New Kid On The Block

By Mercy_Lebeau

30.4K 724 79

Kalla "Kitten" Darling is new to San Francisco but she's got some friends and the skill to shut down even Blu... More

Ch 2: DedSec
Ch 3: Up to Speed
Ch 4: Raining Cats
Ch5: New Dawn
Ch 6: Unexpected
Ch 7: Nightmares
Ch 8: Swelter Skelter
Ch 9: A Mistake
Ch 10: Lost and Found
Ch 11: Lost in the Fire
Ch 12: Not the Only One
Ch 13: Better Times
Ch 14: Past Lives
Ch 15: Hacker Wars
Ch 16: DevilCat
Ch 17: Defalt
Ch 18: Wrench
Ch 19: Rescue
Ch 20: mAze

Ch1: Caught in the Cross Fire

3.8K 58 3
By Mercy_Lebeau

"In order to shut down ctOS you are going to have to get your hands dirty."

"I'm ready." I whispered.

"You got skill. I won't deny it but you can't do this on your own."

"Not much of a choice. You can't trust anyone these days."

"I don't for a second think you'll take my advice seriously." I laughed which in my current position could possibly get me killed. "Well at least take this much, start small. You can't take them down with one big hack. I know, I tried. Look where that's got me."

"I miss you Brandon." I murmured before ending the call. Time to focus. "Lets see what we got to work with here."

I clicked the small button on my glasses. The signal rerouted through my phone and displayed across the lenses of my glasses giving me access to the blue prints of the building. Virtual reality in reality. Very high grade tech which also made it very expensive. But for someone like me it opened up worlds.

There were only two heat signals on this floor besides me. And the program on my phone profiled them as both being human. They both happened to be approaching me fast. I ducked behind the corner, my fingers curling tightly around my stun baton.

"I can't believe Dedsec managed to get inside-Hey, who are-" I cut him off with 50,000 volts of electricity to his throat. The other guard could barely stifle out a cry before I dropped him too.

"Well that was easier than I thought." I chuckled to myself. I followed the hallway down to the stair case and descended into the basements of the building. Almost right away, five red heat signatures lit up on my lens. They were scattered through out the level, more of them closer to the access point I needed to reach.

Okay, maybe this wasn't going to be as easy as I had hoped.

But I did have a little something up my sleeve for this. I pulled the fist sized ball out of my satchel along with my phone. Crouching I slid along the wall into the center of the server room. The floor changed from concrete to metal walk ways and looking over the edge I knew that fall would do some serious damage.

I waited until I came to the center isle before kneeling down and carefully rolling the ball down the middle. It came to a stop about halfway down the walkway. I pressed the button on my phone and an ear splitting shriek came from the sphere.

"The fuck is that?" A voice yelled.

"Hey, over here." Three out of five of the guards appeared down the center on of the isle. The most decorated of them leaned down to pick it up. "What is this thing." I double pressed the button sending a pulse of high electricity through them all at once. They convulsed dropping to the ground out like a light in seconds.

"This is a restricted area." I whipped around to face the man who was holding a gun up at me. Before he could pull the trigger I spun around  the corner back down the main way snatching up the now silent silver ball. About two rows up a guard came around the corner gun in hand. I raised my baton hitting his hands where they gripped his gun then with a strike across the face knocked him out. He dropped just as the guard behind me shot off a bullet and I took cover. I could hear his pounding steps as I circled around the servers coming around the other side just as he stopped to kneel down beside his fallen friend. My baton hit him square across the shoulders and then he was down too.

Okay now to get in. I followed the glowing orange beacon displayed on my lenses. Coming up to the control station, I pulled out the connector cord hooking it up to the tablet I kept in my satchel for jobs the required a bigger keyboard.

"Time to see what you got Blume."


"Hey guys."

"What is it, Josh." Sitara asked as the rest of the Dedsec crew crowded around his computer.

"Some one broke into Blume." He said typing a few lines of command code in.

"When, why haven't we heard about this on the news or at least the police scanners." Marcus asked in disbelief.

"That's because it's happening right now."  Sitara gasped as the video link from one of the cameras popped up on scream. A girl with dark blue hair sat half crouched behind a wall while five gun men shooting at her. She didn't look scared, more so determined typing rapidly on a phone.

"We have to help her." Horatio said.

"Yeah, and she's going to need away out of there fast." Wrench agreed. "I got this, you focus on helping her exit the building." He said before quickly disappearing out the door.

"Okay, Josh, can you access her phone?" Sitara ask.

"Mhmm. Nope. She's got firewalls in place. But I can access that."


I managed to get in the system long enough to delete my profile before it shut me out sending a squadron of guards my way. They had me pinned and the constant gunfire made it impossible to try and run. I was in the middle of planning my own funeral when the tv screen opposite me turned on.

I watched confused for a second as a grey skull appeared on the screen. Follow by the words: need help? Underneath it was bar code, I held my phone up scanning it and almost instantly I was patched into a comm channel.

"Who are you?"

"There will be time for introduction after your done getting shot at." A woman's voice said. "We can shut off the lights for-"

She started rambling but I was more focused on my phone's that buzzed signalling the sphere has successfully recharged. I rolled it around the corner in the direction of the gunfire and hit the stun button. There was the sound of moans and then five bodies collapsing to the floor.

"Okay, wow, or you can do that."

"I can handle myself." I muttered pushing of the wall and around the corner. I picked the sphere up off the floor and hurried down the hall looking for the exit.

"There are two guys up this way. One behind the door, the other in the stair well."

"Yeah, I know." I commented kicking open the door. The door slammed into the unsuspecting guard's back sending him stumbling forwards. I hit him with the baton and he was out. My glasses tracked the approaching heat signature in the stair well. Must have heard me kicking open the door. I dropped behind a desk just as he opened fire down the hall.

Suddenly the shots stopped and there was a grunt followed by a body hitting the ground. I looked around the edge of the desk surprised.

"Hi, I'm Wrench, I work for Dedsec and I'm here to save you." His voice was slightly distorted by the mask he was wearing, some type of voice module.

"Thanks." I said with a fake smile standing up. "But I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself." I rolled my eyes as I passed him entering the stair case.

"Hey wait!" He turned but I grabbed a hold of the metal railing and jumped over swinging down to the next level. I unlocked the doors with a click on my phone then stepped out into warm San Francisco night. "Yo, girl with the really cool blue hair, slow down!"

I forcibly stopped myself from just turning around and tazing him. He grabbed my shoulder stopping me for taking off on him. I turned angrily glaring up at him. The fact that he was a foot taller made me even more pissed at him. And the fact his face was covered by some high tech mask didn't help either. I couldn't read his expressions, I could only go off the different symbols that blinked across the goggles.

"What?" I snapped.

"Wow, what's got you pissed off." He chuckled, I could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

"Maybe the fact some random asswipe is going to get me killed."

"Killed? I'm trying to save your life-" the door behind him swung opened and I slammed him down on to the ground. Just in time too.

"You were saying?" I hissed in his ear as bursts of bullets whizzed over top of us. His "eyes", I guess you could call them became exclamation points.

"Um, your still on top of me." He said and I rolled my eyes carefully getting off while still staying low enough to the ground hidden beneath the crates that blocked the bullets that would otherwise kill us.

"Your the first guy to ever complain." I retorted leaning back against the crate. "So do you have a car or are we just suppose to flee on foot?"

"A block west of here. Or was that coming in the other way." He hummed. "Either way, we won't make it there under this gunfire." I watched him reach into his jacket pocket pulling out a pistol with a silencer and scope.

"What are you doing! You'll kill them!" I cried grabbing his forearm to stop him.

"Kind of the point. They're trying to kill us." He answered shaking my hand off.

"Yeah cause we broke in. That doesn't mean we should kill them!"

"They should have thought about that before becoming douchebag guards." He straightened himself up against the crate and shot off two rounds. It took out the guy shooting and causing another to take cover inside the door. "Come on, let's go now." He grabbed my hand. Before I could stop him he pulled me to my feet. Both of us raced down the side walk until he stopped panting next to a dark blue sports car.

"Is this the car from the trailer for CyberDriver?" I asked half out of breath.

"Yeah cool isn't it?" He asked jumping over the driver side door into the seat. "Come on let's go, before they catch up to us."

I looked at him and then back down the street where there still was the sounds of gunfire coming from. Then down the other side of the street. "Hey, don't you trust me?" He asked a new pattern flashing on his goggles, ^_^, like he was amused.

I sighed jumping over the side and into the passenger seat. Almost immediately the car roared to life and he pulled so fast away from the curb I could smell rubber.

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