Elemental Issues!

By MikeyEvans

289 21 0

Four life long friends from different countries experience a meteor shower. In one of the meteors are five el... More

Chapter 1: The Late Warning!
Chapter 3: Friend or Foe?
Chapter 4 : Trouble In Brazil!
Chapter 5: Over Powered!
Chapter 6: Take Them Back!
Chapter 7: Swept Out!
Chapter 8: Black Tie Fight!
Chapter 9: God Save The Queen!
Chapter 10: Lights Camera Action!
Chapter 11: LA Is Not for Me!
Chapter 12: Tokyo Ghoul!
Chapter 13: Moscow Madness!
Chapter 14: Talk or Cry in Pain!
Chapter 15: Man Down!
Chapter 16: I'll Do Anything!
Chapter 17: War Declared!
Chapter 18: Fight of The Century!
Chapter 19: Free Spirit!
Chapter 20: Victorious!

Chapter 2: A Discovery and an Injury!

19 1 0
By MikeyEvans

The plane had hit the ground. Smoke was everywhere. Sadly, everyone was dead except for me and James.
"James! James! Can you hear me?!" James wasn't responding but his heart was beating. I pulled out my phone. It had a massive crack on it but it was working. I checked the battery, 34%. Plenty. I looked on my contacts and rang my mum. She answered.
"Oh hello dear, are you alright? It's your birthday tomorrow." I smiled.
"Yeah I know. Listen mum, my plane has been hit with a meteor. We've crashed in the ocean. Don't worry though, I've found a place not flooded yet. My friend James is with me but he's unconscious. What should I do?" My mum started to cry, I could hear it.
"Oh my god, what flight are you on? I'll call the police and fire brigade!"
"I'm on flight Boeing 747 400. It's flooding up quickly. I got to go!"
"Ok honey, call me soon!" The phone hung up. The water was up to my waste. James still wasn't saying anything. I looked on my contacts, rung Josiah and pressed add contacts. I added Joseph and Josh.
"Hello guys" said Joseph.
"Hi Joe, Michael what's up?" Asked Josiah.
"I'm sorry to say I won't be making it to New York. My plane was hit by a meteor."
"My plane just landed," said Josh.
"Same," said Joseph.
"Are you ok?" Asked Josiah.
"I'm fine but James is unconscious. he's alive but not waking up. I'm slightly concerned though."
"Why?" Asked Joseph, Josiah and Josh.
"I've found five gems, a green, blue, white, orange and red. I picked the blue one up and a blue light pushed through the plane breaking the metal. I tried it with the others but nothing happened."
"Ok I'll pick Joseph up from the airport and come meet you at the hospital. Good luck and I'll have a look at the gems," said Josh.
"Cheers but right now I got to get James out of here."
"Bye," said the three. I wasn't looking forward to this. I said out loud 'I wish the water would go down' and all of a sudden the water started to go down. I must have been dreaming but it was happening.

2 hours later

Finally, Fire and Rescue was here. I pushed James on the boat and pulled myselfe up. James was still unconscious. I rang my mum again and told her I was fine. When we arrived at the beach, an ambulance was waiting for us and rushed us to hospital where Josh and Joseph was waiting for us. Josiah was on his way over. When the paramedics pushed us through the hospital doors I saw Josh. He started walking next to the stretcher James was on and the wheelchair I was in.
"Hey you guys alright?" He asked.
"I'm fine but I don't know about James. Here are the gems." Josh picked up the green gem and a green light shone through out the hospital. Joseph picked up the red gem and the same had happened.
"Did this happen to you Michael?" Asked Joseph. I nodded as the paramedics and doctors looked in astonishment.

4 hours later

Josh and Joseph was waiting outside the hospital room drinking coffee. Josiah had arrived and had ran to Joseph and Josh.
"Hey are they alright? Asked Josiah.
"Yeah there fine. How are you?" Asked Josh.
"Could be better I suppose. So what are these gems then?" Asked Josiah.
"Here hold this one." Josh handed Josiah the white gem and a white light had shine through the hospital once again. Josiah laughed in amazement. Joseph had a prank idea. His flame turned blue with adrenaline.
"Hi Josiah. Safe." Said Joseph.
"Oh hi Joseph." Josiah put his fist out and when Joseph gave Josiah a safe, Josiah screamed in pain as his hand was red hot. Joseph had the power of fire. Josh had the power of earth. Josiah had the power of wind and I had the power of water. James had nothing. The three men waited outside the hospital room for their friends in the wall opposite them.

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