Robocop: Apocalypse.

By epitomepublishing

1K 42 11

Robocop Fan Fiction: In the desolated wasteland of the American expanse. law and order are all but a memory... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter 15
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Ninteen
To My Readers ❤❤❤❤
Bonus: Robocop Apacolypse The Videogame

Chapter One: Data log

286 7 0
By epitomepublishing

Data log: access......
Entry:New log......
Date, 05/13/2124...
The waste land is, unforgiveing, full of blood and fear and chaos. Brutal crimes that all go unpunished, all go unheard, unavenged.
The crime never stops, it is a constant variable that consumes, everything.
Men, women, children. All of them are victims and equals in the eyes if crime, but never in the eyes of justice and what it means, they are all only charred bodies in a fire that swept across the world, burned everyone and left only no one without scares.
Without hurt, or pain, or something missing of themselves.
Everything is gone, caught in the fire the set a blaze to the relic that was society, that was law and order.
Corporations and their greed, and their thirst for blood.
It's been some time since I've seen anyone openly admitting to be a member of OCP. But in the burned body's and trail of blood that I have been following, it couldn't be anyone but.
They have been attacking, killing, pilliaging, raping and murdering, like they always do, like they always have done. But now it seems they have a new purpose in giving people an option to join them, or die.

I come now to a fresh settlement, a fresh fire that has just died overnight, damn.
Bye the evidence they where here only a few hours ago, watched the houses burn, shot who ever tried to run, did their whole song and dance to a drum beat of gunshots, and a choir of screams.
No children, is the odd thing, no children, only adult bodies. Only men and women able to make a choice, but why. Why only take the kids?
Kids are innocent, they don't belong mixed up this, they don't deserve to have their houses burned down, their parents killed. I can't stand for this. Not for this injustice.

( Video Recording.)
*A sound from behind him. Robocop is inside a still smoldering building, as he scans and examines the bodies, trying to identify who they where.
Robocop tries to act like he doesn't notice, all the while activating a camera on his back.
With the duality of vision, it almost immediately known that they aren't friendly. As a mechanised Cyborge raises a massive gun, pointing it at his head.
It fires, but Robocop dodges out of the way.
The wall in front if him explodes in a blast of ions and electricity, like an electrified grenade.
The sound of a child can be heard in the slight, barely aduable in the chaos of the moment.
Robocop's objectives kick in, "Protect the Innocent."
In a flash of speed and precision, robocop, (now modified) pulls out his hand Cannon fro. The overclocked holster in his leg, in nearly flies out as he grabs it. Holding it in an overclocked, and armor stripped arm.
He fires, Bam Bam Bam, Bullet to the head, bullets to the shoulder. Bullet down the barrel of the gun. Boom.
The building collapses. Robocop bursting through the walls after a quick scan. Child in his arms.
Shielded from the crumbling building. Hidden in a hole in the wall, that no one thought to check.
The little girl is barely alive, untouched by the fire but suffering from smoke onhalation. He sets he down, as he clears the building. Then turns to face the cyborg who most likely survived the falling building.
Red Eyes flash in the smoke. And a triple burst hand cannon fires back at robocop.

"Bullet proof." He says to himself as he blocks against the bullets, phosphorus rounds that try to eat away at his armor.
'This is no low end Cyborge, this is an OCP man killer.' He thinks, his thoughts reflected in Satin haunted visions.
He runs in as he dodges and blocks more bullets. Trying to get close enough, just close enough.
The Cyborge sees him coming, and counter throwing grenades, that are shot in mid air, by robocop.
Stunning chaff that blinds him, for a moment, messing up his tracking.
It moves, it's fast sleak, top of the line.
It begins an epic beatdown of punches and kicks, martial arts moves only possible for a Cyborge to pull off.
It tears into him hard, each blow stunning Robocop's vision.
Robocop is brought to his knees, and the Cyborge is about to switch to full auto with its gun and empty the entire clip into Robocop's face, but it drops it's guard, and in a flash steal, in a blurt of blindness. Robocop pulls a massive sword from his back and cuts the cyborgs gun in half. Split down the middle with a length of it arm. Peeled in two like a banana of metal in a water stream cutter.
With a second swing, just as fast, two robotic legs go flying into the distance.
The Cyborge in front of him falls over, landing on the ground hard.
Robocop stands up and and just as he is about to split the abomination down the middle with a hydrolic cleave.
The ash clears away. And he stops.
Memory's rush his mind, haunted thoughts of a haunted machine that still remembers Murphys friends.
One in particular comes to mind. As he help her as she bled and died in a church fighting the Rehabs. Upholding the law, a good cop till the end.
He becomes confused. Distraught. A cop killing a cop who has already died, a ghost killing a ghost. " But how, Lois. Your...."
She looks up at him, rage still in the organic skin on her face. She knows she has been beaten. Buy still fights, a fighter to the end. *

Data Log: Lois, is she........?

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