Every Second [COMPLETED]

By joymoment

2.5M 136K 35.9K

"Honestly one of the best books I've read" - mywayforme "I'll take it from here," Sebastian said. "Ms. Dawson... More

Dang! Check out that cast!
OH NO! 😱 Author's Note! Run for it!
Chapter 1 - "Well, it's about time!"
Chapter 2 - "The last album failed."
Chapter 3 - "Is this even real?"
Chapter 4 - "I would look terrible with facial hair."
Chapter 5 - "I'm a cat lady!"
Chapter 6 - "Your parents must be really proud."
Chapter 7 - "Hey troublemaker."
Chapter 8 - "Sebastian is not here."
Chapter 9 - "Who is this fool?"
Chapter 10 - "I'm off to face my death."
Chapter 11 - "I believe in you and I'll wear ear plugs."
Chapter 13 - "He still has a girlfriend."
Chapter 14 - "You two are a bit too dramatic."
Chapter 15 - "I'd like you to meet my girlfriend, Lennon Kayhill."
Chapter 16 - "What happened?"
Chapter 17 - "Do you want to throw on a shirt and we can get working?"
Chapter 18 - "You done?"
Chapter 19 - "Sebastian-"
Chapter 20 - "It's a long story."
Chapter 21 - "Would it help if I ran at you?"
Chapter 22 - "I've decided my only option is to go mad."
Chapter 23 - "How'd you escape?"
Chapter 24 - "I don't know why. Maybe it was my fault."
Chapter 25 - "You're forcing our friendship?"
Chapter 26 - "Hey Farewell!"
Chapter 27 - "And welcome home, I guess."
Chapter 28 - "How many girlfriends have you had?"
Chapter 29 - "Aims, I'll take your company in whatever form I can have it."
Chapter 30 - "I just forgot that, he's Sebastian Colfax."
Chapter 31 - "I didn't want to look too eager."
Chapter 32 - "Show offs."
Chapter 33 - "Say something."
Chapter 34 - "I did the right thing?"
Chapter 35 - "Dance with me."
Chapter 36 - "Smooth. I give it a ten out of ten for tact."
Chapter 37 - "Aims, I don't want you to get hurt."
Chapter 38 - "I never wanted this!"
Chapter 39 - "I can't! You don't understand. I can't do this!"
Chapter 40 - "I wouldn't bail."
Chapter 41 - "What are you doing here?"
Chapter 42 - "Five months isn't that long."
Chapter 43 - "Priorities change."
Chapter 44 - "I miss you, Aims."
Chapter 45 - "I actually don't believe you."
Chapter 46 - "Don't forget me."
Chapter 47 - "Only forty days left until I see you again."
Chapter 48 - "Was it worth waiting five months?"
Chapter 49 - "Aims. I have a confession to make."
An Honest Thank You!
When Amelia Met Will (Deleted Scene)
Amelia's Final Work Day with Sebastian (Deleted Scene)
Amelia meeting Charlie in D.C. over tour (Deleted Scene)

Chapter 12 - "Can I ask you a question?"

43K 2.5K 612
By joymoment

Amelia tossed aside her blankets, suddenly wide awake. She bent over and snatched her discarded hoody off the floor, pulling it over head. She wandered out of her room. The main part of Sebastian's apartment was lit by the reflective snow of the city.

Shuffling over to the window, she rested her head against the cool glass, looking down at the dark, empty streets. Empty, except for the snow plows with their yellow revolving lights. She imagined she could almost hear the grinding sound of the plows as they pushed against the concrete and the slushing of the tires over the snow.

Her gaze moved across the city, across the park in the general direction of her apartment. Her thoughts followed her gaze, wondering if Charlie was awake as well. Amelia folded her arms, wishing she was home. She pulled herself away from the window and moved into the kitchen. The burner clicked into life, blue flames dancing upward to heat the bottom of the metal tea kettle. Her movements were slow and quiet. It was two in the morning. She knew Will could sleep through a bomb attack, but she was worried she might wake Sebastian.

Tea made, Amelia moved everything to the coffee table and pulled an arm chair closer to the window. She was clutching her second cup of tea when a door opened and a figure emerged from the hallway. Amelia twisted in her seat.

"Will?" she whispered.

The figure froze mid-step, then walked over to her. The light from the window fell across his face. Sebastian was shirtless, wearing a pair of black pajama pants, his hair rumpled. He rubbed his eyes and took in the scene before him.

"Can't sleep?" he asked.

He showed no signs of being uncomfortable in his current state of undress. Amelia was struck by the thought that nearly every girl in the world would kill to be in her exact situation. All she could think about was whether he was cold or not.

"Force of habit," she said.


"Nightmares," Amelia explained. "And my brother and I usually end up awake at odd hours of the night. We usually spend about an hour talking and sharing a cup of tea. We've done it so often that even with him not here, it felt unnatural just to lay in bed."

Sebastian nodded, his gaze falling to the pot of tea on the coffee table.

"You want a cup?" Amelia asked him.

Sebastian hesitated before answering.

"Sure, just give me a second."

He left the room only to appear a second later pulling a hoody over his bare chest and abdomen. Grabbing a mug from the kitchen, he returned to the living room and pulled an arm chair over to Amelia's. She wordlessly took his mug, filling it before handing it back to him.

Sebastian sank into the arm chair, his long legs stretched out, focus on the window. She tried to read in his face and posture his feelings over the occurrence with the chest of drawers, but he betrayed nothing. So she followed his lead and turned her attention back to the never ending storm, the silence of it absorbing them into its folds.

After many moments had past, Amelia popped the bubble of silence with a whisper.

"My father loved snow storms," she mused quietly.

She could sense Sebastian shifting his focus to her.

"For him it meant a day by the fire with my mom, Charlie and me. Playing board games, doing irritatingly large puzzles, hot chocolate and eventually music."

A longing sigh slipped from Amelia's mouth.

"I hope, that no matter how long I live, I never forget the sound of my father playing the guitar," she said. "He had magic fingers my mom used to joke. But it's true. When he played the world stopped turning for just an instant and you wanted to do nothing but listen to him."

The words tumbled out of Amelia, her mind was buffeted with a storm of memories of her parents, like the snow flakes outside knocked about by the wind. A fond, distant smile played on her lips as she turned to Sebastian, half expecting to see Charlie or Will there, instead of him.

"It's sounds like you had a great father, someone who really knew how to value time with his family," he said.

There was a subtle hint of emotion in his voice that was so small Amelia wondered if she was imagining it.

"Yeah, he was amazing, both my parents were," she said.

"Did your father teach you guitar?"

"Yeah, but he said I started banging things so young that he knew I was going to be a drummer. He said that but every little kid bangs things so why he thought my banging away at pots was different, I'll never know. Anyways, I was already playing the drums well enough by the time he introduced me to the guitar that I had no desire to learn it. Besides he played so beautifully, I would lose focus as he tried to teach me something."

"How'd you end up playing the piano then?" Sebastian asked.

"My mom. She played the piano and wanted me to learn, so I did for her. She was a psychologist, and it was the time I got to spend just with her."

"A guitarist and a psychologist, that's an interesting combo," Sebastian mused.

"Yeah, it did make for an interesting childhood. What about your parents? Were they complete opposites or were they both musicians of some sort like you?" Amelia asked.

Sebastian didn't respond, his silence radiating from him like a stone wall.

"No, they weren't complete opposites," he finally said.

A tense silence settled between them like an unwelcome third member. Amelia realized that that was the only amount of response she was going to get. She finished off her cup of tea and thought about leaving when Sebastian talked again.

"Can I ask you a question?" he said, turning towards her.

"You already have, but you can ask another," Amelia said.

This brought a half smile to his face and the unwelcome third member disappeared.

"What is your and Will's relationship?" he asked. "I thought it was romantic at first. But anyone who's around the two of you longer than a few minutes would obviously realize that's not the case. That and I recall you going on a blind date a week ago, much to your annoyance."

"In the simplest of terms, Will is my brother, best friend and one of the people I would not be the same without."

"I don't mean to pry but care to elaborate?"

Amelia thought about the fact that when she had asked one question about his life he had barely said more than ten words. She wondered if he saw the irony in his own question.

"Sure. Will lost his mother a year before I lost my parents and moved to London to live with my grandparents. When we met we were both working through our own levels of grief. That's what bonded us together. We didn't have to ask questions about how the other person was doing. Instead we could just be there for each other. He helped me make it through high school without being a complete wreck."

"Did you ever date?"

"No. We both needed each other more as a friend to ever think of dating."

Sebastian nodded in understanding.

"Can I ask you a question?" Amelia asked.

"Yes, if it's within reason."

"Why did you come to Juilliard for drum lessons?"

Sebastian was silent more a moment.

"I never went to college," he said. "I was signed right out of high school. When I came to your class it made me curious what it would have been like to go to college." Sebastian bent his head, smiling slightly. "Besides learning the drums is more difficult than writing, so I found it helped me not stress over my music. Not much, but a little."

Amelia nodded. "I'm glad it helped then."

Sebastian looked at her, his expression ponderous.

"Do most people call you Amy or Aims?" he asked. "I know I heard your brother call you Aims but Will calls you Amy."

"Actually Will is the only person to call me Amy. Everyone less calls me Aims."

"How come?"

"Will hadn't known my nickname and so called me Amy because it's naturally the nickname given to people with my name."

"What about Aims? How did you get that one?"

"My father. He said I was always aiming for greater things and so Aims became my nickname. Does everyone call you Bash?"

"Those who know me well enough call me Bash, but everyone else sticks with Sebastian."

"Was Bash always your nickname, even in school?"

"No, they were other less flattering nicknames."

"My worst nickname was Dumbo ears in elementary school."

Sebastian cracked a smile and let out a small chuckle.

"It was because I had large ears, plus the connection with Amelia Airhart and flying."

Sebastian glanced over at her and Amelia instinctively placed a protective hand over her ears. He laughed.

"Sorry. My names weren't as bad as that," he said. "My sister called me Bear. With other people it was a toss up between Sebby and Crabby, for the crab from the Little Mermaid."

"Sebby isn't bad."

Sebastian looked at her with a doubtful expression.

"Okay. So maybe it is pretty bad," she said.

Sebastian wore a half smile and shrugged unconcerned. They lapsed into a comfortable silence, thoughts of years long since past settling on both their minds.

When Amelia felt her head bending to meet the arm of the chair, and her eyes drooping with sleep, she pulled herself up.

"Night Sebastian."

He looked up startled as if he forgot she had been there the whole time.

"Goodnight Amelia, sleep well," he said, his voice somber.

"You too."

She left him sitting in the living room. As she turned back one more time, she caught a glimpse at his face, his expression a mask of troubled thoughts.



What is a nickname of your's? What is the worst nickname you have ever had? I don't have a lot of nicknames because my name is so short. My sister calls my JoyJoyFace, because I call her Gracie Face (It rhymes, so mine makes sense, her's does not). I had a friend who called me lumberjack, mostly because I was stronger than him. That was probably the worst.

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