Struggles In Highschool Levi...

By DelinaFN4Y

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This is a fanfiction crossover where we collided Black Butler and Attack on Titan. The story is going on in... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
First Year Anniversary
Part 14
Part 15
End of a war

Part 10

46 2 0
By DelinaFN4Y

The group of girls who were with Raelyn and Nadine were pretty mad for some reason. It was clearly evident on the looks on their faces.

The group cut little pisces of paper where they wrote on them little insults with death wishes and threw them at [Reader 1]'s and [Reader 2]'s desk.

Sebastian noticed something twitching from the cornor of his eyes and turned to see the happening.

The two girl just ignored the letters and were piling them up in the center of the desk, so it wouldn't get in their way.

Sebastian nudged Levi and motioned to the girls so he'll turn around and see the scenery.

When he saw the little piece of paper flying towards the girls desk, he noticed that one of the girls had missed, and the paper fell on the ground. He then said rather loudly so all of the classes attention was turned on them:

"Pick that up."

"Huh?" the girls were confused.

"I'm talking to you brat, clean it up, we don't want the class to get dirty now do we?" he asked while looking at the girl who missed with the paper.

His death glare was enough to make the girl pick up the paper and throw it in the trash. The girls whispered a little but stopped when they saw the teachers annoyed look towards them.

[Reader 1] smirked a little.

Seeing that [Reader 2]'s face is emotionless, as in evry lesson, she asked:

"Aren't you happy that those rats got what they deserved?"

"I don't care." [Reader 2] said emotionless, so it was hard to say what she was feeling.

"But how about the fact that Levi stood up for you?" she whispered while smirking.

[Reader 2] looked at her, now a little dust of pink on her cheeks, and said: "He didin't stood up for me,nor for the both of us. He stood up because the class was getting filthy. I wouldn't be suprised if he'd order us to clean this pile of the letters those girls threw at us. Everything to keep things spotless."

"Whatever you say," was the last thing that [Reader 1] said and remained quiet till the end of the lesson

When the bell rang, [Reader 2] picked up her stuff, put them in her bag and walked out of the class. She didin't wait for her friend like she usually does.

„Hey wait for me!" [Reader 1] shouted over the noise that was in the class, as everyone were relived that the lesson was over.

[Reader 2] just walked away, no emotion in her face, like she didin't even hear her friend calling for her.

[Reader 1] put her stuff in her bag and ran after her.

Usually when [Reader 2] decides not to wait for her, it means that she's mad at something.

When she reached her, she asked with a little sigh:

"Okay, what did I do now?"

"Nothing," was [Reader 2]'s dry anwser.

"Come on, there must of been something!" [Reader 1] said getting a bit mad.

"No, I just wanted to get out of there so I wouldn't have to see or hear those girls. Honestly."

When [Reader 1] looked up and realized they were heading to the girls toilets she knew that something was off. She looked at her friends face, trying to look for clues, but to no avail.

Reaching the toilets, [Reader 2] quickly ran to a stall and locked herself in.

[Reader 1] walked over to the stall's door and was quiet as hell trying to hear if she was weeping.


When she walked out of the stall, her eyes were a bit red, but other then that,

everything seemed okay.

"Those rats don't deserve that." was [Reader 1] quietly mumbled when she saw the girls eyes.

"That really doesen't help, you know that," was [Reader 2]'s anwser with a little chuckle.

"...the school ball is coming up..."

"So? Not interested,"

"You don't get it, do you? If we can manage the boys to ask us out then we'll get our revenge!" was [Reader 1]'s impending anwser

"Okay, first: the girls will just continue as they get more mad and second: how will you do that?"

[Reader 1] just shruged and says: "Time will tell..." and did a little smirk.

As they walked out of the girls toilets and saw the boys waiting at a corner, the girls had a mini heart attack.

Not due to the sudden appearance, but because Levi was doing his intimitating look towards them.

As he shaw the girls shocked he let out a little chuckle.

Realizing, what Levi did Sebastian asked: "Really? Again with those eyes?"

"What? It's fun, okay?" Levi said with a little sigh of enjoyment.

When the girls were a little bit calmed down due to the sudden shock, they walked towards them.

[Reader 2] did a little pout towards Levi.

Realizing that she was eyeballing him he asked:

"What?" he chuckled a bit 'cause he understood what's up.

She looked at him angirly, but again funnily and said while hitting his forearm:

"Don't do those eyes at me! I've told you it scares the shit out of me!"

"Okay, calm down!" he said while chuckling at the girly punch that he just got.

"So, why do we have the honour of you waiting for us?" [Reader 1] asked while staring at Sebastian.

"Yeah, why are we here?" Levi asked eyebrows furrowed.

Sebastian did a straight face while his cheecks were a little red and said: " We're, um, waiting for my brother." he finally spelled out.

"Why?" was [Reader 1]'s intimitating question.

"Well you see, because... because..." Sebastian couldn't find the words.

Levi just started coughing while saying between his coughs 'stalker'.

Sebastian just hit his arm with his elbow: "That's some serious cold you got there, Napoleon."

Levi looked at him with a threating face as if he was about to kill the man. But knowing Levi, the others just chuckled, not caring about that his ego just had a powerful punch.

All of a sudden he looked down at his shoes and with a quiet voice:

„Good luck on that math test then, because of what I heard, Napolen is dead, so you need all the luck you can get."

"What? N-no. No no no please!" Sebastian started to beg.

"It's not in my power that we can't go back in time to the part where Napoleon was still alive." he let out a little smirk.

"You little- I mean you tall... tall, uh..." Sebastian started saying but couldn't find the right word. Levi turned his gaze towards him, waiting for an anwser, while a little smirk on his face.

"You tall...bastard?" Sebastian finished with squeling eyes as if he knew that wouldn't work.

"Hmph, fine." Levi said looking away in the distance, "I guess Napoleon can stay alive during the math test, so SOMEONE can cheat."

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