5sos Adopted Me | 5sos Fan Fi...

By darnedluke

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"But I doubt any one of us four can stay just friends . One of us will be like her brother , the other her be... More

5SOS Adopted Me-5SOS Fan Fiction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 { p. 1 }
Chapter 19 { p. 2 }
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Just Us Two-
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Winner !!!! Dun dun duh
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
{ Testing }
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 15

24.4K 703 363
By darnedluke

Calum's POV:

After Diana and I kissed she fell asleep next to me. I feel so bad for what I'm doing and putting her through. I'm a terrible person and Karma is going to get me bad for this.


Ashton and the boys were sitting next to me quietly. We had nothing to do and clearly we're bored. "I got an idea!" Ashton stood up grinning, he went on.

"I dare one of you to have a summer fling with Diana " he chuckled. "That's a bit rude to mess with a girls' feelings eh?" Luke scratched the back of his head. " Who cares? We all know we'll be gone after summer and she won't come with us so ... SUMMER FLING!" He shouted the last part very loud.

"If you want that then you do it , be her summer fling." I suggested annoyed a bit.

"Just for that Hood you're going to be it"Ashton spat .

"C'mon Ashton , No! This is going to tear her apart if she ever finds out . Especially since WE ALL are apart of her favorite band" I rolled my eyes .

"She won't find out if we keep it a secret , now in those two weeks you make her fall for you Calum okay?" Ashton smiled .

"Okay" I spoke through gritted teeth.

"Good luck" Luke and Ashton said walking out . Michael patted my back giving me a sympathetic smile walking out as well.

*End of Flashback*

Now the reason I seemed so hurt is because I don't know I'm trying to act as if I really am going through the stages of this all .

I put my head in my hands sighing real loud .

If only she knew, she wouldn't fall for me.


I can tell Diana, she'll back off saying it must have been weird feelings from something like eh.. I dunno she can blame it on her period. I'm a genius!

"Diana ... Diana! Wake up it's important"I shook her while she was sleeping , aww cutie .

"Wha-What?"She muttered in a sleepy tone .

"Look it's a long story but I don't want you to get more hurt ! Look just know I'm telling you so it's less hurt now than later . Please don't hate us after this" I sighed taking in a long needed breath before explaining everything.


"..I never knew Ashton could be so .. Mean , evil thinking . Devilish." Diana gasped . "Are you in anyway mad at me?" I looked her in the eyes. "Naah!" She smiled ".. I kind of wanted to erm uhh" Diana started to stutter . "Well?" I laughed.

"I kind of wanted to try and get with Michael . He's just so perfect to me and flawless.... I-I'm sorry . " she looked down.

"It's okay Diana . I'm pretty sure he'd love to get to know you better" I smiled

"You mind if I sleep here for tonight? I'm a bit lazy to leave..." I chuckled.

"Yeah , it gets cold in here anyways. Damn Air Conditioner is automatic!" She frowned.

She curled up into a ball facing her back to me."Night Calum" she whispered. "G'night Diana" I whispered back.


Diana's POV:

I woke up around 6 a.m, I tried so hard to go back to sleep but I didn't . Calum was carelessly asleep , I wish that was me. I got up making little noise as possible. I can use a jog , clear my mind a bit. After I got dressed , I closed the door silently . Putting my earbuds in I let my Pandora play. Weightless by All Time Low played , for some reason each time I listen to it I cry a bit.

Picking up my pace I shed a few tears . I looked down at my feet watching my footing carefully . It was sorta of foggy out , clouds in the sky . The sun wasn't visible , but it was out there somewhere . Continuing with my jog I turned a corner . With my eyes watching my footing , once again. I looked up and saw a shadow . I couldn't make out the person but I decided to run off. I turned back to see the person running after me .

Dammit.!! What do I do!!? WHY ME!?

Running out of breath I stopped running , moving , possibly stopped breathing . The person was quickly catching up to me and I had no strength to take off again . Oh well right? I'm meant to go down like this.

"Diana! Why did you run off from me like that?" Ashton chuckled .

"I thought you were a predator.It's pretty foggy I couldn't make out that it was you, sorry." I exhaled finally after almost dying of holding my breath.

"It's okay, did you want to continue running alone ?" He asked . I wrapped my earphones around my iPod and put them in my pocket. "Not really I can use the company unless ... You don't then it's okay!" I smiled .

"I can too c'mon let's walk this way" He motioned his head toward the street across from us .

"How've you been so far .. With ya know Calum?" Ashton asked. Wow , yeah out of all things . Ha! If he knew I knew I'd tell him off so bad . Now for the plan to sidetrack . *inserts awkward evil conscience laugh* I'm really weird.

After what seemed like forever I finally responded . "Eh I was kinda I guess having mixed feelings . I don't like Calum anymore . I don't think I ever truly had." I looked down at my feet. I look down a lot.. Reminds me of One Direction's song What Makes You Beautiful.

But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell you don't know oh oh

You don't know your beautiful oh oh

Ehh you know the rest!

"Diana? Hellooo?? Earth to Diana." He said. I snapped my head toward him "Huh?" I asked . "I said what are your plans for summer?" He repeated .

Calum told me it was fine to tell him about Michael so I am . "Well I plan on getting closer to Michael . Maybe be best friends with him , but I kind of want more than that." I nervously laughed.


Ashton's POV:

It's been only like what the first week? And she's already decided she DOESN'T want Calum but she wants Michael? What the fuck? No! Calum needs to get his shit together and finish this dare .

When Diana and I got home I quickly made my way to Calum . "Look here mate , you have a dare to finish . Finish it! Don't leave it half ass okay? Now go work your little Australian ass off and get with her!" I shouted , not too loud for Diana to hear . Hopefully she didn't.

"Fine" he yelled and walked down the hall and up the stairs.

He BETTER finish this dare.


Calum's POV:

"Hi Diana " I smiled , walking into her room. "Hey Cal." She replied .

"Ashton wants me to finish the dare, but I can't so what do we do?"I questioned , hopeful for an answer.

"Let's pretend we hate each other! We can fake we hate each other so it won't work out ." She smiled from ear to ear.

"Good idea , now what should we hate each other over ?" I laughed . Diana leaned over and whispered the plan in my ear.

What do you think they're gonna "fight" over?

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