Escape (Kellic/ boyxboy)

By Insomniatic_love

82.4K 5.2K 2.3K

Vic is just an ordinary guy with an overly boring life. He chooses to exclude himself and stay within his sma... More

2. Bruises
3. Happy
4. Mike and Jaime
5. Cat
7. Mall
8. Story Time
10. Stupid
RIP Leelah
11. Zoo
12. Awkward Coffee
13. Answers
14. Amusement Park
Shameless Self Promotion (:
15. Erm
16. Weight
17. Austin
18. Titles
19. Gone
20. Pain
21. Missing
22. End

1. Doorstep Surprises

5K 258 146
By Insomniatic_love

1. Doorstep Surprises

I tightened my hoodie around my body as I quickly jogged home. The slight breeze from earlier was now a strong wind that wanted to pick up my small frame, and leave me in the middle of some field. It rushed at me with a lot of force and I sped up hoping to be home as soon as possible.

My brown hair flew in front of my face and thunder boomed in the distance. I could tell that the rain would come down any second and I cursed my short, Mexican legs. God dammit, I thought as the first rain drop hit my cheek. I just wanted to curl up in bed and read, nothing more, nothing less.

When I was finally on my street and could see my hose in clear view I nearly jumped for joy. The rain was now a steady patter but I new that within minutes it would be a downpour. I knew that I should buy a car to avoid these type of situations but all of my money currently went to pay the bills of my shitty house.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion when I saw a small black shape right in front of door. I could barely make out anything of what it looked like do to the dark night and rain clouds. Bending down I heard a small meow and realized that it was a kitten, I mentally 'awed' and picked the shivering animal up gently. It seemed to tense but snuggled slightly into my chest. Unlocking the door with one hand I quickly went inside and relocked it behind me. I raced to the living room and grabbed a blanket off the back of the couch and wrapped it over my shoulders and around the small kitten.

The black ball of fur blinked up at me with greenish blue eyes and I cooed, "Hello there pretty kitty. I'm Vic, lets see who you are." In a baby voice, I sort of wanted to hit myself afterwards.

I slowly grabbed the bright white tag that stuck out of his fur. Squinting my eyes I read, 'Kellin Quinn Project:1 Cat/Human Hybrid' that was printed in tiny letters. I bit my lip in confusion, what Hell was that supposed to mean? A project? I looked intently at the adorable thing that rested in my tan arms. "You're too cute!" I smiled and pushed the whole thing out of my head. "Little Kellin, where do you belong? I'm sure you wanna go home." At those words his eyes grew even wider and his shivering returned.

Lifting him so that I could look him over, I saw small cuts that littered Kellin's small body. "Aw, poor boy." I whispered and then stood. "Let's get you a bath."

Claws dug into my hands and a barely audible hiss came from the cat, almost as if he could understand me. His eyes seemed to plead with me, begging me not to. Biting my lips I looked away and hurried towards the bathroom. Inside the small room I said, "Sorry kitty, I just need to-" I was cut off a Kellin scratched down my arm and I dropped him. Blood ran from the gash but I focused on the cat that now lay on the floor looking disoriented, it's shaking had intensified by a lot and noticed how small pained mewls escaped its mouth. Oh God, what had I done?

My eyes suddenly flew open as I saw how Kellin was growing larger. Arms growing longer and the fur disappearing. I backed up against the door and watched as the once cute kitten grew into a short teenage boy that pushed himself against the wall in a panic, wrapping his arms around his legs and mumbling something that I couldn't hear.

My breath was coming out in short pants as my heart hammered against my chest. I looked over the boy and saw dark purple bruises and cuts covering his small frame. Black hair covered his face and I saw two furry ears sticking out the top of his head while a tail curled around his shin. Ripped and bloodied jeans hung off his protruding hip bones.

"K-kellin?" I questions and took a step a forward. He only backed into the wall even more and shook his head. Now that I was closer I could hear his mumbled words. "No hit. Don't hurt, please." Is what repeatedly left his mouth.

What did someone do to him?

"Kellin, c'mon. I'm not going to hurt you, I promise. Just come here." I said very, very quietly. Fear radiated off him and I new that whatever happened to him was bad. Thinking back to his tag I wanted to throw up. An experiment, someone had tested on him. Realizing I shouldn't be scared, I scooped him into my small arms and knew he was much too light.

"No!" Kellin screamed and weakly tried to get away.

"Shh," I hushed and walked the trembling hybrid to my room. The shaking never stopped.

In my small bedroom I laid Kellin over the covers on my bed. He curled into himself and I took his hand gently. He was so hurt and it brought tears to my eyes to see anybody so sad. "C'mon Kell, just relax." I soothed, "I'll be right back, I just need to call someone. I'm not going to hurt you. I swear."

"S-sorry Master, Kellin didn't mean to scratch." The poor boy sobbed out.

"Hush, babe, you're not in trouble. Just try to get some sleep and I'll be right back."

He looked at me with untrusting, wide eyes. "I-is that a-an order?" He Kellin whispered.

Now that I was just desperate to call Tony, I nodded and watched in wonder as he immediately turned the other way and relaxed into the blankets. Taking the opportunity I stepped into the hall and ripped my phone out of my pocket, the events of tonight flying around in my head.

Dialing the all to familiar number I listened as it rang for a few seconds until a groggy voice reached through the speakers, "Vic?"

"Tony, get over here right now."


Yup! That's the first chapter, tell me if it sucks! Be as harsh as you need if its that bad! If you did like it, VCF!<3 Byyeee!

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