My Baby's Daddy

By SimplyAmber96

633K 10K 919

Hayden Barnes is a 17-year-old girl who made a mistake when she was 16. She had a baby boy named Brandon with... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 (Part 1)
Chapter 12 (Part 2)
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 1

85K 640 56
By SimplyAmber96

This is my new story. Tell me what you think. Anything you don't like or do like? Give me your input so I can make it better. Thanks!! :)


Chapter 1


Hayden's P.O.V*

I took a left on Parkland Ave. I hate this neighborhood. It's full of hoods and drug dealers. Drake, my ex-boyfriend and the father of my child, lives in this neighborhood. He's emancipated so he has his own apartment. He's a drop out and he was in jail for a year for drug dealing. He's been out of jail for two months. And as far as I know he's been clean of drugs for a year since he was in jail.

I parked in front of Drake's apartment and got Brandon, our 1-year-old son, out of the car. I grabbed his baby bag and went to buzz Drake's apartment. I found the name Burton and pressed the button beside it. Drake's voice rang from the box.

"What?" He asked, sounding irritated and tired.

"It's Hayden and Brandon." I answered.

There was a buzz and I headed up. I opened the door since he never locks it. It looked exactly the way it did last weekend. Clothes were strewn over the couch and on the floor. Empty soda bottles and cans were on the floor. Chinese food take-out boxes were cluttered on the coffee table and TV. Who knows if anything is in them. I hate that Brandon has to come here every weekend. It's a dump. Too bad it's what the court ordered. The good side is I get 300 dollars a week as child support.

Drake came from his bedroom. His hair was messy and he was only wearing jeans, no shirt. I saw the familiar tattoo of my name going up his right side. He got that when we loved each other and hadn't broken up.

"Are you ever going to clean this place?" I asked.

"I will when I have time." He ran his hand through his hair. "Give him to me."

I handed Brandon over to him and the baby bag. I heard shuffling coming from his room.

"Who is it babe?" A girl's voice rang. A girl with very long brown hair and green eyes came from his room Drake's t-shirt. She looked at me and gave a small smile. "Hi." She said with a small wave.

I sighed. "Stay out of trouble for the sake of our son. I'll be back tomorrow around noon to pick him up."

I left and drove home. He knew I was dropping Brandon off today. Why would he bring a girl over? He may be an ass, but he usually does what's best for our son. I don't think having some girl over is in his best interest.

I parked in my driveway then went inside. The house was empty telling me my mom was gone. I decided to clean some. It's summer so I don't have homework. I picked up Brandon's toys and put them away. After, I cleaned the kitchen.

I heard my cell phone ringing in the other room and ran to get it. I looked at who was calling and saw it was my best friend Kristie.

"Hey Kristie, what's up?" I answered.

"Joey and I wanted to invite you to the beach. We know Brandon is with Drake so we thought we'd give you something to do."

"I don't know..." Joey is Kristie's boyfriend. Whenever they're around each other, they're sucking face. It's uncomfortable, especially since I don't have a boyfriend of my own.

"We promise not to make out in front of you. Come on, you need some fun. And you're missing out on all of the sun."

"Fine. I'll meet you there in 20 minutes."

"See ya there."

I changed into a pink and blue striped bikini that tied around the neck. I put shorts and a tank over it then slipped into some flip flops. I put my blonde hair into a ponytail and found my sunglasses.

I was at the beach in 15 minutes. I parked and went to find Kristie and Joey. On the beach, there were people playing volleyball and catch in the water. I checked the cabana first then went to the little restaurant. I walked through looking for their familiar faces. When I didn't find them, I went back out.

I found Kristie and Joey walking hand-in-hand from the parking lot. I went over to them and Kristie immediately hugged me.

"Thank you for coming." She said. "Now we can work on finding you a man."

I rolled my eyes. "Is that the only reason you wanted me to come? You know it never works." Every time I date someone, they find out I have a baby and then they dump me. I'm going to be single forever all because I got knocked up at 16.

"Nonsense! You just have to keep looking and trying. There's a guy out there that isn't a jerk, though you seem to always draw them in." I sighed.

We found an empty place on the beach and set up. I sat down on my towel and began putting sunscreen on.

"What are you doing!" Kristie asks, snatching the sunscreen bottle from me.

"Putting on sunscreen so I won't burn. What are you doing?" I took the bottle back.

"You're supposed to ask a guy to do it for you. Don't you know how it works?"

"Yes, I know how it works. But I'm not trying because there's no use. I'm no good. I have a baby. Guys don't like girls with baby's."

"Some guys do. You just have to keep looking."

After applying sunscreen, I laid back to get a tan. I frowned when my cell began to ring. I sat up and grabbed it from my bag. I saw it was Drake calling.

"What is it?" I asked, upset that he interrupted my tanning.

"You didn't pack any bottles." He said, sounding angry. I could hear Brandon crying in the background.

"I figured you'd have some. I left and entire pack there last week."

"Well they're not here anymore. Go buy some and bring them over."

"No! You go buy some. You're the one that lost the bottles."

"I already pay you 300 dollars a week!"

"I don't care! It's not my problem!"

The phone was snatched away from me and Kristie put it to her ear and began talking to Drake.

"Look jerk, of you're the one that lost the bottles you should be the one to buy some more! Step up and be a father. You've already failed at life, try not to fail at that."

She handed the phone back to me with a smirk on her face. I took the phone from her and put it back up to my ear.

"Just buy some stupid bottles so that Brandon will stop crying."

"I'll just give him some left over takeout."

"Babies can't eat takeout you moron!"

"Well I don't feel like going out to buy bottles!"

I sighed. "Fine, I'll buy bottles and be over."

I groaned and gripped onto my hair. He's so annoying. He always wins the fight and I hate that. He's so lazy and uncaring.

"What did he say?" Kristie asked me, swiping her long wavy black hair out of her face.

"He was going to give Brandon takeout so that he didn't have to buy bottles. He's such an idiot, no wonder he dropped out of school."

"You can't let him get under your skin. His type feeds off of that."

"I could buy them for you if you'd like." Joey offered.

"That's sweet of you, but no thank you. You save your money for when you have a kid. You'll need it." I got up and began packing up my things. "I may or may not come back. If I don't, I'll see you later." I gave Kristie a hug and Joey a wave.

I went to a dollar store and bought a pack of bottles. After, I went to Drake's apartment. I called him and he buzzed me in. I went up and went inside. It looked like he had cleaned up some in past 30 minutes. The takeout boxes and trash in the floor was gone. The clothes were still everywhere.

"I thought you'd never get here." He complained, coming from the kitchen. He was now wearing black jeans and a green t-shirt. His dark hair was back to it's normal cropped style.

"Just be happy that I bought some, period."

"Shut up and give me the bottles."

"No. Since you made me come all the way back over here, I'm going to fix his bottle."

"Then hurry up because he's getting upset again."

I mixed the formula and water in the bottle then heated it up. Brandon was beginning to whine.

"So where'd your little toy go?" I asked him.

"She left 15 minutes ago. What is it to you?"

"Just want to know who my son is around."

"Our son." He corrected.

The microwave beeped and I took out the bottle. I tested the milk on the back of my hand then handed it to Drake.

"I'm going back to hang with my friends. Thank you for interrupting my tanning."

"You were at the beach? Why didn't you invite us?"

"Because I don't like being around you more than I have to." I gave Brandon a kiss on the cheek then left.

Drake's P.O.V*

Hayden left, leaving me alone with Brandon once again. I sat on the cluttered couch and fed Brandon his bottle. His big green eyes were looking directly at me. Even though he's looking right at me, it's still hard to believe that I'm a father at 18. I've been out of his life for a year. I hope he can forgive me when I'm older.

I heard the buzz from my door and reluctantly went to answer it. I hope it's not Hayden again. She's getting on my nerves.

"Yeah." I answered it.

"It's Jamie."

"Come on up." I reluctantly let her in. She just left 15 minutes ago and is already back. She thinks we're going to be a couple but she couldn't be more wrong. Ever since Hayden, I've only been doing one night things.

Jamie walked through the door and came to give me a kiss. I quickly dodged her and she gave me a confused look. She quickly forgot about it and turned her attention to Brandon.

"You're so adorable!" She exclaimed. "Can I feed him?"

"Yeah, just be careful." I handed Brandon to her and she sat on the couch. I went in the kitchen and made a sandwich since I was feeling hungry. I went back into the living room and found Brandon asleep in her arms. "Go lay him in my bed." I told her.

I sat on the couch and turned on the TV. Jamie came back and sat next to me, practically on my lap. She nuzzled my neck and kissed me on the cheek. I moved away and she moved with me. I moved again and she moved once more.

"Can't you take a hint?" I asked her. She looked at me, shock on her face. "I don't want you near me right now."

"But babe..."

"I'm not your babe. I'm not your anything. Why are you even here?"

"I wanted to be with you."

"Well I don't want to be with you. Why don't you just get out."

"You're just like everyone said! I wanted to give you a chance, but turns out you really are an asshole!"

She stormed out, leaving me alone. What do I care if she's mad at me. I don't plan on ever seeing her again. Besides, I'm better off on my own. All I really care about is me and my son. I ate my sandwich in piece then went to sleep.

I woke to crying and went to get Brandon. He laid on his back, screaming his lungs out.

"Alright, shut up already." I said. I picked him up and noticed he had a dirty diaper. I groaned. Hayden is so much better at changing a diaper. I'm still new to all of this. I'd call her but it's 3:00 am and I don't feel like putting up with her at the moment.

After changing Brandon's diaper, I climbed into bed and laid him next to me, hoping he'd fall asleep. Instead he kept hitting my face, pulling my hair, and laughing.

"Brandon, please go to sleep." I begged. "For daddy's sake, go to sleep. I have work tomorrow." Surprisingly he stopped and let me sleep in peace.

Hayden's P.O.V*

I woke the next morning to the smell of smoke. I jumped up and quickly followed the smell. I came to the kitchen and saw my mom pulling pancakes out of the oven.

"Mom! What the hell are you doing? Pancakes don't go in the oven." I opened the window, trying to get the smoke out.

"You know I don't know how to cook." She said, setting the charred pancakes on the stove top.

"Why are you cooking anyway?" It's not like she's done it before.

"I brought a guy home last night." She gave a guilty smile.

My mom is an "exotic dancer". Sometimes she picks up a guy or two. She's a total slut in my opinion, but I guess it's alright since she's 33. You, my mom had me when she was 16. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. She doesn't care what I do or who it's with. I have my mother's last name and I've never met my father. My life has been a little rough, but I've turned out good.

"Are you planning on keeping this guy?" I asked her.

"No. That's why I was hoping you'd be the bad guy for me."

"What do I get out of it?"

"I'll let you stay out late."

"You don't care what time I come home."

"Fine, I'll give you twenty bucks. Does that work?"


I went into my mom's room and saw a half naked guy laid in her bed. He had dark, curly hair and a slight beard. I went into the kitchen and filled a cup of water. I went back into the room and splashed it on his face. He jumped up and glared at me.

"What the hell?" He asked me.

"Get out. You're not wanted here."

"Are you Cherry's sister or something?" Cherry is my mom's stage name. Only I know her real name which is Michelle. "No, I'm her daughter."

He looked me over and a small smile formed on his face. I looked at him with disgust.

"How old are you anyway?" He asked me.

"I'm 17 you pervert! Get out before I call the cops!" The man jumped up, grabbed his shirt, and left. My mom peeked inside and whispered a 'thank you'.

I showered and put on jean shorts, a purple t-shirt, and black ballet flats. I checked my clock and saw it was 11:00. It was time for me to pick up Brandon.

I got to Drake's apartment and called. There was no answer so I rang again. Still no answer. I buzzed the landlord and told him I was the cable person. He let me in and I went up to Drake's apartment. I walked in and it was empty. I walked back to the bedroom, a little afraid of what I might see. Hopefully he doesn't have a girl over.

I opened the door and found Drake sprawled out on the bed and Brandon laying on the floor, sleep. I rushed over to Brandon and picked him up. He immediately woke up and looked at me with his big green eyes. I straddled him on my hip and grabbed Drake's pillow. I began hitting Drake full force. He woke up and blocked me.

"What is your problem?" He asked me. "How did you get in?"

"I come in here and find Brandon on the ground. Did he fall or did you not care enough to let him sleep in the bed with you."

"He must've fallen because he started out on the bed."

"Then why didn't you wake up when he was crying. I know that he was because that's a pretty far fall for a baby."

"I'm tired alright? I've been busting my ass to get your money. I actually have a job, unlike you. Why don't you go and work along side your slut of a mother. At least that's some kind of job. You'd be perfect at it since you're a slut yourself."

My shot out and I slapped him. I was feeling angry and sad. I held back the tears, trying not to show weakness in front of him.

"For your information, I'm not a slut. I'm not the one sleeping with whoever I get the chance. You're a man hore. You can't talk about me since you're worse. Also, you haven't been here for the past year so you have no idea what kind of person I am."

"I know what kind of person you are."

"Really? Tell me."

"Why should I tell you when you already know?"

I groaned and stormed out of the room. He frustrates me so much. I can't believe I ever went out with him. I grabbed Brandon's baby bag and headed out. I just need to get away from him and blow off steam. What I really need is a new guy to distract me from all of this drama I have with Drake.


So, what did you think? I'm going for something new, different personalities to challenge myself. Tell me what you think please.

Picture is of the characters ->

Please comment, vote, and/or fan. Thanks!! ;-)

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