The Uzamaki Siblings:Together...

By EvangelineGlaze

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Kari was just like Naruto, no-one in her village liked her, but she didn't know why. When the chunin exams co... More

Meeting Kari
Mysterious Look-Alike
Chunin Exams Begin
The Forrest of Death
The Final Fight
Present After the Past
Mission For Love
Confrontation Part 2
New Relationship
Problems Arise
Mission Complete?
Alone Time
A Present for Gaara
Capture or Eliminate
The End

Back to Missons

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By EvangelineGlaze

Kari's POV

I woke up, drained and sore as memories from last night flooded back in my mind. I blushed heavily and looked to my left, finding that Gaara wasn't there. "Gaara?" I asked out loud "In the kitchen Kari" he voice trailed towards the front. I got up and put on a robe, walking to the kitchen while being met with the alluring smell of food "Mmm whatcha making?" I looked over his shoulder. "Just some breakfast, go sit down it's done" he grabbed two plates from the cabinet and placed the food evenly on both. "Just some pancakes, bacon and eggs. I woke up early so I thought why not make some breakfast" he sat down across from me "Last night was the most fun I've ever had" he took a bite. "Y-yeah it was" I blushed and took a bite of my food "This is amazing, where did you learn how to cook like this?" I ate another bite, savoring the flavor. "I taught myself, everything I know how to do I taught myself how to do it. I never really had family to teach me things, my uncle didn't care for me." "I know how you feel, my parents died and I never knew I had a brother until four years ago. Basically all my life I was hated for being 'a demon in disguise'" I quoted a villagers' words that I remember. "The people in my village called me a monster, until I became their Hokage" he chuckled "You're the Hokage of the Sand Village!!" I was entirely surprised by this, I never went on mission because of Sai. "Did I not tell you? I meant to, but you never came on a mission with Naruto" "That's because of the new guy, Sai. He thinks I'm just one of my brother's sexy jutsu clones" I crossed my arms. "Go on one mission and prove to him you're not. And if it doesn't work, you have my permission to hit me" he laughed and finished his plate "Haha, like I'll ever hit you. I'll go on a mission, but I'm staying away from Sai" "Fair enough, now get ready. I heard Team 7 has a mission today" he smirked. "You planned this didn't you?" I gave him a death stare "Yes, now hurry" he shoved me out my chair and to the room.

Two hours later

I waited at the gate with the new sensei, Yamato I think, Sakura and unfortunately Sai. "How can a clone be used for so long?" "For the last time I am NOT a clone, I am a living breathing person who was born just like you." I was just about to jump him when Naruto suddenly popped up and held me back. "Woah hey sis calm down, he's not worth it" "The act you're putting up isn't amusing anymore, just poof away" he fake smiled. "Naruto let me go, I need to teach this guy some manners" I was struggling a lot more than before "Sai, stop. She's human just me and you, no different. One more word about her being a clone and that smile wont be there anymore" Sakura gripped his shoulder and smiled the creepiest smile I have ever seen, gave me shivers down my spine. Sai just merely nodded and all of us had sweatdrops on the side of our heads "There, solved" she turned towards us. "Ok then, well I'm already regretting this decision" "Gaara won't let you back in the house you know, he almost didn't let me in because I could've been you disguising as me" "I know, he really wants me to get back into doing missions. I haven't went on one since Sasuke left, and that was about four years ago" "Wow, that long Kari?" Sakura was suddenly at my side. "Yeah, ever since then I never felt like going. He kinda gave me and Naruto some competition since we couldn't find any between ourselves" I nudged Naruto, making him chuckle a bit "The fights us and Sasuke weren't because we hated each other, it was because we finally found someone who was as jacked up as we were" Naruto said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "Oh so that's why you guys always competed" Sakura smiled. "Well Sai, what do you think of Kari now that you know something about her" Yamato's voice was silent in the background "You have convinced me, I'll treat her like a person. For now at least" I decided to ignore that last statement. "So what's the mission captain Yamato?" I asked turning towards the new leader "We're supposed to capture some rogue ninjas, kill if necessary" he answered and then we were off "My first mission in four years, I'm so excited" I smiled as we passed through the trees "Yeah, lets make this the best one yet" Naruto bounded next to me as we continued to where these ninjas hang out.

A/N: Alright, now I'm going to update this until it's finished and my other stories are on hold, sorry if you're waiting for an update on any of the other stories.

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