A Snake's Secrets ~Draco&Herm...

By Nina_Rose

152K 4.7K 507

Draco and Hermione have tormented each other for years...After all that time, they realize they are strangely... More

A Snake's Secrets ~Draco&Hermione FF~
Chapter 1 ~ Dangerous
Chapter 2 ~ Nightmares
Chapter 3 ~ Pushing Boundaries
Chapter 4 ~ Dancing Death Eaters
Chapter 5 ~ The Dark Mark
Chapter 6 ~ Desperation
Chapter 7 ~ Infiltration
Chapter 8 ~ Fight or Flight
Chapter 9 ~ Sacrifices
Chapter 10 ~ Wicked Influence
Chapter 11 ~ Letting Go
~Author's Note~
Chapter 12 ~ The Bitter Truth
Chapter 13 ~ Cursed
Chapter 14 ~ Transition
Chapter 15 ~ Slave to the Moon
Chapter 16 ~ The Aftermath

Epilogue ~ 15 Years Later

7.4K 281 46
By Nina_Rose

Draco’s POV

                I woke up in the cellar to the sunlight warming my exposed skin. I sat up, dragging my chains with me. Then I saw Hermione standing a few feet from me, holding clothes for me. I managed a smile as she bent down to touch her wand to the chains.

                “It’s nearly time to get the children,” she murmured against my lips. “Do you feel up to coming with me?”

                I pulled on the clean clothes, wincing with nearly every movement and leaning against the wall for support. “I think I had better stay home.”

                Hermione wrapped her arm around my waist and helped me up the stairs. Once I was seated in my usual chair, she perched on its arm and combed her fingers through my hair. I relaxed at her touch and smiled as I looked around the newly-decorated room.

                “It looks wonderful in here,” I said, taking her hand. “Especially the tree. I can’t believe you did this all yourself.”

                She shrugged, but a smile was forming on her lips. “I love Christmas. I didn’t even use magic when putting up and decorating the tree. I always prefer to do that part the Muggle way.”

                “The kids will love it. You really went all-out this year.” I glanced at the clock. “You’d better get going.”

                Hermione leaned down and placed another kiss on my lips. “Be back soon.”

                I pulled her down onto my lap and kissed her deeply, not stopping for quite some time. When we finally broke apart, her cheeks were flushed and her heart was beating quickly.

                Smiling, I whispered in her ear. “It’s good to know I can still get you all flustered with a kiss.”

                Her cheeks flamed even brighter, and she shoved my chest playfully as she got up. “Now I really do have to go. I’ll be back with the kids within the hour.”

                Once she was gone, I settled further into my chair and let my eyes drift shut. It seemed like I’d only closed my eyes for a few minutes when the door burst open and I was attacked by my son. Scorpius flung himself on me and hugged me tight. I laughed through the pain and wrapped my arms around him.

                “Be careful, Scorpius,” Hermione chided as she came in carrying many presents. “Your father is very sore.”

                “It’s all right,” I told him as he quickly moved off of me. “Help your mother put the presents under the tree,” I said with a wink, ruffling his blonde hair.

                “You know, you guys could leave the presents at the house since we’re never here until now,” Rose said with a roll of her eyes as she dumped an arm-load of presents on the floor. “Then Scorpius and I wouldn’t have to ride with the mountain of them in the back seat.”

                I smiled as she leaned down to hug me. “Blame your mother, not me.”

                “If I left the presents here, your father would snoop,” Hermione said simply.

                “Like father like son,” I said, giving Scorpius a pointed look.

                Scorpius inched away from the presents guiltily. “Sorry,” he muttered.

                I beckoned him back over to me. “How has your first year been going?”

                “It’s amazing!” he exclaimed happily, his brown eyes shining. “It’s even more magical than I expected from all your stories.”

                Rose sat cross-legged next to the fire. “I’ve been keeping an eye on him, and he’s avoided trouble so far.”

                Scorpius cast a sour look at his sister. “Just because you’re a fifth year doesn’t mean you never get in trouble, Rose!” He looked to me and smiled slyly. “She was kissing a boy!”

                “What?” Hermione exclaimed, turning to her daughter quickly.

                Rose blushed and looked at the floor. “He caught me under the mistletoe…”

                Hermione smiled and sat down next to our daughter. “Tell me who it is.”

                “No one you know. It’s not a big deal,” she muttered.

                “Leave her alone, dear,” I said to Hermione. “You’re embarrassing her.”

                “When do we open presents?” Scorpius asked loudly, his eyes scanning the boxes and bags under the tree.

                “When your grandparents get here,” I said with a smile. “Oh, and I think Teddy will be dropping by as well.”

                “And we’ve been invited to the Weasley’s for dinner,” Hermione said as she began to braid Rose’s brown hair.

                There was a knock at the door, and Scorpius instantly ran to answer it. Rose got up and went to greet her grandparents as well, but I had a feeling she was trying to escape Hermione’s penetrating gaze.

                Hermione came to perch on the arm of my chair again. “They’re growing up too fast,” she whispered.

                I smiled and gently pulled her down onto my lap. “Rose is just like you. She won’t let herself get swept away by just any boy. And if someone does break her heart… They’ll have me to answer to.”

                “Just wait until Scorpius gets to be her age,” she said with a laugh. “If he turns out anything like you, he’ll be the heart breaker of their generation.”

                I shook my head with a grin. “He’s too sweet at heart. Besides, I think he’s too shy. But I think you’re right; he’ll inherit my devilish looks.”

                Hermione laughed and I couldn’t help but kiss her again. Our kids were almost back in the room, and I knew my parents were at their heels. But I didn’t care. All that mattered was that Hermione was in my arms, where she would always be.

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