My Demons

De Glowungeyes

21.7K 1.2K 974

!!! NOT JOSHLER !!! After struggling with Blurryface for most of his life, Tyler Joseph seems to have finally... Mais

Old "Friends"
The Show
Sleepless Nights
Meet and Greet
Relationship Issues
Elastic Bands
Phone Calls
Thank you a/n
Prequel is out!


853 50 44
De Glowungeyes

The majority wanted this. 

"Your chewing is so annoying, can you maybe shush?" I asked, lightly kicking Josh.

He locked eyes with me and chewed loudly again, just to annoy me. 

"Dude, come on! That's so gross!" I laughed. 

"Yeah, well, I don't care so," He shrugged to finish his sentence. 

Rolling my eyes, I took out my phone to check Instagram. 

joshuadun mentioned you in a comment

I quickly shot a glare at Josh before tapping the notification. 

The comment read, 'Remind you of anyone? @tylerrjoseph'. He'd tagged me in a video of a goat eating someone's sweater sleeve and chewing on it obnoxiously afterwards.

I rolled my eyes and replied to his comment. '@joshuadun Yeah, there's a goat-like person sitting in front of me.'

His phone pinged after I sent the comment and his eyebrows furrowed after reading it. He then looked up at me and laughed, kicking me lightly. 

"I am not a goat!"

"Okay, maybe not, but you chew like one!"

We both started laughing, until Mark walked into the room to tell us we were at the next venue.

"5 hours for sound and you guys to get ready." He told us, looking at his phone. "Go get ready."

"Yes, mother." Josh mumbled, standing up, me laugh again.

Mark rolled his eyes, getting off the bus.


As I lightly applied the black paint to my neck, Blurry started walking around behind me. 

"I can hear you, you know." I grumbled, putting more paint on the bush.

"Yeah, yeah,"

"Why're you here anyways?" 

"Why not?"

I rolled my eyes and turned around to face him. "Seriously, why're you here? Why now?"

"Just to annoy you."

"You do that everyday. I mean, why can I see you tonight instead of just hearing you?"

He shrugged, sitting on the small table by the couch. "Guess you're extra anxious about something."

"You don't usually show up when I'm anxious. Just tell me why you're here."

"I wanted to see you preform. You've really gone downhill since Jenna's been gone." He cocked an eyebrow as he spoke.

My eyes widened as he said her name, then annoyance set in, making my eyes narrow. "I have not. She doesn't influence how I preform."

"She seems to when you play Tear in My Heart."

"That's cause its about her."

"If you miss her so much, why don't you just call her?"

"She's not gonna want to talk to me."

"No one does. Just call her." A sly smirk made its way across his face as he spoke, kinda like he knew something was gonna happen.

I narrowed my eyes at him again, slowly taking out my phone. "You know something I don't, don't you?"

He shrugged again, that stupid smirk still on his face.

I unlocked my phone and pressed Jenna's contact, glancing up to Blurry every couple seconds to see if he was going to do anything.

"Oh, quit! Just call the damn girl!"

I raised the phone and waited for an answer, but it went straight to voicemail after two rings. I hung up, looking at the phone in disbelief. "She sent me to voicemail." I whispered.

"Try again." Blurry's smirk was slowly creeping to an evil grin.

I tried again, but the same thing happened. "She's avoiding me..."

"You've got a failing marriage!" Blurry sang repeatedly, smiling. 

I opened my mouth to deny it, but closed it once I realized he was right. 

He laughed as I sank down against the wall, resting my hands against my temples. "She's probably gonna file a divorce, you know."

I wanted to deny this too, but everything he said seemed so true at this point.

"I can't believe you didn't notice this! Its pretty obvious! She's ignoring your calls, she stayed home from the tour, she kicked you out, and when's the last time she even replied to your texts?"

All I could bring myself to do was shake my head and snap the elastic furiously. 

"You know it's true!

I wanted to tell him to go away, to stop, that all of this was a giant lie. 

But he's right. 

Everything he says is usually a lie, but he's making sense tonight. 

I snapped the elastic so hard it broke, making me grunt in annoyance. I scanned the room, looking for anything else I could snap. A hair tie, another elastic, anything that was rubbery, but I couldn't find anything.

Finally, my eyes landed on the bottle of pills sitting on the table above me.

"Do it."

I sighed and reached for the bottle.

Josh's POV

"Will, do you know where Ty is?" I asked. There's five minutes to show, and Tyler hasn't so much as even texted me.

"Probably in his dressing room, why?"

"There's five minutes to show and he's not out yet."

Will nodded. "I can have a look around; see if I can find him. You check his dressing room first." 

I nodded. "Thanks, Will."

I sprinted towards Tyler's dressing room, knocking when I got there. 

"Ty, come on. We need to be on stage right away." 

No response. 

I slowly pushed open the door, taking a small look around the room as I did so.

The bathroom door was closed, so I assumed he was in there. As I walked over to the closed door, I saw something out of the corner of my eye that looked like someone slumped over in the corner. I brushed it off as a pillow, but I had a gut feeling I should look again. 

When I took a real look at the corner, my eyes widened and my stomach flipped. I quickly took out my phone, dialing 911 as I knelt down beside Tyler.

A lady picked up on the other side of the line and asked what was wrong. 

"I-um-mybestfriendtriedtoODandIneedanamblunace." I said quickly.

"Sir, can you please slow down? I didn't catch any of that."

"I need an ambulance! My friend tried to OD! Please hurry."

I gave her the address of the venue, hung up, and focused my attention on trying to wake Tyler up.

After trying for a few minutes, I sat back, thinking of what else to do.

Then it hit me. "Crap, Jenna!" I quickly pulled out my phone and dialed her number.

She answered right away. "Hey, Josh. What's-"

I cut her off and explained the situation, very panicked and fast. 

"Oh my god! I'll be there as soon as I can!"

"You need to hurry. I can't find a pulse."

"Oh my god..." She mumbled, moving stuff in the background. "I'm on my way right now. Call me if anything happens."

I told her I would and hung up.

Just as I put my  phone in my pocket, two EMTs came in, pulling a stretcher behind them. 

I moved out of the way and stood by the door, anxiously bouncing my leg.

"Do you know how long he's been out?" One asked.

I shook my head. "I got in here, close to, seven minutes ago, he was passed out when I found him."

The EMT nodded, lifting Tyler's unconscious body onto the stretcher and wheeling him out. "Can I come, or do I have to drive to the hospital myself?"

"Are you family?"

"I'm his best friend." 

The EMT looked at the other, raising an eyebrow. The other one shrugged. "We're not supposed to let you, but sure."

"Thank you so much." 

They nodded and wheeled him to the exit. 

I ran to where Mark was standing with the rest of the crew, vaguely explaining the situation. 

"What do we tell the fans?" 

"Just say it's cancelled and that we'll come back as soon as we can. I'll tweet from the band account that we're cancelling the rest of the dates until further notice." 

They all nodded. 

I ran after the EMTs and climbed in the back of the ambulance, anxiously waiting for Tyler to do something so I knew he was still alive.

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