Ch 16: DevilCat

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I got a text from my uncle around the time we finished cleaning up.

Fence: Half Hour, Docks, by Pier 39

I glanced around the room, everyone seemed busy.

"If you guys don't mind, I think I'm going to call it a night." I fake sighed. "I'm tired as hell." Everyone turned to look at me except Wrench who was to busy playing with something he'd found. Marcus elbowed him in the ribs.

"What, oh, you want me to come with?"

"Nah, you don't sleep anyways. Keep playing with your toys." I chuckled. "See ya guys tomorrow!" I waved as I left.


Shortly after Kit went home they left to head back to their own Hackerspace. Sitara set the box she'd been carrying down when she spied the duffel bag sitting open on the couch.

"Hey kiddos, how the raid go?" Ray asked with a grin arms crossed over his chest.

"No lie man, thought I was gonna die." Marcus admitted.

"Well its a good thing you didn't, we still gotta bone to pick with Blume." Ray chuckled scanning the group. "Where's Kit?"

"Said she was tired, went home to lie down." Wrench answered dropping a laptop onto his desk. He immediately began taking it apart with a screw driver. The screen cracked and the  plastic opened up to the contents inside. "You think we'll get anything of use from this stuff?"

"I don't know man, it's like Lenni saw us coming." Marcus shrugged.

"How could she have known? And I mean she was willing to blow the place. There's got to be something here." Wrench ripped out the hard drive laying it on the desk beside him.

"What's that?" Ray asked gesturing towards Sitara. She was holding a flash drive in her hand.

"Do you guys ever wonder where she disappears off to all the time?" Sis questioned rolling the drive expertly between her fingers.

"Come on Sis," Marcus gave an exasperated sigh. "That's a huge invasion of privacy."

"How do you guys think Lenni got into our systems?" Sitara hummed. "Kit said she was going to find out, then gave up half way through, maybe there is a reason why."

"Woah, that's a pretty damn big accusation right there." Ray warned, a dangerous look flashing in his eyes. He knew Kit way better than any of them, he'd also been her friend longer. He'd take her side of theirs any day.

"Yeah, Sis, that's real uncalled for. What the hell has she ever done to you?" Wrench snapped.

"Guys, guys, settle down." Marcus came between them trying to deescalate the situation.

"I say we check it out." Sitara said finally.

"I say we destroy it like we originally planned." Wrench hissed ignoring Marcus pushing past him to make a move for the drive. Sitara danced out of the way holding it high.

"Oh, come on Wrench, does she really have you that wrapped around her finger?" Sitara wondered aloud.

"It could be malware, a trap." Wrench insisted. He made another swipe for it but Josh appeared out of nowhere taking it from Sitara's hand.

"I think we should open it." He stared down at the drive in his hand before looking back up at the group.

"That's 2 against 1." Sitara smirked.

"Actually it's 2 on 2. I agree with Wrench." Ray stated. "Which leaves you Marcus."

"Hey, don't drag me into this!" Marcus through his hands up. "I don't want to invade her privacy."

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