Albus Potter X Reader X Scorp...

By reveursourire

276K 9.6K 6.4K

[ COMPLETED ] "How could a jock fall for a me?" "Trust me Y/N, a Slytherin like me CAN fall for a girl like... More

The Spot -1-
Compromise -2-
Forbidden Item-4-
Clues -6-
Being a Potter-10-
Back Again-11-
Go Slytherin-12-
Borrowing -15-
Christmast Card-19-
The Green Present-20-
Back to Hogwarts-21-
Letter -22-
Not Fear-23-
A Helping Hand -27-
The Dance-28
The Mystery -29-
The Boy -30- Last chapter


13.6K 503 229
By reveursourire

It was another hot day, and Y/N was enjoying her time alone, laying under the tree. Yes, alone. Albus never came again since the chocolate incident.

She could say she enjoyed the peace and silence.

Out of the blue, Y/N heard the sound of dried leaves crunching under a hard soled shoe behind her. She sat up and waited for a person to show themselves. It was probably Albus, she thought.

"OH! THERE'S A PERSON, I'M SORRY."Scorpius backed up holding his hands in front of his chest in defense and apology. "Albus told me he hid the chocolates around here." Explained Scorpius.

Y/N who thought the whole thing was kind of funny, let out a chuckle, "It's up there I think."

Scorpius finally step out, showing himself. Then he muttered 'excuse me' before climbing the tree. Y/N could say she liked him from the very start. At least he has manners, unlike Albus.

Y/N never truly understood him, as he looks intimidating but soft. She was particularly fond of his hair. The platinum blonde really stands out, out of all his features.

"No!"  He groans as he looked at the last box, "He ate the other boxes didn't he?" He ask, disappointed.

"Yeah.." said Y/N, feeling guilty "I did too.. In my defense, the chocolate taste incredibly good. I couldn't stop eating after i had a bite."

He climbed down, with the last box in his hand. "Might as well just eat it now, eh?" Y/N smiled, he acts nothing like she imagined him to be. Scorpius opened the box and offer Y/N the first chocolate.

"I'm Scorpius"He said, still chewing.

"I know," Y/N said with a blank expression as she took another bite of the chocolate.

 Scorpius seemed to be waiting for an introduction, But Y/N didn't catch on. "I don't know your name." He said finally.

"Of course you don't" Y/N said with a grin "I'm one of those invisibles" She wasn't surprised that he didn't know her name. It was understandable. People like him and Al usually looked past her.

"Oh, not like that. I've seen you before. I just never caught your name"  Y/N head jolts up, looking at him with a puzzled face. She did not expect that. She thought he would be like Albus.

"My name's Y/N L/N" Y/N said slowly, fulfilling his request. "Where have you seen me before? You're a fifth year and i'm a fourth. Did you memorize all the kids name when they were called for the sorting?"

Scorpius soft eyes looked straight into Y/N's as he laughed. "No, I saw you in the Library."

"But I never saw you there." said Y/N quickly. She memorized almost everyone who went to the library daily. And if he was one of them, she would most likely notice him, with his hair being platinum blonde and all that.

"Well I saw you there. You were with Rose" said Scorpius surely.

Then everything seems clear from there, "Aaah, I understand what's going on. So you were stalking Rose, when you saw me. "

Of course he's stalking Rose, Y/N thought. But didn't he see that Rose liked someone else? Rose became close with Dric since last year, Y/N thought people would catch on. 

Scorpius went slightly red, "I wasn't stalking her."

"Don't you have stuff to do?" asked Y/N as she took another bite of the chocolate.

"I don't actually. Albus is practicing Quidditch. I knew he would join this year, I just thought I wouldn't be as bored as this without him."

"You can come here if you ever get bored," said Y/N, who instantly regret what she just said. Parts of her wanted some company. Someone to talk to. And Scorpius seems up for the Job.

"Yeah, maybe. I mean, why not? The spot is really nice."

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