capture [camren]

By URGHlernjergi

444K 9.7K 1.1K

Lauren Jauregui is an intern for a photography company. She was assigned to a project for a runway and her ey... More

twenty eight.
twenty nine.
thirty one.
thirty two.
thirty three.
thirty four.
thirty five.
thirty six.
thirty seven.
thirty eight.
thirty nine.
forty one.
forty two.
forty three.
forty four.
forty five - final chapter.


15.3K 318 68
By URGHlernjergi


The phone kept ringing. I couldn't get it because Camila was clinging to me and asleep. "Camz." I called. "Camz." I called again. "Hmm?" She mumbled. "The phone is ringing." I said and she reached behind with her eyes closed then grabbed her phone from the bedside, holding it to her ear. "Hello?" She mumbled. I closed my eyes and tried to get more sleep. "What? Are you serious?" I got woken up as Camila basically jumped out of bed. "Yes! Please! Thanks, Cheechee." She said and put the phone down. "What?" I asked. "I just got a booking for New York Fashion Week!" She said. "Which designer?" I asked. "Gigi Hadid and Tommy Hilfiger!" She said and I smiled. "That's amazing!" I replied, hugging her. "What if I meet Gigi? That'll be so cool!" She said and I laughed. "Whatever you say Camz." I replied, smiling.

"Come on, let's go for breakfast." She said, removing the bathrobe she kept on from last night. "Camz, it's 7:30 am on a Sunday, are you crazy?" I asked, looking at my phone. "Dinah is awake at 7:30, why can't you?" She asked. "You're right damn, Dinah's awake at this hour? That's rare." I said, getting out of bed. "Yea but she probably went back to bed." She replied. "And so should we." I said, falling back onto the bed. "I'm too excited to go back to sleep." She said, lying down beside me. "Then you can cuddle with me while I sleep for another 4 hours." I replied, wrapping my arms around her waist. "4 hours? Are you serious?" She asked. "Shush, sleep." I replied, closing my eyes. "You get one-hour Lo." She said. "Whatever." I replied, burying my nose into her neck.

"Morning, it's been an hour." Camila said, shaking me awake. "No, shut up, it's not." I replied, yawning. "Rude, get up, it's 9 am." She said. "Fine." I replied, getting up. I went to the bathroom to take a shower. I finished showering and slipped on my jeans then wore the shirt I slept in. "You're not wearing a bra." Camila said as I stepped out of the bathroom. "I only wear a bra when I have to." I replied, grabbing my phone and lying down on the bed. "Like when?" She asked, taking off her bathrobe to change. "During work, well mainly during a photo shoot and runways, dates, when we have guest over for holiday dinner, basically when I feel like it." I said. "Okay then." She replied.

"You shouldn't wear one too, it's so comfortable especially when you just sit at your desk all day editing photos and shit." I said. "Lauren, you do know that I'm a model and I don't sit at a desk all day, right?" She asked. "Oh yeah...but you should try it though." I replied, sitting up and watch her put on her jeans. "Stop staring at my ass." She said and I blushed. "Sorry." I replied and laid back down. "Come on, let's go for breakfast." She said, slapping my thigh and I jumped out of bed. "Where are we going today?" I asked. "The usual café, you don't mind that right?" She asked. "It's fine." I replied, picking up my camera bag.

I pulled out the chair for Camila and she thanked me before sitting down. I sat down opposite her and looked at the menu. "Hi, I'll be your waitress today, would you like to order?" The waitress asked. "Can I get the croissant and scrambled eggs?" I asked and she jolted down my order. "Camz?" I called and she looked up from the menu. "Oh, erm, get me the pancakes, thanks." She said. "Any drinks?" The waitress asked. "I'll get a long black and she'll get a flat white." I replied and she nodded and left the table. "How would you know I want a flat white?" Camila asked. "You ordered it last time we were here." I said. "Observant." She replied and I smiled.

We finished breakfast and went back to Camila's apartment. We decided to watch a movie in her living room and she decided to rest her head on my lap. I subconsciously started playing with her hair as I watched the movie and felt Camila staring at me. I looked down and smiled. "What?" I asked. "Nothing." She replied. "This seems familiar." I said, recalling the similar situation. "Yea, you asshole." She replied, slapping my arm. "What did I do?" I asked. "Because you didn't tell me why you were looking at me and I thought I had something on my face." She said. "Sorry." I replied, shrugging my shoulders and looking at my phone.

"Why are you looking at your phone? Do I bore you? Do you have plans that don't involve me?" She asked. "Camz, chill, I was just checking the time." I answered. "Why?" She asked. "I need to make sure I have time to prepare-" "Prepare what? For a date that isn't me?" Camila cut me off. "No! I want to prepare a date for us." I said. "Oh, what are you doing?" She asked. "Just a simple dinner date, I need to borrow your car though." I said. "Dinner date? I had higher expectations for you, Jauregui." She jokingly replied. "Shush Camz, the date will be enjoyable, I hope." I said. "I hope it'll be enjoyable too." She teased. "I'm so done with you." I said and she laughed. "What time are you leaving?" She asked, sitting up. "Now." I said, getting up. "Why? I annoy you too much?" She asked, getting up from the couch. "Maybe." I replied, watching her take her car keys. "Don't crash my baby." She said, giving me her car keys. "I'll try." I replied and she kissed my cheek. "See you later." I said. "See you." She replied, walking me to the door.

I headed home first to change before heading to the grocery store to buy ingredients. There was a knock on the door and I opened it to see Dinah. "Hey, Dinah." I said. "Hi, is Mila here? I saw her car downstairs." She asked. "She lent her car to me because I need it for our date." I said. "Aw, what are you doing for the date?" She asked. "I'm going to cook dinner for Camz." I said. "That's so cute, do you need any help?" She asked. "Yes! Help me pick an outfit." I said, moving aside to let her in. "I will but let me get Mani first, I came over because I thought Chancho was with you." She replied and walked over to her girlfriend's apartment.

The couple came over and rummaged through my closet. "You have a lot of flannels." Normani said. "I'm gay so I have to show it" I replied. "On a scale of one to ten, will you do the nasty with Mila tonight?" Dinah asked. "Zero, I'm keeping it romantic tonight, why do you ask?" I asked. "Just in case you need to wear sexy underwear." She said, looking through my underwear drawer. "Stop looking at my underwear." I replied, closing the drawer. "No, it's important to wear sexy underwear, just in case anything happens." She said, tossing my black boxer briefs at me. "What do you feel like wearing for the date?" Normani asked. "Something casual, I'm cooking too so keep that in mind." I said. "Got it." She replied, pulling out more clothes from my closet.

"You can take off the leather jacket when you cook then put it back on when you have dinner with Mila." She said, showing me the outfit she put together. "Thanks, Mani." I said, hugging her from the side.
"Don't forget the underwear too, just in case because you'll never know." Dinah reminded. "Okay DJ, thank you." I said, giving her a hug as well. "Good luck on your date." Normani replied. "Use protection!" Dinah said. "Whatever! Thanks, guys!" I replied, showing them to the door.

I quickly took a shower and changed into the outfit Norminah had chosen for me and headed to the grocery store. I got everything I needed, rolling my eyes when I pushed my cart passed the aisle with all the condoms, remembering what Dinah said then went to the self-checkout counter. I loaded the trunk with the groceries and headed to Camila's apartment.

I stopped at the guard house and Chad was there. "Hi, I'm heading to Camila's, unit 727." I said. "Can I see your ID?" He asked and I took out my ID and passed it to him. He walked back into the guardhouse and picked up the phone. "Hey, Camz." He said and my hands squeezed the steering wheel. "There's a Lauren...J..Jaguar? Here?" He said and I rolled my eyes. "Okay, bye." He put the phone down, opened the gantry and walked back out, passing my ID back to me. "Listen kid, only I get to call Camila, Camz and it's Jauregui, not your jaguar shit, idiot." I warned, rolling up the window and drove to the carpark.

I parked the car and picked up the bags then headed upstairs. I rang the doorbell and it opened. "Hello, Lauren Jaguar, welcome to my house." Camila laughed and I rolled my eyes. "Hello, Camilla CaBELLo." I replied, entering her apartment. "But he called me Camz though." She said. "Oh, I beat his ass before coming in." I replied and she laughed. "Why are you here so early by the way?" She asked. "Oh, I'm cooking for you, so go take a bath or something but stay out of the kitchen." I said, walking to the kitchen. "Okay then." She replied.

"I can't help you?" She asked, poking her head into the kitchen. "No, Camz, I'll do the cooking, go put on a mask and read a book or something." I said. "Okay, Jaguar." She replied and I flipped her off. "That's something very rude to do to your date." She said. "You slapped my hand when we had the first unofficial date." I replied. "Unofficial?" She asked. "You didn't ask me." I replied. "So I had to ask?" She asked. "Let me cook Camz." I replied and she laughed, walking away.

I was in the middle of cooking when I heard the sound of the shutter from a phone and I turned around to see Camila. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Just taking a photo, can I post this on my Snapchat?" She asked. "It's not showing my face right?" I asked and she shook her head. "Okay." I said, turning back to the pot in front of me. "What are you cooking?" She asked. "It's a surprise." I replied. "I can't look?" She asked. "No, you can't Camz, find something to keep you busy." I said. "I can't, I'm too excited." She replied and I turned around to see her leaning over the counter. I leaned forward and pressed my lips on hers for a few seconds. "Think about that. Elsewhere, not in the kitchen." I said as she started blushing. She quietly left the kitchen and I chuckled to myself.

After half an hour, I finally finished cooking and I'm preparing the table. "Camz! Dinner is ready!" I called, pouring wine into the two wine glasses. "How do I look?" She asked and I looked up to see Camila in a black dress that hugged all her curves. "Wow, you look great Camz." I said. "Thanks." She smiled and sat down. "You didn't really have to wear a dress, a sweatshirt and sweatpants would've been fine." I said, sitting down across from her. "You're wearing a leather jacket so I felt like wearing something nice." She replied.

I smiled and took a sip of wine. "Quickly dig in, I want to know if it's nice or not." I said. "Okay." She replied and picked up her fork to eat the pasta I made. She looked at me and gave me a weird look. "What? Is the pasta undercooked or something?" I asked. "No, I'm joking, it's really good." She replied after eating her food. "Wow, thanks for making me worry." I said and she laughed. "But it's really really good though." She replied, taking another bite and I smiled.

We finished dinner and I served dessert. "There's dessert?" Camila asked. "Yea, but it's just gelato I bought from an ice cream shop with a fuck ton of toppings to make it look nice." I said. "It'll probably taste good." She replied, picking up the teaspoon. "Wait, who's washing this?" She asked. "Me, Camz, I'm washing it." I replied, shaking my head and eating the gelato. "This is good." She said. "Yea? The rest of the tub is in your freezer." I replied. "And that'll be my dinner for the next week." She said and I chuckled, shaking my head.

We finished eating and I started cleaning up while Camila was in the living room with the tub of gelato. She offered to wash but I didn't let her so she took the tub of gelato and left the kitchen. I finished cleaning up and joined Camila in the living room. "What are you watching?" I asked, stealing the spoon from her and taking a spoonful of gelato in my mouth. "Some random movie that's playing." She said, snatching her spoon from me. I sat down beside her and picked up the remote. "Leave it." She said. "Okay, feed me." I replied, opening my mouth. "Nope." She said, eating the gelato on her own. "Rude." I replied and she giggled. "Here you go." She said, offering a spoonful of gelato. I opened my mouth to eat the gelato. "Sike!" She said, putting the spoon in her mouth.

"Fuck you." I said and she burst out laughing. "Give me that." I snatched the tub and spoon out of her hands. I ate a few spoonfuls and got up. "Give it back!" She said. "No, I'm keeping this." I replied. "You're so mean." She said. "I paid for this." I replied, going to the kitchen and keeping the gelato tub in the freezer then washing the spoon. I came back to the living room and plopped down on the couch. Camila moved closer to me and kissed my cheek. "What do you want?" I asked. "Just wanted to give you a kiss as a thank you for this amazing date." She said. "Well, that kiss wasn't good enough." I replied and she rolled her eyes.

She pressed her lips on mine and I giggled into the kiss. "Don't laugh." She mumbled against my lips. She grabbed my hands that had no idea where to go and placed them on her waist. She started to shift and straddled my waist. I ran my tongue along her bottom lip and she opened her mouth for my tongue to slip in. I squeezed her waist and she squirmed, making me giggle again. "Stop it." She whispered, pulling away and bringing her lips down to my jawline then to my neck. "Fuck Camz..." I moaned, squeezing her waist again. I felt her cold hands slip under my leather jacket and move along my exposed stomach. I felt a shiver down my spine and started to shrug off my jacket. Camila assisted by helping me pull it off and tossing it aside. "Careful, that's my only one." I said and she giggled. "I can buy you a new one." She replied, going back to kissing my neck again. "You sound like a sugar mama." I said, tilting my head back to give her more access. "I can be your sugar mama." She replied and I chuckled. "I'm good, thanks for the offer." I said and moaned when she started sucking on my pulse point.

I felt myself get more aroused by the second and she reached her hand down to my crotch. "Woah Camz." I said, grabbing her hand. "Too fast?" She asked. "Yea, kind of." I said, blushing slightly. "Sorry." She apologised. "It's okay." I replied, pecking her lips. She got off me and sat down beside me. "Did I kill the mood? Sorry." I asked, scratching the back of my neck. "You didn't, your comfort is more important." She replied and I smiled. I was still hard but tried not to think too much about it. "You okay there? You seem tense." Camila asked. "I'm fine, it's just kinda awkward." I replied, blushing and she chuckled. "It's okay Laur, we all have our moments." She said. "Have you?" I asked. "Yea, this guy, August or something that starts with an A, he tried to get me into a make-out session on the first date outside my condominium entry gate, with his clammy, cold ass hands all over me." She said. "Then?" I asked, urging her to go on. "Kneed him in the balls then flipped him off, told him how he sucked at kissing and went into my condominium with him kneeling on the ground." She replied. I cupped my own balls, imagining the pain. "Funniest part was that he tried to get me to go out on another date and he said he enjoyed going out with me." She said and I laughed.

"By the way, what are your followers saying after that picture you took of me?" I asked. She picked up her phone and looked through. "Nothing much but they are trying to guess who it is." She said. "But they have no clue about me." I replied. "Do you want them to?" She asked. "What?" I asked. "Do you want them to know who you are?" She asked. "Should I?" I asked. "It's all up to you, I don't mind living under the media's noses about our relationship but it's going to be difficult." She said. "I don't really know, maybe when we're ready then we go public." I replied and she nodded.

I looked at my phone and looked up at Camila. "Are you leaving soon?" She asked. "Yea, I have an early shoot tomorrow morning." I replied. "Okay then, let me give you a ride." She said, getting up and picking up my jacket before going to her bedroom. She threw my jacket at me and I caught it, slipping it on. I shoved my phone into my pocket and waited for Camila. "Okay let's go." She said, walking out of her bedroom in sweatpants and a sweater. "You look even more beautiful in that." I told her, kissing her cheek. "Thanks." She smiled, grabbing her car keys.

She drove up to the security gantry and I leaned over the seat and looked at Chad in the eye then kissed Camila's cheek. "Possessive. I like." She said, looking at me. "Look at his face." I laughed as I watched the guard open the gantry for Camila to drive out. "He looks scared, what did you do Lo?" She asked. "Oh, just threaten him, not a big deal." I shrugged my shoulders. "Lauren! Why did you threaten the security guard?" She asked. "It's not really a threat, but only I get to call you Camz, no one else." I said and she laughed. "You're so cute." She replied, pecking my lips before driving onto the main road.

"Thank you for the ride Camz." I said, leaning over to hug her. "It's nothing." She replied. "Text me when you get home." I said. "Go to bed early." She replied. I pecked her lips and got out of the car. I waved at her then went into my apartment building. I unlocked my door and entered my apartment. The doorbell rang and I opened the door to see Normani. "How was it?" She asked. "It was really nice, went really well." I smiled. "But did you go onto Twitter? Everyone is flipping out about that photo." She asked. "Camila told me and we discussed about going public and stuff." I replied. "So?" She asked. "We decided to go public when we're both ready." I replied and she nodded.

"Dinah wanted me to ask this but was the underwear useful?" She asked. "Nope. This was a romantic date, nothing really happened." I said. "Nothing really happened?" She asked, cocking an eyebrow. "We just made out and that's all I'm saying." I replied and she laughed. "You go girl, remember tomorrow's early shoot." She said, patting my shoulder. "Yea, I know, tell Dinah I said hi." I replied and she left my apartment. My phone went off and it was a message from Camila.

From Camz:

Just reached home, Chad didn't even try to talk to me. I think you traumatised him, babe.

To Camz:

Babe? That sounds nice.

From Camz:

Yea, only I get to call you babe 😉

To Camz:

Sounds familiar

From Camz:

Yea, like when you threatened the security guard 🙄

To Camz:


From Camz:

Well, it's getting late now so you better go to bed.

To Camz:

Okay, mom 🙄 Goodnight.

From Camz:

Goodnight, sweet dreams 😊😘

I smiled at my phone and went to my bedroom. I quickly removed my make up and changed into pyjamas then went to bed.


Happy New Year! I hope 2017 will be good. Thanks for those who commented something on the last author's note I posted. I've been feeling much better. Mentally. I'm sick right now and busy coughing out my lungs. Thank you for reading my book, love you guys. :))

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