Curse of the Seme and the Uke...

By DeathViper

32.5K 901 189

Sonic is a beautiful uke that one day stumbles upon a seme named Shadow. He soon learns that Shadow has been... More

The Date!
Stress of the Mind!
Sonic's Brother!
Diminishing Dark's Light!
A Friend's Been Saved!
New Beginning!
Sonic's Birthday!
Party Time!
Decision Time!
Learning to Hunt!
Mending Friendships! (Final)


1.9K 49 1
By DeathViper



* Scourge:

  I had only came to attack Shadow, but when I heard the other speak he practically screamed uke. I couldn't help myself, what chance I'd come across one while searching for a long lost prince!

  The second my mind thought that I darted for him loving the look of terror on his face as I approached quickly, but then I was suddenly flat on my back starring at the sky. "What the hell? What hit me?"

   I looked up from the ground to find the source and growled, it was Shadow! What I couldn't figure out though is why he cared for a meer mortal, I mean come on he's not even his! "What the hell was that for!? I thought you'd be happy I chose not to go after you?" I growled at him once again in full anger.

* Shadow:

  I screamed in my head when Scourge looked towards my mate, then I practicly had a heart attack when he darted for him as well! My mind was so fogged with panic at that time that it actually acted on it's own I shot off the ground, darted infront of the vampire, and knocked him to the ground.

  I could tell he wasn't sure for a minute what had happened, to be honest I don't think any of us did and i'm the one who did it! Then he looked up surprised to see me standing in between him and Sonic, that's when I heard a growl?

  "Did he just growl at me?" I thought to myself. I was really confused now, until he started to talk. When he said he thought I'd be happy he had not chose to go after me, to be honest he was right I was. "That may be true but I will not let you take my mate from me like you took everything else years ago!" I looked down at him the same time a low minacing growl escaped me.

* Sonic:

   Okay all I can say is minute the green hedgehog is heading straight for me, and the next he's on the ground dazed while Shadow's standing right in front of me. Meanwhile i'm standing here terrified with my hands cupped together at my chest, and i'm shaking like a leaf!

  I had at some point closed my eyes after that, because they now were opening to see two strong arms wrapping around my waist pulling me into a comforting hug. I had been so terrified that I broke down in his arms the second I felt safe, and he sat there to let me cry and help me through it.

  I felt so embarresed, but who could blame me after all I had been raped by Mephiles and now some random new guy had put his sites on me all because I'm a uke. I know it's easy to tell i'm not the dominent type.

* Scourge:

   As much as I didn't want to, I backed off not for him but for the little blue hedgie. It was obvious there was some kind of trauma even if I had no clue what had happened. I may be a vampire but even we're taught that ukes are fragile, and are to be treated kindly.

  So I got up and walked over to the crying hedgie, and not to my surprise as seeing he's his mate Shadow became very protective the second I did. "Hey chill will you? I won't hurt him he is a uke after all I've been taught better. Not only that but I want to make sure he's alright." Shadow calmed down the instent I said I wouldn't hurt him, and the little blue one poked his head out a little to look at me.

* Shadow:

  I really didn't trust him, but as long as he wasn't really going to hurt Sonic, and my mate was safely in my arms the whole time I would allow him to speak to him. I had to hold my mate and comfort him, because he was so scared also crying.

  Then Sonic poked his head out to look at the other, so I signaled Scourge that now was the time to talk if he wanted to.

* Sonic:

  I looked up at the stranger from the comfort of my mates arms the second he said he wasn't going to hurt me, I figured I'd listen to what he had to say sence I wasn't alone.He started out by saying he was sorry for attacking my mate, then it slowly continued to how he was asshamed on how he kept following us around.

  That right there freaked me out, and got Shadow really upset. I decided to stop him from fighting Scourge though sence he was trying to apoligize.

* Normal:

   So after awhile of them talking they went their sepreate ways, Scourge went back home and Shadow along with his mate went on to continue their day. Come night time the two love birds called it a day, and headed home once there they went to bed.

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