Summer Love Or More?- A.I (Se...

By smileforjeon

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Will the love story continues? Or it's more of forget and move on to someone new? This is the sequel to Summ... More

Chapter 1- Welcome Back Amy
Chapter 2- He Kissed My Cheek
Chapter 3- They Keep Taking My Apple
Chapter 4- What Happened?
Chapter 5- Welcome Back Sammy
Chapter 6- What's With Taking People's Food?
Chapter 7- Please Don't Leave
Chapter 8- Finally
Chapter 9- Meet Emilia
Chapter 10- On The Next Flight
Chapter 11- Blackmail? Seriously
Chapter 12- 2 Months
Chapter 13- Bye Bye Australia
Chapter 14- Bloody Finger
Chapter 15- Thinking About My Ex Not My Boyfriend
Chapter 16- Remember What We Used To Do?
Chapter 17- Except Sex!
Chapter 18- No Hugging Without My Consent
Chapter 19- He Tried To...
Chapter 20- I'm Done With Your Shit
Chapter 21- Who To Choose?
Chapter 22- This Moments
Chapter 23- Pretend To Be Together?
Chapter 24- That's What I Thought
Chapter 25- He's Just Being A Friend
Chapter 26- Finally Sleeping Beauty Is Awake
Chapter 27- Fixing The Situation
Chapter 28- You're Sleeping On The Couch
Chapter 29- No More Chances
Chapter 30- Time To Have Fun
Chapter 31- Voicemail
Chapter 33- Are We Back Together Yet?
Chapter 34- Outbursts and Returning Relatives
Chapter 36- Cousin Vs Cousin
Chapter 37- Your Fault
Chapter 38- Drunk Words Sober Thoughts
Chapter 39- Big Reveal
Chapter 40- I Still Hate You
Chapter 41- Maylor Returns
Chapter 42- I Always Get What I Want
Chapter 43- Move On Mate
Chapter 44 -Your Family Thinks I Abuse You?
Chapter 45- Next Flight To UK
Chapter 46- Flying To UK Secretly
Chapter 47- What Just Happen?
Chapter 48- Unfixable
Chapter 49- You're Lying
Chapter 50- Blocked Everyone Out
Chapter 51- She's Not Going To War
Chapter 51- Like You Fucked Ashton Over?
Chapter 53- Biebs & Sammy
Chapter 54- I'm Happy To Swap Places
Chapter 55- He's A Fighter
Chapter 56- Rocking Your World
Chapter 57- Next Stop: South Korea
Chapter 58- Separate Ways
Chapter 59- Letting Go Completely

Chapter 32- Make Up Sex

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By smileforjeon

Third Person POV.

All the boys were waiting downstairs for the girls to be finished getting ready as per usual, the boys were all sat downstairs chatting while the girls upstairs hopefully weren't going to be much longer. " I honestly don't get how girls take forever to get ready" Michael complained looking at his phone again before sighing.

"We're only going bowling after all" Connor added, "in the arcade," Brad said while not looking up from his phone. " Isn't it a good thing that the girls care about their appearances?" Brad asked. "I guess so, I just think the girls look better without the makeup", Ashton said looking around at the boys. "Yeah at least us boys don't take long to get ready" Michael pointed out. "Unless you're Luke, he takes forever to do his hair," Calum said making the boys laugh. Luke flipped them off, "Oh shut up"

"Apart from today, his hair is as flat as a tyre when it's been deflated" Brad joked, "You're really not funny Bradley" Luke spat while taking out his phone. "What's wrong with you anyway, you've not been yourself for ages?" Connor asked him.

"He's having Amy problems," Michael said, Luke shot him a glare. "Will you stop telling everyone my damn problems Michael" He spat. "Well Lucas, my dear old friend it isn't hard to realise it. You're a moody asshole" Michael said. " Yeah well try being in my situation then you would understand why I'm in such a downer," Luke said and got up, shoving his phone in his back pocket and walking out of the living room.

"Luke, where are you going?" Calum called after him following him out of the living room. Luke opened the door. "Luke don't ignore me, just tell me where you're going," Calum said following him. Luke turned to look at him. " I'm going for a walk," He said. "But what about bowling and the arcade?" Calum asked. " I'll see you there. I just need to be alone for a little. I'll be there later, I promise" Luke said before walking out of the front door and down the street not giving Calum a chance to say anything back to him. Calum closed the door and walked back to the living room. The rest of the boys looked at him.

"Where's Luke gone?" Connor asked. "He's gone for a walk apparently, but don't worry he said he will be there at the arcade and bowling later. I mean with how long it's taking for the girls to get ready, he would have been on his walk and be there waiting for us" Calum said.

Eventually, the girls were ready and headed down the stairs. "Finally!" Michael yelled seeing the girls standing there. The boys got up and walked out the living room. "Where's Luke?" Hailee asked noticing he wasn't present anymore. Amy looked to see he wasn't there either. She sighed a little. How was she supposed to fix their relationship if he was gone?

"He's gone for a walk apparently that's what he said to Calum," Brad said informing the girls. "He said he would meet us at the arcade," Calum said. "Right well let's get going," Hailee said the boys nodding their heads in agreement. They all left one by one apart from Sammy and Amy. "You coming to Amy?" Sammy asked turning to look at Amy who was just standing there.

"Do you think Luke left because of me?" Amy asked one of her best friends. It didn't take a genius to work out the awkwardness between Amy and Luke as well as the sexual tension. Everyone had noticed it but hadn't said anything apart from Sammy, of course, who had already said to Amy previously she had to sort out her relationship with Luke. "In all honesty, I just think you both need to sort it out. It's affecting us all, I mean we all used to have fun and now we're having fun but you two aren't enjoying it and it's not nice. You need to sort it out with Luke. I know you can sort out your relationship, I mean I don't know any other people that are better suited than you and Luke." Sammy said with a smile.

"If only it was that easy" Amy muttered to herself. "It's easy, speak to him. I'm pretty sure he's being a dick to everyone because he hates the way you both are with each other." "I will, I promise" "Good let's go then because I have to beat Hood at some of those arcade games," Sammy said, making Amy laugh. They both walked out of the house closing the door behind themselves and started to catch up with the others after Sammy yelled to them to "Stop and wait!"

At The Arcade & Bowling Place: Sammy's POV.
We all arrived at the arcade place which luckily you could do bowling here too, which meant we didn't have to go anywhere else to bowl when we could bowl here. "So are we doing bowling or arcade games first?" Ashton asked us all. "Bowling, so I can kick Sammy's ass," Calum said with a smirk playing on his lips. I raised my eyebrow at him while pointing at him. "You do realise right, you aren't going to beat me at bowling Calum Thomas Hood," I said confidently.

"So bowling it is then, but how is it going to work, we won't have equal teams to play when Luke gets here" Michael pointed out. "Well, Luke's not here so maybe we can just go four against four against four" Brad suggested. "Anyone would think you didn't want me to turn up Bradley" I and the others all turned around to see Luke standing behind Brad. " I didn't mean it like that" Brad said with a little stutter seeing the look on Luke's face. I mean it was the first time I've ever heard Brad stutter and it was because of Luke.

"Well how about we get started on this bowling," Luke said pushing past Brad making sure to bump into Brad's shoulder. The boys followed him leaving myself, Hailee and Amy standing behind shocked by Luke's behaviour. I turned to Amy, " You really need-" " I know" She cut me off before following the boys.

"God I've never seen Luke like that before," Hailee said to me. "Oh yeah, he can be a right asshole when he wants to be," I say. " I just don't get why he's so mad," Hailee said. I was about to speak again when Michael shouted over to us, "are you girls coming we're ready to play!" "Yes, we're coming you, big baby!" I shouted at him as I and Hailee walked to where the others were, all ready to play bowling. We got into teams, Me, Ashton, Connor, Brad and Michael against Amy, Luke, Calum and Hailee. "Your team is so going to lose" I teased Calum.

"I don't think you will because I have a pretty strong team," Calum said confidently. "Yeah, we shall see," I say smiling, as I knew putting Amy on the same team as Luke would turn out to be disastrous and I knew we would win, well I hoped we would anyway otherwise I knew Calum wouldn't stop gloating about how he had won.
"How about we start?" I ask clapping my hands, ready to beat Calum's team with my awesome team even if Brad was on it. "Prepare to get your ass whooped your mother fuckers!" Michael yelled to the others.
"Your language is terrible," Hailee said as she went and sat down waiting for her turn as Calum was up first on their team.

Amy's POV.
Playing bowling should really be a simple, unproblematic game but with us oh no, it was a huge competition with loads of shouting, swearing, teasing and getting annoyed with the members of your own team. Getting annoyed with a member of my own team was my problem now, Luke was annoying me.

I don't know if he was doing it purposely to get a reaction out of me but if he was it was working, every time I bowled and sat back down he would say a sarcastic remark. If it wasn't he could do better it would be a slight dig at my bowling abilities. I was normally good at bowling but being annoyed with the lanky shit I call my ex-boyfriend, who is known as Luke he was distracting me.

We weren't losing despite mine and Luke's bickering during the game, Calum was boasting about winning so far to Sammy, Sammy being Sammy just stuck her middle finger up at him. "Childish babe," Calum said chuckling only to be glared at be Hailee for calling Sammy babe. "Luke your turn mate, get a strike so we can keep our amazing win streak going," Calum said patting Luke on the back. Luke stood up. " Luke get a strike that's like waiting for Michael to stop swearing," I said sarcastically, a smirk playing on my lips as Luke turned to look at me. "Fuck you!" He picked up a bowling ball and walked down the aisle to bowl. " I already have multiple times!" I shouted to him as he pulled his arm back and then swung his arm letting the ball go, it hit the floor and rolled down.

I watched as Luke turned around and began walking back towards where our team was sat without looking to see what he had scored, but soon it came up on the screen, "Strike!" Luke walked over to me and sat down while grinning, he turned to me. "What was that about me not going to get a strike?" He said, amused. I rolled my eyes. "Oh fuck off," I said crossing my arms as I watched Calum go to bowl. Luke's arm went around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. "What's the matter with you anyway?" He asked. "You."

"Me?" He asked taken back. I looked at him. "yes you Luke, whatever is going on between us is affecting everybody else in this group of friends. We need to sort it out and you're just walking around like a moody teenager." I say. " I have every right to be walking around like a moody teenager, I thought I meant something to you, we had sex and I thought oh right we might have sorted out our differences but no you used me. Then what do I see, you at a club with Shawn, then you bring him back to OUR apartment and you introduce me as your fucking roommate. SO, yes, I'm walking around fucking pissed off because you pissed me off" He said raising his voice a little and removing his arm from around my shoulder.

Looking around I noticed some people were looking over at us because of Luke raising his voice. I wasn't going to discuss our problems in front of a bunch of strangers who happened to be in the arcade, bowling place. I got up from my seat. "Outside," I said through gritted teeth. "Fine." He said I walked out and I knew he was following me. We walked outside, "Are we going to talk here or should we go back to the apartment?" Luke asked as we stood outside. "Back to the apartment because I'd rather talk to you back at home than in the streets because I know us pretty well" I said seeing a smirk make its way onto his lips.

"yeah because we both know how this talk will end, the same way it does every time" Luke said from besides me as we flagged down a taxi and made our way back to our apartment not saying goodbye to the others. It was silent in the taxi as we sat there not speaking a word, I kept taking small glances at Luke as he kept biting his bottom lip or running his tongue over his lip piercing which was driving me nuts. I don't know whether he was doing it on purpose or he didn't realise he was doing it but it was so hard to resist unbuckling my seatbelt and straddling his lap and kissing him. Shaking the thoughts from my head as I remembered where we were in a taxi on the way back to our apartment.It didn't take us long till we were out of the taxi, Luke paying the man and both of us walking to our appartment door.

As soon as the door was open, I was walking into the living room area and ditching my shoes. Luke stood at the door way. "are we going to talk or what because if I'm not mistaken you wanted us to sort out the problem between us?" Luke asked "right so it's only me that wants to sort out our problems?" I ask standing up and walking over to where he was standing in the doorway. "Luke this isn't going to work if only one of us wants to sort this out-"

"that's complete bullshit, of course I want to sort out our problems. No, I don't want to keep walking around feeling so fucking angry all the time because of it so yes, I do want to sort it out with you. I'm so pissed off about all of this Amy. Do you know how hard it is to see you every day, twenty four seven as we live in the same apartment and I can't even touch you? It's fuckin' hard because I do want to touch you but you don't want me touching you"

"that's a lie," I said quietly. He looked at me, raising his eyebrow. "what was that? Sorry, I don't think I heard you, babe, as you were really quiet" He said but seeing a grin I knew he had heard me. "I said that's a lie. I do want you touching me. I do, it's just" I stopped and let out a sigh. "what's wrong?" He asked me, looking at Luke I could tell by the look on his face he was actually concerned and cared. "you know you can tell me anything" He said stepping forward separating the gap that was between.

"I just don't want to get too attached to you again only to have to let you go again. I can't do it again Luke, I don't think I would be able to cope losing you again if we were to get back together. We've done it so many times now we get back together and we say we won't break up so easily but we do. We broke up again Luke, I know I dumped you and maybe it was my fault for letting you go when I needed you the most. But that's another thing you weren't there for me when I needed you. When my nan was dying and I wanted you so badly, I wanted so badly to be able to hear your voice, I couldn't because you wouldn't talk to me. My nan dying was one of the hardest times in my life and the one person I thought would be by my side when I needed him the most wasn't. Then I found out why by a friend, by Ashton. It hurt me Luke that when I needed you the most you wanted my best friend. Then you had the nerve to ring me not asking if I was okay but to tell me Ashton was lying. But enough of that it doesn't really matter anymore. What matters is what we do now. " I said to him.

Luke nodded his head. " Is it really that hard to know what to do next? Isn't it simple, you're still in love with me aren't you?" He asked me. Maybe, I should have done my heart a favour and said no, I knew saying I was in love with him still would eventually bring more heartbreak down the line. It was how mine and Luke's relationships went. "Yes" I said looking at him, making eye contact with him. The grin Luke once had upon his lips was replaced with a smile. "That's good because I still love you too" "And how many times have you said that before and you went chasing after Sammy again. How do I know this time that you won't do it again?" I asked him, it soon took the smile off his face, but I had to ask it.

I had to be certain that this time he wouldn't go chasing after my best friend again. I had to be, it was one way I could try to stop myself getting heartbroken by him again. "Because I wouldn't do that to you again. I know I hurt you, I know I've hurt you multiple times but this time when I say I won't hurt you again, I won't. I promise"

"How do I know you're telling me the truth, Luke, how do I know you're not just telling me the words I want to hear, how do I know-" I was about to say but was cut off by Luke- not by him talking over me but by him kissing me shutting me up. I was about to kiss him back when he pulled away and leant his head against mine. " I love you," He said, a smiled made its way onto my lips. "let me prove it to you?" He asked. I nodded my head quickly while saying a quick "okay".

Luke's POV.
Hearing Amy say "okay" was the permission I needed as I didn't want to force myself upon her when she didn't want me to do that, that was something I would never do was force myself upon a girl if she didn't want it. It would be so wrong on so many different levels, however hearing Amy say what she did, I knew I had her permission and that's all I ever wanted was to hear her say it, even though it wasn't in so many words that she wanted me to touch her because I can tell you something, I couldn't wait to touch her again the sexual frustration and tension thats been building up over the last few days has been, undescribable.

" I thought you were going to prove it to me" Amy said wrapping her arms around my neck. " I am, why is someone a little unpatient, does somebody want to be touched so badly?" I teased while raising an eyebrow as I looked down at Amy. Her cheeks reddened, "aww baby girl, you don't need to be embarrased. I know I make you crazy" I said smirking at her.

"Is that so because I can remember a couple times to be exact, Luke, when I infact made you a crazy, no a hot, sweaty mess as you begged from under me for me to ride your cock. You begged and whined like a little boy, your cheeks were flushed" Amy said with a smirk playing at her lips"Yeah but who was the one that ended up begging for more?" I asked, grabbing her shirt and wasting no time, in pulling up her shirt and throwing it to the floor.

"Well maybe if you did your job properly in the first place, I wouldn't have had to beg for more" She said then licked her lips afterwards as she looked at me right in the eyes. I growled, as I stared at her intensively. "You're going to take those words back" I said putting my hands on her hips and pushing her all the way back till her legs hit the sofa. I pushed her back onto it, and climbed ontop of her. I wasted no time in connecting my lips to her neck, I left small sloppy kisses down her neck untill I reached her collarbone; knowing she hated it when I left sloppy kisses down her neck,"Oh my god, Luke. That's gross-" She said but moaned when I started sucking on her collar bone. I knew that was one of the places on her body that would make her moan the way she was.

I was just waiting to see how long it would be for her to stop the slow foreplay and actually get down to the one thing we both wanted, to have sex with each other. Sex that was really over due and what we both needed to remind ourselves how much we loved each other, craved each other. To be honest, the one thing that was great about fall outs during relationships it make up sex, it's fucking amazing.
"Luke" She moaned my name, as I bit down on the spot I was sucking to make sure it turned into a love bite, there was one thing I loved about marking her skin was to let all the other random lads know that she was fucking taken and off limits, she was fucking mine even if we weren't officially back together yet. "Yes, baby?"

"Skip the foreplay Luke, we have next time for foreplay but right now, I just want you, only you and not some slow foreplay that's going to drive me insane," She said demandingly. "Yes, Ma'am. " I said, doing the saluting sign while smiling cheekily at her. She laughed before I did exactly what she asked for, skipped the foreplay and got down to business if you catch my drift. "The sexual frustration been getting to you as well, Amy?" I teased her as we hurried to get each other's clothes off as quick as we possibly could. It was that quick someone would think it was the last time we could ever have sex with each other due to how quick we took each others clothes off but really, it was just being desperate and the need to have sex.

" You really don't understand how much I love you Amy, I know I've fucked up so many times and you've gave me so many chances time and time again but this time, I promise you. I cross my heart and hope to die, that this time. You're the only girl I want, the only girl I need. I mean there isn't any other girl I know that can put up with me. I know I'm not the easiest of people to get along with or even to deal with. I know I get angry and have mood swings easily, and get jealous mostly all the time but that is just the way I am. Yet, for some stupid reason I have you, the one girl that loves me for me and despite everything still hasn't told me to fuck off. I really don't know why you haven't told me to piss off and cut me out of your life for good despite all of the shit I've put you through but deep down, I can say to you right now, I'm glad you haven't done that. I'm glad you haven't wiped your hands off me because honestly, I don't know what I would do without you in my life. For some strange reason, we're made for eachother. I'm not myself when I don't have you around me. I know you're the same. I guess somehow despite our rollercoaster relationship, we're mean't to be even though lets be honest we both drive eachother crazy at times" I said to her.

I had to tell her what I was thinking, I just had to tell her. She really mean't alot to me, she really did and this time I really didn't want to lose her again and this time, I was going to make sure I didn't fuck up because I know that next time, we wouldn't be able to make up like we were now, next time would be the last, I knew that. I took a breath after talking for so long, I looked down at Amy, she was just looked back up at me. She didn't say anything back to what I said. She just leant up and kissed me before flipping us over. There was one thing I knew about Amy, she liked to be on top.

She straddled me as I adjusted myself on the sofa to get more comfortable. I placed my hands on her hips as I watched her place her right hand onto my cock, she squeezed me a little then wiped her finger across the tip, that was red and slightly leaking precum which she collected with her finger, the action caused a moan to escape my mouth. "oh my, god Amy!" I moaned. I watched intensively as I saw her bring her finger up to her mouth that had my pre-cum on, she placed her finger into her mouth and sucked on it as she made eye contact with me as she did so. God, that was the most sexiest thing I had ever fucking seen.

She removed her finger from her mouth, it made a pop sound yes I know so fucking cliche. "You know that is the most fucking sexiest thing I've ever seen in all my life" I said, watching her grin at me. She tilted her head, "so what about those dirty magazines you had?"
"Nothing compares to that, nothing on page 5 in the newspapers could compare to what I just saw you do baby girl, it was fuckin' hot" I stated, biting my lip. She leant down, our lips inches away from each other.

"So does tasting your own pre-cum sound hot to you, Luke?" She asked. I didn't even get a chance to reply to her as she kissed me, I kissed back, her tongue ran along my bottom lip wanting access, I granted in no time. Our lips moved against each other, as our tongues battled for dominance, creating a little bit of saliva in the process, and at the same time, I tasted myself on her tongue as it hit the taste buds on my own.

The kiss got more aggressive as teeth, lip biting and even lip pulling was added to the equation, I felt Amy's hand pump my cock a couple times before she pushed herself down onto my cock, going all the way down in one smooth movement. No stopping, just down on me like a fucking pro, the feeling of her tight walls around my cock was amazing, luckily for me I wasn't on the edge of ejaculation because if I was, I would have ejaculated straight away from that. The tightest of her around me, or just the feeling of being connected with her like that would have sent me over the edge. Yet, as a guy cumming in the first few minutes wasn't something we liked to do.

She moaned into my mouth as she started to move on me, going a little fast each time, I gripped her hips, pulling her up and down on my cock, wanting her to go faster and harder on me, creating the friction we both wanted and loved, which was easy to tell from the moans that kept slipping from our mouths. She pulled away from the kiss, placing her hands on my chest as our low body parts ground against each other repeatedly, the friction was phenomenal. "Oh god Luke!" Amy moaned, I watched as she closed her eyes and bit her lip as she continued riding me.

I leant my head against the arm of the chair as I watched her, the view from here was amazing, all I could see was my baby girl rocking on my cock, the pleasure on her face and her tits jiggling in front of my own eyes. "Do you like riding my cock, baby girl? Because I can tell you, you're doing so fucking great" I groaned, feeling teeth biting down on my neck. I continued to groan as she sucked on the same spot. "A-am--y, you marking your territory baby?" I asked I started to thrust up into her feeling the knot in my stomach that I was getting close, by her walls clenching around my cock I knew she was close too.

"Oh god, yes Luke, keep doing that" She yelled as I continued to thrust up into her, knowing I was hitting her G-spot repeatedly from the loud repetitive moans leaving her mouth. The grunts and groans left my mouth that was harmonising with Amy's moans as the sharp and fast thrusts slowed down, the sweat had clouded and claimed the spot on my forehead. Amy's movements started to slow down. "Luke, I'm so close" She panted.

"Hey, look at me," I said, as she closed her eyes as our hips were still grazing off each other, our movements slow. "Amy, look at me" I demanded, she made eye contact with me. " I want," I looked at her. "I want us to-" " I know Luke, I know, you want us to cum together." She said smiling at me. I flipped us over, surprising her. "What the fuck Luke!" She hit my back.

I chuckled, her hands gripped onto my shoulder blades as I wrapped her legs around my waist. She watched me intensively as I pushed back into her, "fuck Luke, could you go any harder?" She moaned, biting my lip, I picked up my rhythm as best as I could, thrusting in and out of her, trying to bring us to both of our highs that I knew we were both on the end and ready to let go. "Amy, you don't know how fucking great you feel when you clench around me like that" I groaned, I repeatedly hit her G-spot a couple more times, before I noticed she tilted her head back and bit her lip, then yelled out, "Luke, Oh my god. I'm, I'm cum-cumming" She yelled digging her nails into my back as she did so, letting go.

The slight pleasure from her nails digging into my skin set me off, my dick twitching inside of her and letting go, cumming into her. My pace slowed down a hell of a lot as I rode out both of our highs, profanities continued to escape our lips. My body soon collapsed onto hers, my head resting on her chest. I felt her chest as it rose then dropped again as she tried to steady her breathing. I felt her fingers mess with my hair. Smiling to myself, "Luke?" I lifted my head to look at her. "yeah?" "I love you," She said smiling.

" I love you too Amy," I say prompting myself onto my elbows and leant forward to kiss her. She kissed back before she pulled away. "Luke, I want you -" She went to say but I cut her off. "Babe, you just had me and you want me again, fuckin' hell. You've got stamina" I said winking at her. She shook her head at me. "Harhar very funny, Hemmings," She said slapping my ass before she continued speaking. " I want to be with you, properly. I want us to be," boyfriend and girlfriend?" I asked interrupting her. "Yeah, I do"
I pecked her lips before saying, "Good because I'd love that." I say smiling, seeing a smile on her face. I pulled out of her and just continued to lay on her on my front, I moved the hair that had stuck to her face.

" You're so beautiful" I say. "you're so sweaty!" "Hey, you're supposed to compliment me back not say I'm sweaty" I pouted. She kissed my cheek. "Aww sorry Luke, you're very handsome, even when your face is read and has loads of sweat on your forehead" I rested my head in the crook of her neck. " I wonder how the others got on with bowling after we left?" I heard Amy ask me. " I dunno, maybe they got lucky and scored, because I know I scored" I said smirking into her shoulder.

She smacked my back. "Luke you're disgusting " I know you love it when I talk dirty," I said looking at her. " Yeah I also love it when you aren't so sweaty," She said. "Mmm, true. I don't know about you but I'd love a shower, so how about it 'Roommate', shall we hit the shower?" I asked getting off Amy carefully, standing up and offering her my hand. She took it and I pulled her up.

"Only if your promise to keep your hands to yourself" She said, then I was shocked when she pinched my ass before running away. "Hey, what happened to keeping hands to ourselves!" I yelled after her, I started to run after her. She laughed, "When you've got a fine arse like yours Luke, it's dying to be smacked" She continued laughing.
"You wait till I get you in that shower" I said darkly, I had a plan. I grinned to myself as I walked into our shared room then headed to the bathroom attached, hearing the shower running. "Oooo I'm scared" Amy mocked.

Third Person POV.
Sammy, Ashton, Michael, Calum, Hailee, Connor and Brad all left the Arcade and bowling place after three hours, they finished up the game of bowling, Calum and Hailee had to do play for Luke and Amy seeing as they disappeared and left without saying goodbye. Not like anybody minded that they had left, or not once thought about looking for them as they all knew that Amy and Luke probably were sorting out their 'problems' and being disturbed could stop that from happening. Even though, they all knew they would sort out their problems and end up having make up sex.

Sammy's team had won the bowling which resulted in a lot of bragging and teasing Calum, who sat down and went in a mood for half hour for losing. He was soon back to his old self as he joined the others in playing arcades games which turned out to be a lot of fun especially seeing Brad lose at every game he played.

AN- Hey ya!
I'm so sorry that it's taken so long for me to write this part but I had writers block at one point and I have been ill, so it has taken me a while to write this but now I have, so enjoy reading it!
Mary Anne, @Smileforhemmings did mention on her latest part that my username has changed. That is right, I have changed my username from Imaginethosevamps to my current user name, @Jet-Black-5SOS because I fancied a change in username after all I had the old username for two years. Anyway, sometimes change is good!
Back on the topic of the next part, Mary Anne will be writing next so stay tuned for that! :)
Bye for now,
Amy- @Jet-Black-5SOSClick here to Reply or Forward0.51 GB (3%) of 15 GB used -

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