Dark Angel

By msalty

47.6K 1.9K 243

His face was pale and his hair was dark as night. His eyes were dark holes and he felt, to me, like a creatur... More

Dark Angel Part 1
Dark Angel Part 3
Dark Angel Part 4
Dark Angel Part 5
Dark Angel Part 6
Dark Angel Part 7
Dark Angel Part 8
Dark Angel Part 9
Part 10 [Final Chapter] 1/2
Part 10 [Final Chapter] 2/2

Dark Angel Part 2

5.8K 230 13
By msalty

"Ugh. Nari! You don't have any food in here," Miku complained as she searched our fridge and pantry.

"Do we not have any food? Or do we not have any good food?" I questioned, getting off the couch.

"Eh.... kind of both." I walked over to the fridge and stared at the inside. She was right. We didn't have much food inside and the few things we did have were undesirable.

"Huh? That's a first. Come on let's go get some food," I said as I grabbed my purse.

"I can't believe Mom didn't stock up. She always has food for us before a game," Miku thought allowed.

"Yeah." Miku was like a sister to me, excepting my mother as her own too. Miku's mother actually died when she was young, but that's another story to be told another day.

I stepped out of the building our apartment was apart of and I was hit by a wave of cold air. Being September, the air was beginning to get colder as fall threatened summer. I brushed it aside, knowing that I would soon get used to it.

Miku and I started down the sidewalk of downtown Seoul. Short after passing a few blocks, someone called our names.

"Miku and Nari?" A wary voice questioned. We turned and saw two girls staring at us with hopeful eyes.

"Ye?" I said with a smile, knowing where this was going to go.

"Omo! It's so nice to meet you. I'm a big fan!" One girl stated.

"Can I please have your autograph?" The other girl asked.

"Haha! It's nice to meet you too. What are your names?" Miku asked the two girls.

The girls introduced themselves to us and we eventually sent them off with a signature from both Miku and I.

What makes us so popular that we would be noticed in the streets of Seoul? That would be the fact that Miku and I are on the South Korean Women's national team. This year is our first year on the main team. The past years we have been on the SK national under 19 team, under 18 team, and so on. We are known for our amazing ability to work together so well. So the few soccer fans that are out and about, notice us when we are walking along.

Miku and I walked into the corner store with smiles still plastered onto our face. We were still young and not very famous so the fans that do notice us make us very happy.

"You know the usual," Miku stated before splitting off and walking to the other side of the store. It has been a tradition, since we started playing on the national teams, that Miku and I would each drink at least three bottles of water and a Gatorade before the game. We would also eat some fruits and spaghetti.

"Nari, when was the last time you had one of those?" Miku asked, staring at something on the shelf.

"Forever," I stated. We both stood, staring at a bag of candy we both loved. It was our favorite candy but playing on a professional level caused us to stay away from sugary treats. But there were some exceptions.

"You know who's birthday is coming up!" I said, nudging Miku and walking away. I glanced back, hoping she had gotten my hint. She glare at me and rolled her eyes.

Every year on our birthdays, we would get each other a bag of our favorite candy, Twizzlers. My birthday was coming up and I became excited at the thought that soon, I could have a bag of Twizzlers all to myself.

As we stood in line to buy our food and drinks, I watched people walk past the windows of the store. I was very much of a people watcher. While I looked out the window, something caught my eye. It was a small glimpse of someone who looked familiar to me.

"I'll be right back," I said to Miku and stepped out of line. I rushed out of the store, trying to follow the person I had seen. As I stepped out onto the sidewalk, my eyes landed on the figure. He wore black clothing again and I noticed how the edge of his figure was somewhat hazy. He stopped before reaching an alleyway and turned to look at me. He stared at me, confused and interested. Then he disappeared around the corner into the alley.

I rushed forward, hoping to catch up with him. I reached the corner he had disappeared behind and I quickly entered the alley. But the boy, that seemed to be my age, was gone. I looked around but he was gone. How did he just disappear like that?

I sighed and exited the alley, walking back towards the store. Before I could walk in, Miku opened the door.

"What was wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing, I just thought I saw someone I knew," I turned back towards the alley, wishing to see the boy pop back out again.

A bright colored bus caught my attention and my eyes followed it as it passed. I read the words on the side of it in my head. 'Happy Birthday Jungkook!' My eyes studied the face on the side of the bus as I noticed that the person was the same one I had followed into the alley.

I was left with the same questions as I had on the field. Who was he? Why was he here? And where did he go?

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