The Gangster's Girl (Process...

By Ironically_

373K 6.7K 278

Cover By ArabelleWinchester "Please Jack, I'm sorry," I begged him. I knew I looked like shit while he looke... More

Chapter 8: ice pack
Chapter 9: You voice may say something but your eyes saying something else
Chapter 10: haha your soooo funny
Chapter 11: Katie
Chapter 12: Truth or joke?
Chapter 13: I. Don't. Need. Help.
Chapter 14: I'm so confused it makes me want to die in a hole
Chapter 16: I need to stop with the lists!!
Chapter 17: I'm not good at this ok?
Chapter 18: Ok, that sounded way more dramatic than it should.
Chapter 19: Australian Dingo
Chapter 20: Me dead? Yeah right, I'm a freakin' ninja.
Chapter 21: Dead on the dance floor
Chapter 22: Last time I watched that I pee myself every time I was in the dark.
Chapter 23: Cookie dough coffee
Chapter 24: Well, this is clichΓ©.
Chapter 25: Tires bullshit!

Chapter 26: The race is on.

9.4K 239 33
By Ironically_

Chapter 26: The race is on.

            To say the nerves are getting to me would be an understatement. I took a deep breath as I propped a leg up on my car. That right my car, Jingo gave it to me as a Christmas/birthday present. So now he doesn’t ever have to get me something. I looked up at everyone faces. Trish and her boyfriend Marc showed up late last night.

            The vroom of an engine pulled all of us out of our deep thoughts. A cherry red car pulled up with three black SUVs behind it. He brought back up? What the hell is wrong with him? He brought back up? I quested again. What a pansy.

            The door slammed to the car and two men stepped out. One is a younger man that I seen from school; he used to hang out with Jack and the boys.  I think his name is Conner. An older man stepped out of the car with sunglasses covering his cold eyes. I instantly knew who he is. The boss man also known as Katie’s jackass of an uncle.

            The men stepped out of their SUVs with loaded guns in their hands. Well I guess I am going to die today. I bet even if I win their going to shoot me as I cross the finish line.  I saw the rest of my friends eyeing the guns and men.

            “What are they doing here?” Max asked stepping in front of Jess. She ended coming home with us two night ago.

            Conner smirked, “How could we trust you when you betrayed the gang? You let you’re pity feelings get in the way of the gang.”

            “I found a girl who I cared about and she wasn’t family. I am and going to protect her,” Jack said, “What’s so wrong with that?”

            “Everything is so wrong with it,” Mr. Boss man said.

            “Let’s stop having a tea party and get to the racing,” I said.  All eyes turned to me in shock. True be told I am shocked that I actually had the guts to say something.

            “Alright let’s go,” Mr. Boss man said as he slid into his seat of his car. I nodded my head before opening my door. A hand snatched the door as I tried to close it. My eyes shot up to Jacks.  He gave me a lazy smile but I could tell he is nervous.

            “Be careful, babe,” He murmured looking at the cherry car.

            “Always am,” I said with a straight face. Lie.

            “Lie,” He stated, “Just be careful for me, please.”

            “Will do. Meet you on the other side of the line.” With that I rode up to the graffiti while line.  Trish stood in the middle of both cars with a blue hanker chief in her hand. Grinning she spoke three words that will forever change my life.

            “Ready? Set. GO!” Trish yelled. Both cars jerked as we hit the gas and started switching gears. Mile run, that’s all it is. Whoever can get to the other side the fastest wins, easy but life threatening. My life depended on this car.

            I felt him run into my back end. That ass! He did not just touch my car! I pressed the cold metal even farther down if it could go down anymore. I looked in my review mirrors to see how much in front of him I was. Only a few feet were left from the back end to the beginning of his car.

            If I kept this distance up I could win. I could feel him gaining on me. I know he is going to hit my end again. I switched gears again watching the finish line that just came into view. I have about twenty feet left and he is gaining on my fast. I pounded my thumb on the little red button that was rest on the steering wheel. I felt the Nos kick in as I am slammed against my seat.

            Back in the lead I crossed the finish line with the biggest smile on my face. I won! I actually won! OMG! I felt a rush of happiness in my chest. I skidded to a stop and in less than three secants my car was surrounded by screaming people. And these people are my friends. I jumped out of the car.

            Jack imminently wrapped his arms around me and spun my in a circle. I laughed and rested my head on his shoulder. This is a picture perfect moment. I grinned.

            “Congrats Alana, you will never see us again,” Mr. Boss said staring at me with his sunglasses off. 

            “Good,” I told him with a smirk planted on my rosy red lips.

            We watched as he packed his men into their SUVs and he stormed off into his car with Conner hot on his trail. We watch in silence as they pulled out and made their way back to LA, California.

            “So babe, where do you want to go now?” Jack asked as he rewrapped his arms around my waist.


            “Brazil?” Jingo asked as he looked at me with raised eye brow. Just now I noticed a ring in his eye brow. I feel extremely dumb. How could I not notice that he had his eye brow priced?

            “Hell yea Brazil,” Katie said as she gave me a knowing look. I just grinned at her. Out of all places in the world I want to go to Brazil and she is the only one who has a clue why. For now that is.

            “Why?” Max asked, his eye brows and lips frowning in confusion.

            “What is my favorite movie?” I asked as I turned to look at Jack. He better know this or else I just might make Mr. Boss man turn around and have him shoot Jack for me. Jack scratched the back of his head and sent me a sad apologetic look. I gawked at him. He has to be kidding me! We watched all of the movies together!

            “Fast and the Furious,” Jack blurted out as I was about to bitch him out for not knowing. He sent me a sly grin. I couldn’t help but smile back at him.

            “Correct me if I’m wrong but I do recall one taking part in Brazil. The fifth to be correct,” I stated grinning at him. He just nodded at me and smile.

            “Guess we are going to Brazil, moutherfuckers,” Jingo yelled as he popped open a Winsor bottle. I grinned and stole the bottle from him.

            “To Brazil and life lasting friendships and lovers, cheers,” I said taking a gulp and passing on the bottle. Everyone took and gulp and grinned like cats that all held the same dirty secret. Jack bent down and kissed my lips with a short peck.

            “To lovers,” he said grinned at me. He sent a wink my way that made my heart beat a little faster.



The end!!

I want to thank everyone that has read this book. I want to thank you all for putting up with my horrible writing skills.

U all are the best!!!

Love you all!!

 thx so much for all the votes and comments, ever time there is a comment it makes my day even if its short and choppy.

Thank you, thank you!! Love u <3

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