Winds of Desire~A Young Stars...

By LuvMyDreadHeadIssa

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Winds of Desire~A Young Stars Love Story
Chapter 1: Dreams and Shopping
Pre Bash
A Very Bashful B-Day Bash

Brawl in the Mall

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By LuvMyDreadHeadIssa

Tieana: Get the out my car SNITCHES!!

Jasmine: This girl here just random.

Sasha: And who she calling a snitch?

Tyra: She must be talking to yall she show ain't talking to me!

Tieana: Im talking to all of yall cause im the oldest

The rest of the girls have left her behind.

Tyra: Girl come on here and stop talking to yourself!

Tieana runs to catch up.

Tieana: Man do yall know who the finest niqqa is out there?

The Girls except Tieana: WHO?


The Girls except Tieana: SH.TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!

Tyra: Diggy is the finest

Sasha: Nawl its Jacquees baby all day!!

Jasmine: Trickkkk please! Princeton come before all of them.

The girls are all arguing as they walk through the entrance and people are staring at them.

Sasha: These people staring at us like we crazy or something!

Tieana: Thats the problem, we are crazy.

Tyra: Lets go to american eagle.

Sasha: Ok

Tieana: We going to slide over to Aeropostale.

Jasmine: Im not sliding over to no where

Tieana: Bring yo a$$ on girl!

Tieana and Jasmine walked over to Aeropostale. All four girls looked around for a little while,then finally bought something. After checking out, they all met in the middle of the mall at the exact same time.

Tyra: We gotta stop doing that

The girls except Tyra: I know right

Jasmine: We gotta stop doing that too

Tieana: Hold up,yall heard that?

Sasha: Yeah it sounded like Marqueiyla said "That's why your mama got AIDs now!"

Tyra: Aww sh.tttt! They always starting sh.t and they ain't got no room to talk about nobody.

Jasmine: Marqueiyla and Mia ain't got no room at all, they big a$$.

Tieana: Haha come on let's go see what they stirring up over there.

Let me give yall some background on them girls they talking about.Those girls are popular at Daewanna B. Mei Highschool (get it? Daewanna B. Mei= They wanna be me)but not in a good way. They are known as T.R.A.S.H The Racheet Ass Skank Hoes. It didn't always used to be that way. Before Tieana, Sasha,Jasmine and Tyra were freshman, Marqueiyla, Mia, Rameka and Breanna were popular but in a good way; they had it all the fashion,the hair everything. But all that changed when The Clique (Tieana and the rest) stepped up in Daewanna. They immediately took T.R.A.S.H's spotlight because they had it all and more. Rameka and the rest became jealous significant others since then. They used to be nice but now they done changed into these "take your man and eff him; start sh.t talk trash about EVERYBODY" kind of girls that no one likes.(back to the story).

Tyra: look they pickin on them lil girls

Jasmine: why they always go for the young kids?

Sasha: cause they know that they'll get they ass kicked by somebody older.

Tieana: I'm bout to do something cause this is ridiculous...aye hoe!

Rameka: who the f...oh well well look who decided to show up lookin like a f.ckin prostitute!

The other members of T.R.A.S.H turn around and laugh. The little girls, who look scared to death try to sneak away while they aren't looking. Just as they were about to move Mia turns back around.

Mia: where u think you going lil b.tch?

Girl 1: *cryin* nowhere

Girl 2: *cryin*

Bre: ugh shut up y'all lil churin get on my nerves!

Jasmine: well let them go and leave them alone!

Marqueilya: shut your monkey lookin ass up!

Jasmine: man u supposed to be older than me and u still Sayin sh.t from the 6th grade grown the hell up!

Rameka: you don't(gco)

Sasha: why yo voice so damn annoying and why y'all holding these girls hostage?

Bre: Mia was finnah grab two shirts when these two tricks ran up and picked them up.

Tieana: all this over a f.ckin shirt? Really?

Meanwhile, Issa and Jacquees were in the mall that day. No one noticed them because they are disguised.

Jacquees: man Issa you sure these disguises gone work?

Issa: man we done been walking around for 10 minutes now ain't nobody noticed us....use yo damn head man.

Jacquees: shut always talkin sh.t you lucky you my cousin cause (gco)

Issa: aye bruh u hear that?

Jacquees: yeah somebody just said "shut your monkey ass up" you think something finnah go down?

Issa: yeah bruh and we can't let that happen bruh or we ain't gone get accepted...this our only chance.

Jacquees: well leggo then!

Mia: hell yeah I mean look at them *snatches the bags out of the girls hands*

Tyra: man all four of y'all on that slow track.

Marqueilya gets in Tyra's face.

Marqueilya: b.tch you can't talk about nobody with your buck ass teeth!

Tyra: damn! *covers her nose*

Tieana: good one girl!

Tyra: I know right but 4real y'all need to leave them girls alone and besides your big ass wouldn't be able to fit that shirt anyway.

The little girls start laughing.

Rameka: Wtf y'all laughing at?

Sasha: you're ass now gone somewhere and leave these girls alone.

Mia: come on yall lets go.. But u ain't seen the last of us bye bitches!

Jasmine: are y'all girls ok?

Girl 2: we are now thank y'all so much!

Girl 1: yes thank y'all!

Tieana: You welcome sweethearts! :)

Issa and Jacquees come up behind the girls (still in disguise).

Issa: That was nice of y'all to do that.

Jacquees: yeah it was and y'all must be in that association cuz any other girls would have fought.

The girls, who had their back turned to Issa and Que turned around and showed them their PFNF, BINH and FFYR tattoos.

Tieana: oh we're certified.

Issa: damn y'all aint lying but we Tryna get in there too.

Sasha: Y'all look familiar.

Tieana: And sound familiar.

Jasmine:I was thinking the same thing.

Jacquees:(talking fast) well uh nice talking to yall we gotta go now.

Issa: Bye!

The girls: bye!

Girl 1: y'all just forgot about us

Tyra: we're sorry... Do y'all wanna come hang with us?

Girl 2: sure

Jasmine: ok where y'all mama at?

Girl 1: we don't know.

Tieana: well just come on we ain't gone hurt you.

The girls exit the mall.

Sasha: so what are y'all names?

Girl 1: I'm Zariah

Girl 2: I'm Shelby

Tyra: how old are y'all?

Zariah: im 11

Shelby: I'm 10

Tieana: aww how cute.

Shelby: I know I'm cute but she ain't.

Zariah: girl hush don't start!

Jasmine: they sound like yall two (pointing at Sasha and Tieana)

Tieana: Ikr

The girls finally find their parking space but there's an identical Ferrari beside theirs but it was not all the way identical.

Tieana: I hope that bashed up piece of sh.t ain't mine...excuse my lango

Sasha: press the unlock button the lights should blink.

Tieana presses the button and the not-bashed up Ferrari was theirs. As the were getting on the car they discovered something on the bashed up Ferrari.

Jasmine: ain't them T.R.A.S.H initials? It says M.R.B.M was here

Sasha: hell yeah they tried to bash ours but haha they got the wrong car.... I feel sorry for the owners though

Zariah: can we just go?

Tieana: sure lil mama.

They leave to go get something to eat.

Issa and Jacquees shopped for about 10 more minutes then finally leave.

Issa: man them girls were fine especially the twin with the blue tank top on.

Jacquees: nawl the twin with the white on was too fly I mean both of them fine but(gco)

Issa: WTF who did this to our car!

Jacquees: oh hell nawl!

Issa: Whoever they was left their initials.

Jacquees: M.R.B.M? Don't know who that is but when I find out all hell gone let loose!

Issa: aye they keyed the words b.tch hoe and slut over here so that means that this was meant for a girl or some girls.

Jacquees: you don't think it was them girls that started that lil scene in the mall do you?

Issa: it might not be them but I got a strong feeling it was them and I got a feeling that they got the wrong car.

Jacquees: well leggo take this to the shop.

They leave the mall and go to the shop.

Ok bare with me y'all this is my first story so it might be boring, but trust me it Will get better soon. I need characters, so if you would like to be in my story just give me your name some info and who you would like to date. Thanks :)~ Tieana

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