
By LetsBreatheWords_

141K 8.5K 5.8K

#16 in Spiritual (12/3/17) Her heart was silently twisted and scarred, Her tongue was tied and lips were seal... More

Distorted Dreams
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28- Part I
Chapter 28 Part II
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37

Chapter 7

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By LetsBreatheWords_

"You have the power within you to rise above whatever is seeking to bring you down." 

-Najwa Zebian

On the lawn swing in the late afternoon with her legs curled up, her hair tied in braid and in her long kameez and jeans, Daniyah was peacefully sitting with an Urdu novel, Mushaf in her hands, unlike the rest of her friends who loved to read as well Daniyah was one of the few who was was an avid fan of Urdu books and secretly she enjoyed them more, maybe it was the way they were written, or maybe they had the essence of home, or maybe how they somehow teach something about having faith in the Almighty. Gradually sipping on her coffee and turning the pages she was drowned in the world of stubborn yet a very hurt Mehmal, a charming and an intimidating police officer Humayun, a very caring and helpful sister Farishtay, deceitful relatives and the mercy of Allah and power of Quran.

She was drowned in her book so much that she didn't even noticed when the rest of her family joined her and her little niece was tucking on her shirt, asking her to pick her up. Keeping aside her book she smiled at the rest of her family as she picked a year old Inayah, her brother's daughter, setting the little girl with deep gray eyes on her lap, she kissed her cheeks and then involved herself with her family.

It had been months since Daniyah had joined the company and like every weekend she was enjoying every single moment of rest. After a long time she was remembering the value of weekend, picking up a sandwich from the patio table she chuckled at some old joke her father was telling and the rest of the family was laughing at it, at the same time she was feeding her niece who was slapping her hands to get the sandwich.

Laughing, smiling and remembering some old memories and even groaning as soon as her mother and sister-in-law start discussing the topic which were making her ears bleed, Daniyah enjoyed the evening and lived every moment of it. The family planned to have the dinner outside and it was told Daniyah to inform her elder sister and her husband so doing as told Daniyah went to her bedroom to pick out a proper outfit when her phone vibrated with a notification from Mohib. Daniyah who had turned on the notification for all her close friends now was regretting it, from last month Mohib had been actively posting pictures from Australia but today the picture he posted brought a nostalgic smile on her face. With a small, yet a caption she knew was from his heart, was a picture of three them on their first day at the university, after Mohib was pranked by their seniors, the three of them were resting or were more like hiding from their seniors when Janaan reminded that they haven't even clicked one picture on their first day and that's how the picture was taken. A passerby was handed the phone and they smiled widely, Daniyah was in the middle of the other two with her arms around their shoulders.

She left a comment on the picture and remembered how much she was missing their old meet ups and little moments, lately she hasn't got much time to spend with Janaan either and neither Janaan have been keeping up with her and the time they even talk it felt like Janaan was greatly stressed or was far away in another land and Daniyah was greatly worried about her, she even discussed this with Emaad but he ignored the topic like it was never raised. What was stressing Daniyah that not only Janaan was stressing herself she was also affecting her health, few days ago when Daniyah left office earlier to join her mother, mother-in-law and Janaan on one of their shopping sprees Daniyah was shocked to see that how pale her best friend was and the bag under her eyes were telling another story but on asking Janaan she pushed a tight smile and flatly lied.

The sad thing was Daniyah wasn't aware how far away the two of them are now, the agonizing reality was beautifully hidden from her eyes.

Daniyah found herself think about all the memories three of them had made together.


Janaan was sitting and waiting for the other two to join her for their lunch break, tapping her slender fingers on the table her eyes were running towards the entrance again and again while there was a thin layer of sweat on her forehead and she was continuously biting the corner of her lower lips.

"Thank God!" she heard herself sigh as she saw the two of them emerge from the crowd with a silly grin on their face. "What happened?" she whispered as Mohib and Daniyah took their place, one beside her and one across her.

"Mohib lost the bet and he is going to do whatever I ask him to," Daniyah smirked as she waved her phone in front of Janaan.

"You got it! I was scared!" Janaan jumped out of relief.

"I told you I will and just few words of apology and you have Ms. Haider forgiving you." she shrugged as she sipped on Janaan's coke.

"I thought she would watch the video and we are all gone."

"Baby there is something as pass code and I used my grades against her." she smirked as she passed Mohib two hundred rupees and asked him to get their lunch.

"So what is poor Mohib doing?" Janaan grinned as Mohib stood up but the said words made him stop and look at them, placing both her hands on the table and interlacing her fingers, Daniyah looked at Mohib.

"Back-flip in front of principal's office."

"Oh my God..." and Janaan burst out laughing while Mohib kept Daniyah's money back on the table and sat.

"You are batshit crazy."

"I have been called worse."

"Not happening,"

"Aren't you a chicken?"

"Dare me anything else!"

"I dare you to back flip in front of the principal's office."

"I don't want a termination letter, woman!"


"Come on Mohib! Do it we are already in last days of school," Janaan wickedly said while Daniyah kept smirking.

"If my dad found this out and my future children are at risk I swear I am going to rip your heart out of your chest." He seethed while the other two laughed at his threats, they knew he would do it, he was dared after all.

"Fine I knew you were a chick--" Daniyah was soon interrupted and she knew it was coming.


"So the plan is," The three of them sat again discussing their strategy.

Next day the three of them reached earlier to school then their usual time, they knew their principal was used to of going to her office before the assembly and then come downstairs and the time she was in her office the corridor was used to be completely deserted, till this everything was in their favor, now the only problem was the CCTV cameras and that's where Janaan comes in, she knew a student who was a good friend with the head of security, apparently the said student got the job for the scary, bulky guy who was abhorred by the students, so now the CCTV cameras were under their control too, at exactly 7:45 a.m Janaan and Daniyah hid themselves with their cameras near the principal's office, at exactly 7:50 the principal came with one of the peon carrying her bags. As they both entered the office with the door wide open.

Daniyah signaled Mohib to come up for the stunt dressed in his usual school uniform he just had an additional dark blue cotton hooded jacket, covering his head with the hood, he waited for the girls to stand firm on the right stair case while he was supposed to leave from the left one as soon as he was signaled again, he rubbed his hand, closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, he ran, jumped and flipped and in a second he was back on his two feet, they heard their principal yell and the girls flew down the stairs while he dashed towards the left and in almost inhuman speed he sped down the left stair case.

Breathing heavily the three of them met again on ground floor, behind the main school building.

"Mar gayai thay aaj!" Daniyah laughed as she heard Mohib, who was bent down with his hands on his knees and was looking at them with a triumph smile.

"Mar jayain gay if you won't take that jacket off!" Janaan quickly reminded after the three of them sobered.

"Oh shit!" Quickly peeling the hoodie off his body he rushed towards the bench and getting on it he threw the old piece of his clothing outside the school building as planned, to hide evidence from the school premises.

"That hoodie was my favorite piece of clothing. Remember that." He dramatically sighed as he reached where the two girls were waiting for him.

"Okay drama queen you are getting free lunch anyways! And not to forget you enjoyed doing it!" Daniyah punched him playfully as Janaan moved forward Mohib's belonging.

"Thanks!" He took the gown and wore it along with his badge of head boy.

"So head boy how was the back flip for you?" Daniyah smirked.

"Dude after this gown I almost forgot who I was!" He chuckled but then suddenly got serious, "Deputy report to head girl right this instant!" he said in mocked stern voice and then turned to Janaan, "Go and join your class!"

"Aye! Aye! Captain!" they both saluted and laughing they went for the assembly which was supposed to start in few minutes.


Daniyah wiped the lone tear which betrayed her as she smiled at the old memories, Mohib was continent apart and Janaan was away from her even being in the same city, it wasn't fault of neither one of them and at the same time they both were to be accused; they distanced themselves without a reason.

Locking her phone again she sighed as she pushed her hair from her face and looked at the dark sky outside, she was getting late but suddenly she just wanted hide herself under the duvet and close her eyes, for once she wanted to become oblivious but it wasn't in her bone. So locking the phone she placed it on the dresser and started to get ready, she was already being accused of making everyone late a lot of time.

Half an hour later she was dressed in a light green tunic shirt and jeans, applying a thin coat of moisturizer she went for minimal make up consisting of light shade lip gloss, kohl and mascara, tying her hair up in a pony tail she moved away from the mirror and picked up her cell phone which beeped right at the moment.

Let's meet tomorrow, I'll come to your office. -Janaan

A smile came across her lips as she read the text quite a few times.

I'll be definitely waiting. -Daniyah

Putting her phone inside her jeans pocket she switched off the lights of her room and went downstairs, all of a sudden the constant pain in her chest eased. Taking a place beside her father who was busy playing with Inayah, she smiled as she saw the two of them, soon becoming a part of their fun.


With scattered papers, pencil between her teeth, her hair up in a bun- without a care that they will get ruined months before her big day, ugh who cares?- cup of coffee on her table, she was continuously turning every paper upside down. This morning her father dropped a bomb shell asking about the data of last three months of all the interns and an hour ago a very stressed Daniyah realized that Mona, their newest perky but the most vulnerable skinny girl, with almost round nose did the biggest mistake and altered the digits under the work stress and after lashing out on her and only stopping when Daniyah realized that she would just burst into tears any minute she dismissed her but promising her that if the mistake would happen again she would be fired. Daniyah can't be the cold, heartless bitch they think she is.

"Dani," she jumped with a yelp but quickly placed her palms on her chest to calm her erratic heartbeat due to sudden interruption. In front of her was Janaan with her phone out clicking Daniyah's pictures but almost gave her a cardiac arrest too.

"Aani not cool!" Daniyah groaned as she eyed her best friend, who was dressed in a knee length cotton kurti along with leggings and her hand bag in her left hand. Today she was looking much better, a smile came across Daniyah's lips as she saw Janaan grinning at her.

"You look such a bossy little thing like this," Janaan smirked as she moved forward and placing her bag on the ground instead of the messy table she took the seat.

"Believe it or not for the first time I used the 'bossy' tone too, I regret it, but I have never been so under pressure."

"Why?" Daniyah quickly explained the matter but frowned as she saw Janaan genuinely smiling at her.

"I didn't know you will enjoy my misery." Daniyah complained wrapping her arms around her chest.

"I am not enjoying your misery I am just proud of your professional side," She smiled more widely this time, "What if I help you and we get out of this exhausting place and have a day."

"Sounds like a plan to me."

And that's how the two minds start working expertly and the work which would take hours was done and completed in couple of hours and at the mid day they both left the office.

"We still make a pretty good team," Janaan smiled once they sat in Daniyah's car.

"We will always make a pretty good team." Daniyah confidently smiled and squeezed Janaan's hand as they started their day.

Half an hour later they both strolled inside the cinema, the movie was surprise for Daniyah as Janaan already had booked the tickets.


"It's hall 3" Janaan smirked while Daniyah groaned and turned around but was quickly followed by Janaan who tucked on her arms with a pleading look.

"I am not watching such creepy faces!" Daniyah stood her ground.


"I heard its a fail."

"Will Smith and Cara," Janaan was whining like a kid earning them an audience and making Daniyah completely embarrass, glaring at her smirking best friend she reluctantly followed her inside.

"You'll pay for this," Daniyah hissed as she took her seat, while filling her mouth with popcorn Janaan quickly nodded.

"This is boring,"


"You wasted the money."


"Deadpool was--" and Daniyah zipped her mouth as she saw Janaan giving her a murderous look but now controlling her erupting laughter in a full house was harder, so quickly sipping on the coke she diverted her attention back on the screen.

After the movie Daniyah made Janaan agree for the late lunch as their stomachs were still growling so getting out of the cinema they drove towards the nearby restaurant as always they took the seat in a corner where they would have a needed silence for themselves, placing their orders the two of them caught up on everything which they missed in each other life in last one month till their food arrived, Daniyah was silently thanking Janaan to made this whole effort for her, her heart was at peace after so long, maybe after all she still has a part of her life which was constant. Janaan was there like always.

After their lunch the girls decided on a bit of their usual shopping spree, some for the wedding, some for just fun and basically looking around, going from store to store and checking through all the expensive to reasonable items they ended up with their hands full of bags, it was late in the evening that they finally decided to call it a day, they could still pull it but call from both their homes along their hurting feet weren't allowing it.

As the pair reached Daniyah's car the driver and the gaurd quickly took their bags and they both got inside.

"I really had a great day," Janaan tiredly said with a lazy grin as she rested her head.

"I didn't realize I was missing it so much, thank you." Daniyah agreed taking off her two inch heels and rubbing her soft but sore feet.


"Yeah?" she looked at her best friend who was looking at her with a weak smile and her eyes filled with slight sadness, "Are you okay?" Daniyah worriedly asked as she took Janaan's hand in hers.

"I am... I am fine," Janaan smiled taking a deep breath, "Daniyah I want you to promise me one thing,"

"Okay?" Something told Daniyah that Janaan is going to ask something big with the way she was looking at her.

"You are marrying my brother, I am happy," Daniyah looked at her and she knew how much her eyes were defying her statement but she stayed quiet and let her best friend speak, "You both mean a world to me, you are equally important to me as my brother and my mother," Daniyah now noticed how genuine Janaan's eyes were but she also didn't ignored how she didn't mention her father, "You both are adults and I know no marriage is rainbows and sunshine like every rose this will have it thorns too, I am not saying go easy on my brother, don't do that, be fierce, be the Daniyah I know, but Daniyah promise me no matter what happen between you and bhai, no matter how hard or how good things are that should never, I mean it, never ever affect us, I don't want to lose you, you are a major part of my life and I fear that I am going to lose that--"

"Ya Allah! Janaan that would never happen. You and I were before that and nothing would ever have affect it."

"Promise me."

Janaan looked at Daniyah, pleading with her eyes and quivering lips, her hands were becoming sweaty in the air conditioned car, they both didn't care that the guard and driver were right in front of them and they had listened everything, Daniyah wrapped her arms around Janaan.

"You are my sister, doofus. Nothing is changing that."



Early update! I have no university for fifteen days so be ready for a lot of Daniyah tims :')

I hope you guys are enjoying the book so far! Can't wait to hear from you guys!

Spread. Comment and Vote.

Till the next time...


Zehra :)

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