Befriending One Direction *ON...

By Liyahstephens2000

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Two teenaged best friends Skylar Anderson and Liliana Goodnight, have the adventure of their lives, when they... More

Befriending One Direction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Author's Note
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Author's note
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Author's Note
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Author's Note
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 9

107 3 2
By Liyahstephens2000

*Sky's POV*

I woke up and saw that Lil wasn't next to me. Maybe she went to the bathroom or something.

I checked the clock and saw it was 8:15.

"Curse you school and ruining my sleep schedule." I said to myself.

I got up and looked in the bathroom. Huh? She wasn't there. I washed my face to get spit and sleep off of it and brushed my morning breath away.

I combed through my tangled hair and fixed my bangs to the side. I stared at my hair in the mirror and patted it.

"I need to dye it another color." I said to myself.

"Eh, I'll ask them what color I should do it."

I left the bathroom and walked down the hallway.

I checked on all the boys to see if they were okay. Sorry, motherly instinct...even if they're older than me. They are man-children.

My room was closer so I checked on Liam and Niall. They were sleep fighting over the blanket. Aww how cute.

I walked in quietly and pulled a leopard print blanket off my computer chair and put it on them.

They stopped tugging and loosened up. Haha.

I left the room and shut the door behind me.

I walked to the guest room and saw Zayn and Harry peacefully sleeping. Until Zayn made a loud ass snort. XD WTF!? I looked for Louis.

"He must be on the other side of them." I said while shrugging.

I figured I'd make breakfast. Haha break fast. I walked down the stairs wiping my eyes and saw two people sleeping on the couch. I almost didn't fully notice and passed them.

"Wait wait wait hold the shit."

I stopped walking and backed up and went around to see who was on it.

I saw it was actually Louis and Lil. Heh L and L.

"No. Way." I said and ran for the stairs.

I ran up them and woke up Zayn and Harry.

"What?! What happened?" Harry yelled.

I clamped my hand over his mouth and he licked it. Instead of flipping out that I got my hand licked I just rubbed his own spit back into his face.

He ripped my hand off his mouth and yelled. "Aw that is disgusting!" He wiped his face off.

"Your fault and be quiet!" I whisper yelled at him.

"Why do we need to be quiet?" Zayn said sleepily, rubbing his eyes.

"I wanna prank Lil and Louis. They fell asleep together on the couch and I wanna wake them up, but I need your help." I said to them.

"Sure, what do we have to do?" Harry asked while Zayn stood up and stretched.

"Well first go wash your faces and brush your teeth and stuff. When you come out I'll tell you." I said to them.

They nodded and headed to the guest bathroom.

I went to Niall and Liam and shook them awake.

Since Niall was on the edge and my bed was against the wall I woke him up first. He must've thought I was an intruder or something cause he grabbed my arm and pressed his thumb into my wrist before he realized it was me. He loosened it and slid his hand down to mine and held it.

"Sorry, I didn't know it was you, Love. Morning." He said while smiling.

"Good morning, Niall." I said back to him.

I turned my gaze to Liam and tried to wake him up without touching him. Considering what Niall just did.

"Liam. Liam, wake your ass up. Liam Payne wake the fuck up!!" I whisper yelled.

He stirred but didn't wake up fully. Ugh.

I took the pillow from under his head and started hitting him with it.

"God what do you want, Harry?" He asked without opening his eyes.

I stopped and looked at Niall.

"Thats how Harry wakes him up a lot. If Harry's awake first." He said. He still hasn't let go of my hand.

I leaned in and whispered to Niall to get off so I could wake him. He nodded and headed to the bathroom.

I stood on the bed and jumped up and down, making Liam bounce.

He woke up and saw me jumping and grabbed my legs making me fall on top of him.

"What. Do. You. Want?" Liam asked me.

"For you to wake the fuck up! I wanted to pull a prank on Louis and Lil but I need you guys to help me." I said while sliding off of him to my side.

"What kind of prank? He said while sitting up, making the cover fall off of him revealing his chest. Why do all these guys look hot shirtless?

"Well, they fell asleep with each other on the couch in the living room and I was going to spray them with silly string while you four sing a loud song." I said to him.

"I'm in, when are we doing it?" He asked.

I told him when we were doing it and when to meet up to discuss it.

When he left I looked for my cameras. Where are they?

I went downstairs quietly to see if I left them here one time.

I saw my Canon camera in a flower vase. -_- I obviously didn't do that.

I looked at it and saw it was actually placed well. So I left it there.

I looked around the house scanning it and I saw my small red Dixon camera on their suitcases, my other Canon camera on the rail of the stairs but where's my other Dixon camera?

I didn't do any of this, and I remember putting my cams back.

Lil had to have pulled a prank on someone. But she's only been here this weekend. So she did it this weekend? Did she already do it or is it coming? Did she know we would wake her and Louis up so she put them there because she has a plan too? WHAT HAPPENED?!?

The reason I am currently flipping out is because we are currently in a prank war to see who's pranks are the best. And we both have awesomesauce pranks.

I was pacing around behind the couch and tripped. I happily didn't make a sound, but when I was on the floor, I saw something rectangular and black under the couch.

"Is that my camera??" I asked myself.

I slid closer and put my arm under it and barely grabbed it.

I felt around on it and felt all the familiar buttons.

"Yup." I said.

Damn she's good at getting angles.

I pulled it out and set it to picture mode.

"Wait, I only have four cameras and I need them all." Damnit, Ok I want two videos and two cameras taking pictures.

The boys came out of the rooms with their hair fixed and they actually looked okay.

"Hey Zayn, can you get that camera on the rail??" I asked him while standing up quietly.

I'd use one canon for video and one Dixon for video and the other two for pictures.

"Where is it?" He asked looking around.

"It's to your left." I said while pointing.

He scooted to the left. This boy.

"More, more, more, more. No less, gah more left. Okay to the right a little annnnd stop." That was hard.

He did everything I said except the most obvious thing.

"Look at the rail!" I whisper yelled.

"OH!" He said back. Oh my God, Zayn.

He picked up the camera and tossed it down to me. It was too much in front of me so I had to roll to catch it.

"Nice catch." Liam said surprised. Well then.

"Thank you. Okay, Ni-" I thought about it for a second. I didn't know if he would go through my stuff or not. Nah. "Liam, go into my closet and get five different color cans of silly string." "Okay." Liam said before he left.

"Hey!" Niall said to me faking to be offended.

I shrugged at him.

"Come on down boys." I said while walking over to the stereo.

"Okay, I'm gonna play the music for Best Song Ever and you guys sing it." I handed them a few mics I had under it.

"Where did you get these from??" Niall asked me.

"My parents did karaoke a lot." I answered.

"Oh, okay." He said to me.

Liam came down the stairs with the cans in his hands.

"Ok, theres Green, Orange, Yellow, Red, and Blue. I call the Yellow one." He said while holding the other four out.

"I call Green." I said

"Blue." Niall said

"Orange." Zayn said

"Reddddd." Harry cheered.

I got the stereo remote and started to count down.

"Wait! Liam your mic!" I said and gave him his.

I set the cameras up to automatic pictures then checked the list. Okay everything is set.

"3...2...1!" I said as I turned on the music to Best Song Ever by One Direction.

Harry started singing and I waited until it got louder to spray them, so did the boys.

It finally got louder and the boys and I sprayed Louis and Lil with multiple colors of silly string.

Louis just put the blanket over their heads. Aww they want privacy. TOO BAD MUTHAFUCKAS!

I ran over to them and ripped the cover off and sprayed their faces.

Louis' part came on and the guys froze. They didn't know what to do.

I grabbed a microphone and started to sing Louis' part and they stared at me in shock.

Louis jumped up and looked at me too. Like HOW DARE YOU STEAL MY PART YOU LITTLE FUN SIZED PERSON!

Harry's count was about to come up and he still was staring.

I stared at him and he remembered the second before it came up.

"1..2..1 2 3!" Harry sang/yelled.

When Louis' part was over I went back to spraying them.

Liliana finally got up and chased me around the living room.

When the dance part of the song came up, we all automatically got in a line and started doing the dance from the music video.

It was so much fun that it was almost a crime.

The song ended and we did the 'one knee, arms up' move they did.

I turned off the stereo before Avril Lavigne came on and leaned against a wall.

"That was so fucking fun." I said to them.

"You can say that again." Liliana said in response to me.

"Well who wants breakfast?!" I yelled.

"I DO!!" They all yelled in unison and sat down at the dining table.

I made waffles, eggs, and toast. I grabbed a few jelly packets and put them on a saucer in the middle of the table with a knife and butter.

It felt good making breakfast so I even made them their plates and set them down in front of them.

"YUM!" Niall yelled before licking his lips and digging in.

*20 mins later*

We all finished our food and Liam decided to check his phone.

"Holy shit guys we have a problem." Liam said with his eyes glued to his phone.

"What is it Liam?" Harry asked.

"15 missed calls from Simon." He said while looking up.

Oh crap.

"You need to call him back...maybe he has a surprise for you and couldn't wait to tell you?" Lil said trying to make them feel better.

"No? Okay." She said while looking down. Louis took her hand in his while Niall took mine while Liam dialed Simon's number and put it on speaker.


"Hi Uncle Si." The guys said in unison.

"Oh, so you finally decided to call back?"

"Were sorry we didn't answer Uncle Si, we stayed up a little late last night and accidentally slept in." Harry said.

"And you weren't at the hotel either."

"" Liam said to the phone.

"You boys, are in so much trouble."

Oh shit.


Hiyah! My friend was hassling me for hours about this chapter. Haha, HERE YOU GO KITTEH GAWD! Lol oh and I just found out, I don't have school tomorrow! Yay! My mom got so pissed at me. She's all like DAMN TAKE YOUR ASS TO SCHOOL XD love you too mommy. Anyways sorry for all the cliffhangers, they're just so easy to do!! Annnnywhooo i'm gonna watch tv now and not do what i'm supposed to do! OH! Also! BOD went up 15 readers in 8 hours! Omg I flipped! Well I love you guys! Peaceskies! ✌️

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