Capture My Heart

By DivineRomance

82.6K 7.8K 1.5K

When a suitor comes hoping to win Princess Suzanna's heart, her whole world is turned upside down. With a rep... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chapter Four

3K 319 94
By DivineRomance

Dedicated to tyguy12, who somehow always manages to be the very first person to vote on my new updates - every single time!!!
Thank you for the support!

Suzanna walked through the main hall of the castle, nodding and smiling at a few of the commoners who stood and walked nearby. She was heading to meet Duke Wilson who had asked to take her on a picnic - with the chaperoning of her two younger siblings, of course. They had spent nearly every day together and Suzanna was beginning to grow fond of the man.

A squeal of laughter broke out through the hall. Suzanna looked up to see a small figure darting toward her at full speed.

"Oh!" Suzanna gasped as the child nearly ran into her. The girl just managed to avoid colliding and sprinted past her, a mess of giggles and panting. Suzanna turned around to watch the girl sprint down the hall and turn a corner. How peculiar. She turned back around to see a familiar figure run into the hall.

"Hadley!" he called, looking slightly frustrated and yet amused. His gaze travelled through the hall and landed on Suzanna. She tensed, half expecting another scolding from him - perhaps he would tell her she should not be standing the way she was or wearing the colour dress she had chosen! They stared at each other for a brief moment.

"She ran around the corner," Suzanna finally said, desperate to break the silence.

"Who?" Samuel asked, looking in a daze.

"The girl... you were chasing her, were you not?"

"Oh, yes," Samuel replied, blinking once and shaking his head quickly. "I apologise, I lost my train of thought."

"Well... if you leave now you may have a chance of catching her," Suzanna said tensely. Samuel frowned.

"Princess Suzanna," he began.

"I have to go, excuse me," Suzanna said quickly, before he could continue. She was sure he was about to share another one of his stern opinions with her. She began walking but Samuel immediately fell into step with her.

"You are angry with me, my lady," he stated.

"No," she responded as she continued walking.

"Your manner and reluctance to even look at me say otherwise," Samuel pressed. Suzanna looked at him pointedly. "Suzanna, stop," he sighed.

"Princess," she replied firmly. Samuel looked confused and Suzanna crossed her arms, stopping so she could speak. "To you I am Princess Suzanna - if not, I am 'my lady' or 'Your Highness', but never just Suzanna."

"I apologise, it just slipped out," he responded, his frustrated expression intact.

"See that it does not happen again," Suzanna ordered, half surprised by her own behaviour.

"I did not realise you hated me so much," Samuel muttered, crossing his own arms.

"I do not hate you," she answered shortly.

"Tell me - how is it that a Princess with a reputation of speaking so much is able to say so little to me?" Samuel asked, his tone irked.

Suzanna dropped her folded arms and took a small step back, hurt by his words.

"I do not hate you, but I find you to be rather unpleasant company. First you order me about and scold me for trying to help a servant, now you stand here displeased that I have nothing to say to you. But even if I were to speak without end, even then I am sure you would find a way to fault me. It seems that nothing I do will please you, and I do not know what I have done to you to deserve only disciplining and anger from you. I thought since you are such a close friend to my brother then you must be at least a half-decent fellow, but all I have seen is arrogance and misplaced authority in you. I am not in the habit of befriending people who treat me wrong, and I do not intend to start now," Suzanna ranted, sure her skin was turning as red as the anger boiling within her. Samuel's jaw tightened.

"You judge me very harshly after only one encounter with me, my lady."

"I have no qualm with telling people what I think," Suzanna huffed.

"Yes, you have made that quite clear," Samuel replied angrily. They stared at each other with stubborn irritability.

"I have spoken only the truth."

"Well dare I say that you are wrong," Samuel nearly hissed out.

"I knew it! Even speaking honestly you still find a flaw in me, telling me my feelings are wrong," Suzanna cried out, prepared to stalk away.

"Yes, wrong!" Samuel responded before she could take a single step away. "Wrong to the point that I question whether it is really I who has exuded arrogance. Indeed, you have judged me without knowing me, and if you had just managed to take your head out of thoughts about yourself then you would have seen that! I was going to apologise to you for my 'misplaced authority', but you simply chose to walk away from me and never hear my explanation. I see now that my attempt at reconciliation was pointless - you have misinterpreted what was true concern for you and have decided that I am not worthy of your time. Forgive me, Princess, for bothering you, for I shall not do it again."

Suzanna raised her head slightly and refused to blink, drying away the tears that were threatening to form.

"I have never been spoken to with so much scorn and anger," she replied.

"You are not the only one who knows how to say what they think."

"You will excuse me, but I wish to go. These two occasions with you have not been the least bit pleasant, and I do not hope to repeat them again. You have hurt me deeply, sir, and I hope I never have the misfortune of your company again. Good day." Suzanna walked away quickly, subtly wiping away one small tear that had managed to escape.

"You were wrong about me!" Samuel called from behind her. She stopped walking and looked over her shoulder.

"And you were wrong about me," she murmured, just loud enough for him to hear. She began walking again and heard him sigh loudly.

"Princess Suzanna, wait!" He was quickly beside her, looking sorrowful and serious. "I do not want to argue with you," he said gently.

"It seems we are incapable of doing anything else," she replied shortly.

"I do not want to believe that that is the case," he responded. His expression was much more gentle and open now, his blue eyes were shining kindness and warmth. Suzanna relaxed slightly, though she regarded him warily. "I am sorry for the things I said; I was angry and frustrated."

"You hurt me."

"I know, I am sorry," he said sincerely. "I really was going to apologise to you earlier. I was rude last week when I scolded you, but my intentions were pure. You are so precious to so many people, I did not like the idea of you getting hurt, my lady. I understand I was out of place to order you, but the protective side to me overcame me and I acted without thinking about how it would appear to you."

Suzanna felt ashamed. "It is I who should apologise - I overreacted. I have been a snob," she sighed.

"No, I was at fault," Samuel insisted.

"I think we are headed toward arguing again," Suzanna said in amusement. Samuel rolled his eyes and smiled.

"I hope we can one day be friends, Princess. I assure you my company is not always so unbearable," he said in jest.

"I think I should like that," Suzanna replied, finally relaxing next to him. Samuel looked victorious. "You should go, I have held up all your time... I am sure your daughter is waiting for you," Suzanna commented.

"What?" Samuel asked, looking so confused she had to hold back a smile.

"The girl - is she not your daughter?"

"What? Oh, no," Samuel replied, understanding dawning on him. "She is my niece, Hadley, and I imagine she has run off to her mother by now. I am not married, my lady."

Suzanna studied him. He was handsome, kind, and in a respectable position. She was surprised he was not partnered with anyone. "My mistake," Suzanna said with a soft smile.

"I have seen the Duke of Adryrwen occasionally," Samuel commented. Suzanna began walking slowly and Samuel followed her.

"Yes, he is here for a few more weeks."

"Is he pleasant, my lady?" Samuel asked curiously, though his eyes hid another emotion that Suzanna could not read.

"Very pleasant, if not a bit too formal occasionally. He takes his role very seriously. Father thinks he likes me very much."

"And you? Do you feel the same?" Samuel asked gently. Suzanna smiled up at him.

"Matters of the heart I do keep to myself, but to satisfy your curiosity I shall say that Duke Wilson is not half bad."

"He is half good, then," Samuel stated. Suzanna laughed at his response.

"Something like that."

"If you marry him, you shall leave," Samuel commented.

"I know. But Adryrwen is not terribly far, I am sure I will still be able to visit. Duke Wilson knows how close I am to my family."

Samuel said nothing, but he looked like he was deep in thought.

"Do you have plans to marry?" Suzanna asked with genuine curiosity.

"I want to marry the right person and be accepted by her family. I do not like the idea of marrying the first woman I see."

"But you are perfectly respectable - I imagine all people would accept you."

"Not all, my lady," Samuel said, looking at her solemnly. "It is a tragic thing - that wealth, land, and title should dictate who we are allowed to marry."

"It is not always the case," Suzanna replied.

"You are speaking of Tristan and Rose, of course."

"If it could work out for them then it can certainly work out for anyone."

"Would you marry someone even if they were far below you?" Samuel asked, although Suzanna could not help but think he had some other motive for hearing her answer. The way he stared at her was almost unsettling.

"If I loved him."

"Love... but what is the process of falling in love?" Samuel mused.

"Love is not a science," Suzanna replied.

"You think so? Do you think love can happen for anyone, no matter who they are?"

"These are very deep questions you ask, sir," Suzanna said.

"I apologise, my lady. I did not mean to unnerve you," Samuel immediately responded, masking all expression from his face.

"Not at all," Suzanna replied calmly.

"I have kept you far too long. I should take my leave of you."

"If you wish it," Suzanna said, although she had rather been enjoying her time with him. He was not so intolerable after all.

"I would stay here all day and talk about the deep things of life if I could, my lady," Samuel chuckled. "But you were heading somewhere, were you not?"

"Oh yes!" Suzanna gasped. She had completely forgotten about her meeting with Duke Wilson. "I have to go!"

"Farewell, then," Samuel said with a quick bow.

"Yes, farewell!" Suzanna called as she quickly picked up her pace. She waved, smiling over her shoulder as she distanced herself from Samuel. He did not take his eyes off from her, not once, for every time she glanced over her shoulder he was watching her.

Suzanna dashed to where she had agreed to meet Duke Wilson. Liam and Emily were already with him, chatting loudly and both trying to speak over each other. Duke Wilson looked up at her desperately as she neared them. Suzanna tried not to laugh. Her younger siblings barely paused in their tirade to look at her.

"Woah, woah, what is going on here?" Suzanna asked them with a huge grin. She kissed Liam lightly on his head - despite his loud protesting groans - then did the same for Emily. Emily smiled up at her adoringly. As the only two girls in the family, Emily and Suzanna were very close and stuck together as much as they could.

"Emily insists that she was promised a horse ride with Duke Wilson. I told her she was wrong, but she never listens to me. Besides, I'm the one who should be getting the horse ride - a knight has to have lots of horse riding knowledge, you know?" Liam stated in a rather matter-of-fact tone.

"Duke Wilson promised," Emily said with a large pout.

"Did he now?" Suzanna asked, smiling fondly at her sister. She looked up to see Duke Wilson looking flustered.

"I said I would take them riding; I did not realise they meant today," he explained.

"But you promised!" Emily cried.

"Emily, Liam," Suzanna scolded gently. "You know we can all go riding anytime. We have a stable full of horses. And Liam, you have more experience riding than most; you will be a perfectly fine knight with or without a ride today. If Duke Wilson does not want to ride today, then he does not have to."

"But he promised," Emily whimpered. Suzanna squatted down next to her sister.

"How about I take you riding this afternoon? We can go - just us girls! Besides, we have a lovely picnic to go to and Mistress Eudora has made us all sorts of yummy food, she would be sad if we did not eat."

"I don't like making people sad," Emily adorably answered.

"I know you don't. So how about it? We will go on our picnic and ride later," Suzanna suggested.

"Okay! Let's go," Emily cheered. She ran off with Liam hot on her heels, heading toward a nearby field. Duke Wilson sighed in relief.

"I may never promise them another thing ever again," he said dramatically.

"You will get used to it eventually, I promise," Suzanna replied with a grin. Duke Wilson offered his arm and Suzanna took it; they began strolling slowly together after her siblings.

"So how are you?" he asked.

"No different to how I was at breakfast," Suzanna answered.

"Aye, I suppose it is a silly question after only being apart for a few hours."

"No question is too silly for me!"

"Then may I ask another?"

"Of course," Suzanna said.

"What delayed you? Did you run into trouble?" Duke Wilson asked curiously.

"Oh no, not at all. I was distracted talking to an acquaintance. Arguing, actually, but then we reconciled and had a good conversation. I am afraid I lost track of the time, but I promise you I shall not keep you waiting again," Suzanna assured.

"Ah yes. And who is this acquaintance, pray tell? Do I know them?"

"Probably not. He is a knight, a close friend to my brother."

"I see," he answered calmly. Suzanna studied him, but he showed no signs of concern or jealousy. "Suzanna, you know the reason for why I am here. I hope to become closer to you, and hope that you may consider my marriage proposal. The offer still stands; I have not changed my mind even slightly. I want your hand," Duke Wilson said bluntly.

Suzanna immediately felt her stomach plummet from the unexpected statement. "I know," she said. "You ask me for my answer now?"

"Nay, not now. But I will ask for your answer to come before I leave. I do want you but I cannot wait forever, you must understand."

Three weeks. She had only three weeks to decide if she would marry him, or his offer would be taken from her. She had always liked the Duke - why was it so hard to accept his proposal straight away?

"I promise I will give you my answer in time," Suzanna finally replied.

"That is all I ask."

Suzanna studied her surroundings. The beautiful fields around her; the sun shining bright, though the days growing colder; the chatter of people and laughter of children. It was all so comfortable, and at once she wondered if she could do it. Could she ever truly bear to leave this place? This was home, it was all she had ever known. This place was safe and wonderful. Her family was here, and so were many memories. She would have to leave everything behind.

She looked at her siblings, now chasing each other with shouts and squeals. Inside her heart broke. She did not want to leave her home, but neither did she want to remain alone forever. If not Duke Wilson, who could she marry?

God, if there is someone else for me, please make it known soon. Time is running out...


This is the final straw; now you are just being creepy, Samuel told himself as he ghosted after Princess Suzanna. He had watched her leave until she was out of sight, and in an impromptu decision had decided to see where she was going.

He hid behind a building and stuck his head around the corner. She was there, laughing and talking to her siblings. Besides her stood Duke Wilson.

Samuel sighed. The Duke would be the one to hold Suzanna's heart. He had to let go of her - move on. But as much as he tried, he could not stop thinking or caring about Suzanna.

She had all the characteristics of a worthy noble - kindness, gentleness, humour, negotiation skills, strength, and determination. She was everything any man would want to marry.

What was the kind of man she wanted to marry? She had said she would marry someone of different status if she loved them. What made a girl fall in love? If Suzanna did not choose Duke Wilson, could she ever possibly choose Samuel?

"What are you doing?" someone asked in an amused toned. Samuel jumped and turned around to see his comrade and fellow knight, William.

"Nothing," Samuel immediately answered. William poked his head around the building then looked back at Samuel.

"Looks like you were spying on the Princess to me," he quipped.

"Why would I do such a thing?" Samuel asked innocently. William poked his head around the corner once more.

"I do not trust that Duke," he muttered, seemingly mostly to himself. Samuel frowned.

"What do you mean?"

"There is just something off about him. Maybe I am being paranoid - it is probably nothing. Though spying on them probably is not the worst idea you have ever had."

Samuel looked at the Duke who was politely offering Suzanna his arm. "He seems innocent enough to me," Samuel admitted.

"That's the problem. He is too formal, too polite and calm. It makes me feel like he is the master of a game and we are all falling into place exactly where he wants us. He has only been here a week, but look how fast he has charmed those that he speaks to. It is... unnatural."

"You are concerned for the Princess?" Samuel asked, his heart skipping a beat at the thought of something happening to Suzanna.

"I am concerned... but for whom, I do not know," William answered. He turned around and took a step away. "We should go."

"But you just said-"

"I know, I know," William interrupted with a smile and roll of his eyes. "But there are many people around today, they are not on their own. Nothing can happen while they are so in the open. The Princess will not appreciate us watching her if she discovers us."

"Ah, but how will she discover us," Samuel said mysteriously.


"Okay, fine," he sighed. "Do you think we should talk to her father or Tristan?"

"We have no evidence, only a hunch. There is no point," William explained. Samuel sighed again and pushed himself away from the building. William's statement about the Duke had put Samuel on edge - he wondered if he would be able to relax at all while the Duke was staying.

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