The Cheerleader And The Nerd

Autorstwa _ayeesha98

200K 2.2K 651

Meet Riley Pearce! She's in her senior year. She's the head cheerleader and she has the star quarterback begg... Więcej

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 16

6.8K 66 41
Autorstwa _ayeesha98

"So...?" Kat drawled, cupping her chin in her hands as she placed her elbows on the cafeteria table. I glanced at her, slowly eating my chocolate covered strawberry. "What are everyone's plans for tomorrow?"

It's been a few days since that first morning with Cole; actually it was a day before Valentine's Day today! Valentine's Day Eve - is that even a word? Never mind.

"Amanda's having a party at her place, most of the school's going," shrugged Sam. Most of the table made sounds of agreement as Amanda sat there with a proud and smug expression on her makeup caked face. "You girls should come." At those words Amanda put on a completely fake smile on her face though an outsider would have thought she looked friendly and amiable, I knew better.

"Yeah, come." she practically choked out. I stifled a giggle. She so wanted us there huh?

"No thanks," I said, taking a sip of my chocolate milkshake. "I got better things to do," I shrugged giving everyone a nonchalant look.

"What bout you Trin?" Sam asked Kat, using that special nickname of his. Kat sighed dreamily for a second before regaining her composure. I snickered under my breath at her flustered look. God was she whipped...

"Uh...?" she said glancing at me and Sam repeatedly. She knew I didn't want to go to Amanda's party but I also knew that she wanted to go with Sam, and she didn't exactly need me there nor need my permission but she was being a loyal friend. And being a friend, I also had to let her go.

"It's okay kitty Kat, go ahead. I'm gonna spend my day with my special someone anyway." I shrugged, giving her a sly wink to tell her exactly who it was and keep things light yet curious between our fellow peers. A grin slowly spread on her face as she hugged me.

"Just use some protection okay?" she whispered in my ear, discreetly, so no one else could hear, and giggled. I pulled away and smacked her arm.

"Bitch" I muttered but my smile gave away the fact that I wasn't really angry.

"You know you love me!" she exclaimed, picking up a piece of cucumber from my salad and twirling it around before devouring it.

"Touché," I commended her, shaking my head.

"A special someone eh? Anyone we know Riley?" Holly asked, giving me a curious glance as she finally dislodged her mouth from Daniel Baker - cornerback of the football team.

"Is he the same someone from that picture?" Sierra winked at me. "Damn girl, he looked hot!"

"Maybe," I shrugged just as the bell rang. I picked up my finished milkshake and threw it into the bin just as Kat came round and hooked her elbow in mine with a big grin on her face that probably had nothing to do with me but a certain brunette. But of course that's just me.


I sat on my bed, humming a mindless tune as I did a French tip to my nails. I just finished the last nail, my right pinky finger, and brought the hand to my mouth to blow on the nails when the doorbell sounded.


I checked the time on my clock and it said 7:30. That's odd. Wasn't Kat at the party already? I mean she was ready when I left an hour ago from her place...

When the doorbell rang for the second time, I shot out of bed, slipping my feet into my slippers as I yelled out,

"I'm coming, I'm coming!"

Forgetting my nails for moment, I dashed down the stairs. I yanked the door open, only to be greeted by two kid-ish screams!

"What the...?" I trailed off, looking between the three blondes standing at my doorstep. One male, tall and familiar, the other two albeit shorter hiding behind each of his legs while he shuffled his feet uncomfortably and avoided my eye. Okay...

"I'm sorry!" was the first thing Jayden blurted out. Seeing my confused expression he continued, "It's Valentine's Day and you probably have plans and I totally understand if you can't!" he assured me. The only question was of what? I was only more confused and was about to question him further when Zack interrupted.

"Is the monster gone now? Can we open our eyes?" he tentatively asked. I frowned and looked around. I don't see any monster... or anything that could've looked like a monster to them...

"Uh Lee?" I was brought out of my thoughts when Jayden rubbed the back of his head and gave out a nervous chuckle.


"Um, you've got a little something... uh on your face?" he mumbled, looking away as he spoke. I froze. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!

"Crap!" I yelled out as I turned and sprinted upstairs to my room. I rushed to my en suite bathroom and quickly rinsed my whole face. Shit! How could I have forgotten I had a face pack on?! It covered my entire face from my forehead to my chin in white. No wonder Zach and Zoe thought I was a monster! I splashed some more water on my face and then turned off the tap.

"Shit..." I hissed, dragging the syllables out. God, I must have looked hideous. And that too in front of Jayden! My face flushed scarlet as I met my eyes in the mirror of the cabinet above the sink. I dabbed my face with the hand towel from the rack, drying it. Once my face was clear of any white cream, I smiled to myself and stepped out of the bathroom. I took a deep breath.

I walked down the stairs, my cheeks tinged with the slightest of pinks. Once at the bottom, I made my way to the living room, where I'm sure Jayden had ushered the younger ones in. Of course I was right. The twins were both sitting on the leather couch, talking avidly between themselves and every other minute were looking around the house; their faces shining in awe.

"Hey," I murmured when I came into their sight. Jayden, who had been awkwardly standing beside the coffee table, now shot me a nervous smile.

"Riley!" both the younger blondes screamed as they ran to me and gave me a giant bear hug. "We've missed you!" I giggled and pulled away.

"Me or my treats?" I teased as I raised an eyebrow at the sheepish duo.

"Do you want the truth or the lie?" Zach answered me back with a question as he raised his own eyebrows. I smirked at him. So that's how he wanted to play it huh? Cheeky little kid. I was all ready to give him a good retort when Jayden interfered.

"Uh, hey Lee, can I talk to you for a second?" he asked me as he rubbed the back of his neck. A nervous habit of his.

"Sure!" I shrugged and followed him out of the living room and to the hallway. He stopped when we were a good distance away and out of hearing range. "So what's up?" I asked once I was sure he wasn't gonna speak first.

"I have to work tonight... as a favor to a friend, and originally mom was gonna stay at home with the kids, but mom got called in for an emergency. Usually I'd call Brooke to babysit them but she and Ryan are out celebrating Valentine's day and Darren is at some party and I-I... just, I didn't know who else to call at such short notice! B-but if you c-can't... It's fine!" he finished and ducked his head but I saw the slow blush creeping to his cheeks.

Babysit? Despite everything, I've never done this before. Sure I liked kids and vice versa but I hadn't always been the most responsible person and people mostly misjudged me so other than Cynthia I had no whatsoever experience with looking after kids. I couldn't help but also feel flattered that he trusted me so much, but again came the question of responsibility, cause let's face it, I am pretty reckless. Vegas explains that only too well! But seeing Jayden pleading look, I couldn't help but cave in. If he told me to murder someone with that look, I would. That look should be illegal!

"Okay" I sighed and instantly a bright smile came onto his face and immediately I felt happy that I was a reason that smile's on his face and vowed to myself, I'd always try to keep it there. And then almost as quickly he crushed my body to his, his arms around my waist as mine lay limp on my side, in shock.

"Thank you so much, I swear I'll make it up to you!" he promised as I finally regained myself and wrapped my arms around his neck. I giggled lightly into his chest.

"It's fine! But I have to warn you, I've never done this before!" I admitted, my lips brushing the material of his shirt and I felt a low shiver run down his back. I grinned at how my touch influenced him. I loved that I could affect him like this. He pulled away, much too soon for my like.

"Really?" Surprise was evident in his voice and face as he raised an eyebrow at me. I nodded, my breath hitched at how close our faces were. He was bent down so he was on my level and I was unashamedly lost in his beautiful green orbs. If any of us moved another three inches forward, I'm pretty sure I could kiss those delicious lips of his. The urge to kiss him kept growing stronger and stronger every single day.

I sucked in my breath causing his eyes to fall on my lips and I saw his eyes darken in desire as they met mine again. I wave of desire swept me as he licked his lips slowly and my eyes followed the movement as a shark would his prey.

"Kylie?" Marilyn's confused voice snapped us apart and we jumped and disentangled ourselves from each other, before facing her. I ran a hand through my hair as Jayden - who still looked a little out of it - glanced at me once again.

I turned to Marilyn. God dammit can she never remember our names?! Or get them right? How hard are Riley and Cynthia to remember? Not that hard, I'd like to think so. I'd given up getting upset over it a long time ago.

"Hey Marilyn" I said, somewhat shakily, giving her a weak smile, not even bothering to correct her.

"Hey," she said back, before squinting her eyes in Jayden's direction and eyeing him with scrutinizing eyes. "Who's he?"

I eyed her the same way. Her hair was free and curled and her face had its usual ton of make up on. Her clothes consisted of denim shorts and a dark maroon loose shirt that she'd patched under her bust with a belt.

I rolled my eyes. "A friend" I stated.

"Uh huh, and the two little tykes in the living room?" she questioned, her eyes falling back on me.

"Those would be my younger brother and sister, ma'am" Jayden politely answered her. Marilyn blushed at his mention of 'ma'am', and gave him a pleased smile. Whatever Marilyn may be; a blond bimbo, a party girl, a shopping maniac, but one thing she wasn't was a cheater. She'd never cheated on dad in all the 5 years I'd known her and that she'd been with dad. She had many a opportunity, as dad was always travelling but she stayed faithful. I didn't know if they loved each other - probably not - but she was genuine and loyal to him. And for that I respected her.

"I agreed to babysit them" I informed her before she asked any more questions on that matter.

"On Valentine's Day? Don't you have a boyfriend to go on a date with or a party to go to?" She wasn't being hostile, just enquiring.

"No, what about you?" I said, really tired of this small talk. I shifted my weight on my other foot.

"No... but I'll probably be going to Yorkshire to visit my parents next weekend" I nodded my head. "I have to go now, I'm meeting up with some of the ladies in an hour so have fun!"

"You too!" I gave her a smile as she turned with a toss of her blonde locks and walked up the stairs with a clack of her heels on every step.

"Well she wasn't that bad. Not good with names though" offered Jayden and I rolled my eyes as I turned in his direction.

"That's Marilyn for you. She's not all too bad, j-just..." I trailed off, not knowing how to describe her. Other than her bad habit of forgetting people's names, she wasn't all too bad. She just... wasn't there or didn't care I guess. She never took the time to notice us or took the time to tell us stuff. We were distant but not on bad terms. It was neutral, I guess.

"Yeah" he whispered softly. I involuntarily leaned into the warmth he radiated and sighed. Damn it, what the hell was I doing? But you know what? Screw it. If it felt good and I wanted it, then so be it.

"We should go back, they'll be wondering where we disappeared off to" I murmured after a few minutes of silence and comfort. Anyone could hear the half heartedness in my voice. We started walking back to the living room.

"Yeah, I gotta go too. I have to be there by 8:15," he said and checked his watch before continuing. "And it's already 7:55. I'm sorry and thank you again. I swear I'll make it up to you somehow" he said just as we came in sight of the room - to see the twins running round and chasing each other.

"It's fine Jay, don't worry about it" I shrugged. He looked at me in surprise and pleasure. What?

"That's the first time you've ever called me Jay!" he beamed. He looked like little boy who'd been told he can have all the toys he wants in a toy store.

"Yeah so?"

"Nothing," he shook his head but the grin was still there. He leaned down then and gently pecked my cheek.

"I gotta go. You have my number in case something happens. I'll be back round 10 to pick them up if that's alright with you?" the whole time he spoke, he spoke with his lips near my cheek. His lips brushing them softly. I shivered in delight.

I blinked at him when he stood back up. "Y-yeah, s-sure" I said back in a daze. He flashed me one more smile before addressing the two troublemakers and told them of his departure and that he'd be back in a few hours. They wished him good bye and then he was gone.

"So...?" I asked them, dragging out the 'o' part.

"Can we watch a movie?" asked Zoe.

"Sure!" I chirped. I turned back to the far end wall and leaned up to see our endless collections of movies. "Which one ya wanna watch?"

"Do you have Saw? Or Grudge? Dare and Ryan said they're awesome movies but mom won't let us see them. Ooh he even said some Friday the 13th or something one! Do you have those?" Zach excitedly asked. Oh brother what had I gotten myself into?

A/N: Hey guys !!!!!! Okay so as most of you know, i'm grounded! Yes and the only reason I got to write this is when i typed it all up in under an hour while both my parents and siblings are out so please i know there will be lots of error and please bear with me! i HONESTLY dont know when i can post again! SO A BIG SORRRY FROM NOW !!!!!!!!! SO sorry but hope u enjoy! =)

On another note, the song on tue side is a song I'm completely in love with right now !!!!! Not to mention the band !!!!! Who else likes One Direction, huh? Comment below! Oh and also vote !!!!! Love you guys !!!!! =)

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