Ch 15: Hacker Wars

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"How the fuck did she get in?" Wrench snapped as we both stared helplessly at the screens on the wall that usually tracked our followers. They were a mess of black and green code with very little helpful information frozen on them. Every once in a while they would flicker and a random image would display on them.

"I don't know." I murmured moving to the next screen. "Yet."

"Are we going to war for this?" Wrench asked cleaning up the broken pieces of the computer he just smashed, the sledge hammer still stuck in the broken screen. At least that stupid video stopped playing with Lenni's auto tuned laugh.

"Hell yeah we are. Dedsec doesn't back down and we aren't going to let those trolls drag us into their sewer." Sitara snapped, she was visibly shaking with rage. Remind me to never get on her bad side.

"So what!" Josh yelled slamming his hands down on the armrest of his chair. Everyone in the room froze, their attention turning towards him. "They got in. Going to war with them doesn't change anything. It doesn't break their lock on us. They got in." His head dropped into his hand and he began mumbling to himself "they got in" over and over again. I wanted to help him but I had no idea how.

"Fuck that. We aren't going to let Prime8 derail us. Let's be smart about this." Marcus said calling back everyone's attention. "Come on Josh, where you at."

He stopped his mumbling looking up. "Fine, let's go to war and corn hole these bastards." He slammed his arms down one more time pushing himself up. "Move." he pushed past Wrench heading towards the back where his computer station was set up.

"Alright." Sitara said breathing heavily as if took calm herself. "Prime8 sells Zero Days to anyone with money."

"Yeah, fucking governments, Nudle, Blume..." Wrench said. "..even god damn terrorists."

"And Sons of Ragnarok." I added.

"What?" Marcus asked getting up from his chair.

"They hire themselves out to the Sons of Ragnarok." I clarified.

"That's our in. Oh god, Kit, I love you." Marcus grinned fist bumping me. "We learn more about their people, their operations then we hit them where it hurts. Dedsec is not just going to roll over."

Everyone chimed in with a bunch of "yeahs" and "agreeds". Marcus took off with his phone leaving us trying to gather whatever intel we could on our personal devices. I was sitting on the couch with my tablet when my phone started to ring. Wrench looked up as I stood heading for the door.

"I'll be right back, I gotta take this." I told him before exiting the Hackerspace. I hit answer stepping into the alleyway that was next door to the game store that hid out hideout.

"This better be important." Fence snapped as soon as I answered. "I was busy making deal with very high and important member of Russian mafia."

Not so important that you didn't check your phone when I sent you that text to call me. I probably shouldn't say that though. He actually sounds pissed off.

"What do you know about the Sons of Ragnarok?" I asked nervously glancing down the alleyway. Further down I could see someone that was obviously drunk staggering around in the dark illuminated only by the streetlights. He careened to the right hitting the wall where he proceeded to unbuckle his belt and wiz on the wall. I turned away, my face scrunching in disgust. If Sitara knew he just took a piss on her art....

"This is what you call me for?" He said darkly, his Russian accent adding to the overall shady feeling of this conversations. "What is in it for me?"

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