Our Chaotic Order

By Wordsmith-Rain

7K 540 51

A young, (and therefore very weak) Witch in a crusades-like time (with a few modern amenities and substitutio... More

Prologue: Deaf Ears
1: Save me, Please.
2: First Lessons
3: Üntergarten
4: You're Late.
5: Classes and Clashes
6: Friends?
7: Spirit Branding and Murder
8: Chocolate Is Life
9: More To Learn
10: The Lich King
11: Self-Defence
12: Advancement Exam
13: Tests and Torture
14: Finals
15: Culinary Arts
16: So She's a Fixer-Upper...
17: Learning Restauranteur
18: Second Term
20: Plants and Metal
21: Lessons in Humility
22: Fly Like An Eagle
23: 'Scales'
24: Prices Unpaid
25: On A Safari
26: Puzzles and Poisons
27: Bartering with a King
28: Lessons
29: Master Falkirk
30: Ingredients
31: The Spell
32: Grand Master Faust
33: Not Bloody Likely
34: Master of The Craft
35: Gratitude
36: Scrying
37: The Past
38: Staffs
39: The Ionian Dragon
40: The Staff of Magnus
Book 2: The Demon in Me
World Race Information

19: Amateur

142 13 0
By Wordsmith-Rain

^^ Gregor and Azathoth ^^

'DuBois-Circles - 08:00-09:00
Harper-Musicology - 09:15-10:15
Dion-Herbology - 10:30-11:30
Laurent-Culinary Arts(lunch) - 11:45-02:00
Cortez-The Craft - 02:15-04:15
Haven-Shapeshifting - 04:30-05:30
Laurent-Culinary Arts Sa 08:00-20:00'


"Gregor? Cast this. Surprise me." He smiled knowingly.

--- Greta's POV ---

He nodded and slowly approached, breathing deeply, and conjured the circle again, over the first, and then poured some blood from a vial into both Circles. Then he muttered a small dose of poetry lower than I could hear, blushing, and they blazed into fire, instead of just glowing.

"Gods above I have a lot to learn..." I breathed.

"Indeed." Master DuBois smiled.

"O' Wise Azathoth, I beseech you, grant me your presence!" Gregor said softly, but in a commanding tone only Kings ever mastered. If one speaks softly, people must be silent to listen, and then they will be even more afraid when they hear the precise inflections in your voice.

I gasped as a Demon General appeared, shaking the room. He stepped through a doorway, instead of a Breach, and looked around, his massive horns making small swishing noises, while his spiked tail snapped like a whip.

I stared at the demon, and slowly shrunk back in my seat, afraid for everyone's lives, especially my own.

Gregor simply spoke. "I am Gregor, Son of Alfred The Great, Descendant of the God Heracles and his father, Zeus. I would summon you conditionally, that you might not revenge this encounter after its conclusion. In return, I shall pay you in Soul Energy for your wasted time. Is this favorable, Sir Azathoth?" He asked calmly in Draconic, like he was used to bartering with beings that could level cities with a thought, and in demonic languages, at that. I only spoke it because of my connection with Mirage.

The demon hummed, and looked closely at him. "I agree." His voice shook the room, and his breath was ice.

Gregor nodded. "Thank you for your time. Would you like to speak to the peoples of this realm, or would you simply wish to collect your fee and go about your business without further interruption?" He asked politely.

The demon hummed, and scratched his chin. "I'll speak to you... I so rarely encounter this realms denizens... is your King still Alfred the Great, or have you succeeded your father, Prince Gregor Delatrucio?"

"My father is alive and well, Sir Azathoth, and will remain so for as long as I am able to make it so. A king cannot spend time in school, after all." He sighed, speaking in English.

I blinked. "Prince? We have a king?" I spoke out of turn, and flinched when the demon snapped his gaze to me.

"Ahhh... you bear the blood of my son Soren's Master... Falkirk, Hmm? Rowena? No... she is much older... Maria, then?" He smiled a savage smile, his fangs glistening red.

I gulped and shook my head. "Maria and Rowena are both dead. I am Greta, Maria's little sister." I spoke clearly, controlling my beating heart.

He hummed. "Odd... for something to have killed them..."

"Mother died in childbirth, during my birth. And Maria fought 7,430 men to the death, and won, but died soon after from a cowards blade." I said, unable to stop the words. I clapped hands over my mouth, confused, and he chuckled.

"You cannot withhold secrets from the Demon General of Wisdom, Lady Falkirk... but it sorrows me to hear of your mother and sister. They were friends to the Demon Royalty. Is Baba Yaga still alive? I'd hate for the answer to be no... whatever could kill a Demon Princess would be a terrible Foe indeed."

I blinked. "Aunty is a Demon Princess? Holy shit... no, Baba is alive and well..." I was reeling from the massive amounts of information I was being force-fed.

"Aunt?... hmm..." He scratched his chin again, his eyes holding mine.

"She is my many times great-aunt." I answered woodenly, and then growled. "Stop that! Ask a question if you want an answer, I'm not a liar! I don't like being forced to speak!" I snapped at him.

He laughed, dust falling from the ceiling as the room shook. "My apologies, feisty little Falkirk... accept a gift, both in mourning for your family, and for my apology."

He slowly plucked a spike from his tail, and placed it on the edge of the circle.

I cocked my head and approached, looking at Gregor for permission. He nodded, and I picked it up slowly. It suddenly came alive, and I squealed as it turned into a gigantic Metal Cobra, three times my height.

The snake shrank, and soon was only a few inches long, when it slithered up my foot and then tried to reach my arm. I quickly snatched it from my thigh, blushing, and scolded it. "Now that is not a proper place for snakes to be, do you understand?" I tapped its nose roughly, and it slithered around my wrist, stopping movement.

I blinked and looked at Azathoth. "What is it? A familiar?"

He shook his head. "A Thorn. Much like your Baba's 'Scale's'. A powerful relic, a connection you its original owner. It will protect you, and its death will alert me of your need. For a Price, I may even answer the call." He grinned again.

I smiled. "Ahh, a homing beacon, then? Very interesting... can you teach me how to make those? I'd really love the knowledge."

He blinked. "You are very bold, little Falkirk." He said louder, his voice becoming slightly threatening.

'What's his true name, Mirage?' I asked quickly.

'Acanthus, General of The East.' She responded just as quick.

"Why Thank you, sir Azathoth, General of the East, or... more properly, -" I stepped into the circle and whispered his true name "-Acanthus..." I grinned up at him smugly as I stepped out.

"How do you know that name?" He asked simply, confusion and amusement on his features replacing anger and indignation.

"Mirage, my demon companion, is one of the 100 Guardians of Hecate. She knows quite a bit." I shrugged, smiling.

He nodded. "Ahh... yes. Hecate's War Dogs... that explains that. Then perhaps I will teach you this thing. You would, I think, use it to my advantage, if your campaign is successful." His eyes blazed with a gleeful rage, and I chuckled.

"I shouldn't be surprised that the Demon General of Wisdom knows my plans... thank you, for your patronage." I bowed my head, and he reached forward, his claw gently tapping my head.

The location of a book was implanted into my brain, and then he smirked. "I trust you can figure out the rest on your own. Now, Prince Gregor. I believe I am done here. Would you be so kind as to conclude our business?" He turned to Gregor, who nodded.

"Indeed. Your toll, I believe this is sufficient." He tossed a glowing vial to Azathoth, who caught it, and nodded. He opened the door behind himself, and simply stepped through, as both circles shattered.

I grinned at Gregor. "That was AMAZING! How'd you manage to Summon Azathoth himself? That's INSANE!!!" I squealed.

He smiled tiredly. "Practice. Lots of practice."

I hummed and attempted to hand him a piece of chocolate. "That'll help."

He waved it off politely. "Unfortunately I am allergic to chocolate. Causes uncontrollable sneezing. Very uncomfortable." He sighed apologetically.

I put it away, then grinned. "Do you like licorice?" I asked.

He blinked slowly, and nodded. "I do. Why?"

"You'll see tomorrow." I shrugged, and jumped up the stairs to my seat. He sat next to me, and I grinned. "So are you really a prince? I didn't know we had a king! What's he like?" I peppered him with questions.

He smiled gently. "I am, yes, he's not your king, you're in a Republic, but my kingdom is directly to the south of here. And he's... interesting." He said simply.

I grinned even wider. "Cool! A foreigner?!? What's your country like?"

"... very hot. A desert kingdom." He surmised.

I hummed. "I see... Desert... Egypt?" I asked.

He shook his head. "I'm not a Pharaoh. Iberia is my home."

I blinked. "Old Spain?"

"Correct." He nodded.

"Whoa." I nodded.

He laughed. "You're very calm-minded, aren't you?"

"I like to think so." I smirked.

Master DuBois grinned. "Yes, well. Well done, both of you. Bargaining with a Demon is a very tiring experience, even when done correctly... now, let's move on. Next?"


I stepped through the portal into my next classroom, and grinned. It was a giant music hall, as big as an entire theater.

I spotted Master Harper, and smiled. She was rearranging a small sheaf of musical paperwork, and I grinned when I heard her humming. 'This woman makes me happy, that's true. Her voice is very calming.'

'That's because it's laced with serenity spells.' Mirage chuckled.

'I'm largely immune to them.' I smiled.

'No you aren't, you're just resistant to the more obvious ones.' She laughed.

'... oh.' I hummed, and approached her on the stage. "Hello, Master Harper." I smiled.

She looked up, and smiled. "Ah, yes. Hello, Greta. I'm happy you chose my class. Today we'll be learning the Musical Scale, and the effects certain notes have on different life forms. Why don't you choose your seat, and we'll begin in a few minutes." She nodded to the seats.

I smiled and hopped off the stage, choosing a seat in the second row. I stealthily laid small runes under my seat to ward off Magical Influence, and felt my head clear immediately.

I shivered. 'She's dangerous.'

'Very much so.'

"Alright! Welcome, everyone! I think this is all of you? There is only supposed to be six... aha! Perfect. Six. Today, we'll be learning first the Musical Scale, which is listed and pictured here." She tapped a talon against a large chalkboard, which a set of Notes on different lines.

"This is going to be interesting..." I sighed.

"Ah, I'm getting ahead of myself, first! textbooks!" She patted a box of textbooks, and passed out six. They were thicker than any single textbook I'd ever seen, and almost as heavy as my grimoire.

I whistled softly. "Wowza... this'll be a fun light read..." I joked, and the boy across the Isle from me snickered.

"Indeed. You'll all read the first chapter tonight. Ah! And Greta, how kind of you to remind me! You need this book as well, to catch up." She smirked as she placed a second book, the same size as the first, on my textbook.

I grimaced. "Yay."

"Mmhm. Now. Back to the lesson-."


I blinked slowly when the alarm rang, my ears still slightly sore from the higher pitch noises she'd subjected us to.

"Yes, the first chapter, read by tomorrow, thank you all! And Greta, try to read from the Novice book as well!" She waved us goodbye, and I sent my textbooks into Hugin's Nest, or tried.

Apparently, if I didn't know the knowledge, the Library wouldn't allow it in. I huffed and hoisted the books into my arms, grunting at the weight of both of them, and tottered towards the wall to make a portal door. In the process, I dropped my textbooks on my feet, and yelped, hopping around as I clutched my poor toes.

The boy from the Isle picked up my books easily in one hand, and smiled. "Sorry, I should've tried to help sooner... I'm Dante." He held out his free hand, and I smiled, shaking his hand firmly.

He stood to his full, impressive height, and i grinned at his silver hair, just a shade off from my own. He wore a red leather duster, and matching jeans and boots, with a black shirt on under it. A very tight, black shirt.

"I'm Greta... thanks. What's your next class?" I asked, lacing my fingers behind my back to hide their twitching.

"Acolyte Herbology with Master Dion." He nodded.

"Same! Yay! I hate not knowing anyone in my classes." I nodded.

He chuckled. "I can easily carry these for you, if you want."

"I can handle it, but thank you very much for the thought. It's much appreciated. I'd simply forgotten I had magically augmented muscles." I activated the first stage of augmentation, and picked up the books easily.

He chuckled. "I forget sometimes too. Anyway, what's with the door?"

"It's a portal Door, it appears all around the School. Master Jacobi showed me it." I smiled.

He hummed. "Very interesting."

I nodded and gripped the handle, thinking of master Dion's classroom, and opened the door.

A few seconds later, Dante appeared next to me, blinking his eyes. "You alright?" I asked.

"Indeed... that is very convenient. I think I prefer Ariadne's string, but that's quicker, yes." He nodded.

The door faded, and I walked down the steps to find a seat, with Dante in steady pursuit.

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