
By violet0gold

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"Once, there was a devil and an angel, who fell deeply in love with one another. Something so rare and beauti... More

Authors Note


34 0 0
By violet0gold

"The only time I'm near you is the only time I feel alright."

My body was growing weaker and weaker the longer I was out here, I'm not sure how long it's been now. It was dark and I was frost bitten, and I'm sure my heart would explode in my chest any moment now.

But it didn't come, instead unimaginable pain struck my chest and I wheezed out while all the air was sucked from my lungs.

Tears well up in my eyes when finally I felt my heart stop and my eyes fluttered shut as I lied on the cold ground in the middle of nowhere.


"C'mon Ben."

I stare at him with a blank expression and roll my eyes, "What do you need help with?" I question, rolling my shoulders.

Isaiah say there with a scowl resting on his face as he watched me, "Iliana's been missing almost a week now. After that night I found her apparently she left again." He says and I frown.

She left so she could be in the woods during the middle of the night? It made no sense, plus she seemed whacked out of it, "She says she was sleep walking,"

Isaiah added once he seen the look of confusion on my face, "So you need me for what exactly? I'm sure others will help," I state.

He frowned, "I thought you and her were friends," He says but it sounded more as a question.

I narrow my eyes, "I don't have friends," I snapped, glancing over at him, "Plus what do you honestly need me for anyways?" I retort, rolling my eyes.

Isaiah shot me a deadpanned expression, "You know why, plus you know those woods better than anyone else."

I grunt out and throw my hands in the air, "Fuck," I snapped, "Fine!" I say with a grunt and Isaiah smirked.

I curl back my lip and chew on it while turning my back to him, in all honestly she probably got out of town from all the weird things that go on here.

The town was linked with many tragedies, the latest one dates back to 1922 when a 10 year old girl poisoned her whole family. She was caught and sentenced but murdered before her first trail.

In 1936 a Church caught fire, killing ten people inside that were all linked to the deaths of others. They were basically killed for their sins.

Than there was the Hollack twins, Gillian and her brother Gordon. In 1968 when they were only 14 they murdered their mother who was a prostitute and their father who was a drunk. They were sentenced maximum 10 years since they were still children with an additional year to two years of therapy.

Than they were released under new identities.

The worst of all was the fire that swept over the town in 1981, killing over 20 people. The cause was unknown and it's amusing to see everyone live in this town without realizing its past and history. All the bad things that happened here.

Just look at my family.

"We'll go at night, it's easier," I state and he nodded quietly, watching me closely.

He sat there quietly before finally asking the question I knew was bugging him, "So, why does it seem like you'd leave Iliana out there?" He asked and I snap my head over and glare at him.

My lips curled and I narrow my eyes, "Because I would, she means nothing to me." I retort with ease and he grunted.

"Watch it, that's my sister." He snapped and I raised my hands in mock surrender while rolling my eyes at him.

I stare at him and shake my head, "She's an abomination," I state and he went silent.

I pull on a sweater and bring a hand down my face, "Where was she first found?" I ask and Isaiah looked up at me.

"The Government Base." He says and as soon as the worlds slipped out of his mouth my blood ran cold.

Too many tragedies happened and the creation of the U.S base back in 1970 was a huge catastrophe.

I grumble under my breath, "What was she last wearing?" I ask and he went silent.

I turn around and frown, "Just a white t-shirt," He says and my eyes widened slightly.

Within the last week the temperature has dropped dramatically and it's rained. If she was out there in just a t shirt - things wouldn't be okay with her.

Knots tied in my stomach and I push down my emotions, cleaning my mind. I had to focus on finding her alive.

Although panic set in mildly I tried to brush it off while I packed a bag, the night sky was darkening and it was the perfect time to go looking. There was a smaller chance of us being caught, plus it would be easier for me to look.

We head out and make our to the woods. It wasn't long of a walk and by the time we entered the Forrest it was just brimming midnight.

"Iliana!" Isaiah shouted and I shot him a look, basically telling him to be quiet while I listen.

The wind picked up and I instantly shot to me feet, there were so many twist and turns. It was also quite distracting with the loud sound of a heavy water fall or river.

I trudge through and feel the bitter air prickle at my bare neck, it was freezing out meaning we had to find her now.

The pressure was on because if we didn't find her soon there was a great chance we wouldn't find her alive.

"We should split up, it would be quicker. I got my cell on me incase you find her," Isaiah says and I could tell he was panicking inside.

But by the look in his eyes he's already prepared for the worst.

I nod my head wordlessly and start tracking through the dark Forrest. Every inch of it painted in my mind, etched there permanently.

I narrow my eyes and pull out a flashlight, "Iliana?" I ask, the night was silent and something about it gave me a bad gut feeling.

Stupid chick had to sleep walk

I grumble under my breath, I wanted to harm her because she drive me up the fucking wall but a small part of me easily fought off the urge.

My light flickers over trees and more trees, I sigh out and close my eyes. Within seconds I knew what direction I needed to be headed in.

I start running, my legs taking me off when I finally stopped abruptly, my eyes widening when they catch on something.

A mother deer and her fawn lied there next to a body, my breath caught and I kneeled down next to her. No heartbeat.

I reach over but the mother deer let out a small cry while her fawn nuzzled closer to her. I grunt and narrow my eyes at her, she backed away and I pushed the hair of the face.

She was pale white, her skin so white there was even a tinge of blue to it. Her lips were purple and when our skin made contact I suppressed a shiver from how cold she was.

I pull her into my lap, "C'mon Iliana, now isn't your time." I whisper.

I rock back and forth, brushing the hair out of her face while I hold her lifeless body in my arms. The wind picked up again and I heard the river going crazy.

Warmth spread through her body and I felt her body rise ever so slowly and lightly. Her heart beat was weak but still there.

My thumbs run across her face, wiping the dirt away. I pull off my hoodie and slip it onto her cold body while pulling out a pair of sweat pants and socks from the bag I brought.

I slipped the hoodie on over her shirt and covered her bare legs with the sweat pants, them easily sliding up her small legs. Lastly I pull the socks on her feet and rub her arms, trying to get some heat back into her.

"Any day now kid," I mutter and her lips twitched.

Her eyes lids move but never open and I sat there quietly, "Hello?" She asked.

I place her back on the ground and pull away from her, I hide behind a tree and dial his number, "Yeah?"

"She's alive, 10 minutes right of where we last were," I state before hanging up.

Within minutes Isaiah ran by and dropped next to her body, pulling her into his arms while searching around for me. I stay hidden, it was best this way.

"Della," Isaiah whispered and I watch as Iliana's eyes flutter open, she stared up at her brother and frowned.

Her eyes search the night before they met his, "I died." She whispered and my heart seized in my chest.

"C'mon, lets get you home," He mumbles and I watch as they both leave.

He'd surely call me later asking what happened which I would answer with a "Fuck off" and than we'd all live happily ever after.

Isaiah picked her up in his arms and she kept her eyes closed, "Ben." She mumbles and that's the moment I actually felt guilt. I felt guilty for actually considering leaving her out here.

Fucking feelings

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