Broken Wings -Volume One: You...

By edieduard12

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Everyone believes in something, Gods, aliens, demons, ghosts... but there are some of us that believes in AN... More

-Chapter I: Stormy Night-
-Chapter II: Make a Wish-
-Chapter III:The Flight of the Unpaired Wings-
-Chapter IV: In The Light of The Cold Sun-
-Chapter VI: The Angel Within-
-Chapter VII: The Sharp Claws of a Forgotten Past-
-Chapter VIII: Stray Soul-
-Chapter IX: The Blood of The Destiny-
-Chapter X: The Beginning Is Where We End-

-Chapter V: Crashing Waves-

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By edieduard12

Have you ever wondered how would be like to be the rocks on the beach? You could stay there, watch every day the colorful dawn and twilight every day as the Sun comes and goes. The beautiful waves of the ocean coming and crushing, and the droplets of the water coming onto your face, cooling you off in a hot day. But, as the world, the sea isn't always quiet. The strong wind, the storm, the lightnings, the killer waves...come, and they always will. The waves of the storm, the stormy waters, have always a big force, and they try to move you away from them, to go over you, to do everything just to come and destroy a shore, and everything that is on it, and the only thing that stays between them and the mass destruction of everything you love and try to protect is just you, and you don't have to move at all, because if you do, everything will be erased. You don't have to give up, you don't have give in, because if you resist a wave, there will be more to come, and you have to stand tall. Would you be that rock? Think about it!

The poor Kieron was heartbroken, his love lied to him, he killed someone and now he is cursed for life to be a dark angel. He hadn't been speaking for weeks with anyone, just him and his depression. His depression was digging deeper into his soul, like an excavator looking to get all that is good underground and take it away. In the Night of the transformation, alone, on that skyscraper, he took a piece of the darkness around him and formed himself a knife. The sadness was whispering and whispering and whispering..."DO IT!". He almost did it, but right on the edge, he knew that if he had done that, he would have deserved his place between the dark angels.

He went always down to take the breakfast, he was barely speaking to his dad, took his meal and then ran away before his friends arrived to go together to school. He always decided to get to school through the Angels' dimension, so no one will speak to him. He was always first in class, right when the teacher was ready to start the class. He didn't make a single noise in any class for weeks, he was sitting there like a voice recorder, the information was captured, processed and could be reproduced, but not any other word of the ones recorded. After every class he got out the first after the teacher and ran on the hallways so no one would speak to him. The girls one day tried to get him, but they couldn't, they followed him and then he entered inside of an empty classroom. The girls tried to enter too, but he had disappeared before them. The Girls couldn't see him, but he could from the other dimension.

"Where could be Kieron right now?" said Claire very worried for her friend.

"I don't know, he has just's very strange..." said Amanda, really scared by how Kieron vanished in thin air.

"I am really worried for him, we haven't spoken with hims since that night at the club. Why is he hiding away from us, we were always here for him..." said Roxy, looking like she was staring right at Kieron, like she could see through him, "always!". Kieron's necklace started glowing when she was looking right at him.

"I think we need to go or we will be late to the next course..." said Claire.

"Yeah, we lost him another time... let's go..." said Mary very disappointed because she couldn't speak to Kieron.

They got out of the class, and right behind them was Roxy, looking very disappointed dat him, and then she closed the door. Kieron got down on his knees and started crying, he didn't know how to tell them. He was scared they would think he was a freak, a monster, especially when he got dark wings. Even if he had wanted to tell him, he wouldn't have done that, he was so too sad to tell anyone. Everyday after school, he would fly to the beach at the end of the day to see the sunset. He liked the colors, the smell, the water at his feet. He was always in our dimension, because he wanted to hide his wings from anyone to see.At that moment he felt like the Sun is the only thing that would be there for him, because no matter what, it would be always there the next day. He thought his life was over, he had never wanted to do bad things or make other do bad things. Every time he looked into a mirror he saw a dark himself, and his dark wings will always remember what he did in that night. It passed two months until one day, when somethings was going to change. He woke up in that day, he barely could stand up due to his long days of crying and being alone, it was something usual for him lately. The sadness was sitting next to him, and in those moments, it was the only one who there for him, and it was understanding him. He went downstairs, ready to grab his breakfast.

"Kieron, are ok? We haven't spoken to each other other lately?" said Kieron's dad, worried about him.

"I am ok dad, I've been a little...tired...lately." said Kieron, very evasive.

"You know, if there's something else you want to talk about, I am here for you son, and always I will be!" said Frank, holding his hand on Kieron's shoulder.

"Thanks dad, but I need to go now, we will talk later." said Kieron on his way to the door, broken inside because he was hiding from him.

"Ok, bye son!" said Frank, knowing something happened with his boy.

Kieron rapidly got out of the house and he went in the back garden, to transform and get in the other dimension. Not much time later, Frank heard some knocks in the front door, so he went there and opened it.

"Hello Mr. Sumner,  is Kieron home?" asked Claire, along with the squad.

"I am sorry girls, he has just left ten minutes ago..." said Kieron's dad.

"We wanted to speak with him. The truth is, something has happened to him, because he didn't want to speak with us." said Mary.

"I felt like something might have happened to him, but I wasn't so sure. Do you know what is it all about?" said Frank, quite curious of what were the girls going to say.

"We are not so sure, but it's been three months since we last talked to him, and we need to find out what is going on Mr. Sumner, he's our friend!" said Mary. In that moment Roxy could contradict her, because she knew something. Something she was afraid to tell the others. Even herself was not so sure about what she knew, she was still believing that it was just her imagination.

"We want to ask you something, sir. Could we come to the dinner? We might talk to him if he doesn't expect us to come." said Amanda.

"Ok, we usually have the dinner at 7 PM. I'll be looking forward to seeing you there." said Frank.

"Thank you Mr. We do really appreciate your help!" said Claire to Kieron's dad.

"No problem girls!" said Frank.

Kieron got to the school, ready for his first class with Mrs.Rose. The girls entered in class 15 seconds before Mrs.Rose. The class started. The girls were looking at Kieron, they saw him seeming like all of soul was drained out of him.

"Good morning class! Is everyone fine?" said Mrs.Rose.

"Of course teacher!" said the entire class, except Kieron, who was sitting at his table with his mind in the other end of the world. Mrs.Rose saw him, she knew him so good and she rapidly observed his depression that was like a big stone on his heart.

"Kieron, is everything ok?" asked Mrs.Rose, looking straight into his eyes.

"Yeah, everything is fine, why shouldn't it be?" responded Kieron, looking right into her eyes, very serious, convincing and very sharp, almost looking like there was not happening to him. In the mind of a normal guy, he would have been fine, but Mrs.Rose is a woman who knows people, especially the close ones, and she knew that he was lying.

"Kieron, may I have a word with you after the class?" said Mrs. Rose.

"Is there any problem?" asked Kieron.

"Not at all, I just need to talk something with you. Do you mind, Kieron?" said Mrs. Rose.

"Not at all, we may have a word." replied Kieron. In that moment the girls saw that as an opportunity to speak to Kieron.

In that moment Roxy rose her hand up to speak to the teacher.

"Yes Roxy, is there anything you want to tell us?" said Mrs.Rose.

"Yes Mrs. Rose, may we have a word too after the class?" asked Roxy.

"Yes, after I finish talking to Kieron, I will talk to you." said Mrs. Rose. Roxy was disappointed because she wanted to speak with Kieron after the course, but then he would disappear again after they were finished talking.

The class ended, Kieron stayed in the class to speak with Mrs. Rose.

"Kieron, what is going on with you?" said Mrs. Rose.

"Nothing at all..." said Kieron very evasive.

"It's very clear that something is tormenting you, and you won't talk to anyone about it. But I am here for you Kieron, you could tell me and no one else would find out about it?" said Mrs. Rose.

"I wouldn't really talk about it..." said Kieron looking down on the ground with a sad look. Mrs. Rose saw that and she felt something coming from him.

"It's about that boy, isn't it?" said Mrs. Rose, looking at the table and putting her hands on it. Kieron looked at her and didn't say a thing, wondering inside him how could she know it.

"Mrs. Rose... there's more things happening to me, way over your power of understanding and processing things...", said Kieron sweating out and looking a little bit panicked, his heart was beating faster, "At first, I couldn't believe it myself too, but some things...are more complicated than we could possibly imagine!"

"Kieron, I don't like to be colloquial, but...", said Mrs. Rose getting up on her feet, "Try me!"

Kieron didn't know what to do, his mind was going back and forth, up and down and from left to right, searching the answer of whether or not telling the teacher about his true self. The mind can be very tricky sometimes, what would you chose between lying and protecting someone you love from the killing truth, or tell the truth and make the ones you feel close to feel like all they knew all their entire life was a complete lie. Hard decision, isn't it?

"It's about Mike...", said Kieron with a low voice, letting his sadness to be seen, "He lied to me, after I said that I loved him..."

"Oh, poor you... I am really sorry...Come here!",  said Mrs. Rose, giving him a hug, "Listen, I know it's hard, but you will find very soon someone who deserves you, I am sure about that!"

"Thank you Mrs. Rose! May I leave now?" said Kieron looking very hurt inside.

"Yeah, of course Kieron!" said Mrs. Rose, feeling a pity for him.

"Thank you!" said Kieron, heading to the door.

"No problem, and Kieron, before you leave, try to go in a library, maybe a good book could help you!" said Mrs. Rose smiling. Kieron remembered in that moment about the Angels' library, and he thought he could maybe found something about the history of angels.

"Thank you Mrs. Rose, I'll go right after the school!" said Kieron leaving the room. The moment he closed the door behind him, his necklace started glowing. Apparently, he didn't chose the white or the black here, the truth or the lie, he chose the grey, the middle way, not the real problem, but also not a lie.

The problem that was messing up with his head was the necklace. He didn't know if it was a mystic object or just his imagination combined with premonitions, but there was a sure thing, that necklace was protecting him.

The day continued on. Kieron had all his other classes. In every break, each one of the girls tried to get to him, but he would always disappear. After the Algebra class, Mary followed him on the hallways, Kieron took the right, so did Mary, but she was too slow, Kieron disappeared. Claire saw him after he got out of the gym, but he disappeared again. Amanda saw him after the Biology class, but he entered in an empty classroom. She entered there too, but he was not in there. She couldn't believe her eyes. Roxy saw him after the History class, but it was the last course, so the entire school finished the school. She lost him in the crowd. None of them succeeded in getting in touch with Kieron, he was still the "Hide & Seek Master"! Who could uncrown a king who is always untouchable?

Kieron is flying in the Angels' dimension, seeing the other white angels flying around looking very despising at him, juste because he was just a dark angel. He could all the hate on their eyes. Inside him, he understood them, he is grossed by himself too, but should he be? Kieron saved the person he loved, with a big price indeed, but he would have felt destroyed if he hadn't done something when he could. The other angels' look made him fly faster with his black wings. He finally arrived to the library. When he entered inside, his wings turned in grey. He finally didn't see his fathers. No one looked at him differently, everyone was just looking for lecture. He was flying around the shelves, looking for books. He found a book which was very interesting to him, "The History of Angels". When it was ready to take it from the shelf, the book fell down to the ground. He slapped himself on his forehead, and than he flew down to take it back. He was going to take the book, but someone picked it up before he did.

"I think this is yours..." said a brown haired angel, looking straight to Kieron's eyes with a big smile on his face.

"Thank you..." said Kieron, smiling too, a little bit shy.

"No problem, just try to take care next time, this books are centuries old. And that being said, I am Daniel!" said the angel with grey wings.

"Nice to meet you, Daniel! I am Kieron!" said Kieron, shaking Daniel's hand.

"Good choice, this book is one of my favorites too. How come I did not see you around here before?" asked Daniel, very curious.

"Well, about 4 months ago, I found out that I am an angel, and I was transformed. I was here just one time, and I thought I should come here for answers about us, and maybe to find a good book to dive into." said Kieron.

"Nice to see another book worm! I spend almost every day here. I just don't have many people in my life, they would all run away from me, but the exciting world of the books is just the get away I need." said Daniel, a little bit hurt inside because of his loneliness.

"I feel you...", said Kieron sad because he needed to be distant to the others, looking on a side, to not allow Daniel to see him sad, "I am a big books fan."

"Cool, I guess we can see each other around here!" said Daniel smiling and showing some kind eyes.

"Yeah, I think we could!" said Kieron smiling.

"Ok Kieron, see you later, I'll let you savor the book! See you around, bye!" said Daniel, flying away.

Kieron was happy, he met someone who, maybe, could understand him. But, a bit after Daniel's departure, he felt sad. He remembered about the time he felt the same about Mike, and lots of question bumped inside his head, "Is he straight?", "Is he maybe interested in me?", "Will happen the same with Daniel, like what happened with Mike?", "Do I want to be his boyfriend or just his friend?". Just the time could answer those questions, but the bigger question is: "Is he ready to get over what happened with Mike?"

"Maybe I need to read the book first and after make consciousness processes..." said Kieron inside his head. He flew to a table with the book in his hands, ready to dive into the lecture. The hand was covered in dust and Kieron blew the dust off. The pages were yellowish, the years were not kind to it. The cover was red and the ages were made out of gold. Every single page was hand written, and there was some paintings from place to place. He started from the beginning, and he read it out loud inside his head.

"From the beginning of time, the angels were the protectors of the universe. Like most planets have their natural satellites, so does the vivid worlds all-around the universe. The jewel of this solar system is the Earth, and all the angels were there to protect the life upon it. In the start of life developing on earth, when the sun started shining and the darkness appeared in the shadow of light, all the angels had grey wings, ready to serve the earth, and they stayed at first on the moon, the perfect combination between bright and dark, shadow and light, good and bad, one half being always in the light and one half in the dark. But, the darkness wanted to take over the world, and cover it all in darkness. The angels were there to fight the darkness, but the darkness was stronger. It covered their minds and wings in dark, their only purpose was then to spread the shadow everywhere. The light was threatened, and it needed to do something, so it covered the wings of some angels in light, purity and kindness, and with the spark of morning those angels got white wings. The army of light and the army of the shadow were confronting, making victims. The number was rising, and every time an angle died, a grey one would have been captured against his will, and be transformed into another soldier. There was not grey angels anymore. The moon was furious and it used its power to transform five distinct angels into grey angels again. The angels met and holding hands, five magic necklaces united into a single one. The necklaces floated in the air, in the middle of the grey angels' circles, and started emitting a strong grey light. The light sucked out energy from the grey angels, and it threw grey light in the sky, in the middle of the war of the two armies. In the sky, the light exploded into tiny pieces that hit every angel on the battle field. All of them stopped from the fight. They turned around in a line, and with glowing eyes and in the same voice, in the same time, they said:'I am the Moon spirit! I've been here since the beginning, and I can not shut up anymore! The angels are here to protect this world from danger, but when you begun to take hostages into this fight without their will is where I say stop! I can not interfere in the fight with my forces, because that would mean that I am on one side, so, from now on, the angels will choose their side! The fallen angels are now here on the sky, as stars, their soul will purify from the darkness or the light, and they will come back down to earth, where they will have the first fifteen years of their life just a human body, but on their sixteenth birthday, they will get their wings, and they will be grey. Every good or bad deed they will do will change the color of their wings into a darker or a lighter shade of black, and when I will be in my full light, I will turn him into the angel he deserves! After he is turned, there is no turning back, for as long as he shall live. After he will be dead, he will become a star, and he will fall down after one hundred years, passing again the challenge. He won't remember anything from his past life, or who he was. And for the fight, there will be no more blood pouring down. Every human will have two angels upon him until that person is eighteen years old. You can persuade into doing whatever you want, and he can either accept it or reject it, and at his eighteenth birthday, the deed will be count and in the end one angel will guide him in his life. And, from now on, there is no flying as an angel in the human's dimension, this is forbidden! And now, all may begin!'.

The moon spirit left the bodies of the five angels, leaving their grey wings and making them protectors of the rules. The split into different parts of the world, and every one of them made his mystic objects, that could be used just by the blood of a grey angel. Those objects contained the power of the moon, and they could control water, wind, earth, fire, you could read minds, disappear, protect, repel from others angels, things that if it would have been combined in the wrong hands could destroy the natural law. So, when the "Grey fathers" found out the real power, they hid it in different places of both the humans' and the angels' dimension."

Kieron read this and he was amazed by what he found. At that moment, all his hope flew off like ash in the wind. He was hopping for another way of becoming a white angel, but apparently, he could not. He was going through the book, and having a sneak peek, he saw titles like:"The glorious revolution", "World War I", 'World War II" and many more. He looked at some of them and he realized that the angels are the cause of the most important moments of the History of human kind. And he was shocked that in the back of the most of the world's leaders stayed a dark angel. There were a few, like: Winston Churchill, George Washington or Simon Bolivera who had a black angel in their black, but the wouldn't listen to it. The angels are not the ones who can destroy our future, just we as human beings, and that's why we are superior to the animals, we can differentiate the bad from the good, and that way we can not be controlled by superior forces than us.

"How's your little lesson of history going?" said Daniel, surprising Kieron from his back while he was reading another chapter.

"God! You scared the crack out of me! Don't you over do this again!" said Kieron, exhaling faster and having his heart beating faster.

"I am really sorry...", said Daniel having a sad look on his face, "I didn't mean it, I wanted to make a joke, sorry"

"It's ok, but don't do it again." said Kieron, calming himself down.

"Did you find something interesting?" asked Daniel very curious of Kieron's reaction to what he read.

"I am really shocked! The biggest events of the History were caused by the angels? That is very messed up!" said Kieron, very amazed by what he found out.

"Well, there is more you need to find out. For example, do you know what is left behind when you take a piece of shadow or of light to form an arm?" said Daniel.

"I didn't pay attention to those details, I have used that power only two times in my life." said Kieron.

"Well, when you take, let's say darkness, behind will be left light. Because in order to accomplish the bigger goal in a violent way, the destruction you create will affect your target. You need to sacrifice a piece of the darkness or of the light when you want to destroy 'your enemy'!"

"So, is it about the price you need to pay to take a life?" said Kieron.

"The loss of a spirit needs to be compensated by something, even though is a less valuable price  for freeing a soul from his body." said Daniel, looking down on the ground with a sad face, like he remembered about something very disturbing for him.

"Are you ok?" asked Kieron, trying to connect to him.

"Yeah, everything is fine, really!" said Daniel showing a smile. Kieron knew there was something more, but he didn't want to force him to tell him something painful.

"So, can I ask you something?" asked Kieron.

"Yeah, let's hear it!"

"Do you know anything how could somebody change the colors of his wings?" asked Kieron with a low voice. Daniel looked long into Kieron's eyes, like he would be amazed by the answer.

"No, the only way is you to be dead, no other way." said Daniel, looking deep into Kieron's eyes. In that second, Kieron's necklace started glowing. Daniel observed it.

"Can I look at your necklace?" asked Daniel, looking at the piece of jewelry.

"Why?" asked Kieron, a little bit concerned.

"It is a mystical object! May I have a look?"

"I don't think it is a good idea..." said Kieron very evasive.

"Don't you trust me?" asked Daniel.

"It's not that i don't trust you, I just don't know you...", said Kieron with a low voice, "It happened one time that someone I trusted have destroyed something inside me, I'd rather get to know you better first."

"Well, it is ok, I wouldn't mind telling you about myself." said Daniel smiling.

"Well, good to know." said Kieron smiling too, and having some kind eyes.

"Go ahead! Ask me whatever you would like to know!" said Daniel.

"Well, what are your hobbies?" asked Kieron.

"Well, I love reading, music, writing, long walks with someone next to me, seeing movies from the human dimension, poems, art drawing, stuff like that. What about you?" said Daniel.

"Well, all of them are my hobbies too." said Kieron, feeling happy that he found someone like him.

"Haha, you are like me, but in miniature!" said Daniel laughing.

"Yeah, 'stuff like that'!" said Kieron laughing too.

"Hey, don't use my words, I have to fine you for my copyrights!" said Daniel.

"Ok, I will pay, but please son't put me in the jail!" said Kieron, acting sad just to be funny.

"Nope, is too late! Here is your sentence!", said Daniel with a low voice and seeming very serious , "The tickle punishment!". And so he started tickling Kieron. Kieron started having a laugh crisis.

"Ok, ok, I am done! I give up, you win!" said Kieron crying with tears of joy.

"Haha, I always do!", said Daniel with a little smirk on his lips, "And it is nice to have someone you can share some  moments with!"

"Yeah, I totally agree with you!" said Kieron. He forgot about his sadness when he talked to Daniel, it was like a big stone was taken off his chest, letting him to breathe properly. He had continued chatting for hours, but he realized later that it was the time to go home.

"Hey Daniel, I think I might need to go home, or I'll be late for dinner." said Kieron very sad, because he needed to go.

"Ok, no problem, we could continue our talk any day. I really enjoy your company!" said Daniel with a lot of joyfulness.

"Me too, and for sure I will come over here very soon." said Kieron.

"I'll be waiting for you! Bye!" said Daniel.

"Me too, good bye!" said Kieron flying to the door, looking at Daniel as he was fading away.

Outside had rained by the time he got out of the library. His wings were becoming black again down from the roots. He walked down on the stairs, and at the base of the staircase, there was just a little eye of water on the sidewalk. He passed on it and he splashed himself on his pants. "God!", he exclaimed. He looked down on his soaked pants, and he saw his black wings' reflection on the water's surface.

"Well, for a second I've forgot that I am messed up!" said Kieron, feeling the pain of his past deed. The look at his wings was more painful that the cut of a sharp knife on a open wound. His reaction will follow him for as long as he shall live. The white angels around were staring at him with a very threatening look. All that he wanted in that moment was to fly away. The storm started again, and he flew away. You could not distinguish the drops of the rain from his tears. He got to front of the house in the angels' dimension, all wet and crying. He went back to our dimension and went to the front door, wiping his tears away.

"Hey Kieron, you're home!" said Kieron's dad, welcoming him inside the house, something very unexpected from him.

"Hey dad...", said Kieron very evasive, "Are you ok? The last time you did that was when we had guests..."

"Well, I have a surprise for you!" said frank smiling.

"What for?" asked Kieron, slowly entering the dinning room. When he got inside he saw the girls sitting at the table. He had his eyes wide open.

"Hello Kieron!", said Claire with a serious voice, "We need to talk!"

Kieron blushed and vanished away upstairs. He went straight to his room and locked the door behind him.

"Kieron, open the door, we know you are in there!" said Roxy, strongly knocking in the door.

"Yeah Kieron, we need to talk!" said Mary.

He didn't want to see them, he was ashamed of himself for what he did.

"Kieron, don't make me open the door!" said Frank, very furious.

Kieron would open it, he didn't know how could he tell them what was happening him.

"Ok Kieron, you don't let me any other chance!" said Frank, unlocking the door. He opened it, and Kieron was gone, at least from this dimension.

"He is not in here..." said Amanda.

"It is impossible, I saw him getting inside here!" said Roxy very angry, kind of feeling like he is still inside the room.

"Maybe he is still in the closet, right?" said Mary very sarcastic, trying to make a joke.

"Haha, so funny Mary!" said Roxy, blinking and shaking her head in the Frank's direction.

"He is not in here! Come one girls, we lost our time, let's go to my house and have a slumber party." said Claire, very disappointed that she couldn't talk to him.

"Ok Claire! Thank you Mr. Sumner for letting us to come to dinner." said Mary.

"No problem girls, for me you are all welcome here. I am sorry that you couldn't talk to him." said Kieron's dad.

"Well, I know that wherever he is...", said Roxy a bit sad, "He can hear us when we say that he is our friend and we are not going to leave him alone, no matter what!"

"Well, I really hope he can hear this: 'We need you Kieron, we miss you!'" said Claire.

"I think it's time we left!", said Amanda, "Good evening Mr. Sumner!"

"Good evening, girls! take care!" said Frank.

"We will!" said Roxy, as the squad left the house. Kieron followed them to Claire's house. They got in Claire's room. The girls sat in a circle, and they started talking about Kieron. Kieron was there in the room, even if he didn't want them to know the truth, he still wanted to stay close to them.

"This day was a complete disaster!" ,said Claire, very angry of that day, "Not only the fact that we couldn't reach Kieron at school, but even at home? How could he disappear?"

"Yeah, it is very strange of him!", said Mary with a sad voice, "I really thought we are very close in the squad... If he is still angry about that night?"

"No, it is not that, for sure!" said Roxy.

"How could you know that?" asked Amanda very willing to know what was Roxy's opinion.

"Well, I think you'll think of me that I am foolish." said Roxy.

"Why would you say that?", said Claire very surprised by Roxy's thoughts, "You know that whatever you tell us we won't change our opinion of you!"

"Yeah Roxy, come on, tell us!" said Mary.

"Yes, tell us!" demanded Amanda.

"Ok, ok...", said Roxy inhaling faster, and after exhaling, "Kieron is right here in the room!"

"What?" exclaimed Claire, and leaving the hole squad shut. Even Kieron from the other dimension, was really stupefied by Roxy's words.

Roxy stood up, and she walked around the room.

"Kieron, I know what happened in that night, I saw you!", said Roxy, walking around the room, moving her arms everywhere in the air, and looking everywhere, looking like a crazy person, "I can feel you here and I know you can see us! Come to us, please!"

The girls were thinking she might have got crazy, that the distance between them and Kieron really broke something inside her. Kieron was scared to appear there, he was scared of what the girls would think about him. He was still wondering how could Roxy know that he was there. Kieron went to Amanda and whispered in her ear:"What did happen in that night?". Amanda took Kieron's suggestion with no hesitation.

"What did happen in that night?" said Amanda.

"Ok, I know it might sound crazy, but I am not!", said Roxy, still walking around the room, "Kieron is in this room!"

"But what did he do?" said Claire, being curios after Amanda asked her question.

"Kieron has wings!", said Roxy leaving the other with their mouths shut. "He can fly, and he was with Mike in that night kissing, and he killed someone, and...and...he was like, transformed, into a creature with dark wings!"

Kieron looked at her and he was in deep shock. How could she know all of that? That question was trembling Kieron. The girls didn't know what to say anymore.

"Roxy, are you ok? How could you think all of those things?" said Mary.

"I knew you would all think I am crazy!", said Roxy with the hands in her hair, "Kieron, please, come out! We are here, tell us the truth! Come and talk to us! Please..."

Roxy stopped from begging Kieron to come there, she thought that she imagined all the things by herself.

"No problem Roxy, come here!", said Claire, opening her arms up for Roxy to come there, "We still love you!". Roxy Enjoyed the warm arms of Claire, even if she was incredibly sad.

A strange wind started blowing in the room and papers started swirling in the air. The light were flashing like there was a power cut about to happen.

"What is happening?" shouted Mary with the wind blowing her hair in the face.

"I don't know!" shouted Amanda, trying to cover herself from the wind with a blanket.

The wind gathered in a spiral and a little spark of light exploded, revealing Kieron and his black wings in the room. The papers feel down on the ground and he landed on the floor. Claire, Amanda and Mary were all amazed, but Roxy knew all the time that he was there. Kieron retracted his wings inside of him, leaving just his human body to be seen by the girls.

"Kieron, is that you?" said Claire, opening her eyes and thinking that could not be possible.

"Yeah Claire, it's me..." said Kieron, feeling down.

"How did did you get in here?" asked Mary.

"Well, I was here all the time. I heard what you said, I saw what you did, I saw you all!" said Kieron, raising his voice up.

"Why didn't you show up earlier?" asked Amanda.

"I was afraid! I didn't know how to tell you that I am an angel...and even worse, a dark one!" said Kieron living a continuos pain.

"Firstly, how did you become an angel? And secondly, from all the people on earth, how did you become a dark angel?!" asked Amanda.

"I was an angel from birth, but the I got the wings at my sixteenth birthday. I had some scars on my back one day before, blood was pouring out of them, and the wings grew. And I got the black wings because of Mike! He was a dark angel and he tricked me into thinking that he is a white angel, and I feel in love... He was about to be killed, but I couldn't let him die like that...", said Kieron exhaling, "And I killed the one who was threatening him...right at the time of transformation..."

"Kieron, I am really sorry for you..." said Roxy.

"Roxy, how did you know I was here?" asked Kieron very curious.

"Yeah Roxy, how did you know?" said Claire, looking right at Roxy.

"Do you remember that night at the club? When I said I would go after Kieron?" asked Claire

"Yeah!" said the rest of the girls.

"What did you say?!" exclaimed Kieron.

"Let me tell you my story!", exclaimed Roxy, "Kieron, you ran away, I couldn't tell why, but I felt something inside me, and I felt like I need to follow you! I told you girls that I was going to the restroom, but I didn't, I went after Kieron. Kieron got out of the club, and so did I. I saw him in the middle of the alley, and I hid behind a dumpster. His wings got out of his back, ripping his clothes to make a hole through them, and out of there I saw that he had some grey wings, very whitish. And after he took them out, he disappeared in thin air. I sat down on the ground for two minutes and trying to process, but I couldn't understand anything, so I tried to walk around to clm down. I walked on the boulevard, and then I saw the moon getting out of the clouds and throwing light on an alley, like a spotlight ready to show something. I went over there, and in the light of it, I saw Kieron and Mike hugged, flying in the air with their wings wide open, and on the ground there was a dead white angel. In the air Kieron had his wings changed into black, so did Mike's. Kieron couldn't breath after he saw his wings black, he was so furious and he formed some kind of weapon out of the dark. He was ready to kill Mike, but Mike begged for his life, he said something, but I couldn't hear any word of their conversation. The storm started, Kieron was ready to stick a spear in him, but he couldn' he stuck it in the wall and he threw on the ground his poem. Kieron left the place, and I watched everything behind the corner of the alley. Kieron flew away, looking like he was cut wide open, and on the alley, there was Mike, reading the paper and crying, his pain could be read on his face. The last eye in the clouds closed, and the light of the moon couldn't pass through anymore, and when it did, Mike slowly faded away, having some kind of knife in his hand, looking like it was about to stick it in his chest. After I saw everything that had happened there, I started running to the club, and trying to understand what happened. I was in deep shock, and I have never thought that something like this could happen in the real life!", said Roxy, feeling like she was there, like she was watching every minute, every second, all over again.

"Kieron, did that all happen?" asked Claire.

"I am afraid, yes!", said Kieron, exhaling and having a low voice, "But I am still wondering how could it be possible?"

"Kieron, you are a freaking angel!", said Mary shouting, "And you are still wondering how could she possibly know about this? Really?"

"Yeah Kieron! You should at least explain us why you were running away from us!" shouted Amanda.

"Since I was transformed, I've been so ashamed of myself!", said Kieron taking a big breath, "I've never wanted to be a dark angel! When I was transformed into...this...I couldn't talk to anybody! I've been feeling for a long time that I am not the same person anymore, that everywhere I go, I'll do something bad! I wanted just not to feel guilty of destroying the lives of the people around me... The pain was too deep, too hard to take, and I didn't not want to hurt any of you!"

"Kieron, even if you were a white angel, or red or whatever color you want, you would be the same person for us! Nothing will change it! That's why we were looking so much to talk to you! You are our friend! Wake up!" said Roxy, holding him from his shoulders and shaking him while she was rising her voice up.

"Yeah Kieron, it is indeed true! None of us needs to be scared to be himself, no one!" said Amanda.

"Well, then...there is something I need to tell you too..." said Roxy with a low voice.

"Go on Roxy, we are all here for you too!" said Claire.

"I am gay!" said Roxy with a low voice, looking quite scared to the others.

"Welcome to the club, Roxy!" said Kieron hugging tight Roxy.

"Yeah Roxy! Welcome between the straight ones, except Kieron!" said Roxy laughing next to Amanda. Amanda hugged Roxy too.

"Yeah Roxy! We are so happy for you, that you finally come out to us, and I am sure you'll find the perfect girl!" said Claire. Roxy was happy that everyone was kind to her, but she was also sad, because Claire is the girl she would have wanted to have by her side.

Everyone hugged each other, they were all again together. It was a moment of joy in the squad. Kieron was ready to say something to them, something he was proud to say.

"Girls, I am so lucky to have you as friends! I shouldn't have thought that you'd reject me, I should've known that you would've been here for me! And I am so happy we are back again as a squad!" said Kieron.

"We are happy too that we are back together!" said Amanda.

"Let's get the party started! Who cares is midnight, let's get the neighbor shaken out from the bottom stone!" said Claire joyful.

The speakers were turned on and everyone was dancing. They were having fun. Kieron headed to Roxy, he wanted to speak something with her.

"Roxy, can we have a word?" said Kieron.

"Sure!" answered Roxy.

"How did you see all of those things?" asked Kieron.

"I do not know, all I know is that I felt I need to go after you. The moonlight kind of showed me everything, that I all I know."

"I forgot, when do you turn sixteen?" asked Kieron very curious.

"Next month, why are you asking me?" asked Roxy a bit scared.

"I was thinking that you might have been born in the same day as me. Nothing much, now, let's have some fun!" said Kieron.

"Yeah, let's do it!" said Roxy.

Kieron lied again. He knew for sure that her birthday was not on the same date as his. He was thinking that Roxy might be an angel to, and he didn't want to alarm her until he was sure about it. There was something that didn't smell right, but he was willing to find out how could she knew everything.

Even if not the tiniest part of him would admit it, he was scared of what Mike might have done with that knife after his take off. He lied to him ended, but Kieron still had feelings left there for Mike. Even if his words were lies, their kiss was the pure truth., and not even the best actor couldn't fake a moment like that one. When he was seeing his reflection, Kieron didn't see only his mistake, he saw the moment he left Mike and left behind all his feelings.

The party had ended by one o'clock in the morning. Papers everywhere, everyone was sleeping wherever they could, on the bed, on the ground, in the closet, and in that moment you could feel the fatigue post party. Kieron got up before anyone else, and he took his wings out. He got into the other dimension and flew away. He went straight to the library. He wanted to stay a bit alone. Between two shelves, sitting on the ground with his head on his knees and covering his head with both his hands, there you could find Kieron, a soul of contradictory. Is he a good soul stuck in a demon body, or there is another contradiction that might need to show up?

Flying around, there was Daniel, putting books back on their shelves. He was looking for other books to read, he couldn't find the one for him, so he got on the lane where Kieron was crying, and even if he was way up in the sky, a little sobbing sound could be heard from the ground. He flew closer to the ground. He saw Kieron there, all alone, and he was not ever expecting someone like Kieron to be crying. He flew next to him, and he touched him.

"Kieron, are you alright?" asked Daniel, having a sad face because he saw Kieron in that position.

Kieron rose his head, and with big tears pouring down on his face, he said:"Yeah, why shouldn't I be?"

"You are down here, crying by your own...", said Daniel, asking himself how could he cheer Kieron up, "What is trembling you?"

"I am a mess, Daniel!", said Kieron with a low voice while he was crying, "I am just a big mess!"

"You are not a mess!", said Daniel, wiping Kieron's tears away, "I can always tell!"

"Really? The only thing I can do is to destroy everything I love! I don't even know how could you be near me?" said Kieron, looking down in a single point.

"You are an amazing guy! How could you say that?" asked Daniel.

"I screw up, that's what I did, and now my hole life is completely destroyed!" said Kieron starting to blow his sadness from inside up.

"Come on, you have an amazing soul, and I think you are an amazing white angel!", said Daniel, holding his hands over Kieron's shoulder and showing a little smile.

"I am not a white angel!", shouted Kieron, taking away Daniel's hand. Daniel looked surprised at him and a little sad because Kieron took away his arm.

"I am so sorry Daniel! I didn't want to..." said Kieron, interrupted by Daniel.

"It's alright! I get you, you are mad.", said Daniel, holding Kieron again, "Hey, come here...", said Daniel, taking Kieron in his arms and letting him cry on his shoulder.

"What did you do to be transformed into a black angel?" asked Daniel, while Kieron got off his arms.

"Well, it is a long story..." said Kieron, looking down on the ground.

"For you, I have all the time in this world!", said Daniel, "Now, tell me, please!"

"Well, long story short, There was someone I loved, and who was threatened by a white angel. I couldn't let him be killed, so I...", said Kieron, inhaling deep, "I killed him..."

Daniel was surprised, almost shocked, but he understood his feelings.

"Kieron, no matter what you did in the past, it is gone!", said Daniel, "Look, I know it is hard to get over something, and I know it is even harder to look at yourself in the mirror, but the past can't necessarily change you way to live the future. Only you can destroy your future!"

"But how can I live my future fighting for the dark side?" asked Kieron sobbing.

"The only thing you need to know is:'How do I want to live my future?'" said Daniel.

"I've always wanted to help other people, people in need..." said Kieron a bit scared.

"And what does stop you? Your soul is the same, just the exterior is changed, but now you have the power to do more than you would have thought that you were capable of!", said Daniel standing up, "Now get on your feet, and go there and try to follow your purpose!", said Daniel, handing his hand to help Kieron get up.

"Thank you, that's what I'll do from now on!" said Kieron, hugging Daniel so tight. His spirit was up again!

Kieron flew home from the library. In his room, He took a black t-shirt, some black jeans with a black waist belt and some black boots. He carved out two holes on the back of his t-shirt for his wings, and he took a piece of silk band and carved out two holes for his eyes. He flew over the city, and he would look from the angel dimension at everything. He stayed on the top of a building, waiting to feel a disturbance in the world's balance. There, his necklace started glowing. He looked at the town, and he flew up, and disappeared in the human world, ready to solve the problems.

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