what he achieved. I laughed and nodded, because he was the most special person to me. Knowing I will never get to see the man I fell deeply in love with again, hurts real bad. Andrew David Gettings, you better fly high in heaven. Tell Skylar and my mum I say hi." When I finish I sit back down in my pew.

We say our goodbyes to Andrew then take the casket to the cemetery. They put the casket in the ground and I break down crying. Stryker and Dalton console me as I cry. The other boys are here to, and so is Bella. We all head back to my house, I not saying a word.

When we get inside I go upstairs to my room and cry. The boy I've loved for several months is gone, and I'm here crying. I hold myself the rest of the night, crying myself to sleep.
"Now lets welcome our graduating class of 2013!" We all walk down the isles to our designated seats. Bella and I sit next to each other while the rest of the students walk down the rows. The seat where Andrew was suppose to sit is unoccupied, causing me to become sad.

"Our valedictorian, Amanda Addams, will now say a few words." Our principal says and I walk onto the stage.

"Hello class of 2013, you may know me as the school sweetheart. Now the on reason I'm the sweetheart is because everyone deserves to feel special. I lost my mother, best friend, and boyfriend. Rose, Skylar, and Andrew. What those three taught me is to live life to the fullest. When you lose people, you learn to take in everyone for who they are. I've met so many people in the time that I've been at this school. But, now we are all going off into the scary world. I myself, am moving to the U.S.A.

The moral of all of this, is you can lose people. But you will meet new people after losing someone. I've lost enough people to know that's true." I say as the gym applauds me. I sit back down and Bella hugs me.

After a few more speeches and looking at pictures of our class, we got our diplomas. "Congratulations class of 2013, now go live your lives!" The principal says and we throw our caps in the air.
"Do you have to move?" Bella and Stryker complain and I nod. "How else am I going to start my business? Plus New York has a lot of great opportunities for me." I say taping the last box of my stuff. I stack it with the rest.

"You can start it here! Don't leave us!" Stryker says and I shake my head. There's nothing left for me here in Sydney. Plus, the other boys are going off to preform with one direction. They don't need me, so why should I care?" I say grabbing boxes and hauling them into the moving truck.

"Yeah, but you've been both of our first friend for ages! We can't think of life without you!" Bella exclaims. "You'll figure how to forget about me." I say closing the back of the moving truck door.

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