The Hybrid's Assassin

By matteblackheart

86.1K 2.8K 353

He was cold, but she was worse. The weight of her fractured past was too heavy for her to bear alone. And sh... More



4.5K 164 15
By matteblackheart

I knew that to escape I would have to trick his senses. However I wasn't sure exactly how to do so. Stealing a car was out of question, or trying to hide in one once again was also no longer an option, especially after my previously failed attempt. Recently, the garage had been locked, and I'm pretty sure that I know exactly why.

Now I know that nobody would help me escape, after Flinn expressed how badly Domitius would act against people who had willingly or accidentally assisted me to escape. I quickly came to the conclusion that I had no choice but to flee through the forest.

But I didn't know the forest. I didn't even know precisely where I was, for all I know, running in the wrong direction could lead to cliffs. I needed as much time as I could get myself.

"Luca?" I asked, knocking on his office door. It hadn't taken me long to find the office corridor on the top floor, and this door had Luca's name quite literally on it.

"The door's unlocked!" He called, and I slowly pushed it open with my hand, rather cautious to see what was inside.

Inside was Luca, leaning over a mountain of paperwork with a red pen tucked behind his ear and a black pen in his hand. He was sitting on a wooden chair that looked like something he had got from the kitchen with it's unoffice-like style and his desk was a dark black.

I slowly stepped inside, working my way over to the leather chair that was placed in front of the desk.

"Hola," I began. "What's with the mountain of paperwork?"

He looked up at me with tired eyes before looking over to a clock on the wall. 3 am.

"Well you see, Domitius has a lot of paperwork to do throughout the day." He yawned and stretched his arms above his head. "And yesterday he didn't really get any done. Early that morning, he had a meeting with the Gamma and I, and then he went after you because you'd done the whole escape thing." He yawned again. "And then he went out to lunch with you. And then when we finally finished our meeting, the guards sent out an alert, so we followed them to see what they would get up to. And then, Domitius ran off because he realised that you wanted to leave him. And he's been gone since so god knows what he's up to."

He sat down his pen and smiled at me.

"So yeah, Domitius has left behind a lot of paperwork, which I as the Beta am left to sign in his absence."

I nodded slowly. "So why don't you wait until he gets back?"

Luca sighed. "You see, the thing is that Domitius will probably collapse for a few hours once he comes back, it's not really common, but it's not really rare for him after he's had an emotional breakdown of sorts. I've only seen it happen three other times in all of the years I've known him, but considering what kind of an effect you have on him, i reckon he'll be knocked out for ages."

He chuckled silently to himself.

"Domitius is weird in that way, he'll go a century or two being stone cold and without a care in the world, then one day will be so emotionally strained that he just drops. Poor guy doesn't know how to control his emotions, but unfortunately for him, he needs to come to the realisation that he has them just like everyone else and deal with them."

I looked towards the wall at my right. I guess him and I were similar in that way, that emotions were just a confusing haze that we didn't really want to deal with.

"So should I even try bothering with him when he comes back, or will he just be dead to the world?" I pushed. Maybe for once in my life timing was working out excellently.

"No point he'll be knocked out cold."

I nodded and gazed behind me at the door. Luca leaned back in his chair and yawned again.

"So why did you come in here anyway?" He asked, rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands.

"Nothing really important." I stood up and slowly began to walk away, "I see that you're busy, I'll just leave you to do paperwork, or sleep." I added.

He laughed and picked his pen back up. "Okay then, go get some sleep or something it's three in the morning."

I nodded and smiled. "Good night."

And now I was sitting in the sun parlour, looking out at the dark forest that surrounded the building as the sky turned grey.

Once Domitius got back, I would run. No doubt about that.




I walked through the trees, a bag on my back and a scowl on my face.

There had been an agreement, and Domitius had never taken emotion into consideration, so why should he start now?

The house came into my view, the sky behind pink with colour. I was quick to walk to the front door, ignoring the guards eyes on my back.

I swung the door open. "Honey, I'm home!"

Antonia Milania dropped a plate on the floor and it shattered, just like the silence.

A shard came to rest next to my foot and I stepped over it, moving past Milania.

"Long time no see?" I said. I continued to walk, not interested in conversation. Simple pleasantries and small talk were never my thing. I was here for a purpose, not to engage in a conversation with that old bat.

"He's not here Stefanie."

I paused.

"And he has a mate."

"And we had an agreement."

I continued to walk.

I knew what I wanted.

"He will tear you to pieces." She hissed.

I laughed. "I really don't think so."

Antonia laughed. "Then you, are an idiot."

I kept walking, heading up the stairs and heading towards his office. He was always a man of his word, that I could say at least. I had hope that he would see the logic in our agreement.

A door behind me opened and I turned to see who it was. A young woman.

I slowly examined her features. Dark hair, a small body, hazel eyes. Hazel eyes void of emotion and hard with some form of hardship. Then it hit me.

His scent.

It was all over her.

"You're her, aren't you?" I growled, taking a step towards her.

She didn't even blink at my vicious approach. The smell of spice and woodsy oak stung my nose as I took another step towards her.

"You're Domitius' mate, aren't you?"

She sighed. "Unfortunately."

My nose twitched. "You think you're really funny, don't you?"

"Not really."

I began to move towards her. I wanted to see this bitch without her stupid, unamused eyes in her skull.

I went to reach out for her arm, but all of a sudden I was face first on the floor, my nose throbbing and with my arm pinned behind my back, a sharp stabbing pain shooting through my elbow.

"I really don't like it when people touch me, please don't." It was the girl's voice, it was the girl who had me pinned down on the floor.

Before I could register what had happened my head had been smashed into the floor and blue sparks were clouding my vision.

Slowly but surely everything came into focus, and I painfully tilted my head up to watch her retreating frame. "He's mine," I hissed, "we had a deal."

She turned to look back at me, the same bored look on her face. "Good for you, you can have him."

I watched her turn the corner of the corridor in utter confusion. Was she joking? It couldn't possibly be that easy, they were mates after all. Was she playing mind games with me? She must be playing mind games with me, surely.

I rolled over onto my back, staring at the ceiling as my head throbbed.


So yeah, how long has it been? Two months or something? I don't know but writers block hit me like a ton of bricks but yet I wrote this at 5.38 in the morning when I'm supposed to be asleep. Because logic.

I'll probably go through it and edit it later.

But leave your thoughts because I love you!




All that jazz.

Cool bro, I'm out. *aggressively listens to Britney Spears - My prerogative*

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