Ch 19: Rescue

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A Week Later

The sound of gunfire echoed across the building. It was loud enough to make my guard stand up and draw his gun nervously. An explosion went of somewhere and I could visibly see him begin to sweat. My fingers lingered over the code I had been working on.

"Is it always likes this working for Prime8?" I mused allowed. The guard, who was only there for my protection as said by Lenni, glanced back at me his mouth pressed into a hard line. His fingers flexed over the trigger as another explosion went off, this one closer than before.

I shut my laptop pressing it against my chest as I watched the door. It must be Wrench. Who else would have a plan that involved that much c4? Or maybe it was Marcus. I'd never seen Wrench in the field but I didn't doubt for a second he couldn't handle the work.

"Don't move." The guard grunted before swinging the door open and slipping out into the hall. He made it two steps before a gun went off and he slid to the ground gasping. A second bullet and he was off to meet his maker. I cried out in shock and fear as the blood began to pool in the door way.

"Kitten." He purred lightly, his voice distorted by his mask. "I'm getting you out of here. Let's go." He took the laptop out of my hands breaking it effortlessly across his knee before taking my hand. I stumbled behind him doing everything to avoid the fresh corpse and pool of blood. He seemed unfazed, sneakers splashing through it like a puddle on the street.

"Do you even know where you are going?"

"Not exactly." He said quickly adding, "improvising has always been one of my strong suits."

He pulled me back against the wall quickly shushing me. Pointing towards the corner he motioned for me to listen. I could hear the sounds of guards pounding down the hall, their boots echoing off the cement floors. I turned towards him in fear trying to signal to him that they were coming but before I could do anything another explosion went off. He looked up from his phone at me and I could almost see the smirk that would be underneath his mask.

Taking my hand once again he led me down the hallway only pausing to kick open a pair of metal doors.

I gasped in pain as I threw my hands out in front me trying to break my fall. My mind was still trying to register how I ended up on the ground when the bullet to him passed harmlessly by my head. The next hail plinking uselessly against the grey metal barrier that protected us.

"Are you okay?" He hissed out to me, gun already drawn. I winced trying to support myself on my palms, my left wrist exploding in pain. I managed to get myself up on my elbows, just enough to look at him.

"You're bleeding." I breathed out. He grunted in response reloading his gun and sending off another volley of bullets back at them.

"Can you get up?" The masked anarchist asked. "Or do you need me to carry you?" I doubted that he could even if he had not been shot.

"But you're bleeding." I stammered.

"Don't you go into shock on me." He cursed leaning down to take my face into his hands. "Hey, look at me. Your pupils are dilating."

"I can't breathe."

"Shhh. I know. It's going to be okay though, alright?" He promised speaking softly. His thumb stroked my cheek gently. "You have to stay calm for me. Please." I nodded in response but he was no longer looking his eyes trained back across the front yard. "This is our window, we have to go now. Can you walk?" he repeated more forcefully.


I wasn't sure if that was a lie or the truth until we were running across the courtyard. I cried out in fear hearing a gun shot go off dangerously close. Before I could slow down to duck for cover, he turned grabbing onto my wrists and yanked me forward.

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