Ch 17: Defalt

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5 years ago

"You worry to much," I felt his lips brush against my ear as he walked up behind. I shivered as his hands snuck around my waist. "You need to loosen up a little. Why don't you dance?" His lips continued along my skin until they stopped at my where my shoulder and neck met.

"I'll dance when you play good music."

"Ouch." he said in response.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm rude and you're offended." He laughed resting his chin on my shoulder as he watched me work. "Get off of me, what if Brandon walks in?"

"He won't." 

"Why are you so sure?"

"I got a text from him a couple of minutes ago. He told me to tell you not to wait up for him."

I sighed in response. Of course. He was out with his new "friends". And way too busy to help me and Jay do much of anything.

"What's wrong, myshka?" he asked softly. "Worried about your brother?"

"More so pissed off at him." I seethed slamming shut the laptop. "Done. I sent a zip copy to your computer."

"He's just been busy lately." he shrugged as I pulled of his grasp. I left my laptop on the bar counter heading over to one of the couches that were scattered about the empty club. Kicking off my shoes, I crossed my legs underneath me leaning back into the leather seat.

"Busy." I huffed. I watched him walk over to the bar and easily hopped over it. A few seconds later he produced a bottle of beer that definitely wasn't sold here. It was to strong and to cheaply made to be sold at such a high end club. Some Russian beer that he liked and paid extra for and since he was the main draw to the place. It was okay.

"What's really wrong, Kalla?" he asked handing me the bottle sitting next to me. I shifted to let him rest his arm behind me cracking open the top. I took one sip before handing it back to him.

"What do you know about Dedsec?" I asked staring down at my hands.

"DedSec?" Jay repeated with a hum. He leaned back taking a swig from the bottle."Not much actually. They're a self proclaimed hacktivist group."

"White hats?"

"I wouldn't consider them that. They work both sides of the avenue. Kind of like us if you really think about it." He said thoughtfully.

"Yeah well Brandon's been hanging around one of their members an awful lot." I unlocked my phone showing him the pictures. He took it from me swiping through the collection. Some of them I had taken myself, others I took from street cameras. He wasn't being careful with his comings and goings. He must be distracted but by what?

"You are worried about this?" He asked and I hummed in agreement. "He seems extra friendly with her." I leaned into him looking at the photo he has stopped on. She was in a lot of the pictures. In this one she was kissing him on the cheek and he was grinning. "Girlfriend?"

"Maybe, I don't know." I huffed angrily. "You think he would have told me, though."

"You haven't told him about us." He pointed out, he closed my phone setting it down on the couch between us before intertwining our fingers.

"That's different-" I stopped when he shot me a look. "I've wanted to for a while. But he keeps on taking off before I can sit down and have a real conversation with him."

"Give him some time, he'll come around." Jay sighed bringing our hands up so he could kiss my hand.

"You sound so confident." 

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