Light (Ashton Irwin) {Complet...

By sparklelikeaunicorn

226 9 2

You fall in love, and then you fall out. It's nothing you can fix. You lose people, and pray for them to come... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 10

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By sparklelikeaunicorn

"Well you're perky." Stryker says chuckling and I laugh with him. It's been a few days since the incident with Ashton and I haven't talked to him. While on the other hand, I've spent a lot of time talking to Andrew.

"It's just, yoursisterhelpedmemeetthisreallycuteguyatthecemteryandireallylikehim." Stryker's eyes go big, registering what I said. "Uh, Amanda I gotta go. Talk to you later." Stryker says before running off. I shrug it off before getting in my car and driving home.
Ashton's POV
She's been avoiding me like the plague. The boys know who the chick is and why she was there, Amanda doesn't. I've tried to keep a regular meal plan, and I've succeeded but Amanda hasn't even touched her window.

"Okay, latest update on our dear Amanda. She's met a new guy, and she likes him a lot." Stryker says and my heart continues to hurt.

"Who is the guy?" Michael asks and Stryker shrugs. "I didn't get a chance to ask. If my hunch is right, I know who it is. I was friends with his brother." Stryker tells us and I nod. We're all packed into Stryker's car, on our way to this guys house.

"Let me handle it, his mom adores me." Stryker says getting out of the car. He knocks on the door and an older lady comes to the door. She immediately hugs Stryker and he hugs back. After a while he's back in the car.

"He's out with Amanda. He took her on a date, your screwed bud." Stryker says, sadness laced wth his words. I nod my head as he drops us all off at our houses. I walk up my steps into the house to see Amanda being dropped off.

She's laughing with the guy in the car, giving him a look that she's never given me. She's perfect, he's perfect. They're perfect. I walk into the house and help Harry and Lauren with their homework, trying to get my head away from Amanda.
Amanda's POV
When Andrew brings me home after our date, I'm a laughing mess. He took me home to meet his mom before we went out to eat. Andrew acted like a true gentleman the entire time, making my heart swell. When I said goodbye, we both leaned in for the kiss. Sparks were there making my heart leap.

I said goodbye to the boy and went inside, thinking about Andrew. Who was that boy you were just with?" Dalton asks noticing it wasn't Ashton's car.

"Andrew Gettings, he's perfect." I said thinking of him. "What happened to Ashton?" Dalton asks and I shrug.

"He chose a bitchy brunette, I decided I'm not going to stand in their way. He looked at her the way I've always wanted to be looked at. You can't fake that. So when I went to Sky's grave, I met Andrew. He was visiting his brothers grave." I told Dalton before I went upstairs.

Andrew and I started texting immediately. My dad eventually called me down for dinner, when I got there I had a huge smile on my face.
"Well aren't you happy?" He says teasing me and I nod. "So, who is this boy Dalton told me about?" My dad says wiggling his eyebrows.

"Andrew Gettings." I tell him while blushing. My dad is soon smiling look a weirdo. "What?" I ask him and he shakes his head. "His dad and I are very good friends, when you were little you and Andrew were friends." My dad says and I smile.

We all eat our dinner and talk until dad goes upstairs to his room. "Have you told dad that your g-" I get cut off by Dalton.

"No, but thanks for setting up me and Lincoln." He says ruffling my hair and walking into the kitchen. I've been telling Dalton dad would understand but he doesn't believe me.

My father has always been a 'second chance' type of guy. He looks for the best in everyone and everything. He lost that sense when mum died, but seems like it's made a reappearance.
"Dalton, dad's going to figure out sooner or later."

"How about later?" Dalton says avoiding the subject making me mad. "Why can't you be honest with dad like I am?" I ask him.

"Because, dad ignored us like the plague since you were in second grade and I was in fourth. We had to live with your best friends because dad didn't care about us. Now he's back in our lives, and your taking his side." Dalton says before heading to his room. I huff in annoyance. I wash my plate and silverware before going upstairs to shower.

Once I'm changed and in bed Andrew calls me. "Hello princess." Andrew says and I smile. "Hello handsome." I say happily as we start talking about anything and everything. By 11:15 we've talked about everything on our minds. We both wanted to sleep but neither would hang up. I eventually did just to get it over with.

At 3:00 in the morning Stryker texted me and told me to go downstairs. When I walked out the door I saw Stryker and the guys waiting for me. "Since your jetting off to your cabin this weekend with your dad, we wanted to talk to you about Andrew and Ashton." Stryker says and I sit down next to the four boys.

"What do you want to know?"
These are my first 10 chapters for this book. I really hope you have enjoyed them so far, I'll be updating with ten new chapters hopefully soon. Anyways, I'll see you at chapter 20 darlings- Brooke <3

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