Light (Ashton Irwin) {Complet...

By sparklelikeaunicorn

226 9 2

You fall in love, and then you fall out. It's nothing you can fix. You lose people, and pray for them to come... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 13

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By sparklelikeaunicorn

Ashton's POV
"Guys, she's coming!" Stryker yelled and we started playing. Over the weekend the three boys, Michael, Luke, and Calum, decided to become a band. We wanted Stryker to be a part of the experience so he's our manager.

When we came together, we kinda just started playing Green Day. We played a few other songs, but decided to finally write our own.
We started playing our song, unpredictable, that Calum wrote at 3:00 in the morning.

We were just playing when Stryker opened the garage door. There and behold stood Amanda. She was standing there, looking stunning. She was confused about what song it was until she shrugged. She eventually listened to the lyrics and nodded her head to the song.

When we finished, we were all really sweaty. "I like your guys' song, it's really good." She tells us smiling her bright smile. Her phone rings soon after that, she looked at her phone and smiled. "I gotta go, but I'll see you guys later?" She says before leaving.

"Do you think she understood the meaning?" I ask the guys as my Dream girl walks away. "Only time will tell." Michael says patting my back.
Amanda's POV
"It took less than an hour, can't get enough of me Gettings?" I tease going upstairs to my room. "Well yeah, I can never get enough of my girlfriend." He says causing me to giggle.

"Did you know your little sister is going on a date this Sunday?" I ask Andrew. "No, but now that I do I will be asking her about it." He says making me laugh.

"Hey, you and I should go to the Halloween party this Saturday." I tell Andrew. "Yeah, that's a great idea babe. Wanna go costume shopping quick?" Andrew asks.

"Yeah, come pick me up in twenty minutes?" I ask. "Will do, see ya then." He and I both hang up, I quickly freshen up before I hear Andrew honk his horn. I grab my wallet and phone before heading out to his car.

I feel the boys' eyes on me as Andrew picks me up. We both lean over the seat and share a kiss. When we both pull away, we smile. We hold hands as Andrew drives us to tie costume store.

"We should go in a couple costume." I tease and he Andrew laughs. "Then maybe guys will understand your taken." He says causing us both to laugh. We hurry into the store hand in hand. We both find a costume idea we don't despise, Minnie and Mickey Mouse.

"Wait, we should go as a prince and princess." I tell him and he nods. "How about Cinderella and her Prince Charming?" I say finding both costumes next to each other. "Perfect." He says giving me a quick kiss. We both pay for our costumes before going to get some dinner.

"Your gonna look perfect next week, I mean your already my princess." Andrew says causing me to blush. We go to a nearby sandwich shop and order two subs. We sit down and eat before Andrew takes me home.

"Thank you for being my prince." I tell Andrew once we're both in his car. "Thank you for being my princess." He says kissing my hand. When we reach my house, I give him a quick kiss before heading inside with my costume.

"So, what are you and Andrew going to be for Halloween?" Dalton and my dad both ask when I get inside the kitchen. "Cinderella and her Prince Charming." I say holding back a blush.

"Aww." My dad and brother say at the same time causing me to laugh. "Thank you." I say turning around to face them. "Dal, what are you and Linc going as?" I ask ask he shrugs.

"He wants us to do a couples costume but I don't know what him and I should go as." Dalton says shrugging. "Anyways, did you know the boys are performing at the party?" Dalton asks and I shake my head.

"Nope, I haven't really talked to them since Andrew and I started dating. The one I have really is Stryker." I say shrugging. "Well, I should head to bed. Night." I say after kissing both my brother and father's cheeks. "Night baby girl." My dad and brother say at the smae time.

I head upstairs and jump in the shower. Once I'm finished I brush my hair and change into my pajamas. I lay down in bed and fall asleep after texting Andrew goodnight.
"Guess who?" I hear a male voice ask as I'm talking to Stryker. "If it's Harry Styles my life just became one hundred times better." I say making Stryker chuckle. "Well, if your boyfriend is Harry Styles." I turn around in Andrews arms and hug him.

"Nah, my boyfriend is Andrew Gettings." I say laughing. "Aww, now I feel better." He says after I give him a quick kiss. The four boys join us at the lunch table. "Guys, I'd like you guys to finally meet Andrew. Andrew, these are some of my closest friends. Michael, Calum, Luke, and Ashton. You already knew Stryker." I tell him and he nods. "Well hi, I'm going to guess Stryker and Amanda have told you some things about me."

"Yeah, all good things." Michael says. "So, what are your intentions with our dear Amanda?" Calum asks, I hold in my giggle at his question.

"Well, with your best friend consent, even though I have her dad and brothers, may I date Amanda?" Andrew asks sounding overly official, causing me to giggle. I lean back on Andrew since he has only one leg under the table. He holds me close to him.

"You have my consent, what do you others say?" Calum says. The other boys study him over until they give him a thumbs up, Ashton's looking more painful than the rest. "Yes, now I'm allowed by everyone to date you." Andrew says, stealing a quick kiss causing me to smile.

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