My Brother

By thechocolategyal

446 21 1

This short story is about a young woman named Kyla who discovers that her long time boyfriend, Tahj has been... More

Let The Party Begin
'My Brother'
Unexpected Surprise
Good Riddance
Family Matters
Trigger Happy
The Verdict


23 2 0
By thechocolategyal

I take a look in my living room and the place is junky. There's beer cans everywhere, chips bags and cigar guts all on my carpet floor.

"I can't right now" I say to myself out loud. "Let me calm down cause I could Tahj black ass right now."

For the next few hours I begin to clean my house from start to end starting with the bedroom. I check my closet and see that Tahj's moved all his things back into it. I don't know why this nigga think he can get back comfortable, I meant it when I said we were done.

I grab all of Tahj's things throw them in a box and bring downstairs. I grab his PlayStation and throw in the box.

After I'm done packing up his shit I decide to run some hot water and take a bubble bath. I needed this time to relax and to really clear my mind. My head and heart is all over the place.

Once I'm done washing and relaxing I grab my robe, head into my room to grab my phone and a blanket and head downstairs to my living room. I turn on the tv and flip through channels until I finally see something that catches my eye. I'm not really interested at what's on tv I just need some background sound while I scroll through my social media accounts.

I hop on Facebook so I can stalk Tahj's page.

"It's like that?" I say to myself.

This nigga had me blocked. I get on Snapchat to see his snaps and he had me blocked on there too.

I quickly called up Z, "bitch, gimme your Facebook and Snapchat information." I'm heated. Why the fuck would he go and block me? He acts like I don't know about his little bitch on the side. What could you possibly have to hide?

"For what girl" Z says, by the way she said it I could tell I woke her up.

"Girl this nigga got me blocked from seeing his shit."

"Bitch I know not." Z responds. This time I can tell she's fully awake.

"Girl yes. Like really nigga, the fuck you need to block me for?" Just thinking about it really had me upset. Did he really think he was gon' lay his ass up in my shit and have me blocked? He musta lost his damn mind!

"Okay, I'm bout to text it to you."

"Bet. Thank you, I love you."

"Mhm, I love you too bitch" Z says yawning.

Zaree texts me her information and just as I'm about to login I hear keys rattling.

I know the fuck not.

"Wassup babe?" Tahj says as he closes the door.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I ask annoyed.

"Damn, hey to you too." Tahj tosses his keys on the coffee table and starts walking towards me. "I live here too remember." I swear if he comes any closer I'm going to kick him in his shit. "You might wanna turn around cause the only place you gon' be living is in that damn box." I tell him bluntly.

"Would you quit with the shit already Ky" Tahj says. I can tell he's getting a little upset but at this point I really don't give a damn. I don't want him here. He better turn his ass around and go back wherever the fuck he came from.

"We need to talk" I tell him sitting up.

"About what Kyla?"

"Please don't play dumb with me Tahj. Now is not the fuckin' time." I let him know.

"Okay" Tahj says throwing up his hands. "Talk."

"I want you out. We're over." I say cutting to the point. "I can't do this shit anymore."

"I fuck up one time and you're ready to throw away all the years we've been together."

"You've been secretly dating another bitch for TWO AND HALF YEARS" I yell. "THE FUCK YOU MEAN, I'M DONE." At this point I'm standing up and it's taking everything in me not to swing on his.

"For what Ky, I'm not with her anymore"

"You really expect me to believe you?" I respond laughing. "Do I have stupid written across my mothafuckin forehead?"

"I swear to God. I put that shit on my granny grave. She broke up with me while you was in the hospital." So because your bitch broke up with you you think you can come crawling back to me? It don't work like that. "I don't care Tahj. Like I said I don't wanna be with you anymore."

"Why? Because you fuckin' somebody else?"

Okay at this point I can no longer keep my hands to myself.

"C'mon Kyla. Chill" Tahj says while covering his face. "AYO CHILL!"


"FOR FUCKIN' WHAT?" Tahj yells back at me. "I AIN'T DID SHIT TO YOU."


I feel Tahj wrap his arms around and at this point I don't have the energy in me to fight anymore. I just let him hold me as I cry.

"Baby stop crying." I hear Tahj say as his rubs his hand up and down my back. "I'm not tryna fight with you."

"Tahj I'm pregnant."

Immediately as the words leave my mouth I regret it. I can feel his arms unwrap around me. "How many weeks?" He asks.

"I'm three months."


"I found out when I was in the hospital." I reply softly.

"Oh shit, I can't wait to let my boys know" Tahj says all excited. This wasn't the response I was expecting.

"You're not mad?"

"Baby why would I be mad? You're gonna to bring my little prince or princess into the world. How could I be mad?"

"Because we're----"

"Look I don't wanna talk about that shit anymore. What's important is that my baby is healthy."

My emotions take over and before you know it I'm crying again. This is not how I wanted things to be. "Baby why are you crying?" Tahj says lifting my face up. "Stop all that crying, we're good Ky. I got you. I promise."

Tahj kisses me and at first I don't give in. "C'mon Ky, stop acting like that." Tahj tries kissing me again and this time I give in. Before I even know it we're having a full blown make out session. I missed this side of Tahj. Shit I missed us.

Finally our lips part and before I can say anything Tahj scoops me up and carries me upstairs.

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