Elemental Issues!

By MikeyEvans

289 21 0

Four life long friends from different countries experience a meteor shower. In one of the meteors are five el... More

Chapter 1: The Late Warning!
Chapter 2: A Discovery and an Injury!
Chapter 3: Friend or Foe?
Chapter 4 : Trouble In Brazil!
Chapter 5: Over Powered!
Chapter 6: Take Them Back!
Chapter 8: Black Tie Fight!
Chapter 9: God Save The Queen!
Chapter 10: Lights Camera Action!
Chapter 11: LA Is Not for Me!
Chapter 12: Tokyo Ghoul!
Chapter 13: Moscow Madness!
Chapter 14: Talk or Cry in Pain!
Chapter 15: Man Down!
Chapter 16: I'll Do Anything!
Chapter 17: War Declared!
Chapter 18: Fight of The Century!
Chapter 19: Free Spirit!
Chapter 20: Victorious!

Chapter 7: Swept Out!

11 1 0
By MikeyEvans

The Professor was making the tsunami bigger. It was as high as The Freedom Tower, we'll that's what it looked like on the ground. I used my gem to jump on the tsunami but it knocked me over. Cameron had to leave because he would blow up if water touched him. Joseph also had to get out of there otherwise he would no longer be able to use fire. Me, I was ok because I control water but the tsunami was out of control.
"Michael! Take control! We're going to die!" Cameron yelled. I stood back up and held my gem in front of me. It glowed and the tsunami was back in my control.
"Now let's take this back out to sea." I moves the tsunami back into the ocean and it died out. The city was wet and covered in seaweed. The Professor was laughing for two heroes had to run.
"Call yourselves heroes. Ha. Your afraid of a little bit of water. Hah..." SPLASH! A huge stream of water hit the Professor in the chest pushing him far away.
"Shut up asshole," I said with a s me on my face. Cameron laughed but Joseph was looking at something else.
"Earthquake!" Joseph yelled. Seen as Cameron had the power of electricity, he could fly so he flew up onto the air. I grabbed onto Joseph, stood him on a sewer door and made it burst. It sent him flying. I was too late though. The earthquake had struck beneath me before I could jump. I fell in the hole. Luckily for me the earthquake had hit in the ocean which meant water was flooding the hole up. I fell into a deep pit of water. I managed to spring up on the ocean and get to safety. I love being the water element. I got a call on the headset of my helmet on my suit. It was Joe.
"Michael, you alright? You've put me in a bad situation because if I'm fire and you put me above a sewer door with water beneath it, how am I going to get off without getting wet? You didn't think of that did you?" Joseph said that like a smart ass.
"To be truthful Joseph, I didn't, no. I just needed to get you out of there before you fell on water," I said.
"Thanks buddy," said Joe.
"No problem, I got to go. Someone needs help," I said.
"I'm on my way," said Cameron.
"Cheers," I replied. A man and his 8 year old son was stuck in the hole. I ran as fast as I could.
"Here, give me the boy!" I had to get the child out first. Cameron flew down behind them in case they fell.
"It's ok, I'm here," said Cameron. The man gave me his kid and I pulled him to safety.
"Go run over there," I told the boy. "Now sir, give me your hand. I'll pull you up." The man put his hand on my hand as I lifted him up. He was a bit heavy so Cameron pushed him up from behind. When they was safe we headed of to a hotel.

The next day

Finally James could come home today. Also, I was informed that the scientist was in Madrid. That would be our next stop.
"Right, it's now 2:54 pm. James should be out of hospital in a few minutes. Josiah is going to drive him to the airport. I've packed all the bags so let's just go. We have no time to lose." I was mad.
"You ok Michael? You seem stressed." Cameron asked me.
"I'm fine, I just slept funny now my back hurts." I was in pain.

4 hours later

Finally. Josiah and James was here.
"Hi. You ok James?" I asked.
"Yeah I'm fine. Where's the scientist and why are we here at the airport?" James asked curiously.
"The scientist is in Madrid and Cameron's friend has a jet and he's letting us use it to get to Madrid. I just wanted to say be careful because many people have died because of him. Let's make that number stay the same because we can't lower it but we can raise it quite easily." I explained.

9 hours later

"Ok, James and Josiah go check in the hotel and unpack. James needs to rest and Josiah can have a break. The rest of us are going to find Professor Flam." I desperately wanted this to end as much as everyone else does. Let's go and end this battle once and for all.

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