Every Second [COMPLETED]

Von joymoment

2.5M 136K 36K

"Honestly one of the best books I've read" - mywayforme "I'll take it from here," Sebastian said. "Ms. Dawson... Mehr

Dang! Check out that cast!
OH NO! 😱 Author's Note! Run for it!
Chapter 1 - "Well, it's about time!"
Chapter 2 - "The last album failed."
Chapter 4 - "I would look terrible with facial hair."
Chapter 5 - "I'm a cat lady!"
Chapter 6 - "Your parents must be really proud."
Chapter 7 - "Hey troublemaker."
Chapter 8 - "Sebastian is not here."
Chapter 9 - "Who is this fool?"
Chapter 10 - "I'm off to face my death."
Chapter 11 - "I believe in you and I'll wear ear plugs."
Chapter 12 - "Can I ask you a question?"
Chapter 13 - "He still has a girlfriend."
Chapter 14 - "You two are a bit too dramatic."
Chapter 15 - "I'd like you to meet my girlfriend, Lennon Kayhill."
Chapter 16 - "What happened?"
Chapter 17 - "Do you want to throw on a shirt and we can get working?"
Chapter 18 - "You done?"
Chapter 19 - "Sebastian-"
Chapter 20 - "It's a long story."
Chapter 21 - "Would it help if I ran at you?"
Chapter 22 - "I've decided my only option is to go mad."
Chapter 23 - "How'd you escape?"
Chapter 24 - "I don't know why. Maybe it was my fault."
Chapter 25 - "You're forcing our friendship?"
Chapter 26 - "Hey Farewell!"
Chapter 27 - "And welcome home, I guess."
Chapter 28 - "How many girlfriends have you had?"
Chapter 29 - "Aims, I'll take your company in whatever form I can have it."
Chapter 30 - "I just forgot that, he's Sebastian Colfax."
Chapter 31 - "I didn't want to look too eager."
Chapter 32 - "Show offs."
Chapter 33 - "Say something."
Chapter 34 - "I did the right thing?"
Chapter 35 - "Dance with me."
Chapter 36 - "Smooth. I give it a ten out of ten for tact."
Chapter 37 - "Aims, I don't want you to get hurt."
Chapter 38 - "I never wanted this!"
Chapter 39 - "I can't! You don't understand. I can't do this!"
Chapter 40 - "I wouldn't bail."
Chapter 41 - "What are you doing here?"
Chapter 42 - "Five months isn't that long."
Chapter 43 - "Priorities change."
Chapter 44 - "I miss you, Aims."
Chapter 45 - "I actually don't believe you."
Chapter 46 - "Don't forget me."
Chapter 47 - "Only forty days left until I see you again."
Chapter 48 - "Was it worth waiting five months?"
Chapter 49 - "Aims. I have a confession to make."
An Honest Thank You!
When Amelia Met Will (Deleted Scene)
Amelia's Final Work Day with Sebastian (Deleted Scene)
Amelia meeting Charlie in D.C. over tour (Deleted Scene)

Chapter 3 - "Is this even real?"

60.7K 2.7K 769
Von joymoment

The wind outside was fierce, but Amelia didn't notice. She moved away from Midnight Records's revolving doors and turned to Charlie. All the excitement she had kept in, burst from her in a giddy laugh. She grabbed Charlie's arms and bounced.

"Can you believe it!" she shouted.

Charlie's laugh was amused and his dimple winked at her. His messy brown hair wiped across his forehead, dropping over his rectangle black framed glasses.

"I just signed a writing contract with Sebastian Colfax!" Amelia said.

"I know, I was the one reviewing said document," Charlie said.

"A contract with Midnight Records!"

"Again, I was there."

"Is this even real?"

Amelia reached out and pinched Charlie.

"Owe! This is real," Charlie laughed. "I'm so proud of you!"

He pulled her in for a hug. Amelia pulled away as the moment settled.

"I wish they were here to see this," she said, her voice soft.

Charlie nodded, his smile going sad, his brown eyes filled with sympathy.

"They would be so proud of you Aims. Just like I am," he said.

"I know they would be. I just miss them more in big moments like this."

They stood quietly for a moment, memories of their parents filling the empty space between them. Charlie flung his arm around her shoulders, leading her down the sidewalk.

"Come on, superstar, we're going to celebrate," he said.

"Don't you have to get back to class?"

"I'm pretty sure I can miss one day of college. Besides its not like I wasn't going to sleep through half the classes anyways. At least this way, my professors won't be annoyed at my disturbing the other students."

Amelia laughed, her body feeling lighter than air.

Charlie reached out for the metal handle and pulled the door open for Amelia, a bell dinging over head. Laughter and chatter filled the air, as they walked in.

Al's Diner was a long narrow building with red vinyl booths on one side and a long counter with metal stools covered with the same red vinyl on the other. Through the air, wafted the smell of grilled onions, greasy fries and sizzling meat. A juke box at the far end emitted the dancing beat of a classic 80s song.

Charlie pointed to the only empty booth and they took it. A waitress walked over to them, a smile already on her lips.

"Can I get you something to drink?" she asked, placing two menus before them.

Her smiled widened as it moved from Amelia to Charlie.

"I'll have a Coke. Aims?" Charlie said.

"I'll have an orange juice," Amelia said.

The waitress scribbled the order down on her pad.

"I'll be right back with those."

She spun away, her tennis shoes making a soft squeaking noise on the linoleum floor. She gave Charlie one more glance before leaving,

"You know, you should wear a suit out more often, you would break more hearts," Amelia said, looking over the top of her menu.

Charlie let out a snort.

"They only smile because they think I must look this good all the time."

"Which we both know you don't."


Amelia closed her menu and leaned on the table.

"What are you going to get?" she asked.

"I think I'll get a hamburger and fries, how about you?"

"The usual."

"Eggs, pancakes and bacon."

"I figured I just signed my first contract, I can live a little."

"And so you are."

"Do you mind ordering for me I want to make a couple of quick calls." Amelia asked, already sliding out of the booth.

Charlie nodded and pulled out his own phone. Amelia sent a quick excited text to Poppy, knowing she would be in the middle of ballet class. Outside, she moved around the corner and leaned against the rough side of the diner. She pressed Will's name, and waited as it rang.

"This is William Ashford, leave a message," a warm British tenor said.

The phone beeped.

"Will! Call me! I've got exciting news. Miss you."

Amelia hung up and moved to the next name on her list. The phone rang twice before a somber British voice answered.

"Worthington residence, this is Jane speaking."

"Hi Jane, it's Amelia, are my grandparents there?"

"Ms. Amelia, it's good to hear your voice," Jane said. "Mrs. Eleanor is home. Give me a minute to get her."

There was a muted thunk as the received was set down. Amelia waited, watching as the city flowed around her.

"Amelia?" said a light, patient voice.

"Hey grandma."

"Darling, how are you doing?"

Amelia could almost hear the smile her grandmother was wearing.

Once they had exchanged pleasantries, Amelia could barely contain her excitement as she told her grandmother about the last two weeks, ending with the news of her signing the contract. Her grandmother's pride filled Amelia's ears, her usual quiet manner pushed away.

"Love, your parents would be so proud of you, just as we are! I can't wait to tell Harry. He will be so pleased."

"Thanks, grandma. I have to go, Charlie and I are celebrating."

"Alright, tell your brother I love him."

"Will do. Tell grandpa I love him. I'll talk to you later."

"Bye darling."

"Bye grandma."

Amelia pocketed her phone and hurried back into the warmth of the diner. Charlie was dousing his fries with ketchup when she slid back into the booth.

"How'd it go?"

"Great! Grandma sends her love. She was extremely pleased to hear about it. I only got Will's voicemail."

"He'll call back."


As they ate and talked, Amelia felt as if her parents were there celebrating with them. Even though it had been five years since they had died, she could still easily picture them sitting beside her and Charlie. Al's Diner had been the place they had always gone to as a family, whenever they were in the city. Her father would have had her laughing by turning his pancakes into smiley faces with the butter, then washing it away with syrup.

Charlie and Amelia stayed for a long time, feeling wrapped up in the excitement of the day and relaxed in the familiarity of the diner. As the sky's light began to lower they paid the bill and left, the waitress looking after Charlie with a longing smile.


Jules's cheery smile and large glasses greeted Amelia, a few days later at Sebastian's door. Her smile fell in mock disappointment.

"Amelia. I thought you were the pizza delivery guy." She frowned. "Oh well, I guess you'll have to do. Come in."

"I can't say I have had worse greetings," Amelia said, stepping inside.

In the living room she spotted Sebastian's figure hunched over a black note book, one hand tangled in his hair.

"Jules, this doesn't work," Sebastian called out.

"We're right in the middle of a song, so just sit," Jules whispered to Amelia.

Jules scurried over to the couch while Amelia took a seat on a barstool.

"What don't you like?" Jules asked, her tone calming.

"Right here, 'Your presence left me lifeless'."

"Alright, then let's fix it."

Amelia listened while Jules tossed out suggestion after suggestion, watching Sebastian's face.

"Let's change, heart to hand," Sebastian said.

He dragged the pen across the page and scribbled something in next to it. Both of them leaned in rereading the song, the apartment filling with silence.

"Fantastic, I like that a lot," Jules said.

"No, it's not there."

Jules snapped the notebook shut and pulled it away from him.

"Bash, it's good," Jules said, her tone firm, but soft. "We'll look at it again in an an hour. But right now we're taking a break. We've been working for the last three hours. You're going to hate everything right now."

"Fine, but it's not good. Something is wrong," Sebastian said.

"We will fix it later," Jules said.

She stood and moved to the counter. There was a faint buzzing and Sebastian pulled his phone from his pocket.

"Yes?" He was silent as he listened. "He's fine, send him up."

Sebastian hung up his phone and moved to the front door, scowling, not seeing Amelia. A second later there was a knock and Sebastian came back with a pizza box. He set it down and stared at the floor. Jules nudged him.

"Bash, are you going to say hi to Amelia?" she asked.

Sebastian looked up, his scowl softening.

"Sorry, yes. Hello Amelia, I'm glad you could make it," he said, his tone distracted. "You are welcome to some pizza."

"Thanks," Amelia said.

She slid off the bar stool and rounded the counter.

"So Bash, where's Danny?" Jules asked.

It took Sebastian a moment to focus before he answered.

"Are you crushing on my best friend, Jules?" he asked.

"Let's get one thing clear Sebastian," Jules started to say, her tone defiant. "Every girl on this planet is crushing on your best friend."

"I should have known," he said.

"So? Where is he?"

"As I told Dodger yesterday, he's touring with Living Without Air. He won't be back till the end of January."

"Oh poo," Jules said.

Sebastian's phone buzzed. He set down his plate before pulling it out. A small smile touched the corner of his mouth as he looked at the screen.

"If you'll both excuse me, I need to take this."

He left the room, moving towards the opposite hallway. He said an excited hi before the door closed. While Jules and Amelia ate, Amelia got Jules's full autobiography. A few minutes later Sebastian rejoined them, his mouth still wearing a distant smile.

"Who was that? Jules asked.

Sebastian didn't answer, his features schooling themselves into calm neutrality.

"You ready to get to work?" he asked Amelia.

Amelia looked at Jules, wondering if she was going to address the fact that Sebastian hadn't answered her question. It didn't seem to have phased her.

"Yes," Amelia said.

Sebastian led the way into the music room and Amelia immediately moved to the drum set. She felt more relaxed as she settled behind them. Sebastian took up his spot on the arm rest of the chair.

"We will be working over the song we played at the meeting. Jules and I have reworked parts of it," Sebastian said, snatching up his guitar. "I'll play through it and we'll go from there.

Amelia focused on the song as he played, her foot tapping.

"Alright, play me what you came up with last week," Sebastian said.

Amelia played the original beat.

"Stop," Sebastian said, cutting her off. "Start from the beginning. Keep the bass drum but switch up the rest."

Amelia swallowed hard and shifted on her stool. She changed the snare drum pattern, but was halted before she had played a full eight count.

"That's not it. I want something lighter, but not too bouncy."

Time crawled by as Amelia played and Sebastian stopped her every few seconds. By the time the sky was washed with the sunset hues, every muscle in Amelia's body felt heavy with exhaustion. Her brain throbbed and her hands ached from gripping her drums sticks and holding in her annoyance.

As she began to repeat the last measure, Sebastian held up his finger, pulling his phone from his pocket.

"Hi Chuck...Is that tonight? Right. Of course," Sebastian said.

He studied his watch.

"Have the car pick me up in an hour, I'll be ready."

Sebastian turned to face Amelia. She could see him working through something.

"I can go," Amelia said, bringing his focus back to her.

"Actually, do you mind, staying? I want to hear how the chorus would sound, even a rough version. I need to get ready real quick. Can you wait?" Sebastian asked.

Amelia could see he was reluctant to leave.

"Sure," she said.

"Alright. I'll be back as soon as I'm done."

When Sebastian was gone, Amelia let out a relieved breath, her tense muscles relaxing. She wondered if working with Sebastian would always be so intense. He had barely let her play eight beats in a row. She rolled her shoulders and cleared her mind. She began to play through the chorus one way then changed it, letting herself explore.

By the time Sebastian reentered the room, Amelia felt confident in the sound. He coughed loudly to get her attention and startled Amelia. She looked up, surprised by the way he was dressed. He wore a black tux, the bowtie hanging undone around his neck. His usually messy hair was tamed.

"Play that over again for me," he said.

He took his usual spot on the arm of the chair. Blinking away her surprise, Amelia pulled her focus back to the drums. She played through the chorus, her eyes darting up to his, trying to gauge his reaction.

"Its a start," Sebastian said. "It needs changes, but those we'll have to work out next time.

"Of course there are," Amelia thought.

"Unfortunately, I have a charity dinner I must go to," he said. "This will be the end for today."

Amelia gave a small nod and stowed away her drumsticks in her satchel.

"When do you want me to come back?" Amelia asked, as she followed him to the front door.

"Wednesday at two. I'll let you know if that changes."

Sebastian pulled the door open for her.
"Goodnight Amelia. Thank you for coming today."

"Of course."

Sebastian gave her a weary smile and closed the door.


Amelia staggered into her apartment. She passed the small kitchen and stumbled into the family room, flopping over the back of the couch.

"How'd it go?" Charlie asked.

He sat at the dining room table. Textbooks and papers paraded across the surface.

"Oh, do tell," Poppy said, lounging on the floor in the splits.

"GAAAA!!!" Amelia yelled into the cushions.

"That good, huh?" Charlie said.

Amelia sat up, eying Poppy.

"I get it that he is probably brilliant but...he drives me crazy!" Amelia said, waving her hands about.

"We spent half an hour on one measure! ONE MEASURE! I've dealt with perfectionists before, but he is on a whole new level!"


"But nothing!" Amelia said.

"He's a genius and an international pop-star," Poppy said. "Of course he's a perfectionist."

"It's ridiculous! Half an hour on one measure is not perfectionism. It's insanity."

"Insanely talented," Poppy said. "He's released an album every year since he hit the music scene."

"Charlie, its ridiculous, right?" Amelia asked.

He gave Amelia a serious look.

"Don't look at me that way," Amelia said, morosely. "I know what you're going to say. I'm doing the thing I absolutely love and getting paid for it."

"Did you get any work done beyond the one measure?" he asked.


"Did you get to work with Sebastian Colfax?" Poppy asked.

Amelia answered her with a glare.

"Did you like how it turned out?" Charlie asked.

"Yes," Amelia said with a scowl.

Charlie laughed.

"Stay strong Aims. It's worth it."

"It's Sebastian Colfax," Poppy said.

"Yeah, I know! That's the stupid part."

Charlie chuckled and turned back to his computer.

"We ordered Chinese, by the way, it should be here soon," he said.

Amelia looked away from Charlie to Poppy.

"Comfortable Pops?" Amelia asked.

Poppy's bright smile was her only answer.

"Poppy, do you know who Danny is? Apparently, he's Sebastian's best friend?"

"Did you meet him?" Poppy asked, excitely. "Oh my gosh! If you did, I'm so jealous. I would have a heart attack!"

"I didn't meet him," Amelia said. "But Jules, one of Sebastian's writers, was asking about him. I was curious if you knew who he was."

Poppy jumped up, joining Amelia on the couch. She pulled out her phone and showed Amelia a picture of Danny. He had black, tight curly hair, prominent cheek bones, and friendly smile. Amelia gave Poppy a glazed look as she started spouting facts about Danny.

"He opened for Sebastian. He's Brazilian, second generation American..." Poppy said.

The door bell rang and Amelia volunteered to get it, leaving Poppy to her obsession. As she carried the food to the living room, the strong smell of spiced food roused Charlie from his studying. He joined them, sinking into an arm chair. Amelia grabbed a box at random and curled her legs under herself, popping the lid open.

"Aims, what are you dressing up as for my Halloween party next week?" Poppy asked, between bites.

"I was thinking bored college student," Amelia said.

Charlie coughed on his noodles and Amelia smiled.

"No, you're not! I'll think of something for you," Poppy said.

Charlie said he approved of anything that was large and made Amelia look ugly.

"As long as it's not lingerie and animal ears pretending it's an actual costume," Amelia said. "Or anything slutty for that matter. For some weird reason I just can't pull that off."

Charlie seconded that statement.

"Fine. What are you going to be Charlie? And are you coming?" Poppy asked.

"I will be the great Clark Kent and I'm not going to your party," he said. "I'm going to Matt Wilkes's party. No offense. I don't have a lot to say to a bunch of college musicians, other then my sister is better than you and I'll argue that point."

Amelia burst into laughter.

"Oh Charlie please come, I just want to see that conversation take place," Amelia said.

"You'll make a good Clark Kent," was all Poppy could say.

"I know, cause I look great in glasses," Charlie said, winking behind his rectangular frames.



What is the craziest thing you have ever wanted to do? Something realistic, not like become a spy, though that is what I wan to do, that and learn to fly a plane. I think that would be seriously legit, right?

One funny thing, just as I changed Hellogoodbye into HeyFarwell for A Second Chance, I changed NEEDTOBREATHE into Living Without Air! Me amusing myself.

Vote, comment, follow. Tell me what crazy adventures you have planned for your life! Also I have to say, is there anything hotter than a guy in a tux?


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