Murder - Harry Potters twin s...

By 7Justdealwithit7

121K 3.3K 1.2K

-If you haven't read book one and two do that first- \\Book 3// I'm Lyla Potter and this year I go into my th... More

Authors note
Diagon alley and Crookshanks
The train
DADA class
More trouble
Breaking and making friendships
The truth
More sneaking around
Authors note
Another Authors note
Letters and a weird new friend
I'm becoming a real loner
Two friends reunite
They all believe the truth
Trouble getting Freedom
More trouble
Authors Note

Pranking and Sirius Black

5.3K 154 65
By 7Justdealwithit7

"That was incredible" I said laughing as I crouched behind a pillar in a random corridor of the school.

"That it was, you really need to join," Fred Weasley started,

"our pranking crew" George finished. I had gained the twins help with the prank as I knew they were the schools biggest pranksters. Peeves had whizzed off automatically after the prank and we had run.

"Count me in, but i'm a secret member ok, nobody will know I pran..." I began only to be startled by a voice.

"Mr Weasley, Mr Weasley and Ms Potter, come with me" The voice of McGonagall sounded as she strided up the corridor.

"We are in for it" I muttered but I followed her quickly with the same bounce in my step as I always had until we arrived at McGonagall's office. She mutely sent us in and we took our seats.

"Detention for a week, I am disgraced to see such behaviour from you three, especially you ms Potter, I definitely thought you took more after your mother" She said looking over me.

"Well, someone has to carry on Dads awesome work don't they" I said smiling innocently.

"I wouldn't call it Awesome but it was certainly something special, something I will most definitely never forget" She said shaking her head at me.

"Come to my office at 6:00 tonight for your first detention, now chop chop, or you'll be late for class" She said shooing us from the office. I high fived the two boys before skipping down to my first class which was once again Defence against the dark arts.

"LYLA" Hermione's shrill voice echoed down the corridor.

"I am in so much trouble" I muttered.

"Where were you at breakfast this morning" She asked with a stern expression. "It was probably better that you weren't there, someone pranked the school, turned all the teachers into chickens and egged everyone leaving the message, 'the marauders work is continuing', it was weird" Hermione said frowning. I nodded trying my hardest to hide the fact that it was me.

"Anyway, Harry wanted to meet you at 6:00 tonight in the common room, something to do with Black" Hermione said with a frown. My face immediately became hot.

"I can't meet him at 6:00" I muttered.

"Why not" Hermione asked tilting her head slightly.

Harry P.O.V

"Well anyway, if you think she's acting weird, I don't real..."

"OH MY GOD LYLA" Hermione's voice screamed.

"Ms Granger is there something wrong" Professor Lupin said rounding the corner. I looked to see Hermione blush red whilst still looking to Lyla with a look between anger and disappointment.

"No, it's all fine professor" Hermione said, "Just not for Lyla" I saw her mutter at the end.

"Whats Lyla done" I asked curiously.

"She's gone and got herself detention for the next week with McGonagall" Hermione said rolling her eyes.

"How'd you do that" I asked turning to Lyla with a stern expression.

"Calm your farm bro, I just pranked the school this morning with Fred, George and Peeves, no big deal" She replied with an innocent smile. I rolled my eyes.

"You know, first off, the point of pranking is to not get caught, and secondly, who in the world are the Marauders, that's the weirdest thing i've ever heard of" I said raising my eyebrows.

"None of your business, you'll find out soon enough anyway" She said skipping past me and into the classroom.

"Lyla" I growled following her back in.


"Tell me"




"What if I give you something"




"Why not"

"Just because"

"Please" I said begging for the fiftieth time today.

"Do you even get the meaning of the word no Bro, No means I do not wish to tell and when someone says no you don't keep persisting" She said smirking before grabbing her books and walking off.

"I'll find out myself then" I said with a look of determination.

Remus P.O.V

I listened and watched as Harry and Lyla bickered back and forth reminding me off James and Lily back in our school days. Lyla followed Lily and Harry was like James, persistent. It reminded me of a similar quarrel back in forth year.

"Go out with me" James asked as Lily pushed past him in the corridors.

"For the last time Potter, No"



"I'll do anything for you"




"Why not"

"Just because, Potter"


"Do you understand the meaning of the word no, when someone says no it usually means they don't want to do that so stop persisting Potter, the answer is no" Lily said before stalking off. I watched Sirius walk up and clap James on the back telling him. Next time.

Sirius. The one person who we all trusted with our lives. He had his moments. He was big headed and childish but he was the last person you would think to go to the dark side. He'd run from his family and been disowned for not following his family's ways and hated anyone who hated muggleborns and half bloods. Well, blood might just always take over in the end.

Lyla P.OV

The night dawned on us and it was finally time for me to leave for detention. I walked from the hall and hummed as I made my way through the halls until I reached McGonagall's office. I knocked once.

"Come in" Professor McGonagall called from inside. I walked in to be gestured to the middle chair. "I'm placing you between the boys, they can't stay quiet"

"Hey George" I heard a loud voice from outside the room.

"Yes Fred" Came a second.

"Are we on time"

"Yes we are dear brother"

"Brilliant" The first voice, most likely Fred, said cheerfully. There was a knock on the door and McGonagall reluctantly let them in. They sat down with a grumble as they couldn't sit beside each other and we were given a piece of paper each.

"I want you to write, 'I will not prank the school' on that piece of paper until I say you are fine to leave"

I got to work writing and after at least an hour a loud scream came from above our heads directing McGonagall to stand up abruptly.

"Continue on, I will be back soon, no magic" She said striding from the room. I smirked mischievously tapping the page with my hand to make it duplicate my words until the remainder of my page was filled.

"I wonder what happened" Fred said grabbing his out his wand and placing it on the page allowing it to write the sentences for him. George did the same and they both relaxed in their chairs.

"Hmm, i'm sure it was nothing big, anyway, McGonagalls due to arrived in, ten seconds" I said letting out a deep breath. Te seconds later McGonagall entered looking pale.

"I need to escort you three to the hall, Black tried to enter Gryffindor tower and he could be anywhere" McGonagall said. We all stood and as the boys chatted away, I walked quietly to the hall where I could hear the buzzing voices of the students talking. I entered the hall and before I could look for my friends I was attacked in a hug.

"Oh, thank Merlin your alright, you were alone and teacher less whilst Black was roaming the school" Harry said with relief.

"I'm fine, i'm sure Black wouldn't have wanted to enter an office with three students writing notes, I sure wouldn't, great place to get cornered" I said smirking.

"Anyway, we're over here" Harry said pulling me to the other side of the hall.

"Who does we refer to" I asked with a smile.

"Umm, Ron, Hermione, Seamus, Dean, ummmm, Neville, I think thats it" Harry said dragging me to the small circle my friends had made.

"She's all right" Harry said pushing a sleeping bag into the circle. I went and sat down on it. A series of 'thank merlins' and 'greats' were muttered by everyone.

"Why, what little faith you guys have in me" I said rolling my eyes.

"Its only because we know what bad situations you've gotten yourself into in the past, I mean, you were a ghost for half a year and in first year the amount of times you were found in the hospital wing was scary" Dean stated raising his eyebrows.

"Fine, I attract trouble, but surely Black isn't that bad" I said looking at them all. I was obviously the only one who new that Sirius was innocent and Peter Pettigrew was the bad guy in every senario.

"Surely he isn't that bad" Seamus said in a voice that mocked mine. "He killed thirteen muggles Twelve years ago with one spell, the key words in that sentence were ONE SPELL" Seamus said shaking his head. "He's not bad, he's completely mental" I felt my entre body heat up with a flare of anger. It should be Peter who there talking about like this.

"I'm feeling quite tired, i'm going to sleep" I said avoiding eye contact with everyone.

"Ok, night Love" Dean said.

"Night Lyla" everyone else chorused obviously not sensing the discomfort I felt when they were talking about Sirius.

"Night" I said lying down and falling asleep almost immediately. I was going to have a hard time convincing anyone that Sirius Black was inncoent. Especially when Harry found out about why Sirius was framed and what position he currently took.

Harrys Godfather was Sirius Black and I was positive he would hate Sirius even more when he found out.

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