The Heartbreaker #Wattys2017

By alisonswan94651

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Highest Ranking #106 |15/03/18| "Under a pretty smile, there's always a secret." "In a world full of faces, I... More

Cast List
Chapter 1: Game On
Chapter 2: How to be a heartbreaker
Chapter 3: Pink hair & new starts
Chapter 4: Got a secret, can you keep it?
Chapter 5: Training lessons; Guns or books?
Chapter 6: Something Else
Chapter 7: Party disaster
Chapter 8: Friendship Goals
Chapter 9: Stay
Chapter 10: Running
Chapter 11: Meet & Greet
Chapter 12: Birthday Bash
Chapter 13: Learn To Let Go
Chapter 14: Player, Player; Liar, Liar
Chapter 15: History Repeating Itself
Chapter 16: Accident Happens
Chapter 17: Jealous or Mad?
Chapter 18: New Realizations & Races
Chapter 19: Falling In A Abyss
Chapter 20: Confessions, Stars & Kisses
Chapter 21: What The...!?
Chapter 22: Doubts & Interventions
Chapter 23: I'm Game If You Are
Chapter 25: Someone I Used To Know
Chapter 26: Finally She's Here
Chapter 27: Family & Betrayal
Chapter 28: Beginning Of a Nightmare
Chapter 29: Something's Fishy
Chapter 30: Stolen Kisses
Chapter 31: Fifty Shades Of Paxton
Chapter 32: I'm Royally Fucked
Chapter 33: Keep Your Secret Safe
Chapter 34: She's All Mine
Chapter 35: Love Me, Love Me
Chapter 36: Surprise!
Chapter 37: Go To Prom With Me?
Bonus Chapter
Bonus Chapter 2
Character Aesthetics
The Fiction Awards 2018

Chapter 24: Date gone south

297 67 35
By alisonswan94651

Paxton's POV

"Black or Maroon?" 

"Oh damn, not black." Kara snorted looking at the dress I was wearing. I mean what's wrong with it? It's classy and nice for a date.

"Wear the maroon one," Myra suggested and with a dull mood, I eyed the dress. It's not too much and nice for a date too.

Scratch that, the main reason was I'm nervous. When Chris asked me last weekend suddenly if I can go on a date with him and I agreed, I was baffled. I didn't know how to act with him on a date. And more or less, I missed him for the whole week as he was in the hotel.  So Chris thought it was best that he picked me up from Kara's house, where I was staying after the game we played. Good for me that Kara was mentally preparing me for the date. 

And now, I can't stop biting my nails.

"You look presentable," Alex said eyeing me with a smirk. Rolling my eyes at her stupid reply, I looked in the mirror and smiled. After staying at the base, she returned with no hint of showing what happened before she left. She and Max still bantered like they used to. In fact, I wouldn't even remember why she left if sometimes her eyes didn't linger at Max for more than one second. 

Shaking their thoughts out of my head, I turned to look in the mirror. I was in the maroon knee-length dress with my hair falling down to curly waves, which I dyed with a strawberry blond like always and my signature red lipstick, the only makeup I use. With the help of brown boots, I was more than presentable.

Yup, I was ready to roll.

It was still 5 to 10 minutes left as Chris would pick me up at 6 so I decided to ask Alex how all the things went.

"Ok, I know we didn't get to talk about it but what was all that about the day you left? I mean you trashing Chris." Alex smirked as she shrugged innocently.

"I just wanted to make sure if Chris was the right guy for you. Prom is coming soon and I don't want you to be the humiliated one when it's come about confessing any love." At one point she was right but now I wanted to change the subject.

"Did you find any dirt on Penny?″ She gave me a look of defeat and shook her head.

That's another thing to add to worry about this weekend. After our deadly game, I didn't tell anyone what happened and just told the guys to gather information about her. And by the look at things, she didn't tell anyone either.

"That's the problem. She's Penny Ellis. I tried to search for her and it came out that Max was really saying the truth. New in town, lived in North Carolina before, has a brother and parents are artists."


"But her last name is a real warning." That made me stop feeling guilty. Actually, I also thought about that.

"You think she's related to Nick somehow?″ Kara stood up for a second as she spoke the words.

"We need to search more. Try on her brother." Myra agreed and put on her glasses.

"I thought Nick's parents were in business not in arts," I remembered Nick saying once when I was still dating er playing him.

"Yeah, it's all too confusing but let me tell you, I've had bad vibes from the girl," Kara commented looking at me with a frown.

I had bad vibes too. What if she really is related to Nick? Then what is she doing with my brother? But before I can ask her more a knock came and I sighed.

Guess we have to talk another time.

Looking at the mirror again, I smirked at the girls. "Wish me luck, guys."

They all rolled their eyes but smiled back. I waved them bye and walked to downstairs to see two people in the middle of a make out.


"Going to a date?″ Penny asked shoving Max from her and Max just glared at me. It's like my twin has forgotten all about me. Shaking my head at the sad thought I walked faster.

"Good luck! You might need it." I cringed at the high pitch sound and pretended I didn't hear her and kept walking.

I walked to the door and opened it to see Chris looking at me, jaw dropped. OK, I might've smiled a little seductively; can you blame me for that?

" look...beautiful, Pax." He shuttered and I laughed under my breath. He was still shy.

"You look handsome too." He really did. His usual glasses were gone, making his warmer eyes popped out for me to stare at all night.

"You ditched your glasses," I stated locking the door behind me. Max and Penny can go to hell if they can't even come to close the door. If the Hills are going to be robbed, I'm blaming it on the girl.

"Yeah...Uh...I did...I thought..." I stopped him from rambling and smiled. My nervousness was gone in a second after looking at him. He already looked nervous and it was a good idea to make him realize that he should stop trying so hard. 

I mean I already like him, right?

"Hey, it's alright. You don't have to say why you did it. Glasses suit you anyway." This time he huffed a breath and relaxed.

"So where to now?″ I asked eyeing his happy face.

He smiled and opened a car door which was a Ferrari from the garage. "It's a surprise."

Oh well then...


"Where are we going?″ I asked being the impatient person I'm. Chris just...decided to ignore me...again.

"Fine! Be that way." Ignoring my threat he cheekily smiled at me and my anger flattened. He's slowly making me a sappy. Uh!

"Penny for your thoughts?″ He asked while humming a song from the radio. Rolling my eyes I shook my head. He should never know how excited for this date I'm.

"Tell me, please!" He shook his head and grinned.

"Nope. It's a surprise." As I looked out of the car I realized we were going to a familiar place that I wanted to go for a long time but hadn't any time.

"Are we going to Long Island?″ I asked surprised. The more surprising fact was that we were going near the racing track. Finally, the car stopped and he took a breath.

"I know you like adventure so I decided to avoid normal date and instead do something we both will enjoy. So...surprise!" I honestly didn't know what to say. All the other boys who I played before always took me to a park or normal date sights or they were too busy trying to get into my pants. But this was...very thoughtful and surprising.

"Well?″ He waited as I gapped at him and suddenly the urge to kiss him multiplied. So I tugged him towards me only to slammed my lips to him. Taking the hint, he also jumped up to the point of him trailing down his lips to my neck making me shudder. He deserves more than I can give him. With a grin, I broke the kiss off and pecked him on the cheek. Chris just chuckled at my behavior and took my hands to help me get out of the car.

Ever so gentleman.

We both walked side by side and reached the track.

"Okay," The instructor said to Chris and me. "Make sure everything is tight before starting out. In about ten minutes you're about to start. I'll go now so make sure you guys make it out alright. Now, do you have any questions?" He looked at Chris who suddenly turned red. "Is everything good with you, man? DO you need some time?"

I looked up to him to see, he was nervous. He held his sweaty palms together but shook his head as a no.

"You Ok with this?″ I asked quietly not wanting to do something he won't enjoy. What the fun on a date if he didn't enjoy?

"Hey, the track isn't that bad." A voice suddenly spoke causing us to look behind. There was a brunette girl grinning at us like we were longtime friends. I looked at Chris to see if he knew her but he was just as confused as me.

"Oh, where's my manner? I'm Camila." She smiled and we both smiled back even though we were confused as heck.

"Hi, I'm Chris and she's my girlfriend Paxton." Chris introduced us and she took our hands to give it a shake. She was kind of nice I guess as to she wasn't ogling Chris like the majority of other girls.

"I'm also here with my boyfriend. You're next in line after him." She explained excitedly when suddenly the car that she was watching before was in the finishing line and a blond brown haired hot guy who looked awful like Chris jumped from the car.

"Hey, how did I do?″ He asked as he approached us. He didn't notice us standing there but the girl gave him a kiss and then turned to us.


"Grayson?″ Chris asked confused.

"Wallace?″ The guy also asked surprised and we all looked at each other not knowing what just happened.

"Do you know him?″ I asked Chris who nodded his head and smiling did the bro handshake the guys do.

"I honestly thought I'll never see you. When did you come from Virginia?″ Chris asked as the guy chuckled.

"I stay in Connecticut now. I came here for a date with my girlfriend Cami who I think... you already met?" Cami nodded.

"Hey, how do you know each other? And you do freakily look like one too.″ She asked the question I mean to be asking. I mean it's insane!

"I was thinking when this question will be asked. We both lived in Virginia for our Dad's business and then I moved here. But he was like a big brother I never had. Sometimes our dads would be confused as to which one was their son. It was before I started using glasses." Chris said as both started laughing thinking about their old time.

"Got to say, Chris, you got yourself a looker here. In fact, now that I think about it, I think I saw you somewhere before. Were you by any chance near Virginia?" The guy frowned looking at me closely. Thank God, I was safe for the strawberry blond hair. Suddenly I was reminded of a very old conversation where the last name Grayson was mentioned.

Wasn't Kara supposed to play him?

This time the memory became too clear as I remembered where I saw him. When we were on a vacation, Kara asked me to gather some player's list to break their heart. The hotel we were staying on, they had three players. Parker Grayson was one of them, in fact, he was called the ultimate player because he broke hearts left and right without any care in the world. Kara almost managed to introduce herself but uncle John had a sudden heart attack so we had to immediately leave. 

God...that was so long ago.

 And now that I look at him, there was no hostility or calculative look as I noticed in his eyes when he looked at the girls before. I saw only pure love in his eyes for the girl standing beside us. Was it even possible for a player to find love? It was suddenly hard to breathe but thanks god the instructor came running saying it was out time now.

"It was nice meeting you Parker," Chris said as we both sat in our car.

"Me too! We can have double dates sometimes." Parker said winking as they both walked away. Well...that was interesting.

I got my seat belt and grinned, "Ready?″

"Ready as I will ever be." Chris grinned back.


Turned out Chris was a better racer than Reese. He started learning after our last race. My dear cousin was not bad in it but he was the slowest in us, so Chris better than him meant we were going to have more race in the future. But it was his saying, not mine.

For me? I was having fun. We raced three times and then he bought me ice cream. We watched fireworks and finally for the dinner we were back in New York.

We were at the rooftop bar and it was the beautiful scenery that made me swoon at least thirty times. In the dinner time we had small talks but thankfully none of them was from my past. But I got to know a couple of things of him. Like he writes stories and wishes to publish them one day. He also had a long time plan to stop bullying which I strongly agreed and decided to help him as much as I can.

"Are you afraid of height?″ I asked the first question that came to my mind.

Chris smirked. "It isn't the height that I'm afraid of...."


"It's the fall that comes after...that I'm afraid of.″ He said looking right into my eyes. He was talking about falling for me. But it was still unfair that he knew next to nothing about me. All the things he knew about me was either lies or fake.

"Your desert." The waiter broke our eye contact and gave us what we ordered.

"Anything else?″ The same annoying waiter came to ask if we needed anything else. But as Chris' eyes glared at the waiter, so he shook his head.

"You know you jealous is a nice sight." I joked as he playfully glared. I was about to ask him about his parents as to he didn't talk about them for a while, a sudden ring stopped me. Taking my phone I noticed it was Alex.

"Hey, everything's fine?″ He asked worriedly. I shook my head and got off to have a clear network.

"I'll be right back. The network here is..."

"OK, fine." He smiled as I answered walking towards the washroom. Some girls eyed me with distaste and were ogling at Chris but I was too far gone to notice. 

I will teach them a lesson later...

"Hello, what is it?″

"Where are you?″ She asked worriedly. Frowning at what might've happened I clenched my fists.

"I'm in a middle of dinner. Why, what's happened?″ At first, she didn't say anything and then sighed.

"What I was afraid of finally happened. There's a lot of photos of you and Chris is out in the open. There's also a video of you when you were dating Nick. They were secretly taken and again are from that account. Everyone from our school has them and when school starts we are going to be in problem. I don't know how to let Chris known about the fact that you almost dated every player in the school. I think if anyone sends any picture to him..." She spoke them in one breath and I froze. There's no way Chris is going to know about the bet.


As I was turning back to him, I was forcefully shoved causing me to stumble towards the sink and before I knew anything, it was all darkness.

Unknown POV


WE are sorry that we couldn't give you any photo but we know that Paxton & Chris are off to Long Island for their date. Now isn't this sweet? But how long is this bet will go on? We will update soon.

Until then-



So, guys, it was my surprise Christmas update where our other story 'Loving Unfortunately's characters Cami and Parker joined us. What do you think of the connection between them? Can you believe our Parker almost got his heart broken by Kara!? At least we know that Cami & Parker are still on track. Now as to in my character choice both Chris and Parker are acted by Francisco. So I decided to do a little fun theory that they look kind of like each other. And for our Chris and Paxton, their little date went wrong...

But wait until next update cause some secrets is going to reveal and trust me, Paxton hides more secrets than she let on.

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