Light (Ashton Irwin) {Complet...

By sparklelikeaunicorn

226 9 2

You fall in love, and then you fall out. It's nothing you can fix. You lose people, and pray for them to come... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 9

4 0 0
By sparklelikeaunicorn

Amanda's POV
"When is he going to ask you out already?" Lincoln complains as we walk side by side down the hall. "I mean your dead best friend gave her approval!" Lincoln shouts causing eyes to turn toward us.

"Lincoln, could you be a tad more quiet?" I ask him and he hesitates before nodding. We sit at our assigned table in biology, a class I didn't notice we shared. "I mean, Sky says okay. That should give him the green light right?" Lincoln says and I nod, becoming frustrated with a certain boy.

"On a lighter note, where is that bubbly bud?" Lincoln says and I shrug. "He left after history class today, he said a family thing." I told Lincoln and he nods. The rest of our biology table is taken up by the boys.

"Hey linc, hey Amanda." The other boys say and we both nod. Did I mention the boys found out about Lincoln's sexuality? Well they did. "How's Dalton?" Stryker asks making Lincoln turn beat red.

"Rather not say since he's her brother." Lincoln says ruffling my hair, I quickly swat his hand away. "If him and I got married we'd be in-laws!" Lincoln shouts bumping me off my stool making the class turn their eyes towards us.

"Oops, sorry Amanda." Lincoln quickly picks me up and sets me back on my stool. "Anyways, what was Ash's family thing?" I ask the boys as their eyes wander everywhere, but me. "If we tell you, if, you can't tell him we told you alright?" I nod my head as Calum keeps talking. "He was closest to his grandma, they were a tag team of sorts. The other day, he went home to find out she passed away."

My heartbreaks for the curly headed boy he seems to continuously take over my mind. The lesson in biology goes on, me hoping for it to end. It's the last class of the day, and all I want to do is hug Ashton.

When the last bell rings, I run to my locker and grab my books. I then rush out to the parking lot where I see my car. I quickly get in, realizing I have Stryker a ride I wait for him. "Hurry up!" I yell at him and he goes slower.

"I am not afraid to leave you here." I tell him causing him to move faster. "Can the other boys ride with us?" He asks and I nod biting the inside of lip. Calum, Luke, and Michael come running and I drive them to Stryker's house. I wave them off before hurrying back to my house.

I rush up to my room and unlock the window hoping Ashton is in his room. When I look through the window, Ashton is sitting in his bed. I'm about to throw a rock at his window when I see he's not alone.

A girl around our age is sitting there with him touching his knee constantly. She's a beautiful brunette who is ten times prettier than I'll ever be. I quickly close the window again, shutting the blinds shut. I quickly change into something more comfortable before heading to the cemetery. Dalton doesn't question me as I leave the house grabbing my car keys. I notice the brunette coming out of the house and my heir begins to hurt again.

"Wait, your the blonde? No wonder Ashton ditched you for me." She says sauntering off to her car and driving away. I stand there stunned before I continued walking. I see Ashton come out of the house to try and talk to me. I quickly get in my car and leave. I hear Ashton screaming my name as I drive off.
"Sky, I don't know what to do. I thought he cared. I've known him for over week and my heart is already broken." I say shaking my head. The sky starts to become dark, but I don't move. "If you were still here, you'd be telling me to go home. You always knew I'm a terrible night driver. I'm getting off topic but.

You should have seen the way he looked at her Sky. He looked like, he loved her. He's not even mine, but yet I can't help but be jealous. He's perfect, she's perfect, they're perfect together." My voice cracks at the end, I begin to sob.

"Hello?" I hear a voice say and I look up to see a boy around my age with brunette hair and gorgeous brown eyes staring at me. "Uh hi?" I say my voice cracking.

"Your the famous Amanda Addams, aren't you?" He says helping me up and I nod. "Well since I know your name, my name is Andrew Gettings."we shake hands and there's an instant spark.

I look up knowing he felt it to. "Oh uh, can you uh maybe give me a lift home?" He asks and I nod. Before we head to my car I mumble, "Thanks Sky."

I take Andrew home, seeing how we're talking about why we're both at the cemetery. He came to visit his brother's grave while I visited Sky's. I took him home as we both sang along to the songs we knew. When we pull up at his house a wave of sadness falls over me.

"Amanda? Can I maybe get your number?" He asks and I nod. He hands me his phone and I type it in. "I'll text you later?" I nod. He hops out of my car and I wave him goodbye before heading home.

"Thank god your safe." Dalton and my dad both say at the same time. "I'm sorry for running off, something came up and I had to talk to Sky." My dad and brother let me off the hook as I head upstairs. I take a quick shower and change into my pajamas.

Unknown: please tell me this is Amanda?

Amanda: nope it's Kevin from home alone :b

Andrew: well, thx tell Amanda good night for me.

Amanda: she says goodnight to you as well.

I eventually fall asleep feeling content.

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