
Da sammimajoros

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In an alternate version of 1800s London, the government is corrupt and the poor are pushed down. Taxes, kidna... Altro

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 12

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Da sammimajoros

"He'll be here in an hour" Scarlet sipped at the wine in her glass, barely looking up from her book "You better be ready"

Isabelle sighed and bit back the sharp words that threatened to jump off her tongue. She didn't want to see him but she had little choice.

Just then a knocking could be heard at the door.

"Well, look who's arrived early!" Scarlet's smile was wide and fake. Isabelle knew her mother had invited Brent over early to prevent her from making any attempt to escape.

"Mr. Snyder is here" The servant said quickly as she showed Brent into the room before leaving again.

Brent stood there with a charming smile and Isabelle had to admit that he was beautiful. He had the perfect chiselled jaw and cheek bones, sparkling blue eyes, dirty blonde hair, perfect body and charming smile. Not to mention social standing and money galore. He was always the prefect gentleman in public and always the prefect idiot in private. Even a rat can look pretty when covered in gold and wrapped up with a bow but in the end, it's still a rat.

Yet here Isabelle stood again, unable to escape.

"Hello Mrs. Harringway and hello miss Isabelle" Brent approached Isabelle and her mother. He leaned down and kissed Scarlet's outstretched hand and Isabelle tried to look delighted as he did the same to hers. His eyes met hers as he stood up and they sparkled slightly as a warm smile appeared on his lips. He held her hand in his for just a moment too long.

"How you are you both today?" He asked, taking a step back from Isabelle.

"Wonderful!" Scarlet chimed "We are doing wonderful and we are so happy you're here!"

Isabelle was feeling anything but happy.

"It's good to see you" Isabelle said with sickening sweetness.

"You as well" Brent smiled. He turned to Scarlet "May I escort Isabelle on a walk around the gardens?" He asked politely "It is lovely out today."

"Of course" Scarlet replied, looking at Brent like he was the best thing to have ever breathed "I'll be here in the house if you need me and the servants should have dinner prepared in an hour or two"

"Thank you" Brent said sweetly "Isabelle, will you have me?"

"I'd really rather not" Isabelle thought to herself but feeling her mother's eyes on her she simply replied "Of course"


Brent walked beside her as they moved through the gardens, but never so close as to even accidently brush her arm. The gardens stretched out behind the Harringway's house and consisted of a few paths surrounded by gardens of beautiful flowers and trees and even a pond with a bridge. All of this was skillfully maintained by their team of gardeners. They weren't particularly large, but the gardens provided a lovely green break from the rows of grey buildings, a little paradise in a rainy cold city.

Brent and Isabelle talked as they walked along, just about the weather, Brent's work and family, nothing of any real significance. All the while Brent was sure to maintain the proper distance. Isabelle's mother was likely watching from the house, making sure there was no improper touching. No matter how much she wanted Isabelle and Brent to get married, rules still had to be obeyed.

As they walked along they approached a rough patch of ground and Isabelle silently cursed her shoe choice. Brent reached out his hand and Isabelle took it, letting him help her through it. The gentleman helping the lady was really the only time they were aloud to touch hands, when people were looking anyway. He let go of her hand as they continued. Before too long the reached a small hill and Brent reached out his hand again. Isabelle took it, trying not to sigh. They ground wasn't that rocky, she could handle it on her own. A few feet later a small rock sat in the center of the path and Brent offered his hand again. Isabelle paused and shook her head.

"I can walk myself you know" she snapped "I'm not completely helpless"

"I'm only trying to be a gentleman" Blake explained calmly "A lady such as herself shouldn't have to struggle over anything."

Isabelle sighed and ignoring his hand, walked around the rock.

"My, you are stubborn lately." Brent laughed gently.

"Forgive me." Isabelle replied "I've just been under a lot of stress lately."

"Trying to prove yourself to your family?" Brent asked "There is a lot of pressure with this election."

Isabelle nodded "There's just so much to be done" She pulled out her fan and fanned her face gently. If only he knew what she really had to deal with.

"Well, you're doing amazing. You've already got me impressed." He paused and turned to face Isabelle "I know you can handle things. Did it ever occur to you that I only offered you my hand because it's an excuse to touch you?"

He continued walking and Isabelle blushed. Okay, sometimes he could be charming.

They walked for a few more minutes more before Blake spoke again. "You know, Isabelle, I've been thinking."

Isabelle sighed in annoyance "I told you forever ago you could call me Izzy"

"But Isabelle is far more pretty." Brent replied "Anyway, we should maybe talk about the future."

Isabelle froze where she stood, her blood running cold.

"We get along well, don't we? And we look could together, people love us. Your father is sure to win and election and my father is sure to help him. We're quite a power couple, don't you think?" Brent continued.

Isabelle swallowed. Her mouth was suddenly dry. "I suppose so." She choked out.

"Listen" Brent said, looking her in the eyes "This isn't a proposal, trust me that would be better, bigger and more public, but maybe marriage is something we should think about."

Isabelle could feel his eyes on her but hers were only trained on the ground. "I'm not sure." She replied, finally looking up "I don't know if that's what I want. You're great but there are things in the way. I don't know if I feel that strongly."

Brent sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He looked annoyed. "Is this because of my friends and my.... habits? That's all it is. I can quit any time. So what if I'm not perfect? Good luck finding any man whose any better. I could find a thousand girls who would throw themselves at me if I asked rather than pulling away. You're not the best either but come on, Isabelle. No on marries for love. This is a business deal. Think logically."

Isabelle took a deep breath. He was right. Only the luckiest of people married for love. But still.... this couldn't be all there was.

"We'd be good, Isabelle. Good business and I think we'd be happy. We both could do better but we both could do worse." Brent added.

Isabelle suddenly felt nauseous. She wanted, needed, to be anywhere but here.

"I'll think about it, I promise. You're right, Brent but I don't feel well now. I feel faint and my head is throbbing." Isabelle said quickly.

"That's okay, dear." Brent said sweetly "Your very stressed and this is too much for your delicate sensibilities. I'm sorry." His voice had a hint of condescension "You women can be so fragile, but it's not your fault. I'll walk you back to the house."

"Yes, thank you." Isabelle said quietly.


Isabelle sat in her room, curled up on her bed. Her dress exchanged for a night gown and her hair falling over her shoulders. She didn't say anything to her mother about what Brent wanted but chances are she already knew and he had already asked her parents. The servants had sent up dinner awhile ago but Isabelle wasn't very hungry.

A few weeks ago, she may have said yes. She may have accepted that this is all there was, but now, things were different. She had seen how other people lived and how things could change, maybe it didn't have to be like this. Maybe she could handle things on her own, maybe marry for love. As Isabelle thought those words she knew it was silly. Who would she marry? Zatch? No. Her family would never allow it. Some other upper class man? Maybe. But she'd have to look and she get a reputation if she didn't marry Brent after all this time. Everyone wanted it. She had once thought she wanted it.

Isabelle sighed. She'd marry Brent and represent her family. She be a good daughter. It was her duty and she would do it. Just as Micah would one day stop fooling around and do what he was meant to. That's how it worked. She'd be the perfect daughter and noble and make her parents proud.

But her one brother hadn't. Jem never did what he was meant to.

Isabelle opened the drawer at her bedside table and pulled out a stack of letters. Some of them had been open and read many times. The old ones had been read the most, back when she had faith in their writer. She hadn't got one in awhile and the newest hadn't even been opened. It was odd to see the physical marks of fading hope. Jem used to write often and Isabelle used to read them all, she used to answer. But then she realized that it was Jem that had abandoned her. He could have stayed. He should have been a better son. She needed to be the child her brothers couldn't or wouldn't be. She stopped answering and he wrote less, but he still did. She hadn't spoken to him in years. He came to town once a year or so, but Isabelle tended to avoid him. Micah still wrote. He never said so but Isabelle knew he did. He loved Jem and Isabelle loved him too. But sometimes you had to let go of those that aren't good for you. Of those that let you down.

Isabelle opened the letter and smiled at the familiar hand writing. It was short. I guess there wasn't much to say. He wrote now as if he knew she wouldn't read or answer. He told her a little bit about his life, he wished her well, said he was happy. Isabelle hoped he was. She looked at the blank paper sitting on her nightstand and the quill beside it. She bundled up the letters and put them back in drawer, without any response or word written.

Suddenly there was a knock at her door.

"Isabelle?" Her fathers voice sounded through the door "Please come to my office. I'd like to speak to you a minute."

Isabelle got to her feet and through a robe over her nightgown. She went out into the hall and down to her father's office. She knocked quietly before entering.

"You wanted to see me?" Isabelle said, taking the seat across from her father.

"Yes, I did." Richard said with a smile "I've been talking to Brent."

"Oh no." Isabelle thought and she forced her smile wider.

"He's asked for your hand in marriage." Richard continued "And I gave him my blessing."

Isabelle just nodded solemnly.

"I think it would be a good union, but I wanted to talk to you. How do you feel, Isabelle?" Richard asked "I want you to be happy."

Isabelle sighed and took strength from her father's warm eyes "Thank you." Isabelle replied "You see, I'm just not sure. I don't think- "

"But of course, I want you to think logically too." Richard cut her off "We must always think about more then just ourselves. There is the greater good to consider. I mean, your mother and I were hardly love birds before we were married. But you learn and love grows. Sometimes you have to do what's best for your family." He paused "Oh, I'm sorry, Isabelle. I cut you off. What were you saying?"

"I- "Isabelle sighed and gave him a gentle smile "I am already happy, father."

"Good" Richard leaned back in his chair with a satisfied smile "I'll expect him to propose soon. You must be excited, yes?"

There was a knock on the door and a servant poked her head in.

"There's a Mr. Cane downstairs asking for you, sir." The servant said.

"I'll go see what he wants." Richard said getting up with sigh "Why can no one call at decent hours? Wait here, Isabelle."

He and the servant disappeared out the door. Isabelle sat for a few moments in silence before her father came back into the room. Behind him was a man with a curly red beard and squinty eyes. He didn't look pleased and neither did her father. Isabelle quickly got to her feet.

"Why don't you go to bed, Isabelle?" Her father said, dismissing her "We can talk later. Mr. Cane and I have some important matters to discuss."

Isabelle nodded and left the room. Her father closed the door behind her. Before it shut she heard her father snap at the man.

"I don't care how you do it, Cane. Make it happen!"

Mr. Cane's muffled voice could be heard but no words could be made out.

Isabelle knew she should go to bed, that she should leave this be, but maybe this was important. She had promised to help Tash and if her father was up to something...

Isabelle tiptoed back to the door and pressed her ear up against the wood.

"I don't want to here it. If that didn't work, try something new." Richard snapped

"I'm trying" Cane hissed "It's harder then you think to frame reputable officials with important friends."

"I need them arrested. Those the advocate for the underground and their rights are only hurting the rest of us" Richard explained "They hurt my campaign, they hurt Timken's ideas. We can't afford that."

"What about the execution order? Why have them arrested when they can be killed?"

"Timkin draws too much attention with his death plans" Richard explained "Not everyone can be killed with an investigation"

"I still don't know how- "

"Figure it out!" Richard snapped "A dead body, copious amounts of drugs, lies, slander, whores, theft, fraud, look at all your options. Incriminate them! Get them arrested or at least knock them down a peg or two."

"but what if I get caught?"

"Don't. Get Mordecai to help you if you need to"

"He's strange. It makes me uncomfortable" Crane sounded nervous.

"He makes everyone uncomfortable, but suck it up" Richard snapped "I want them all out of the way, within the week. Don't disappoint me."


Late. He was very late.

Micah opened the door to see Tash waiting impatiently behind her desk, tapping her fingers against the desk impatiently.

"I find myself doing so much waiting lately." Tash sighed "Why do I even bother setting times?"

"I'm sorry" Micah sighed, taking off his cloak and laying it across the chair "I had some errands to run."

"Run them on your time" Tash growled "Not mine"

Micah rolled his eyes. How come he always managed to find the pretty, yet infuriating ones? The look on Tash's face showed that the eye rolling had not gone unnoticed. She sighed and looked down at the papers at her desk.

"I'm sorry" Micah said again "Really. I know every moment is important for whatever it is your planning." He leaned on the desk, trying to see the contents of the papers.

Tash picked up and pages and shoved them in a drawer. She looked up at Micah with a sly smile.

"Not yet" She said "You can know when I figure out more of the details. I thought we could scout out a few things tonight"

"A scouting mission?" Micah raised an eyebrow "What are scouting for?"

"Places where the rapier may prowl." Tash replied "And I want to talk to people who may have seen it. We need to know more"

"Okay, where do we start?" Micah asked.

"I was thinking we could check out a few bars" Tash said, leaning forward "The best stories are always found there. And maybe we could grab a few drinks"

"Drinking on the job?" Micah smiled.

"Am I not allowed to have fun?" Tash laughed "I have a lovely evening planned for us."

"Perfect" Micah leaned forward until his face was close to hers "I'll have to buy you a drink"

"It's the least you could do" Tash replied "for being late."

Micah chuckled softly and went to kiss her when she pulled away scrunching up her nose.

"Why do you smell like lavender?" Tash asked in confusion.

"What?" Micah laughed, standing up straight "Am I not allow to dress up and smell nice?" He fixed the collar of the shirt.

Tash shrugged "Whatever. What were your errands anyway?"

"Nothing special" Micah replied "Though I do have one thing that may interest you."

Micah picked up his coat and dug in the pockets until he found a small box. He smiled and looked up at Tash's puzzled face. He opened the box and revealed a beautiful silver bracelet. It shone in the lamplight. All around the edges was a floral design and a charm the shape of a rose dangled from one size. It was a lovely and expensive and Micah had bought it just for her. Thief or no thief, everyone deserved something beautiful and extravagant. Was there any better gift for a beautiful girl?

"For you" Micah held it out to Tash, who sat wide eyed. Micah just knew she would love it.


Tash quickly forced a smile. Though the temptation to be honest was there, she thought better of it. Micah seemed to be genuine. She took the bracelet and turned it over in her hands.

"Thank you" Tash said sweetly "It's... lovely"

Tash was sure it was, though she didn't know much about jewelry. She knew it was expensive. Thieves took jewelry but rarely wore it. It got in the way. It was too flashy, too much. It was something everyone in the high class wore but no one in the underground ever did. It was sure to draw attention. And while Tash appreciated the gesture, it really was something she was interested in.

She gently placed it on the desk and looked at it's shiny metal for a few moments.

"Do you like it?" Micah asked softly.

"Oh" Tash said looking up "I do. I've just never owned something quite like this before."

"That's why I thought you'd like it." Micah replied with a smile "Having a friend in high places should have some benefits"

"A friend?" Tash echoed.

"Well we certainly aren't less" Micah replied.

Tash got up and walked over to him. His eyes were soft when he looked at her and Tash smiled. Some hearts were so easily caught. His eyes were honest and that was comforting. Tash hugged him quickly and let herself enjoy the warmth of his arms around her. She let go and picked up the bracelet. She put it around her wrist and chuckled softly to herself. She supposed she could dress a little fancy tonight as well.

"Let's get going"


Josh leaned against the wall, looking down at the vial of serum in his hand.

"Have you ever worked with amnesia serum before?" Zatch asked as he leaned against the wall beside Josh.

Josh shook his head "To be honest I've never had need to. I'm no chemist."

Zatch shrugged "Well, Tash has faith in you so that must mean something."

Josh laughed "Do you know what she wants it for?"

Zatch shook his head "I wish I did. Tash tells me a lot but she's always felt the need for secrets and surprises." Zatch chuckled "She keeps things interesting. You can trust her. When she figures it out, she'll tell us."

Just then Tash exited her office with Micah beside her. They nodded in Josh and Zatch's direction before heading down the tunnel.

"Yep, I sure don't know everything she's up to" Zatch said, his eyes following her as she walked away.

Josh suddenly found himself laughing. Zatch looked at him in confusion.

"What's so funny?" Zatch asked, a small laugh of his own escaping him.

"It just hit me how crazy all of this is" Josh replied "like really? Tash, our fearless, but secretive leader, Micah, the cocky rich kid with a good shot, Isabelle, the beautiful lady who I who can't hurt a fly, you, the loyal second hand who just accepts everything without even being fazed, and me, the easily bought inventor with no background in chemistry but who is still going to mess with this compound just because Tash told me too." Josh shook his head "I'm not complaining. I'm just saying, it's all a little insane. I don't even know anyone else here!"

Zatch laughed and began pointing to the various thieves that milled around the main room. "Well, there's Red, quickest thief around but has a pretty bad limp from the last fight. Flare, she's a good healer but some of her ideas are a little experimental and she holds a grudge like no other. Xavier is a hell of a team player, but he talks too much. Ally, she's a good pickpocket but just went through a bad breakup so she's a little unstable. Mortimer, he's good with a knife but not good with people. Mia, she's...well, she's something else." Zatch smiled.

"What an interesting bunch." Josh laughed

"Exactly" Zatch said "But it's interesting people that get stuff done."

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