By errortale-fanperson

82.4K 1.6K 2.5K

❝you're so hecking precious when you ѕмιℓє❜❜ More

Error!Sans X Sorcerer!Reader
Sans X Reader
Error!Sans X Reader
Underfell!Sans X Reader
Error!Sans X Child!Reader X Ink!Sans
Sans X Suicidal!Reader
Cross!Sans X Smol!Shy!Reader
Outertale!Sans X Child!Reader
Sci!Sans X Baby!Reader
Teen!Sans X Teen!Reader (1)
Teen!Sans X Teen!Reader (2)
(Discontinued) Teen!Sans X Teen!Reader (3)
Sans X sick!Reader (1)
Sans X Sick!Reader (2)
(Discontinued) Sans X Sick!Reader (3)
Underfell!Sans X Shy!Reader
Error X Ink sans
Keeping track of the views!
Child!Error X Adult!Reader
Sibling!Reader X Sibling!Error (not inscest)

Ink!Sans X Blind!Reader

5K 114 435
By errortale-fanperson

Requested by — @Shade_The_Wolf00


Your P.O.V


"INCOMMMMMMING!" You screamed, running down a hallway. That hallway belonged to your family's home. You were a happy family, Toriel, Asgore, Asriel, Chara and you! You and everyone else helped you cope with you blindness. You were happy that monsters were freed from the underground, actually. And, so far, they've helped the world a lot more, somehow. You've also made tons of new friends, and you got to leave that dilly-darned orphanage.

As you were running down the hallway, you forgot that you were in the shortest hallway and ended up running smack into the wall,  making you bounce back onto the floor. You laid there for a long time, not willing to get up.

"Heya, (Y/N)!! What'cha doing on the floor?" Greeted a happy voice behind you. You yelped in surprise and sat up the upper-half of your body.

"INK!! You scared me!" You whined, fumbling around your surroundings to find something to help you up.

"Need some help?"

"Desperately," You grumbled.

"Here, take my hand," Ink offered, putting his hand on your shoulder so you could find it. You reached up to it, grabbing Inks gloved hand. You grabbed it, and ink pulled you up to your feet. You thanked him, but Ink didn't let go of your hand for the next 5 minutes, just so he could help guide you downstairs. Then he let go.

"Wanna take a walk around the city with me? Maybe go the field?!" Ink offered, jumping up and down. You could hear it and his voice went up and down.

"Sure, but, uhm, I need you to hold my hand and guide me . ." You mumbled the last part, then felt your face heat up. You wondered if Ink was blushing right now.

"U-uh sure!"

Yep. Stammering means blushing. Ink grabbed your hand, but this time it was warmer.

What waht?

"LETS GOOOO!! WE'RE OFF TO THE FIELD!!" Hollered Ink, then started running. The only sounds you could make out was the air rushing by your ears and laughs and giggles from Ink. You had it run at his pace, and this dude is hella fast so when you stopped, you were exhausted.

"You . . . Huff . . . Were . . . Puff . . . Too . . . Huff . . . Fast!!" You panted, annoyed. You hadn't let go of inks hand yet, only becausec you didn't want to get lost and never find home again. Just no.

"Hehe! Sorry, I guess, maybe because I'm a skeleton, I don't need lungs!" Giggled Ink. You groaned, slapping your forehead with your hand.

"That's so unfair . . " You groaned.

"Aww! Don't be like that!" Urged Ink, squeezing your hand. You puff up your cheeks and pout slightly.

"You remind me so much of a kid right now . ." Commented Ink, poking your nose.

"NYAAAAHHHH THE NOSE SHALL NOT BE TOUCHED!!" You screamed, flailing your arm that isn't holding Inks hand. Along with jumping up and down. Ink started with a snort, then a giggled, then bursted out laughing. He let go of your hand, probably to fall down from your continuous actions. Yep. Your still at it. You then started running, screaming out:


You stopped singing 'Best Day of My Life' when you ran into a tree. Ohhh such pleasure of a fall, too.

. . .

"I actually expected you to run down a cliff for some strange reason," giggled Ink, hearing his footsteps crunching on the fallen leaves. He grabbed your hand and pulled you up, then fixed his grip.

"That song you were singing is ancient, y'know," commented Ink. You managed to slap ink in the back of his skull. He squeaked at the sudden action.

"D'awww~! That was so cute!" You giggled, putting your hand up to your mouth the keep the giggles from over flowing.

"B-BAKA!" Stuttered Ink, hearing is voice fade, probably meaning his turning his head away from you.

"What's a 'baka'? It sounds like some bird," you asked, tilting your head to the side. (I actually thought it was a bird when I first heard of it--) Ink bursts out laughing. You giggled too, Inks laugh being contagious.

"It means Idiot in Japanese, now, let's go," Ink explained briefly, then started pulling you through the forest. Once you felt warmth shower your body, you immediately knew you were in the field you and Ink were in earlier.

"Wanna teleport to Grillbys?" Asked ink, stoping his pace and turned to you. You nodded up and down in response.

(Ugh, I'm way to tired to type a good description for the teleportation but I'm a nice friend so I'll do it but UGHHHH--)

Holding onto Inks hand tighter, you shut your eyes, even if it doesn't make much of a difference. You felt pressure behind your eyeballs, and your body being pushed down on ground that wasn't there. Your gut twisted in an uncomfortable way in the process. Holding onto Inks hand even tighter, the uneasy feeling stopped within 3 seconds. You let go of Inks hand and held your stomach. You have reached your destination, right outside Grillbys!

"Uuuuuggggghhhhhh . . . I will never get used to that . . " You groaned. Ink laughed, patted your back and waited for you to recover. He put his hands on his hips, then leaned all his weight on his right leg and shook his head as you mumbled:

"It just had to be like that, huh?"

Ink started chuckling, but cut short quickly. You sat up, then guessed where he was and turned in that direction.

"Ink? Is something wrong?" You asked, confusion and worry laced into your tone if question.

"Heh, its the overly-creative skeleton with the blind kid," Chuckled a dark, glitchy, yet young voice. I could basically hear the smirk in his voice.

"Heh, it's the glitchy bully with no one around him, so sad," you retorted, growling lowly. Error scoffed.

"I'm not a bully," Error replied, signing. "I'm Error. What are you two even doing here? On a date~?" Error asked, cooing the last part. Your face turned red and you guessed the same with Ink. You tried to tell Error to go away, but all that came out of your mouth were incoherent stutters of embarrassment.

"Pffftt-- sorry what?" Error snorted.


"You guys are fun to tease. Cya, love birds~" with that said, Error walked into Grillbys.

"He's got a point, Ink . ."


"This is kinda a date . ."

"U-uh! L-let's j-j-just go I-in . ." Mumbled Ink, grabbing your hand and pulling you into the warm restaurant. The atmosphere was humble, and the warmth of the building made you smile. Ink helped you sit down on one of the stools at the bar.

"What do you want, (Y/N)?" Asked Ink. You sat there and tapped your chin, thinking.

"I want fries, please!" You giggled.

"And I'll have a chocolate milkshake, please," Ink added. While waiting for your food to come, you and Ink played a game of nose booping. It was hard not to accidentally poke your finger through Inks' eyesockets. The closest you got was poking his mouth, sadly. After eating your food, you left the restaurant and headed to a cliff to watch the stars, or, for you, to hang out more with Ink.

You and Ink sat at the edge of a cliff, your feet dangling back and forth over the edge.



You giggled.

"Are you taller than me?"

There was a pause.


"Aww . ." You dropped your head. Ink ruffled your hair, and you didn't seem to mind. You looked up to where the stars would be.

"Ink . ."


"What do the stars look like?"

"U-uhm. . ."

"They . ."

"T-they l-l-look like you!"

You giggled again.

"So I'm a star?"

"Y-yeah! Your a star!"



"Your . . . a star too! The brightest . . . star . . . ever . ." You mumbled slowly, falling asleep on Inks shoulder.


The only reply he got was a light snore. Ink chuckled quietly, then picked up you up bridal style. You curled up even more and smiled.

After a long time of walking, Ink figured that it would take to long to get (Y/N) to her house without Ink falling asleep on the way. So, he decided to take (Y/N) to his own house. While walking, the bushes rustled more than it should've where ever Ink went. Ink got nervous and said in a normal tone, not trying to wake up the girl in his arms:

"Whoever is there, come out!"

No reply. Ink growled.

"I don't have all day!" Ink stomped his foot.

"Oh, hi, Ink," said a voice behind Ink. He yelped and turned to the voice, only to meet his eyes with Error. Ink let out a breath of relief when it wasn't a killer or something.

"Don't do that!" Ink whisper-yelled.

"Okay," Error half-shrugged. "What'chu doing with a sleeping (Y/N) in your arms~?" Cooed Error, smirking and pointing at you. Ink blushed, then put a foot back.

"N-nothing! J-just taking H-her to my p-place!" Ink stuttered, whispering at the same time. "A-and lower your voice!" Ink yet again whisper-yelled.

Error smirked wider, if it was even possible. "What are you going to do at your place~?" Error asked, but his voice quieter this time. Error raised an eye-bone.

"H-her house is to far away for me to carry her . ."

"Why not teleport?"

"She'll wake up."

"Oh, yeah," agreed Error, nodding.


Both Error and Ink turned to the noise.


Ink and Error looked at each other and exchanged glances, as if they could get any information from it, then turned to the noise.


Error took a slow step to the rustling, lowing his height to get a better look at the bush, and keeping a close eye to it.

. . .



Error stopped.

"Shit," he mumbled.

"Don't. Move," whispered Error, standing still. Ink obeyed, obviously there's something bad behind the bushes. Error slowly glided one of his feet backwards, then the same with the other, moving away from the bush.

"Run in 3 . ."

Ink gripped (Y/N) tighter, getting ready to run.

"2 . ."

Ink looked behind him, making sure he knows where to run.

"1 . ."

Stay calm!


Error and ink, with you in his arms, ran. Running could be heard behind them, and weird scream-growls. Error pointed to a clearing, probably so they can fight whatever is chasing them. Stopping there, Ink and Error turned to whatever was chasing them.


The monster growled, but it seemed more like a bunch of voices growling at the same time. It's white-eyes stared at all the figures with murder in them.

"INK WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" You screamed. Ink, without hesitation, put you down.

"I don't know!" Ink answered, not looking at you and keeping his eyes on the attacker. He then told you to get Behind him quickly.You did so, watching Ink pull out his paint brush and watch the animal-monster circle around you three like a shark waiting for its prey to fall out of the boat, Snapping out at you every now and then.

The animal launched out at Error, catching him off guard. Ink immediately splashed some green-bubbly paint at the monster, making it go sideways and miss Error. While the animal was gliding on the grass, trying to get up, Error launched his strings to try and grab the animal. The dog managed to get on it's feet before the strings stabbed the ground. Error growled as he retrieved his strings, watching the dog run after Ink and trying to act faster. Ink, standing in a fighting stance and holding onto his paintbrush tightly, snapped his fingers. The green paint Ink had put on the animal bubbled, and started making a hissing noise. The animal yelped and tried to shake of the Ink. Some slid off itself, while the rest shook off the rest. Error yet again shot some strings, but missed only because the animal has lunged it self towards you. You kicked it in the face, making the animal fall back to where it first lunged at you. The monster than retrieved itself and got to its legs again.

((I'm getting tired))

The dog howled, very very loudly, making all three of you cover your ears and cringe. After the howled finished, barks and growls surrounded all of you three. You all backed up, you backs pressing against each other.

"Teleporting isn't a great idea . ."

"They'll find our scent," finished Error. All three of you had worried faces.you grabbed the largest rock around you, which was about as big as an iPhone 7. Everyone else had their own armed weapon. All of the bushes around you rustled, then, animals that looked like the one you where previously attacking came out in all different shapes and sizes. Both Error and Ink gave each other a look, almost as if they were communicating. They turned back forward and brought their hands out, their own colored/designed magic coming from there palms. They both summoned gaster blasters all around you, facing away and ready to attack.




". . GO!"

They shot out the lasers that sat in the GB. Getting almost all of the monsters –except for the ones that had fled before hand– got killed. Ink and Error were leaning on their knees, exhausted. Error was the first one to pass out, then Ink passed out after Error. Before Ink passed out, you told him that you would keep guard overnight. And you did. Well, until 6:00 in the morning. You feel asleep next to Ink, curled into a little ball.

When the time reached 8:35, Ink woke up and spotted a curled up (Y/N) is front of him. Blushing, he brought the figure closer and then hugged you, falling asleep yet again.

The ennnd

So many words XD (2366)

okay, my first fight scene--

Tbh of course I failed I'm sorry

I didn't mean to add Error but


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