Adopted by One Direction

By justalittlebitlarry

711K 20.1K 6.5K

Alexis is an orphan. She doesnt trust anyone, especiall men which is undersandable due to the things her fath... More

Adopted by One Direction
Chapter 1 *
Chapter 2 *
Chapter 4 *
Chapter 5 *
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 21

21.3K 678 367
By justalittlebitlarry

~ Niall's POV ~

I can't belive Lex would blame Jasmine for hurting her! Who does she think she is?

I left her hospital room and walked down the hallway to the waiting room.

"Is she okay?" Eleanor asked standing up from her seat.

"I don't fucking care! Go see yourself!" I snapped at her.

I walked out of the hospital with Jasmine following behind me.

"Babe, what's wrong?" she asked grabbing my arm.

I stopped walking and turned torwards her.

"Lex is just annoying me," I told her.

"What did she do?" Jasmine asked worried.

"Well she said-she said that you hit her head ibto the counter, that she didn't slip, ot was you," I said lowering my voice.

"Wh-what?" she said stuttering.

"I know crazy right," I said shaking my head.

"Yeah, crazy..." she said quietly.

"Hey, is everything alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she said smiling up at me.

"Alright well lets get going," I said pecking her lips.

I drove back to the house and when I got home we went to my room and just talked about random stuff.

God do I love this girl.

~ Louis' POV ~

"Eleanor are you alright babe?" I asked. "Uh, yeah, I'm fine," she said. I could see that her smile was forced and the tears she was trying to blink away.

"Whay happened?" I asked worried.

"Niall, he kinda snapped at me..." she trailed off.

"Wha? Why?" Why the hell would Niall snap at my angel?

"I just asked him if Lex was okay and he got all angry, " Eleanor told me.

"I'm sorry babe," I said. He better apologize to her.

"It's not your fault," she said as the car stopped.

We went inside and all the girls went to the livingroom while me and the lads went to the kitchen.

~ Zayn's POV ~

How can we make Niall see that Jasmine isn't who he thinks she is.

She's not the sweet inocent girl, no. She's an evil, caniving, wrech.

He needs to figure that out because obviously we can't help.

"We need to do something so Niall will know what Jasmine is really like," Liam said.

"How?" I asked.

"I don't know, yet. Everybody just think of something.

What could help us?

~ Harry's POV ~

I don't know what's wrong with this girl Jasmine, but I'm takin my brothers side.

"Wait. Has she ever said something to you giys abiut staying away from him here?" I asked.

"Yeah, multiple times," Liam said.

"Then what about the cameras?" The house has security cameras all over in case anything happenes.

"Of course! Why didn't I think of that!" Liam said jumping up from his seat and running to the security room.

"And I thought Liam was the smart one," Louis said nudging me with he shoulder.

"I'm surprised I have a brain as well," I said giving him a cheeky smile.

He just laughed.

~ Liam's POV ~

I can't belive I didn't think about the cameras!

I ran into the security room and wernt throufh the files to find the date from when she first came.

"Found it! Now we just have to wait for him to come downstairs so we can show him.

We went back to the kitchen and sat at the bench waitting for Niall to come down.

"Showtime," Louis said.

~ Niall's POV ~

"Hey I'm gonna go get a drink. Do you want anything? " I asked getting up from where I was seated on my bed.

"Umm, just some water, please."

"Sure thing babe," I said exiting the room.

I walked down to see all the boys sitting around the table in the kitchen.

"Niall we need to show you something," Zayn said.

"Okay?" I said raising one eyebrow. I followed them dwon the hall and around the corner to the security room.

"What the heck are we doing in here?" I asked confused.

"Just watch this," Louis said clicking play on one of the videos for the security cameras.

It was Jasmine, Zayn, and Liam when I was going to get Lex to meet Jasmine the day I first meet her.

"Okay now listen here you two, " Jasmine said to Zayn and Liam.

"I don't care what you do just stay away from Niall. Don't get in the way of my chances or there will be consequences," she told them.

"What the hell? Who do yo-" Liam started, but Jasmine cut him off.

"Stay away from him or else bad things will be coming your way, and no need to mention this little conversation to him right?" she said.

Then they paused it.

What? Oh my..."Oh my god," I said.

"That's not the only one," Zayn told me.

"You mean, this isn't the only time?" I asked looking up at them fromy hands.

They all shook there heads. Uhh how could I be stupid! Lex probably was telling the truth about what she said Jasmine did.

Wait, Jasmine is still upstairs. "You guys, go get Lex and meet me in the livingroom." I said runing out of the security room.


"COMING!" she yelled back. I still can't belive her. All the love I had fir that girl has drained my system, all of it gone.

I sat in the livingroom wheee the other lads girlfriends were seated. I looked at Eleanor, but she was just avoiding eye contact with me.

"Eleanor, I'm sorry for snapping at you like that at the hospital, I really am," I told her meaning it.

"It's okay," she said smiling at me. Jasmine came in and sat next to me and I forced a smile.

The rest if the boys came in, Lex with them.

They all sat down so I decided to get started.

"Umm Jasmine, I think there is something you need to tell us. How did Alexis hit her head, really? " I asked standing up from my spot looking at her.

"I told you guys she slipped in the water and them she fell so I went to get you guys," she said.

"Jasmine, just stop, I already know the truth," I said glaring at her.

"I don't know what your talking about..." she trailed off.

"Jas-" she cut me off.

"Alright fine! It was me! Yes, I did slamher head into the counter," she said defeatedly.

Gasps where heard from around the room. "I can't belive how stupid I was to not notice what you where doing!" I said raising my voice.

"Niall its not like that," she said. "Yes, yes it is Jasmine. You hurt my family, my friends, you threatened them." I told her.

"Niall don't act like you don't care about me. It's clear you do," she said standing up.

"No it's clear that you need to leave and not come back."

"Fine," she said grabbing her bag and stomping out of the flat.

"Niall...what made you realize?" Lex asked. All the others left the room giving us some privacy.

"The boys," I said shruging my shoulders. "Listen Lex, I'm sorry, I'm so so so sorry for not believing you. I don't kniw what made me think you were lying."

"Everyone makes mistakes right?" she said wrapping her arms around me.

"I love you Lex."

"Love you to Ni."

~ No Ones POV ~

While everyone in the One Direction household thought everything was fine Jasmine was going through Plan B.

She headed to tge house she had been working out.

"We need Plan B," she told the man.

"You know what to do," the man's scratchy voice from the alcohol told her.

She nodded her head and left the house.

"You think its over," she said laughing. "Ha, we're just getting started."

She went to the shed in back and grabbed the outfit she would need as well as some other stuff.

She headed back into the house and went to the old room upstairs and set everything up.

"Don't worry Lex, soon you'll be safe at home again," Jasmine smirked.

"Get ready, cause were comin' for ya," she laughed.

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