Light (Ashton Irwin) {Complet...

By sparklelikeaunicorn

226 9 2

You fall in love, and then you fall out. It's nothing you can fix. You lose people, and pray for them to come... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 2

11 2 0
By sparklelikeaunicorn

Amanda's POV
The next day at school went much more smoothly than yesterday's. I'm just thankful I was able to get out of the house. It's a great house and I love it there but, it reminds me of my mom. The walls, the pictures, the hallways. Everything.

When the last period bell rings, I'm out of the school in a heart beat. I go straight to see Skylar. I tell her more about what I learned about Ashton, seeing as he was welcomed into my group of friends.
The five of us walk to our usual table and sit down, it's the table in middle of all the attention.

The five of us immediately start joking around with each other. I see a bunch of girls gawking at my group of friends, seeing as I'm the only girl. You have my best friend Stryker, dark hair, green eyes, olive skin, and a muscular build. Luke Hemmings blonde, blue eyes, Lanky figure, olive skin and pretty tall. Calum hood, everyone thinks he's Asian but he's kiwi and Scottish. He has dark hair, brown eyes, olive skin, and of course tall. Last but not least, Michael Clifford. He's built like the other boys but he's more pale and is always changing his hair color.

Suddenly I hear Michael and Luke yelling at Ashton to get his butt over here and to sit with us. He obliges and sits next to me. " I assume you've met Amanda, the school sweetheart." Calum says winking at the two of us.

"So that's your name, Amanda. I like it." Ashton says in a hushed tone and I shrug.
Flashback over
I tell Skylar the rest before heading home.
When I open the door, Stryker calls to ask if him and the boys can come over. Having a soft spot for my best friend, I say yes. After fifteen minutes, Stryker, Michael, Luke, and Calum are at my door. They come inside, holding drinks and pizza boxes. They go straight to the living room while I leave to change into something more comfortable.

When I go back downstairs, the boys are talking about Ashton. "Amanda, is the new kid your neighbor?" Calum asks peering out the window. I nod grabbing myself a slice of pizza, Michael gawking at it. "Are we allowed to invite him over?" Luke asks and I shrug.

"Sure, I don't see why not." I tell the four boys. "Alright, Cal come with me to ask him to come over." Luke and Calum go outside to get Ashton while Stryker and Michael stay with me.

"We should watch a movie." Michael says out of the blue and I nod. I pull up Netflix and tell the boys to go wild. Stryker and Michael start arguing about what movie to watch. I go to find blankets and pillows while they argue.

"AMANDA!" Calum yells walking into the house. "CALM YOUR TITS CALUM!" I yell back hearing the boys laugh. I carry the blankets and pillows out to the living room.

I see that Michael already dove back into the food, and that Stryker saved me a seat by him. I easily walk over to him, and take my seat. The movie begins and I see it's my favorite, sixteen candles.

"Stryker, you are probably the greatest best friend ever. Other than Sky." I whisper for only him to hear. He laughs and then nods. I notice Ashton looking over at me and Stryker the entire movie. Eventually the five rowdy boys leave for their own homes, and I wave them goodbye. I go upstairs to my room and instantly fall asleep.
Ashton's POV
When I get home I see Amanda's car pull into their drive way. I wave and she waves back heading into the house. After another fifteen minutes I see Michael Clifford, Calum Hood, Luke Hemmings, and Stryker Davis go into the house.

I feel suspicious until Calum and Luke are knocking on my door asking me to go over to her house with them. I oblige, knowing I would have to go even if I didn't want to.

When we walk in Calum shouts "AMANDA!" And I hear a familiar female voice yell "CALM YOUR TITS CALUM!" That makes everyone in the house burst out laughing. We walk into the living room to see a bunch of couches and junk food. I eventually see Amanda bring pillows and blankets out and I feel my heart race.

She goes over to the couch Stryker is sitting before looking at the TV. "Stryker, you are probably the greatest best friend ever." She whispered something else to him and he laughs and nods.

I can't focus on the TV, I can only focus on Amanda. By the end of the night she is waving goodbye to us. I walk back to my house and fall asleep on my bed.
Amanda's POV
The next day at school was bearable. I spent the whole day with the boys. Most people find that as torture, but I find that as perfect. Sure they don't understand women, but I try to help them. People think I'm a hoe for hanging out with them but, I'm still a virgin.

Sky and I made a pact to only lose our virginity to someone we truly love. When Skylar died, she wasn't a virgin. She had a boyfriend named Spencer when she died. He graduated from our school last year. She died exactly a week after his graduation. All she ever wanted was to see him graduate high school.

That day at school, I was more sad than usual. I  started remembering everything Sky and I did at this school. She and I did everything together. Now that she isn't here, who am I suppose to do stuff with?

Stryker notices my sadness, so he tells me to go home. I check out after lunch and go to the cemetery. I talk to Sky until 1:55 and then I head home. I change into something more comfortable, then watch Netflix in the living room. More memories and flashbacks of Skyler haunt me until I'm a crying mess.

I eventually give up and let the flashbacks take over my mind, leaving me a sobbing mess.
Ashton's POV
After Amanda left, the boys and I decided to visit her after school. We all drove to her house. We saw her car was here and we all knocked on the door. When Amanda came to the door, she looked like she'd been crying.

Stryker instantly wrapped his arms around her and she continued to cry. Stryker picked her up and sat on the couch cradling her. She cried for a while, until Stryker's phone started ringing.

"Ash, can you comfort Amanda?." I nod as Stryker goes to answer the call, the other boys watch the movie on the screen. I quickly hold Amanda in my arms, she quickly wraps her arms around my neck and my heart beat quickens. "Thank you Ashton." She mutters before falling asleep.

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