
De MJsGirl1987

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Leanne was once a sweet, young and happy girl until she tragically lost her parents and went into the care of... Mai multe

New life
The past
Breaking rules
No class
Too close
Just pretend
Morning after
Playing games
True feelings
Start of something new
Girl problems
Father and son
Help wanted
Flash backs
First steps
Tell me
Don't go
Time's up
No more lies
Please don't
New start
Happy birthday
Who are you?
True identity
Set up
While you were sleeping
Old wounds
Lie or Tell?
Feeling guilty
The little thing's
Tell him
Talk to me
Strange behaviour
Mary's Trial P.1
Mary's trail Pt. 2
The truth
Tell her
Making plans
No more
Better off
For the best
Avoiding the issues
Too Many questions
Who's the father?
It's Over
Birthday surprise
What happened that day
Better this way
Dinner guests
Everything happens for a reason
Moving on

Lisa's trial

414 15 27
De MJsGirl1987

Micheal's POV

It's the day of Lisa's trail and I'm really worried about Leanne being there today. Not just because of Lisa being there, but because of what she might say. It's taken Leanne a really long time to deal with everything that's happened. She doesn't have panic attacks anymore, but she's still grieving for her parents and trying to come to terms with everything and I'm worried that her being there is going to bring back all those emotions and cause her to go backwards.

"You know you really don't have to go today" I say softly going into the bedroom and Leanne is still getting ready. "The lawyer said you don't have to give evidence anymore. Not now that Lisa has change her plea back to guilty"

"I know I don't have to be there, but I can't just stay here and sit around going crazy waiting to hear from you and wondering what's going on"

"I can always ask Janet to stay here with you. That way you won't be alone and you won't be thinking about it at all" I suggest and she walks over, wrapping her arms around me an pecks my lips.

"I appreciate what your trying to do, but I'm gonna be thinking about it the whole time regardless of who's with me. I need to do this"

"Well you know you can changed your mind at anytime. Even during the trail you can just get up and leave anytime you want if it gets to much"

"I know" she smiles slightly then sighs. "Do you think they'll let her go?"

"I wish I could tell you, but I honestly don't know" I mumble then pull her in close to me. "But whatever happens, we'll get through it together ok?" I smile slightly and she does the same.

"I should finish getting ready" she sighs breaking away turns and goes back to what she was doing.

I wish I could tell her everything is going to be ok and that Lisa will stay locked up, but even the lawyers are saying there's a chance she could be released today and Leanne needs to be prepared incase that happens.

As much as I'm worried about Lisa's trail, I'm more worried about Mary's which is coming up in then next month. We haven't spoken much about it because the few times we have Leanne starts closing up and panicking so I'm trying not to mention it as much right and get Lisa's trail out of the way first.

We haven't heard back from Emma yet and I'm really hoping that she manages to get a confession from her because with that alone Mary will be going away for a long time. It won't bring back Leanne's parents back or changed what's happened on the past, but it will help give her closer and she won't have that fear of Mary coming after her anymore.

Emma's POV

As i'm waiting for Mary, I'm sat shaking desperately trying to compose myself. As much as this woman still terrifies me I can't let her see that if, I want this confession from her. I've been thinking all night about how to do this and I realised that the best way to do this is to make Mary think I'm not scared of her anymore because Mary feeds off people's fear and if she's sees I'm still scared of her then she won't need to say anything.

The door opens and I take a deep breath bracing myself as she walks in.

She doesn't say anything and I look over to check the gaurd is still watching through the glass window. "So... was there something you wanted or did you just come here to waste my time" Mary says and I turn my attention back to her.

"I um..."

"Well?" She shrugs "I've got better things to do that sit here staring at some filthy old whore" she scrunches her face at me.

"That's the best you got?" I shrug, trying not to look intimidated by her. "I just came here to see for myself that your rotting away in here where you deserve" I smirk.

"Is that so?" She raises an eyebrow "mhm" I shrug. "So, You think your tough now huh?" She chuckles sarcastically. "I'm not afraid of you anymore. And I can't believe I ever was. Your nothing and never have been"

"Is that so? Let's see how you feel about that when I leave here" she smirks "your not getting out of here and even if you did I wouldn't be scared of you?"

"Well just shows what a stupid slut you really are?" She frowns trying to intimidate me. "your nothing and never have been and your right. I was stupid. Because at one point I was actually scared of you, but I'm not anymore . You walk around like your some tough guy when your not. You think beating up and bullying a 15 year old little girl makes you tough?" I chuckle sarcastically. "That just shows how pathetic you are because you can't take on someone your own size so you beat up on a little kid to make yourself feel better about being so pathetic"

"Why don't you try and say that one more time" she frowns moving closer to me getting more annoyed that I'm not backing down.

"I said... Your... pathetic and your... nothing" I say moving closer to her. "Unlike your brother" I shrug moving back slightly. "Him on the other hand was something just like his wife and you? You spent all your time running some stinking brothel bullying innocent people you knew had nothing and instead of helping them you made their life worst. Just like you did your own neice. Because unlike your brother, your weak and if it wasn't for that car accident you know full well you wouldn't have been able to break that little girl down like you tried to. But you couldn't even do that right" I chuckle slightly. "And look where she is now. She's grown into STRONG beautiful woman and has managed to make something of her life just like her daddy did. Unlike her pathetic aunt" I scoff.

"You think I'm weak?" She chuckles sarcastically "You have no idea what I'm capable of"

"And what's that?" I shrug "because from what I see your just the pathetic black sheep of your family that was to weak to do anything but bully little kids and you know full well if your brother hadn't had that accident then you wouldn't have gotten anywhere near Leanne because he would murdered you before you had the chance" I say with an attitude.

"Well I did" she smirks "and you wanna talk about the WEAKER sibling? I think you'll find that it was Ryan who was the WEAKER one" she chuckles "and how's that?" I smirk seeing that her ego has finally got the better of her as she begins going into detail about what happend that day. Hoping what she says will make me fear her again.

After Mary has finished talking I sit silently in shock, not knowing what to say.

"You still think I'm the weaker sibling?" She smirks cockily then chuckles as I get up and walk towards the door.

"Aww... what's wrong? I thought you weren't scared of me anymore" she says sarcastically and I don't answer her and quickly leave and rush to the restroom and begin throwing up as every little detail Mary just told me continues to repeat in my head.

Lisa's POV

After Leanne's visit and Mary's confession to me, I've realised how wrong I was about Leanne. I still blame her for Michael and I not being together anymore because that still remains a fact, but I do feel bad for what I've done to her.

The whole time I was trying to make her life a misery. I had no idea about the thing's Leanne was going through and what had been done to her.

I never thought for a second Michael would have ran into a burning building and risked his own life the way he did, especially to save Leanne and when he showed me those awful scares and told me about the pain he went through it finally hit me that Michael isn't with Leanne just because he feels guilty or feels that he has to stay with her. He's with her because he actually likes her and he may even love her a little.

I know I went a little too far the day of the fire which is why I've changed my plea back to guilty.

I've tried to get Leanne and Michael to visit me again so I can tell them this before the trail, but each time I've tried they've refused to see me and I'm really hoping that when I stand up in court today and plead guilty Michael will believe that I'm truly sorry for what I did and will forgive me.

Leanne's POV

"Now are you sure you don't wanna just wait out here? I'll stay with you if you want?" Janet says as we get to the court. "I'm sure. I need to hear what she says for myself"

"What if she says something else?"

"Like what?" Michael cuts in. "Like your involment in all this. You could get in alot of trouble" she says nervously.

"She can but she has no proof. The police deleted his interview tape after I helped the with Alex and Kelly"

"Really?" She says surprised "it was part of the deal they made with him. He'd help them and they'd drop the charges against him and give him that file" I explain. "But they can't cover up that you were in the fire. Won't her lawyer look into that and stuff?"

"They can, but that doesn't prove he went there before. All it proves is that he ran in to help me when he found out I was locked in there" I say and she opens her mouth to speak when we're interupted by Kathrine.

"It's time to go inside" she says softly and I nod. "Now remeber. You can always leave anytime you want if it gets to much for you ok?" Micheal says softly and I nod. "Just wanna get this over with" I say and he nods and takes my hand as we walk into the court room.

When Lisa comes into the court room, she takes the stands and glances in mine and Michael's direction and Micheal takes my hand and smiles at me slightly and I do the same.

I feel a knot in my stomach when Lisa is asks how she pleads and I hear a slight sigh of relief from Michael as she pleads guilty.

"Could you explain to the court's what led up to the events and how you came to know Ms Mason?" Her lawyer asks and Lisa turns to us and doesn't say anything for a moment then turns away.

"Leanne ran away from her abusive aunt when she was 15 and was homeless and Michael took her in and looked after her" she says and Micheal and I look on confused as she continues.

"At first I thought it was sweet he wanted to help her, but then I started getting jealous of all the attention and affection he was giving her"

"Were you and Micheal still married at the time?"

"No, but I wanted to work things out with him, but he was spending so much of his time on her, he said he didn't have time to work on our relationship and I became even more jealous and envious on Leanne"

"What the fuck is she talking about?" Micheal whispers confused as Lisa and her lawyer continue talking.

"Do you think anything sexual may have happened between them?" He asks her and she glances over at us again then turns her attention back to her lawyer "no" she shakes her head. "I know what I did was wrong, but at the time I wasn't myself and I don't know if it was a break down or my ego refusing to admit that Micheal didn't want me anymore, but something snapped inside of me and I blamed Leanne for everything and I'm truly sorry for what I did to her" she says and glances in our direction again and again turns back to her lawyer and Micheal and I sit confused listening to the story she's making up and even saying she was responsible for starting the fire.

Emma's POV

As I'm leaving I see Leanne standing outside with Michael and who I'm guessing is his family.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I smile walking over to her. "We're here for Lisa's trial" the woman standing with Leanne says. "Hows it going?" I asks and Leanne tells me everything that Lisa said.

"Um... can I talk to you in private for a moment?"

"I'll just be inside" she turns to the woman and she nods as the two of us go back inside.

"What's up?" Leanne asks as we get into the restroom. "I've just come back from seeing Mary" I mutter "did you get it?"

"I have but... I really don't think you wanna hear it" I shake my head."it's probably best we just hand it to the police and..."

"I need to hear it" she cuts me off taking it from me.

After listening to every detail of what Mary did that day, Leanne stands motionless.

"Are you ok?" I ask softly and she opens her mouth to speak when the restroom door opens.

"There you are. We've been looking all over for you" Micheal smiles "I was just on my way out" Leanne mumbles.

"Is everything ok?" He looks at her concerend.

"I went to see Mary today and..."

"She couldn't get the confession from her" Leanne cuts my off and I look at her confused. "Thanks anyway for trying" Michael says a little disappointed.

"We should get going. Their about to give the verdict" he turns back to Leanne. "I'll talk to you later" Leanne mutters and follows Micheal back to the court room.

Micheal's POV

"That's bullshit!!" I snap as we're leaving the courtroom.

"What does suspended sentance mean exactly?" Janet asks confused. "It means their letting her go!"

"What!? But she admitted she was guilty!" She says shocked. "Which is why it's bullshit! I snap then turn to Leanne who still hasn't said a word since we went back into the courtroom.

"Are you ok?" I ask softly and she nods. "We always knew there was chance she'd get out" she mutters "we should probably get going" I say wrapping my arms around her.

"I'm just gonna go and say goodbye to Emma" she mutters and I nod as she walks off down the hall where Emma is stood waiting for her.

Emma's POV

"We're gonna go home now" Leanne says walking over to me and starts telling me what happened with Lisa and the trial.

"Why did you tell Micheal I didn't get the confession?" I cut her off while she's talking.

"Because I can't deal with this right now" she mumbles. "If you want. I could always take it to the police? We're here anyway and..."

"It's fine" she cuts me off. "I have enough going on with Lisa being released and I really can't deal with this right now" she croaks then starts getting upset and I wrap my arms around her.

Micheal's POV

I'm stood talking to Janet while Leanne is with Emma and I glance over and see Leanne crying.

"Are you ok?" I say softly walking over to them and Leanne turns and wraps her arms around me. "I knew I shouldn't have let you come with me" I sigh, pulling her closer to me. "I just wanna go home" she sobs and I nod. "Then let's go" I smile at her though pursed lips and take her hand to leave.

Lisa's POV

After signing all the paper work, I'm finally free to leave. I should be relieved I'm finally free, but as I step out of the buliding it begins pouring with rain.

"C'Mon! Hurry up!" I hear Micheal's voice and turn to see him, Leanne and the others rushing towards the a car trying to get out of the rain and I stand on the empty street and they all drive away.

I really thought that after pleading guilty and even lying and saying I was the one that started the fire, Micheal would have come and looked for me after the court was over to at least thank me for not getting him in trouble for the things he's done, but instead he just rushed out of there as fast as he could. Even when I was talking and taking the blame for everything he just sat there and didn't even look at me once.

Micheal's POV

We're in the kitchen eating dinner and Leanne has barely spoken and just been pushing her food around the plate with her fork.

"Are you ok?" I ask softly. "I'm just not hungry" she mumbles "you've barley spoken since we left the court. It's ok to be upset" I say softly. "I'm just tiered" she smiles at me through pursed lips. I'm gonna go to bed" she says walking over to me and pecks my lips. "You know I'm hear when your ready to talk ok?" I say softly and she nods and leaves the room without saying anything.

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